increase blog traffic

If you are hosting blogs on your website, it won’t be surprising that you are investing a lot of time in its creation and management. If you are producing high-quality content but cannot increase blog traffic, it can bring frustration to your system.

You would feel that there is no point in doing all the hard work when you have nothing to show for it. Eventually, you will lose your motivation. Once you understand the benefits of increasing blog traffic, you will know that high-quality blogs have a massive role to play in your respective business. It enables you to build a social media audience and have a positive impression on your potential clients.

Ways of Improving Traffic on Your Blog

If your created content starts generating profitable outcomes, you will start to feel more established. However, you may wonder about how to increase blog traffic. We

have provided five considerable steps to make you understand it better.

1. Have a Clear Strategy About Your Content

If you want to improve traffic on your blog, the most simplistic and effective thing that you can do is to create high-quality content. ‘Content is King’ is a phrase that seems to recur in many of the content writer’s ears. However, it is true because if you cannot create content that makes sense, you will not attract any readers.

content writing strategy

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

When we say ‘better content’ it does not just mean about the grammatical skills in it, it also means how strategically it is created along with your content marketing efforts. Successful content is the one that meets the visitor’s demands. You must be conscious of the audience and their response.

Nowadays, content always has two categories. It is either funny or useful. You can choose one of these categories before writing. A great content style can also help you drive traffic to your blog. Look for the eye-watering stats, exquisite infographics, and great storylines in the form of video. Create content that makes it memorable for your audience.

  • Create Quality Content

If you want to increase blog traffic, make sure that your content is evergreen. Evergreen content is that which appears on the web forever and does not become irrelevant with time.

  • Create Effective Headlines

As a blogger, you must always look to create catchy headlines that grab the attention of your visitors before they read the entire content. Your headline captures the visitor’s interest.

blog post titles

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Some online marketing sites may even say that your headlines are more important than your content to increase blog traffic. If you have created great content but it has a poor headline, your article will eventually die. Presentation of the content is as important as its quality. As you cannot show up at a wedding with your sleeping clothes, similarly you cannot use poor headlines to showcase your created content.

  • Create a Newsletter to Promote Your Best Blogs

Your hard work and invested time on a blog will be of no use if no one comes on your platform to read it. Therefore, promotion is also a massive part of your marketing strategy to increase blog traffic.

One effective way of promoting your content is to collect emails for a blog newsletter. Once you have those contacts, you can send them your best blogs weekly or monthly. This strategy will enable you to get familiar visitors back to your platform. As those users already know how you write your blogs, there are huge chances that they will look forward to your next blog post. Make sure not to let them down.

2. Don’t Ignore the Keywords

If you want to improve traffic on your blogs, keywords and search engine optimization (SEO) must be an important part of your content marketing strategy. People may start sweating when they hear about SEO in relevance with well-established content, but you must know that SEO brings beneficial outcomes if executed correctly. You get traffic from Google, as the users can get the answers to their questions when they search the web.

website seo checklist

Image taken from Strikingly

So if certain analysts ignore the keyword’s importance, make sure not to follow them. You must use your keyword in text. However, you should not use keywords for the sake of using them because it will cause keyword stuffing. Cover the keyword in every corner of the article. Google conducts many searches in one day. If you want to be a part of one of their searches, do not ignore the keywords in your content.

  • Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are those phrases that contain three or more keywords. It is easier to target (and cheaper as per PPC) long-tail keywords because there is less competition in these phrases as compared to the core keyword. If you target the long-tail keywords, it will eventually bring you a spot on the search engine results page (SERP) of Google. Once you are part of the SERP, you will have huge chances to increase blog traffic on your website.

Improve Website SEO

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Targeting long-tail keywords is one thing, but brainstorming them is another. You do that with Google. Type the phrase as you are in the middle of it, you will see certain suggestions popping up. You must consider those suggestions. Afterward, look at some of the Google-related suggestions. You will find them at the bottom of the page.

Then, you can use all of those long-tail keywords and place them in the Google Keyword Planner. You can look into those keyword phrases that generate the most traffic. Core keywords are the ‘bread and butter’ of a supreme article. However, it is not the only aspect that generates traffic to your website. This is where long-term keywords come into play. You can target them selectively for internal linking purposes and link your website pages with them. This strategy will enable your customers to read other published content of your website as well.

3. Look Into the Best Social Media Networks

When you promote your blog, you must have a strategy about the areas in which you are spending your time. Even though it is good to build social media networks for your blogs, you will start to burn while promoting your content on every social media platform.

You must pay attention to those social media platforms that generate the most traffic. You may look into LinkedIn to promote your content. Or, you can find the appropriate subreddits on Reddit to ensure that you have a tremendous breakthrough with your content.

If you want to play football, you do not go to a library; you go to the football pitch. Similarly, you need to go to the most effective social media platforms that will increase blog traffic. If you can understand your audience, you can create strong referral links from relevant websites.

  • Associate with a Reliable Platform

You can look into some of the best platforms to increase blog traffic. Strikingly ensures that via its built-in analytics. It is a valuable tool that will help you keep a track of your website traffic. By taking information from this tool, you can create your digital marketing plan.

4. Optimize Your Content for Speed

Your visitors will not wait long for your article to load. If your page is not displaying quickly, they will click on the back button and move over to the next website before you even realize it. In the world of SEO, the first impression is the last impression. This is the case with websites as well. If a visitor knows your website is taking a lot of time to load, they will not consider the rest of your content too. As a result, you will create a poor reputation. Therefore, you must have the skills to conduct website speed optimization to increase blog traffic.

Make sure that you check the website speed score, and also look into certain strategies that will bring freshness to your website. In the current period, modern users, on average, spend three hours on mobile phones and tablets. It is a no-brainer for blog writers to go mobile.


All business owners who host blogs have experienced difficulties when trying to increase blog traffic. Even though we would like to see the readers just magically appear on our content, it takes a lot of work for them to come on your platform.

If you want to make a website from scratch, you must place trust in a website builder that provides you with all the required features. It should drive traffic to your blog. Strikingly possesses a built-in analytics dashboard that enables you to analyze your website traffic. With this dashboard, you will know where your audience is located and your website traffic sources (direct, social media, etc). Overall, it provides an effective overview of your website’s current situation.