Personal Networking

When you're looking for ways to advance in your career, your personal network is the first place to look. You might be able to find new job opportunities by reaching out to your contacts and connections. You can build mutually beneficial relationships with those around you if you nurture these connections. We discuss the importance of having personal networking and offer advice on creating and using one in this article.

What is Personal Networking?

It's not just about exchanging information with others, and it's also not about begging for favors. Networking is all about forming, nurturing, and maintaining long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with the people you meet, whether you're waiting for your morning coffee, participating in an intramural sports league, or attending a work conference.

To be a successful networker, you don't need to join several professional associations or attend every networking event that comes your way. In fact, if you take your gaze away from your smartphone while out in public, you'll notice that networking opportunities abound.

What is the Importance of Personal Networking?

Here are some reasons why networking is crucial if you truly want to advance in your career.

∙ A Forum for Exchanging Ideas

If you don't listen to what others say, you'll never know how much you know. The pool of information or ideas you've accumulated over time is largely responsible for your career success. When networks are established, they encourage the exchange of personal networking tips necessary to maintain long-term relationships and mutual trust.

∙ A Path to Newer Possibilities

personal networking

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

It opens up new doors for you when people start to notice you. Because of the avenue of more recent opportunities opened to them through personal networking, business and career-minded individuals who have networked over time have expanded with minimal effort. Meeting the right clients or even meeting people who are more advanced in their careers than you could be a stepping stone that changes your life for the better.

∙ Examine Your Credentials Again

It's one thing to network. It's one thing to possess it; it's quite another to be able to put it to good use. You may believe that your current level in your discipline is the highest you could ever reach. But have you ever looked at the various levels of your chosen career and how other people in similar positions have progressed to their current position? But, let's be honest, admiring certifications are acceptable, but the road to that level can only be traveled if you have strong personal networking and positive relationships with others.

∙ Enhances Your Creative Thinking Ability

Most of the time, the external factors that shape our aspirations and great innovations come from the environment where we find ourselves. Over time, contacts we have made with other people have significantly improved our intellectual ability in various careers. Even a single interaction with one person can turn a year's worth of research into a breakthrough. Like-minded people who have shared personal networking tips have sharpened their intellect, allowing them to advance in their careers and unleash their creative potential.

∙ An Additional Library of Resources

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Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Some websites are created specifically to answer specific questions in specific niches. Individuals can use these resources as a secondary source of information. When it comes to networking, the same is true. You can use a platform tailored to your profession as an additional resource library. This keeps you informed about the most recent career trends relevant to you. You can also connect to them at any time using this personal network resource.

∙ Increased Self-assurance

In a creative career, networking is the most essential tool for advancement. Training and certification are provided through personal networking, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem. When you interact with like-minded people in your career, the self-confidence you've built over time can help put you in a good mood. This also provides you with the opportunity to shine during job interview sessions. As a result, the better you network, the more confident you will become over time.

∙ Establish Long-term Relationships

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Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

If networking is a two-way street, having the right networking channel can help you advance your career. Although networking is not an easy or quick way to form a long-term relationship, it is viable. Making it a two-way process of giving and taking, on the other hand, can pave the way for a more solid relationship. Personal networking has allowed people to develop careers in line with their goals.

How to Improve Your Networking Skills

The significance of networking is self-evident. But to ensure that you're networking effectively, how can you improve your networking skills? These networking pointers will assist you. When it comes to networking, there is no such thing as "one size fits all." Different people have different levels of success when it comes to networking. For example, if you're an introvert, you might prefer to network one-on-one over coffee or attend smaller events rather than larger ones. Let's look at a few different personal networking approaches.

1. Find the Right People

Anyone who can help you advance professionally should be included in your professional network. All possible candidates are past and current coworkers, bosses, friends with similar interests, colleagues from business associations, alumni from your university, or acquaintances you met through online networking services. Make contact with those who can provide you with the assistance you require. Connect with friends or family members who work in that industry if you want to work in a different field. Make connections with people working in various sectors and positions because you never know who might be able to help you in the future.

2. Take the Initiative

Maintaining beneficial connections requires cultivating your personal network all year. When you've been laid off from your job or decide to look for a new position, don't just contact those who can help. Maintain contact with your extended personal network at all times, even if it's just to say hello in an email. The stronger your bonds with your contacts are, the more likely they are to lend a hand and assist you when you are in need. When people know who you are, they are more willing to help you.

3. Maintain a Record of Your Social Media Accounts

Keep track of your personal network in a safe place. Make sure you know who is who, where they work, and how to contact them, whether it's on paper or electronically. It's critical to keep track of what your network's various contacts can offer you or how you can assist them. You'll need to keep track of which of your former coworkers is now working in finance and which has begun teaching philosophy. Knowing what you have to offer as a contact is also crucial. In an ideal world, networking should be mutually beneficial, so let your contacts know how to assist them. Friends are more likely to return the favor if you are willing to support them.

4. Attend Personal Networking Events

In-person networking is effective. Attending company mixers, corporate retreats, and community events will allow you to meet a wide range of important people. Others at the events will most likely be networking and will gladly exchange business cards or contact information. You'll find that many of the other attendees share your goals and will gladly exchange business cards. Many different networking events occur all year long, both in-person and online.

5. Create an Online Network

It can be difficult to personal network, especially today, but technology has made personal networking online simple. The internet is a great place to build, cultivate, and communicate with new people. Sites like LinkedIn and Facebook can help you connect with people who work at specific companies, are college alumni, or live within a particular area. Sending a new friend request or a brief message may help them remember you and encourage them to seek out a mutual relationship. Even recruiters use professional networking platforms and social media channels to evaluate skills and experience, so make sure your online profile is updated. If you don't already have one, create one as soon as possible because it will serve you well in the future.

Introducing Strikingly

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Image is taken from Strikingly

Strikingly is a website builder that allows users to create their own websites without prior coding knowledge. Users can expect a well-made webpage in just a few minutes by selecting a website template and making changes to make it more appealing. Strikingly offers tools for adding standard features to a business networking website. Users can easily add features to enhance the user experience on a social networking site, from menus to call-to-action buttons. Strikingly offers a variety of templates that can be customized to meet the user’s needs. They can add payment options, set up an online store, create a blog, and manage their audiences. Strikingly is one of the most powerful website builders available, thanks to these features.


One of the most apparent advantages of personal networking is that it can help you advance your career and improve your communication skills. Don't limit yourself to traditional networking circles; having a good reputation with a diverse group of people will increase your chances of receiving referrals and job opportunities. You never know who you'll run into or what you'll learn from them. Take the time to figure out what kind of personal networking strategy will work best for you, and then focus on making it a positive experience. As a result, networking will become less of a chore and more of a fun way to learn new things. If you know how to network effectively, you will not be sorry.