Mastering Layout Designing
Layout Design is one of the most powerful tools anyone can have. When it comes to website designing being able to know the proper ways of how to layouts is an instant advantage among your competitors. Having the ability to produce modern layout design is an asset in securing a large number of website loyalists. Being in an industry where there are tons of choices to choose from, it is a must to make yourself stand out specifically in terms of having effective page layouts designs which will perfectly suit the tastes of this meticulous generation.

Presentation plays a big role in achieving the perfect website layout design. As someone who engages in the field of digital marketing, you must know the basic DO’s and DON’Ts of developing your own page layout design in order to succeed in capturing the hearts of your website visitors. If you happen to be looking for the best ways and tips to consider before developing your own layout designs, Strikingly is just one click away to design together with you.

Top 5 Common Type of Website’s Layout Designs

Before you proceed in making your own page layout design, you must first know what category you are trying to fill in. What type of website layout are you seeking for? What modern layout design would your website visitors fall in love to?

With these many questions that are currently whirling with your thoughts, Strikingly listed the most common type of page layout designs which will make things much easier for you.

  • E-Commerce Website Layout Design

One of the most common types of websites layout designs are the ones made intendedly for E-commerce. Electronic Commerce or simply E-commerce is a modern type of commerce conducted through the use of modern technology, specifically the Internet. It has been one of the top reasons why many webmasters are given more chances to continuously create various page layout designs. Due to continuous demand for a faster mode of transaction between firms and their consumers, and with the type of living we are currently facing due to the pandemic, designing websites for E-commerce became more and more popular.

Engaging in this type of layout design can be considered as the easiest. If you happen to aim for this type of layout design for your homepage, you just have to be focused. Keep things simple. Visitors visit such webpages with a particular purpose of checking out the things that they really need. Make your page layout design user-friendly. Feature your products and services offered in a clear and concise manner. You can still add style and aesthetics on your layout design while highlighting the website structure mainly designed for E-commerce.

Handmade Crafts website

  • Blog Website Layout Design

Blogging differs for every individual, so is the website’s layout design intended for it. As it may appear to be very free from any specific structure to consider, web designers should also remember to keep things still in order. Exploring various types of layout design for this type is highly suggested.

Creativity is one best tool in designing a blog website layout design. You can be whoever and whatever you want to be. Express yourselves and ideas in a unique manner which will engrave you in your visitor’s mind and soul. Give them something they will never forget. Showcase your thoughts openly and make them fall in love with you. And when we talk about how to make website visitors fall for you, Strikingly sure does aces.

University Website Layout

  • Portfolio Page Layout Design

Besides Blogs, Portfolios also seek to be specially showcased. Layout designs for a portfolio page are usually more personalized. These types of webpages are mainly designed to showcase the personality of a firm towards potential clients.

Being creative in making these types of layout designs is a must. Elements like the color scheme, type of fonts, sizes of pictures as well as the layout for the contact details and previous projects made must always be taken into account. In this way, target clients and website visitors would not find it boring exploring the whole page. Your layout design must not just be artsy but also possesses a nice flow of information spread throughout the whole webpage.

Project Website Layout

  • Services Page Layout Design

Websites created for Services offered are also one of the types which are in-demand as of the moment. With people being always in their homes due to this pandemic, they rely on this kind of website.

When you make a layout design for a services page, it is a must to keep things in an orderly manner. Always be mindful of the information you put within your layout design. Be professional in providing the “must-knows” of the type of services you offer and keep the tone user-friendly. Make people remember you and your branding. If you want to know more about the different layouts in this field, Strikingly will make it easier for you to understand.

Service Website Layout

  • Tourism and Leisure Website Layout Design

Layout designs intended for tourism and leisure activities may come off a bit challenging. You must keep it aesthetically designed at the same time, functional and informative.

Website visitors must find your page layout design easier to access and possess the information they were seeking. Basic travelling information such as flight schedules, ticket selling dates/sales and booking details/promos must be presented in a clean yet attractive manner. After all, you are encouraging them to schedule their travel with you so why not make it a much more unforgettable memory for them through entrusting it with you. Make your layout design both exciting and reliable. Who would want their dream vacation to get ruined right from the very start right?

Local Wander Layouting

Things to Keep in Mind Before Creating Your Layout Designs

Now that you already have the basic ideas regarding the kinds of layout designs, it is now the right time for you to know the best tips in ensuring an effective one. It is not just enough that you know the types of these page layout designs. You must also know the best tips you should remember in creating one.

Below are the tips designers and firms should consider in order to achieve that layout design everyone will be envious about. And if you happen to find out more of these tips, Strikingly will help you reach it without breaking that much of a sweat.

  1. Less is More

As cliché as it may sound but less is more sure do work most of the time. People nowadays find it more attractive if a layout design is simple. Simple in the way that it does not only contain graphical contents but most importantly has what they need. Website users will find your homepage more attractive and interesting if the page layout design primarily provides them the things that they need. Being creative is still highly appreciated, but as much as possible do not make your design layout too crowded and messy.

  1. Choose Correct Colors

Color scheme plays a big role in achieving that flawless webpage. Choosing the appropriate colors for every element on your website is one of the top things to remember in how to layouts. Poor choices of colors may make things hard to understand for your website visitors. In some cases, they may find it too boring or too vibrant that it hurts their eyes by just looking at a glance. Experiment with the colors but also consider how one choice can complement the other one. If you master this step, achieving that perfect layout design would not be that much of a problem.

If you want to discover more about the art of choosing the best color schemes and sample templates for your next website layout, Strikingly collected the “best-est” for you.

  1. Showcase Product and Services

A web page would not be complete without the product/services offered by the business. Designers should put a high consideration on how to create a layout design which will showcase the different products/services for the users. It is not just important that the whole page is very artistic. A page that does not contain any information about what it is all about would not make any sense right? Showcase the product/services in an artistic yet properly arranged manner that users will find it amusing and get hooked to it.

  1. Explore and Discover

Creating your own layout design requires you to be imaginative. Do not be afraid to try new things. Explore every possibility and make it a tool in achieving the best layout designs for you. There are various modern layout designs which web page creators consider these days. Think out of the box. Be open in discovering new set of ideas and be that webpage everyone will be curious about

  1. Keep it User-Friendly

A webpage is not a webpage if it does not appeal to its users. Keep in mind that you are designing the page for your users. Consider their latest wants and use that as a primary guide in making your modern layout design. Make things for them easier to understand. Know your target users and create a design that will unite you, your website users, and your created webpage altogether.

There are various ways on how to create a modern layout design that will perfectly fit not just your taste but as well as your users. Strikingly made it easier to establish that firm bond between you and every person who visits your website.

Design your Layout with STRIKINGLY

Strikingly is not just a website where you can find state of the art templates and other ideas for your website design. It can also play a role in helping you to actually create one just as if you are consulting an actual expert. And now that website building has been the hottest trend in the world of ecommerce, Strikingly made its own way in stepping up the game.

Designing your own website will never be as easy as you think. Thanks to Strikingly’s newest site editor feature, the Drag & Drop Mode. This feature will make your layout designing a much easier job to accomplish. You now have the power to freely add, remove and move elements in your own website. This feature will be out to all Strikingly users in just a few weeks. So if you are now seeking early access for this special feature, hurry and contact