
Social media is a powerful tool. The use of social media has become widespread that it can turn a straightforward sentence into a massive piece of news just by posting it online. People worldwide have become fonder of using social media, making it one of the most precious tools they'd spend time operating daily. They can use it to communicate with the people they love, join virtual communities, get the latest updates on their favorite artists, and even use it as an online business platform. Now that almost everything is going digital, the existence of modern technology and social media has made an enormous impact not just on a person's daily life but also on the challenging world of eCommerce.

Digital business has been a trend ever since the pandemic started. Entrepreneurs had it rough with how strict health protocols were implemented, forcing many to stop operating their businesses. During these times, social media became one of their rescuers. With the proper knowledge of effectively using such a medium, you can smoothly outsmart the competition without breaking a sweat. All you need to do is learn how social media works, apply some excellent marketing techniques, and voila! You are one step ahead of all your other competitors. One of the most effective techniques to ensure such achievement within your business is to learn what a social media audit is. Not familiar with it? Well, you just happened to be in the right place.


Image taken from Hollabox

What is a Social Media Audit?

A social media audit means assessing your social media growth. It involves implementing a thorough review of your online business's metrics to get a grasp of possible improvements quickly. When you conduct a social media audit, you are refreshing your business website to give it a sense of a newer look and feel. It is like analyzing what elements and styles work efficiently on your business website and which ones need to be replaced.

Every time an online business decides to conduct a social media audit, they mainly analyze its social media platforms' engagements. This includes elements such as comments, likes, impressions, and shares of every website content they create. A social media audit process can consist of setting up a Google Analytics report. This social media audit helps companies get a clearer glimpse of how much website traffic or completed goals are generated from their website visitors through their social media accounts.

Understanding how to do a social media audit includes the following tasks:

  • Identify what specific social media strategies are still working and what is not.
  • Implement social listening tools to see what content your competitors are posting on their social media pages.
  • Refresh your platform's business profile, cover images, descriptions, etc.
  • Check website analytics and performance within a specific time frame.
  • Update permissions


Image taken from Hips

Why Conduct a Social Media Audit

Social media audit helps you understand your social media conversions. As someone joining a competitive field like the world of eCommerce, you must know how to maximize every weapon you have, just like social media. Online consumers have become more aware of digital businesses using social media to present their products and services. Though most online consumers love visiting various business websites, not everyone is interested and willing to make a purchase. While some online visitors are firm with their buying decisions, there are still a lot who can still be significantly influenced with. As an entrepreneur, it is your task to grab every opportunity that comes along your way.

Conversions play a crucial role in helping a business reach its goal. Successfully converting a customer can help a company increase its ranks on various search engine results. However, conversion strategies applied by online companies don't always work as how they were planned. Social media audit helps you quickly identify the weak areas hindering conversions. By learning how to do a social media audit, you can smartly use your social media platforms to perform your marketing advocacies and give you why your website isn't converting. From there, you can start creating a more improved social media strategy you can use again on your online visitors and, this time, successfully convert them into sure buyers.


Image taken from Little Helpers

How to Do a Social Media Audit?

Understanding how to do a social media audit is more fun if you know where to keep your focus. To help you conduct a social media audit, here are some interesting tips you can use as a guide and keep you from getting stressed.

1. List it All

The first step in doing a social media audit, like a pro, is listing all your social media accounts. You may think you already know your social media accounts, but sometimes you won't notice that you are missing one or two. One common mistake entrepreneurs make is identifying which social media platforms they use and what they use them for. Listing all your social media accounts will make it easier for you to sort out all platforms you use for your business. You can easily organize and define how you will implement a specific marketing strategy for each. Listing all your accounts before you conduct a social media audit can help you quickly find every issue for each platform.

As soon as you finally organize them, you can now proceed to inspect each case for every platform and then create a plan on how you are going to fix each. Having a list of all your social accounts can also save you from the trouble of having duplicate accounts, which can mislead your potential customers.

2. Check Branding

Your branding is the next element you need to check for your social media audit. Your brand defines you as who you are from all your other competitors. With social media being too massive these days, having a lot of competitors who have similarities with you is inevitable. To outsmart them, always conduct a social media audit directed at your branding. Conduct thorough check-ups on your social media platforms to ensure your websites are all up to date. Check your social media profiles, banner images, and account bio to see if they are still in line with whatever your business is currently promoting.

Make sure that your username is related to your business brand to ensure that your customers can identify you in any social media account you have that they follow. If you have pinned posts, anchored links, hashtags, and keywords, conduct a social media audit and check if all of them are still working and in line with your current goals.

3. Identify Top-Performing Accounts

Knowing your best skills and weapons is an advantage in the world of digital business. You must know how to identify which you excel at and maximize your efforts on how you can maintain it. When you conduct a social media audit, always include identifying which are your top-performing content from all your social media platforms.

  • What type of website content is helping you get more attention?
  • Does your audience prefer blogs, photos, or videos?
  • Do people from all your social media platforms respond similarly to your news feed?
  • Do people interact with your post every time you ask a question?
  • Are your top website posts aligned with your current brand advocacy?

Find out which content gathered the most engagement from your online audience. What you can do is list at least your top five pieces of content from each of your social media accounts. You can inspect this content and see why your online customers got hooked on such posts. You can also rank them based on the highest engagements and see how they differ from each other with the attention they get from your market. Doing this step can help you pinpoint your best areas and use it as an opportunity to create more of them to continue driving traffic to your business website.

4. Understand Your Audience

One thing about your online audience is that they will always be different from each other. No matter how similar your posts are on all your social media platforms, they will always receive various engagements. Not because your Facebook followers shared and interacted a lot with your posts means they will do the same on your Instagram account. Now what you can do before you conduct a social media audit is to get to know your audience demographics. Find out what type of audience is interacting with you for each social media platform you have.

  • Do you have more young followers on Instagram than on your Facebook account?
  • Do people from your TikTok page share your posts more than on your Twitter account?
  • What specific posts does your audience interact with more on all your social media platforms?

Learn your demographics for your social media accounts to help you understand your audience more. As soon as you know your audience, it will be easier for you to create specified marketing strategies that fit the demands of the audience type you have. It will save you money, time, and effort to make the right attack for the wrong target.

Image taken from SNOBB

Mastering how to do social media audit can have many sound effects on your brand's image. It can provide you with helpful information you can use to make a better online platform that online consumers would like to go back to again and again. Though it may sound too much at first, you will soon find yourself enjoying the process, which will help you get closer to your audience. After all, the main goal for every business is to satisfy its audience.

If you want to know more about the world of digital commerce and social media, chat with us today, and we'll get you started.