Content Silo

A useful metaphor for how to organize pages to boost SEO is a silo. Similar to how grains are grouped separately in silos on farms, retaining their integrity and value, siloing a website enhances website optimization around a theme. The information would be like mixed grain without a content silo; it would be fundamentally less valuable. You may organize your website and increase SEO using silo architecture, making it simpler for readers and search engine bots to browse.

What is a Content Silo?

Content Silo

Image is taken from ahrefs

A content silo is a technique for organizing all of your material so that it can be divided into several relevant categories for the keyword-based website of your business. Building a content silo is necessary for your website's search engine optimization. Silos of content can improve a website's usability.

Consider content silos as the bookcases in a library. Anyone who enters the library will have trouble discovering the kind of book they wish to read if books on all the various themes are mixed up and arranged randomly on the shelves. However, it will be simpler for library patrons to locate the book they need when the bookshelves are organized by subject or theme. Let's take a closer look at the role that content silos play in increasing your website's worth.

What is the Importance of a Content Silo?

A website can benefit greatly from having a content silo. Here are a few reasons:

1. Enhance Your Domain Authority First

Your website will become more organized and attractive after creating a content silo. One of the characteristics That is a quality that Google searches for in domains that it wants to provide more authority to. Therefore, your website's domain authority increases when it is well organized into subjects and menus.

2. Make Site Visitors' Experience Better

The website material is easy to find for users when you have a content silo. For instance, a visitor can discover the "Contact" page by searching for "Contact" on your website's menu if they are interested in your goods or services and wish to contact you. People interested in learning more about your products will probably search for terms like "product description" or go to the "Products" page.

Consider a scenario in which your company offers various consulting services, and a visitor is interested in learning more about your financial consultancy. In that instance, they will search your website for a keyword or header on that issue. However, if your website is not built on a content silo, users may become frustrated and perplexed when trying to find the precise information they require. Because people will feel like they are wasting their time exploring your site, this could boost your website's bounce rate.

3. Boost Your Ecommerce Website's Sales

A content silo will aid in your consumers' ability to locate the goods they are seeking if you own an online store. This is because content silos play a significant role in online stores as well. Different product categories can be created in the store part of your website. If your website was created using Strikingly, adding categories to your Simple Store is simple.

You must upgrade to our Pro Plan to use our straightforward shop categorization tool while still on our Free Plan. You can use this feature to divide your products into different categories and show those categories in the navigation of your store. Your Strikingly store can have up to 30 categories.

Go to your Simple Store to add product categories. Select "Categories." The category name can be entered here and changed or renamed anytime. The categories you establish can also be rearranged whenever you want.

Following the creation of the various categories, you can begin adding products to each category by going to the product manager. Here are the steps:

  • Decide on a product
  • Locate the category you wish to place that product in under "Product Categories."

content silo

Image is taken from Strikingly

  • Click "Add New Category" to create a new category if you can't find the one you want to use
  • Click on the category tag. For each product, you may choose up to 5 tags.

content silo

Image is taken from Strikingly

  • To save the adjustments, click "Save."

4. Assist Search Engines in Classifying Your Website

A content silo not only makes it easier for site users to browse but also aids search engines in classifying your website correctly. Search engines need to comprehend your website content's subject matter and organizational structure, just like human users do. Similar to the structure of the old-fashioned library index cards, content silos make your site's organization stand out from search engines.

5. Increase the Effectiveness of Your Keywords

The following two elements are what search engines prefer. They use to determine and reward keyword relevancy, which is the main reason why having a content silo is essential for enhancing your website's SEO.

  • Each of your web pages' content
  • How well your entire website aligns with your main keywords

For instance, it's better if you establish a section of material on your site and call it "Pet Business" if you want your website to rank for the term pet-related business This section is open to any pet-related content; it is not required to be included on a single web page. Under the primary theme of "Pet Business," you can further build various topics and separate pages for each. Such topical content development will boost the general SEO and authority of your website and the page rankings.

content silo

Image is taken from Strikingly User’s website

6. Select Your Topics of Interest

content silo

Image is taken from Strikingly User’s website

Your topic's strategy can be determined by creating a content silo. Why does that matter? The preceding paragraph covered how a content silo could better use your website's primary keywords. As previously indicated, the simplest approach to accomplish it is to make a section for a relevant keyword and develop content on additional subtopics to place under that part. You are creating a list of all the topics and subtopics you want to have on your website as you go along. In other words, you are forming your approach to your topic.

How To Create Content Silos?

Let's go over the steps to learn how to construct a content silo now that you know how crucial they are for your website.

a. Create a Content Strategy First

content silo

Image is taken from Strikingly User’s website

Developing a strategy is the first step to mastering anything in marketing. This also holds for content silos. Create a content strategy before creating a silo for your material. Choose the subjects you wish to write about. Be careful to keep every topic you write about related to your niche.

b. Boost Keyword Research

Although it might seem obvious, many people skip this step. Regardless of how certain you are about the keywords you use on your website, it is always preferable to refresh and revise them right before adding them to your content silo. This is due to how rapidly keywords can become stale. It won't assist you in enhancing the traffic to your website if you use keywords you obtained a year ago. The most significant approach is to enhance your keyword research as you create your content continuously. Discover the top three seed keywords and additional keywords associated with each of the top three seed keywords. You will end up listing many relevant keywords for your website as a consequence. Then, you must match these keywords with the various content silos.

c. Create Silos for Physical and Digital Content

There are two ways to create a content silo: physically and online. Virtual content silos produce a folder of pages identified by their URL. Physical silos reorganize your website's navigation, making it more straightforward for users to reach the various sections and subcategories. It would be a waste to generate incredible information on your site without making it simple for users to access or find, so we advise constructing both silos on your website. The statistics for your website will then be impacted by the silos. In the same way a book's table of contents, chapters, or footnotes serve it, the content silos will serve your website.

A Real-World Example of a Content Silo

When you view the samples of content silos provided below, you will better understand what one looks like. Even though they are from distinct industries, two content silo examples that share a structure may be found. But that is the reality. Your website's data organization, not the material's specific industry or subject matter, determines your silo structure.

The Barnes and Noble website navigation is a wonderful illustration of employing a content silo. They organize their products into categories based on similar content. Their list appears to be:

  • Architecture and photography
  • Bibles and Christianity
  • Business
  • Biographies
  • Food and wine
  • Fiction
  • graphic novels and comics
  • Dieting
  • Health and Fitness
  • History
  • Mystery and crime
  • Religion
  • Romance
  • Science fiction and fantasy
  • Self-help and relationships
  • Sports
  • Thrillers
  • Westerns

Content Silo

When you visit Barnes and Noble's website or physical shop, you can quickly locate what you're looking for thanks to the organization of information into subject areas. While most people would presume the corporation does this for search engines, they also do it for the convenience of its customers. You can see this division across the website's navigation, online store, sitemap, and entire website if you browse it.

Here are two additional instances of content silos. The first would be for a yoga studio franchise, and the second would be for a travel blog for Las Vegas. Although the subjects of these two samples are highly different, the idea of group content is still the same.

Content Silo

Image is taken from websavvymarketing

Content Silo

Image is taken from websavvymarketing


You may be wondering if the process of creating a website would be even more difficult given how complicated a content silo appears to be. That's not the case, though. The availability of website builders has made web construction relatively straightforward today. Create an account on Strikingly and choose one of our ready-to-use templates if you want to build a website. You may create a comprehensive, attractive website or landing page to promote your company in less than a day.