If you want to get ahead in the digital era, you need to start building your personal brand on the web. The internet may well become your most effective networking tool and it would be in your best interest to create your own personal website to serve as a central hub for professional information about you and your skills.


Why you need a personal website

The best personal websites are designed to set individuals apart from the rest of their contemporaries. The reality is that, no matter what industry you are in, there’s going to be so much competition out there and if you want to make it big, you need to put yourself forward and highlight your strengths. Personal websites, when done well, can grab the attention of potential recruiters and clients, and help you jumpstart your career - among other ways you can use a personal website.

Having said that, here is a quick step-by-step guide to winning personal website design to help you build your brand and get on the road to a successful career.

1. It starts with an inviting homepage

When it comes to building a personal brand, the optics count for a lot. You need to work on creating an inviting online space that provides your target audience the information it came for. You basically start with the right template. As a leading internet company, Strikingly has empowered more than 3 million users from all over the world to share their ideas and talents through modern and innovative personal website templates and a powerful website editor. Armed with the right kind of tools to create your website, you can now get to work at personal website design that effectively represents your brand.

2. Lead with a strong personal story

While we don’t recommend that you write an autobiography on your website, it is important that potential employers and clients learn more about your personality and your passions through your website.

As soon as people land on your website, you want them to know who you are and that you’re the right person for the job they require. You should include a summary of your experiences, skills and accomplishments. Consider creating a strong elevator pitch that will make visitors want to continue reading.

3. Include samples of your best work

Personal websites are typically used as online portfolios, housing a collection of your best work. This makes it easy for employers and recruiters to assess your skillset and determine if you’re the right fit for the role. When you create a free personal website on Strikingly, you can add a gallery section where you can include a handful of projects that you are particularly proud of. You can also include a list of companies you have worked for in the past.

That said, you shouldn’t include every piece of work or project you have completed in this lifetime. Consider your personal website as a curated gallery of your best work and not a storage of everything you have done in your career. A personal website like this is more than a CV and is a reflection of your best foot forward. Don’t add the projects that are in progress. The idea is that if you’re uncomfortable turning in a particular project to your boss, there’s no reason why a potential boss should have to see it.

4. Link to your other online spaces

Your personal website is probably not the only online real estate you occupy these days. If you have profiles on social networks, or you have been published in other websites, make sure to link them to your website. Let clients know where else they can find you online. Having said that, make sure your social media pages are clean and professional. You don’t want potential employers finding anything on the internet that can get in the way of your landing that coveted job.

Start building your own personal website today.