The Benefits of Event Marketing for Your Business
Event marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to build brand awareness, engage with their target audience, and drive sales. Event marketing creates experiences that connect with people on a personal level and, in the process, help businesses like yours establish a loyal customer base and differentiate yourselves from competitors.

In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of event marketing for your business and how it can help you achieve your marketing and business goals. We'll cover everything from increasing customer engagement to generating leads and boosting revenue. Whether a small business owner or a marketing professional, read on to discover how event marketing can benefit your business.

What is Event Marketing?

Event marketing is promoting a product or service through in-person events such as conferences, trade shows, or workshops. It involves creating an experience that engages potential customers with your brand and helps build relationships with them. Event marketing can be used for B2B and B2C businesses to create brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales.

Image taken from Strikingly

Why is Event Marketing Important?

Event marketing is important for several reasons:

  • Event marketing allows you to connect with your target audience on a personal level.
  • It allows you to showcase your products or services interactively and engagingly, which can lead to increased brand awareness and customer loyalty.
  • Event marketing provides a platform to generate leads and sales by interacting with your potential customers in real time and showcasing your offerings.
  • Events can be used to launch new products, build buzz around your brand, or simply create a memorable experience that resonates with attendees.
  • Event marketing can help you stand out from competitors by creating unique and memorable experiences that set them apart in the minds of consumers.
  • By creating events that align with your brand values and mission, businesses can strengthen their brand identity and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.
  • Events provide many opportunities to collect feedback from your attendees, gather market research, and gain insights into your target audience's preferences and behaviors.
  • Event marketing can help businesses build relationships with customers and partners, leading to long-term collaborations and partnerships that drive growth and success.

What are the Benefits of Using Event Marketing?

Using event marketing provides numerous benefits if you're looking to promote your products or services:

1) Increased Brand Awareness

Events allow you to reach new audiences and build brand recognition by engagingly showcasing your products or services.

2) Lead Generation

Events provide opportunities to identify potential customers and nurture leads by providing valuable information about your products or services.

3) Networking Opportunities

Events allow you to connect with industry professionals and build valuable partnerships that lead to referrals and increased visibility.

4) Human Connection

Events create emotional connections with attendees that can develop customer trust, promote goodwill, and enhance the customer experience.

5) Cost-Effective Marketing

Events can be a cost-effective way to maximize marketing budgets by reaching a large audience and generating long-term value.

6) Measurable Results

Events provide measurable results that can be tracked, monitored, and analyzed to refine marketing strategies and increase ROI.

Using Strikingly website builder can help businesses create a successful event website that engagingly showcases your products or services. With features such as customizable templates, easy-to-use design tools, and built-in SEO optimization, Strikingly can help businesses create an event website that stands out from competitors.

Increased Brand Awareness

Event marketing is a powerful tool for businesses like yours to increase brand awareness. By hosting an event, you can reach new audiences that may not have been exposed to your brand. This is especially important if you are just starting out and must establish a presence in your industry. Successful event marketing can help you build brand recognition and foster brand loyalty among attendees.

Reach New Audiences

One of the biggest benefits of using event marketing is reaching new audiences. By hosting an event, you can attract people who may not have heard of your business before or have not considered your products or services. This is a great opportunity to showcase what your business offers and make a lasting impression on potential customers.

Using an event website builder like Strikingly can help you reach even more people by creating a professional-looking website that promotes your event and encourages attendees to register.

Build Brand Recognition

Event marketing is also great for brand recognition. By creating a memorable experience for attendees, you can increase the likelihood that they will remember and recommend your business to others. This can be achieved through creative branding strategies such as custom signage, branded merchandise, and interactive experiences.

With Strikingly's user-friendly website builder, you can easily add branding elements like logos, colors, and images to create a cohesive look for your event website.

Foster Brand Loyalty

Hosting events also allow businesses to foster brand loyalty among attendees by creating emotional connections with them. By providing valuable information, entertainment, or experiences at your event, you can create positive associations with your brand that will keep customers coming back.

Using Strikingly's built-in email marketing tools, you can stay in touch with attendees after the event by sending follow-up emails or newsletters that reinforce the positive experiences they had at your event.

Stand Out from Competitors

Finally, event marketing can help your businesses stand out from your competitors by offering unique experiences that set you apart.

With Strikingly's event website builder, you can easily showcase the unique features of your event and highlight what sets it apart from other events in your industry.

Event marketing is essential to any successful marketing strategy. Using event marketing strategies like those outlined above, businesses can increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, foster brand loyalty, and stand out from competitors. With the help of an event website builder like Strikingly, businesses can create professional-looking websites that promote their events and drive attendance.

Lead Generation

Successful event marketing is not just about creating a buzz around your brand or product, it's about generating leads that can turn into sales. By using event marketing strategies, you can identify potential customers and nurture them to become loyal clients. This guide to event marketing will show you how to use events to increase your bottom line.

1. Identify Potential Customers

One of the main benefits of using event marketing is the ability to identify potential customers. By hosting an event, you can attract people who are interested in your product or service and capture their contact information for future follow-up. With Strikingly's website builder, you can easily create a landing page for your event where attendees can register and provide their contact information.

2. Nurture Leads

Once you have identified potential customers, nurturing those leads with targeted follow-up communications is important. Using email marketing and social media campaigns, you can keep in touch with attendees after the event and provide them with valuable content to help move them through the sales funnel.

3. Increase Sales

The ultimate goal of lead generation is to increase sales. By using successful event marketing techniques, you can create a sense of urgency around your product or service and encourage attendees to purchase the spot or shortly after the event.

4. Boost ROI

By tracking attendee data and analyzing ROI metrics, you can refine your event marketing strategies for maximum impact on your bottom line. With Strikingly website builder's built-in analytics tools, you can easily monitor attendance rates, track conversions, and analyze attendee data to optimize future events.

Using Strikingly website builder for your event website is one way to maximize the benefits of successful event marketing strategies while minimizing costs.

Using event marketing is an effective way to generate leads that become loyal customers over time. With the right tools and techniques in place – like those offered by Strikingly – you can create a memorable event that drives sales and boosts your ROI.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is an essential aspect of successful event marketing. Through events, you can connect with industry professionals who can help you build valuable partnerships, gain referrals, and increase visibility for your brand. With the right networking strategies in place, you can turn your event into a platform for creating meaningful connections that will benefit your business in the long run.

Connect with Industry Professionals

One of the primary benefits of using event marketing is connecting with industry professionals. You can meet people who share your interests and goals by attending events and participating in relevant discussions. These connections can lead to collaborations or partnerships to help grow your business.

Using Strikingly website builder to create an event website is an excellent way to attract industry professionals to your event. With its user-friendly interface and customizable templates, Strikingly makes it easy to create a professional-looking website that showcases your brand and promotes your event.

Build Valuable Partnerships

Networking at events also provides opportunities for building valuable partnerships. When you meet like-minded individuals who share similar goals or values, finding ways to work together toward achieving those goals is easier.

Using Strikingly's features for event marketing, such as email campaigns and social media integration, you can keep in touch with potential partners after the event. This will help you nurture these relationships and turn them into long-term collaborations that benefit both parties.

Image taken from Strikingly

Gain Referrals

Another advantage of networking at events is the potential for gaining referrals from other attendees or speakers. People who have positive experiences at your event or see value in what you offer are more likely to recommend your business to others.

By creating an engaging event website using Strikingly's tools for with effective content marketing, you can attract attendees who are interested in what you have to offer. By providing high-quality content on your site before and after the event, you can keep attendees engaged and encourage them to spread the word about your brand.

Increase Visibility

Finally, networking at events can help increase your brand's visibility. By attending relevant events and participating in discussions, you can position yourself as an expert in your field and gain exposure for your brand.

Using Strikingly's event marketing strategies, such as creating a landing page or using social media to promote your event, can help you reach a wider audience and increase visibility for your brand. With the right marketing tactics, you can turn your event into a platform for building brand awareness and gaining new customers.

Networking is an essential aspect of successful event marketing. You can create meaningful connections that will benefit your business in the long run. By using Strikingly website builder to create an engaging event website and implementing effective content marketing strategies, you can attract attendees who are interested in what you have to offer and turn them into loyal customers.

Human Connection

Successful event marketing involves creating a human connection with your target audience. It's not just about promoting your brand or selling products but also about developing a relationship with potential customers. By making emotional connections, you can create a lasting impression that will keep people returning for more.

Create Emotional Connections

One of the best ways to create emotional connections is through experiential marketing. This involves engaging people in interactive experiences that allow them to connect with your brand on a deeper level. For example, you might host a workshop or demonstration that showcases the benefits of your products or services.

Image taken from Strikingly

Using event marketing strategies like this can help you build trust and credibility with your audience. When people see firsthand how your brand can improve their lives, they will likely become loyal customers.

Develop Trust with Customers

Trust is essential in any business relationship, and event marketing can help you establish that trust early on. By providing valuable information and resources to attendees, you can position yourself as an authority in your industry.

Using Strikingly website builder for your event website is an excellent way to showcase your expertise and build trust with potential customers. With easy-to-use templates and customizable design options, you can create a professional-looking site that inspires confidence in your brand.

Promote Goodwill

In addition to building trust, event marketing can promote goodwill among attendees and the broader community. By hosting events that benefit local charities or causes, you can show that your brand cares about more than just profit.

Using Strikingly website builder for this purpose is especially effective because it allows you to highlight the causes you support and encourages others to get involved.

Enhance Customer Experience

Finally, successful event marketing should always aim to enhance the customer experience. This means going above and beyond to provide attendees with valuable information, engaging activities, and memorable experiences.

Using Strikingly website builder for your event website can help you achieve this goal by providing easy access to event details, registration forms, and other important information. By creating a seamless experience for attendees, you can ensure they have a positive impression of your brand long after the event.

Using event marketing is crucial for any business looking to build brand awareness, generate leads, and connect with customers on a deeper level. You can set yourself apart from competitors and achieve measurable results. And with the help of Strikingly, you can create an effective event website that showcases your brand's unique value proposition.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Successful event marketing can be a cost-effective way to promote your brand and reach a large audience. Using event marketing strategies, you can maximize your marketing budget and generate long-term value for your business.

Maximize Marketing Budget

One of the benefits of using event marketing is that it allows you to maximize your marketing budget. With Strikingly website builder, you can create an event website that showcases your brand and provides all the necessary information about your upcoming events. This means you don't have to spend much on traditional advertising methods like print ads or billboards.

Reach a Large Audience

Event marketing also allows you to reach a large online and offline audience. Creating an event website with Strikingly allows you to promote your events on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also use email marketing campaigns to reach potential attendees directly.

Increase ROI

Using event marketing can help increase your return on investment (ROI) by generating more leads and sales for your business. With Strikingly's built-in analytics tools, you can track the success of your events and monitor ROI in real time.

Generate Long-Term Value

Successful event marketing can generate long-term value for your business by building brand recognition and fostering customer loyalty. By creating emotional connections with attendees through human connection experiences on Strikingly's platform, you can develop customer trust and promote goodwill towards your brand.

Using event marketing is an effective way to promote your brand while maximizing your budget, reaching a large audience, increasing ROI, and generating long-term value for your business. By creating an event website with Strikingly's user-friendly features for event promotion, such as ticketing systems or registration forms that are easy to use even if one is not tech-savvy, businesses can create a successful event marketing campaign that can lead to increased sales and brand recognition.

Measurable Results

Successful event marketing is all about achieving measurable results. By tracking the success of your events, you can determine what worked and what didn't and refine your marketing strategies accordingly. Here are some ways to measure the success of your event marketing efforts:

  • Track Event Success

One way to track the success of your event is by setting specific goals and objectives before the event takes place. This could include metrics such as attendance numbers, engagement rates, or leads generated. By measuring these metrics against your goals, you can determine whether or not your event was a success.

  • Monitor ROI

Another important metric to track is return on investment (ROI). This involves comparing the cost of putting on an event with the revenue generated due to that event. By monitoring ROI, you can determine whether or not your event was worth the investment.

  • Analyze Attendee Data

Collecting data from attendees can also help you measure the success of your events. This could include feedback surveys or social media analytics that track engagement with your brand during and after the event.

  • Refine Marketing Strategies

Finally, analyzing data from past events can help you refine your marketing strategies for future events. By identifying what worked and what didn't in previous events, you can make informed decisions about improving future events and achieving even better results.

To make tracking and analyzing these metrics easier, it's important to use tools like Strikingly website builder to create an effective event website that captures attendee data and provides real-time analytics. By using Strikingly's features for event marketing, such as customizable registration forms and ticketing options, you can collect valuable data from attendees that will help you measure the success of your events.

Using event marketing is essential for any business. When you track and analyze measurable results, you can refine your event marketing strategies and achieve even greater success in the future. So, start using Strikingly today to create an effective event website to help you achieve your goals!

Create Your Event Website with Strikingly

When it comes to successful event marketing, having a website dedicated to your event is crucial. Not only does it help you promote and market your event effectively but serves as a platform for attendees to learn more about the event and register. This is where Strikingly comes in.

Benefits of Using Strikingly for Your Event Website

  • Ridiculously Easy to Use

One of the biggest benefits of using Strikingly for your event website is its simplicity and ease of use. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you can create a professional-looking website without coding or design skills. This means you can focus on creating content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement.

  • Cheap but with Robust Features

Another benefit of using Strikingly is its affordability. As an event marketer, you want to maximize your budget while delivering results. With Strikingly's pricing plans, you can create a stunning website at a fraction of the cost of hiring a web developer or designer.

  • Awesome 24/7 Customer Support

Finally, using Strikingly for your event website also means you get access to their customer support team, who are available 24/7 to help you with any issues or questions that may arise during the creation process.

Strikingly Features for Event Marketing

Strikingly offers several features specifically designed for event marketing. These include:

  • Customizable templates that allow you to showcase your brand and message effectively
  • Mobile optimization so attendees can easily access your site on their smartphones or tablets
  • Social media integration to promote your event across multiple platforms.
  • Email marketing tools that allow you to send targeted messages to attendees before and after the event
  • Analytics tools that provide insights into attendee behavior and engagement levels
  • Ticketing options that make it easy for attendees to register and purchase tickets directly from your site.

How to Create an Event Website with Strikingly

Creating an event website with Strikingly is easy and straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting you started:

1. Sign up for a Strikingly account and select any event template.

2. Customize the template by adding your own branding, images, and content.

3. Add pages to your websites, such as a schedule of events, speaker bios, and registration information.

4. Use the social media integration feature to promote your event across multiple platforms.

5. Use email marketing tools to send targeted messages to attendees before and after the event.

6. Use analytics tools to track attendee behavior and engagement levels.

Following these steps, you can create a professional-looking event website that drives engagement and helps you achieve your marketing goals.

Image taken from Strikingly


Successful event marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and foster human connections with customers. Using event marketing strategies, businesses can reach new audiences, build valuable partnerships, and create emotional connections with customers.

Creating an event website is essential for promoting your event and reaching a wider audience. Strikingly offers a user-friendly platform to create an engaging and informative event website to help you stand out from competitors.

The importance of event marketing cannot be overstated. By using event marketing strategies and creating an engaging website with Strikingly, you can maximize your marketing budget, generate long-term value, and track measurable results. What are you waiting for? Start planning your next successful event today!