
Most people start podcasting as a hobby, so they do not give it their best. They drop a few episodes and are sometimes not consistent. It should not be like that. Podcasting can be another form of entrepreneurship. You can do it for fun and earn from it. Also, you can add the experience to your resume, curriculum vitae, or portfolio. Creating a podcast helps hone skills like creativity, public speaking, and organization.

If you are thinking of starting a business podcast, keep reading. In this article, we will show you how to start a podcast business and make it successful.

Getting Started With Your Podcast

The podcasting business has gained popularity over the years. You don't need to be a blogger to know how to run one. With these few easy steps, you will learn how to start a podcast business on your own.

  • Choose a niche
  • Know Your Audience
  • Brand Your podcast
  • Structure Your Content
  • Evaluate Your Workforce
  • Get Your Podcasting Equipment
  • Create a recording and publishing schedule
  • Outline your episodes
  • Record your podcast
  • Publish your podcast episodes

Step 1: Choose A Niche

When choosing a niche, think about what you are passionate about. It can be politics, news, fashion, trending or controversial topics, or even how to start a podcast business! Yes, you can show other newbies how to start a podcast business. This is especially true if you already have some credibility. Podcasts focus on one or similar topics which can be covered over a series of episodes. You still need to decide what exact subtopics you will focus on in your niche. To make it easy, ask yourself these questions:

  • What's the goal of my podcast?
  • What's the message behind my podcast?
  • What should I do to stand out in my niche?

Before anything else, always decide what you are writing and who you are writing for. That's how to start a podcast business.

Step 2: Know Your Audience

Your audience or target market determines the success of your podcast. This is why it is crucial to choose a topic that is interesting to listeners. Get to know the type of content the audience listens to by conducting simple customer research. Also, keep your listeners hooked by being unique and dishing out valuable content always.

Step 3: Brand Your Podcast


Branding differentiates your podcast from another person's. It gives your podcasting business a professional outlook. Therefore, you must be intentional about branding your business podcast. If you cannot hire a branding expert, use these tips and tricks to do your branding.

1) Give your podcast a Simple Name

Your audience should be able to remember your podcast name by heart, and pronounce it well. There are a few steps to choosing an outstanding podcast name.

  • Make it short. Five words or less.
  • It should be simple enough to spell and pronounce.
  • Include keywords. This will position your podcast to rank better in SEO.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing.

2) Description

Your podcast description should tell, most simply, what your podcast is about. It should tell the audience what to expect, whether they listen or not. Ensure that your podcast description is engaging. Include your value offer, and make it enticing.

3) Design Art

Your podcast cover design has to be beautiful and catchy. It should equally convey the message behind the podcast. Hire skilled graphics designers to help you handle this. If you are one yourself, even better. You can create something you like that your listeners can equally appreciate.

Step 4: Structure Your Content

Decide how you want to present your topics. There are two types of content structure: scripted and unscripted.

Scripted: This involves a writer or a team of writers who write a script that the hosts or presenters read. There are scripted nonfiction podcasts and scripted fiction podcasts. Educational podcasts fall under scripted nonfiction, while dramas are scripted fiction.

Unscripted: This involves a casual discussion between the hosts or presenters and the guests.

You can blend the two structures, or you can decide if you want to have a scripted structure or an unscripted structure. Here are other factors to consider under content structuring.

Episode Duration

There's no rule for how long a podcast episode should be, but each episode's length determines the interests of your listeners and their engagements. Each episode's duration determines the content amount, affecting the preparation and editing processes.

Content Segments

You can divide your content into different parts. You can have segments like; general introductions, the introduction of guests, interview questions, talking points, breaks, call to action (CTAs), and closing.


You can have breaks where you talk about the brands sponsoring you and the special offers they have depending on the length of the episode. Always allocate a specific amount of time for the breaks depending on how many brand sponsors you have.


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Step 5: Evaluate Your Personnel

Once you have decided on which structure to use, you need to know how many human resources are available. Will you be the only host? Who will conduct the interviews if you're opting for the unscripted structure?

Also, do you need a sound editor? How about a graphics designer? Can you afford them now? If not, how can you substitute? One pro tip you must always remember when learning how to start a podcast business is: to make friends with apps. Especially if you are on a tight budget. You will need them to do simple tasks.

Step 6: Get Your Podcasting Equipment

A great podcast depends on good equipment. Nobody will listen to a bad-quality podcast. It is advisable to invest in quality equipment when starting a business podcast. Again, if you cannot afford the equipment, look for their app substitutes. Here are some equipments you may need:


There are three major categories of microphones. They include:

  • USB Mics
  • Dynamic Mics and
  • Condenser Mics

USB Mics

These are the most accessible for people starting a podcast. You just plug them into your system's USB port, open your recording software, and you can start recording. Although they are affordable and the easiest to use, they have the worst sound quality.

Dynamic Mics

Dynamic mics reject background noise. It is the best option for an unscripted structure where two people are talking. To ensure consistent recording, you need to keep your mouth close to the mic. They do not need external power, and they are durable.

Broadcasters, radio announcers, musicians, and podcasters use dynamic mics.

Condenser Mics

Condenser mics are also known as capacitor microphones. Condenser mics are sensitive, requiring a more quiet and sound-treated space. It is the best option as it is known for its excellent audio quality and sensitivity. Condenser mics and dynamic mics require an XLR connection.

Again, there are no hard and fast rules on how to start a podcast business. This means if you cannot afford these yet, it's no problem. A simple phone recording can do. Just ensure that as you grow, you work towards getting this equipment. They will improve your brand image and customer experience.

Pop Filter

Pop filters filter the clicking sounds your mouth makes when speaking.

Microphone Stand or Boom Arms

They help to keep the microphone in place. They also allow for easy adjustments of the length and distance from your mouth.

Over-the-ear Headphones

These headphones are comfortable and offer better sound quality than earbuds. Having a good pair of headphones is essential when interviewing guests.

Step 7: Create a Recording And Publishing Schedule

After taking the steps mentioned above, you must create a posting schedule. This will help you stay consistent in creating and producing content.

Having a schedule also helps promote customer loyalty. You can choose a certain time and date to release your podcast. For example, you can plan to release your podcasts every Tuesday by 11 am. This makes the audience look forward to listening to your podcast. You can also choose to publish your episodes every day.

Step 8: Outline Your Episodes

Before starting a podcast, ensure you have every episode outlined. From the content to be published to how you want to present your podcast. Know the purpose of each episode and what you want your listeners to get from the episode. Once you have outlined your episodes, you can start recording.


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Step 9: Recording Your Podcast

If you have followed the first eight steps on how to start a podcast business, you should proceed to actually start one. Go ahead and record. You will need to find a good recording space. It is best to find a recording space with little to no sound. You can invest in soundproof materials. Also, always test your sound equipment and the sound quality of your space. Record a few clips first, listen to them, and make adjustments where necessary. If you have a co-host, ensure to run a sound check on their equipment as well.

Step 10: Launch Your Podcast

Before launching your podcast, you should have more than three (3) recorded episodes. You need to launch your podcasts in a way that will get you noticed to get reviews and listens. Build a pre-launch. You should also have a landing page for your podcast. This lets the audience know what you have planned. The landing page should offer the audience an opportunity to get into a mailing list that can be used to reach out on the day of the launch.

When the D-Day comes, announce the launch to your audience, ask them to subscribe to the podcast, and leave reviews. Reviews help you get noticed and featured.

How to Monetize Your Podcast Business

There are different ways to generate income from a podcasting business. If you're just starting a podcast, you need to gain followers and have a strong social media presence before monetizing your podcast. Let us look at how to start a business podcast and make money with it.


Different brands sponsor podcasts. You need to leverage your social media presence and followers to promote or advertise the brands that offer you sponsorships. You can also get companies or brands to pay you to advertise them. Getting paid from sponsorships works like affiliate marketing. You get paid depending on the number of downloads and link clicks your show gets.


You can sell books, courses, and consulting services that complement the show, which the listeners can buy. This serves as a marketing and promotion strategy.


You can ask your listeners for support. If your audience loves your show, they will willingly support it. This is why it is important to know your audience and their interests.

Some Extra Podcast Tips and Tricks

You have learned the initial steps on how to start a podcast business. We will now give you a few podcast business tips to help you stand out among other podcasting businesses in your industry.


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First, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are a part of life. It's okay to make mistakes, but what is not okay is not learning from your mistakes. Make mistakes and learn from them.

Secondly, there will be days you will not want to record or do anything for your podcast. Whenever you don't feel motivated, think about your audience and why you started a podcast. Also, remember where you are going. Take that next step, and it will be easier to take the one after that.

Thirdly, be you. Don't try to fake your personality. Relax when you feel overwhelmed so it doesn't come out forced. As much as possible, avoid reading from a script. Let it flow naturally from you.

Lastly, make sure your guests are comfortable. A welcoming environment helps your guests to feel comfortable. This prevents your session from looking like an interview.


Now you know how to start a podcast business, how to monetize your podcast, and tips to help you in your podcasting business, you can start a successful podcast business immediately. We have some amazing podcast website templates you should check out at Strikingly. Our templates will help you create a professional and engaging experience for your audience. We also let you embed your podcast into our website. Head onto our website to explore our templates here.