The Art of Using Buyer Persona To Help Your Business Boost Sales

At some point, you'll suddenly find yourself in scenarios where you are selling to individuals you have never marketed to before because of how swiftly the world is changing. Even the customers' preferences for connecting with you are evolving.

It's also possible that you no longer recognize your customers. You might not even know where to start a conversation with them or how to address them. You can better understand your clients by using buyer persona. You can quickly adapt your messaging techniques, product description, and services to their unique requirements, behaviors, and concerns.

What Is a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is an evaluation of a target consumer compiled from research. Buyer persona outline the characteristics of your ideal clients, including their daily routines, problems they encounter, and decision-making processes. It's usual for businesses to have many buyer personas; for instance, if a product's end user needs the agreement of others before completing a purchase, each persona representing that person is different. You'll need different approaches to meet those objectives because they'll evaluate your goods using different standards.

Buyer personas are also known as customer persona, marketing personas, or profiles, but regardless of the name, their goal remains the same. Buyer personas empower companies to comprehend and empathize with their clients to attract better clients and serve their customers.

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Customer persona are crucial for market segmentation. They help you to divide up your audience into various segments. This way, you can target diverse groups effectively if you are aware of your clients' multiple driving forces and purchase trends. Research on buyer personas will guarantee that your market speaks with your customers' voices. To ensure you speak their language, you must invest in thorough keyword research.

This forges a relationship of trust with your customers and encourages them to complete the purchase. With the aid of buyer personas, you can better concentrate on comprehending your customers' needs and expectations so that you can produce and advertise their desired products.

Why Are Buyer Personas Important?

1. Understanding Your Customers

You can gain a deeper understanding of what your customers are searching for from your company and what information and solutions they're hoping to find online by analyzing your buyer personas' objectives, difficulties, and objections. At the very least, it can and should assist you in deciding what marketing and sales content to develop for your website, emails, blog, and social media accounts. Knowing the motivations of your persona is essential to know how to market to them and what you should offer them. It also helps you spot chances to create brand-new goods or services to address potential customers' other issues. To make it easier to collect these data, use Strikingly’s custom form, where you can personalize the fields to suit the questions for your research.

In general, there are two types of customers:

  • Individual Buyer. These customers make purchases for themselves or as gifts to others.


  • Wholesale Buyer. Wholesale purchasers from other companies who might want to offer retail products in their brick-and-mortar and online stores would fall under this category.

2. Better-Quality Leads

What does a better-quality lead mean? It signifies that you do better at marketing toward the appropriate demographic in the right setting, giving you a solid chance to get higher-quality leads.

3. Specific Content

You can understand better what kind of material will appeal to your personas by identifying their requirements, wants, ambitions, issues, etc. You can plan what to produce that is consistent with their values because you are aware of what they value. Make sure that every piece of material you produce is geared toward one of your personas and contains knowledge that they would find important. Just because you, the business owner, believe the information you're providing is worthwhile doesn't imply your customers will agree. No matter how valuable you may believe your knowledge to be. Your clients won't consume it if they don't think it's worthwhile.

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Image taken from Namesake Coffee

4. Better Product Innovation

By creating products and services that are more closely in line with what your customers desire, you can better meet their needs. This is possible by developing buyer personas. If your goods and services develop and grow along with your clients, you'll be more likely to keep them as clients in the long run.

How to Create Buyer Personas

Research, polls, and interviews with a mixture of clients, prospects, and people not in your contacts database but who potentially fit your target market can all be used to creating buyer personas. To make a customer persona seem more genuine, some companies even give it a face using vector graphics or stock images. They then turn the sketches into 3D models by making cutouts of their marketing personas, which they showcase in their workspaces to constantly remind the workers of who the company is trying to reach.

These are useful techniques for collecting the data you need in your personas research:

1. Provide the demographic data for your buyer persona.

Whether on the phone, in person, or through online surveys, ask questions based on demographics. Some potential buyer persona feels more at ease discussing such intimate details this way.

Needless to say, the research phase takes the longest. Once you've finished with that, feel free to take a step back and relax. Leave that research alone and give it some time to stew. You'll have everything you need to actually begin crafting your buyer personas when you return.

We should also take into account what we refer to as a "secondary" or "negative" customer persona.

Additional buyer personas, or secondary personas, are those that you would wish to take into account while writing but aren't the main subject. They frequently share traits with your main buyer persona, so concentrating on one of them will still satisfy their objectives and wants. This buyer persona doesn't need to be fully developed; you may simply give a name, a work position, and any relevant details.

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Image taken from Real Meal Grill Detroit

Negative personas are stereotypes of the kinds of clients you don't want. If you see that you are receiving a lot of unqualified leads, you might want to include them in your persona research. Experts who are too experienced for your product or service or students who are merely interacting with your content for research are a few of the examples we typically use. Just include details like their work description and what particularly makes them a negative persona; you don't need to fully develop these personas.

2. Get your information in order and arrange for your team to get ready for meetings with your buyer persona.

It's time to arrange all the research you gathered now that you are rested and ready to continue working on those buyer personas.

You most likely gained a lot of knowledge about a range of your clientele. Start looking for commonalities among the objectives and difficulties you've discovered via your investigation. These comparisons — in the requirements that customers and potential customers have of your business or products.

Authentic quotes from your interviews should be used to illustrate the issues, characteristics, and goals of your personas. Then make a list of potential challenges that they might bring up so that your sales team is ready to handle those when speaking with prospective buyer personas.

3. Develop messaging that fits your buyer persona.

Use your buyer persona to instruct people on how to communicate about your goods and services. Along with the specific jargon you need to employ, this also includes a more general elevator pitch that frames your answer in a way that suits your marketing persona.

By doing this, you can make sure that everyone in your firm is conversing with leads and consumers in the same language.

4. Give your buyer persona a name and a backstory.

You've finished your research and chosen which buyer personas to use initially. Choose one, then let's start a story developing buyer persona.

Follow whichever method suits your writing style for the backstory of your buyer persona. For the final buyer persona you share with the rest of your team, it's usually easiest to sketch up a complete picture of your buyer persona first. Here is an example of how that procedure might go:

  • What Is the Profile of Your Buyer?

Give your buyer persona a name to get things going.

To help you market and sell to a more specific audience, buyer personas are meant to be defined. Making it personal by giving your buyer personas names. Write down what you learned during your study after you have a name in mind.

  • What year were you born?
  • What positions could they have?
  • Who lives there?
  • What pastimes and interests do they have outside of work?
  • What do they want out of a career? Do they want to advance, or are they content to take it easy until retirement?

The responses to these and any follow-up questions you may have can help put the objectives and drivers of your consumer persona into context. The more you comprehend their goals and motivations.

It's essential to bear in mind that your personas will evolve as you acquire more information about your primary consumer types and the factors that drive them. A significant portion of developing buyer personas will probably be built on personal beliefs, sentiments, and intuition, particularly when you're first starting out and developing personas for a brand-new organization. Nonetheless, you will start learning a lot more about your customer persona as your organization expands and you generate revenue.

To make sure you're properly targeting your potential customers as you learn more, don't forget to go back and regularly re-define your buyer personas.