how to write a privacy policy for your website

When you are managing an online space for your business, there is no doubt that you should be cautious. Similarly, you must be careful when you collect private information from your target audience on your website.

Since you are the website owner, you must ensure that your viewers feel safe through your platform. By gaining your viewer's trust in badges, they will share their personal information with you. Moreover, they will return to your website for further sales and acquire more information. In this case, the best solution is to learn how to write a privacy policy for your website.

When customers visit your website, the first thing they have on their minds is data security. You will receive a text if you visit different websites or complete questionnaires. It is called the policy agreement that you must agree with and sign. Once you agree with the terms and conditions, you will understand that the website owner wants to protect the privacy of you and their website.

What is Privacy Policy?

A privacy policy refers to a legal statement that specifies what the business or the company owner does with the information delivered to them by their customers. If you learn how to write a privacy policy, you will enable your business to showcase to your viewers how the calculated data is protected and safely processed. The privacy policy page can also be considered a privacy statement or information.

Since the digital industry has evolved and many people understand the Internet, fraud and illegal use of data have become possible. Due to the increase in malicious online activities, the Council of Europe studied all the potential threats based on Internet expansion. In 1968, they researched how to protect private information from the dangerous effects of technology. This study resulted in establishing an eCommerce website policy, which aims to protect human personal information. Since this policy was made, businesses have understood how to write a privacy policy and make it part of their overall strategy.

privacy policy document

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

When you learn how to write a privacy policy, you must also understand that it can be used for your online website and mobile application. Once you add this text to your website, you can use this online privacy policy to show your viewers how you collect and manage the private information you get from them. If you don't know how to use a privacy policy template, you can be considered someone who breaches the law. If you are unlucky, you may even be sent to court by a dissatisfied customer.

One notable thing about a privacy policy page is that it helps you to connect with many federal regulatory systems. These systems aim to protect online users and every digital data they send through the Internet.

terms and conditions

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

You must learn how to write a privacy policy because the law does not just require it. It also helps you to maintain transparency within your website. Learning how to write a privacy policy helps you to establish a strong connection with the online community. When attaining trust badges from the audience, valuing a privacy policy page can help you massively.

Why Should You Learn How to Write a Privacy Policy?

Private data is standard across the Internet, especially in shopping websites and libraries. The objective of a privacy policy is to convince your viewers that you can interact with your customer's privacy seriously within your business. Since many companies have an eCommerce website to collect user information, it is essential to let the users know how you collect and manage their data.

Although having a privacy policy page is essential for your website, it is also necessary for many federal hierarchies. For example, Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and state laws in California and Virginia want you to have a privacy policy section on your platform.

Elements to Include in a Privacy Policy Document

Privacy policy document displays how your online business respects your customers' privacy and provides assurance that you will always manage their data according to the law. In the eCommerce industry, customers share their personal information, which can destabilize their financial and personal security if leaked. Even if you have created a blog website, you must have a 'terms and conditions section to inform your audience how the hosts collect and interpret the reader's data. If you are learning how to write a privacy policy, you can include the following things in your statement:

1) Identify the Website or Application Owner

Your privacy policy page document should begin with the precise identity of the website or the application owner. In the case of a business website, the business owner likely is the same as the website owner. If an individual owns the website, you must mention the first and last name and the names of the site or the app.

A company can also mention its name if it is a legally registered business entity. However, people running their sites must include their names if their business needs to be registered in their state or province.

2) Date of the Policy

You must include data from when the policy takes effect. In privacy law, this is when the privacy policy terms are legally enforced. Legal enforceability relates to the actions taken by the court concerning the privacy policy document. For example, it can penalize you for any potential contract violations.

3) Customer Data Collected

Data collection is a huge aspect of business operations today. Any unfortunate mishaps, such as cyberattacks or breaches, can lead to personal data losses or financial instability. If you want to gain the trust of your customers, your company can create an outline of what type of data you collect and what procedures are involved in it.

Remember that the data you collect and its procedures can have limitations based on your location. Your company must follow the legal obligations to avoid breaking the law.

4) How Data is Used

If you want to master how to write a privacy policy page, you must mention how you use the data collected from your customers. For example, the collected data can be used for personal advertising or marketing strategies. Here are the common ways in which website owners use customer data:

  • Improving products and services
  • Improving the customer experience (CX) through data analysis
  • Evolving the marketing strategy
  • Protecting personal data by learning to capture and identify specific user input

The use of customer data varies based on the industry and the organization. However, your privacy policy document should include how you will use your customer data and for what reasons.

5) Data Storage and Protection

Will the collected customer data be cloud-hosted or hosted locally? What are the steps taken to protect their personal information from theft? A company must include the following information from third parties:

Protecting customer information is an essential part of customer assurance. It also shows how you deal with customer complaints concerning privacy laws.

Create Your Privacy Policy Page on Strikingly

If you want to learn how to write a privacy policy, you must have a professional website at your disposal in the first place. Strikingly is a top-notch website builder that helps you to build the website of your dreams within hardly a couple of hours. More importantly, you don't require any experience in coding or programming to build your website on our platform. Once you have established your website, you can shift your focus toward building a privacy policy page. If you are inexperienced, you can check out the free privacy policy templates on the Internet to help you with your policy agreement.

strikingly privacy policy

Image taken from Strikingly

You can rely on Strikingly to build a strong connection between business owners and customers. Since most countries require a 'terms and conditions' page or a 'privacy policy' section on a business website, here is the outline of how you can write a privacy policy on your Strikingly website.

  1. Go to your Settings from the website editor
  2. Click on 'Advanced', then click on 'Legal'. You will eventually see the option, 'Show terms and conditions on your web page

show terms and conditions

Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Copy and paste the privacy policy template you have created into the text field and then click on 'Update.' Your established privacy policy template will be displayed on your website's footer and your store's checkout flow.

display privacy policy

Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Always check quickly and ensure that you have checked off the option "Display footer at the bottom of the page." If you don't check off this option, your created privacy policy template will not be displayed on your website.
  2. Publish your created privacy policy page and check out your live website


Data security is an essential aspect of your website maintenance plans, which is why you must learn how to write a privacy policy for your website. If you collect private information from your users, you must have a privacy policy on your website. The best approach is to include it on your website footer or somewhere prominent.

You will find numerous website builders on the Internet that can help you with your privacy policy page document. However, if you want to learn how to write a privacy policy, you must know how to choose them correctly. A privacy policy isn't just about your business or company and your viewer's security. Therefore, it is crucial to rely on Strikingly to build your website and avoid any headaches. If you want to learn more about website development on Strikingly, you can consult with our Happiness Officers today.