Proven Strategies for Turning Cold Traffic Into Paying Customers

Cold traffic is the starting point for any business looking to expand its customer base and drive sales. With the right strategies and tactics, it is possible to convert cold traffic into warm or hot traffic, which is more likely to convert into paying customers.

Today, we will dive deeply into the specifics of cold traffic, including its types, sources, and characteristics. We will also explore strategies for generating and converting cold traffic and best practices for creating effective lead magnets and landing pages.

By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of cold traffic and the tools you need to generate and convert it to warm or hot traffic.

Let's get started.

What is Cold Traffic, and Why Is It Important?

Cold traffic definition is easy to understand. Basically, it refers to individuals or groups who have yet to interact or engage with your business. These are potential customers that have yet to be exposed to your brand or products.

The importance of cold traffic in digital marketing cannot be overstated because it is the foundation for any successful online business. Generating and converting cold traffic requires a well-rounded approach that combines different strategies, such as content marketing, paid advertising, influencer marketing, referral marketing, and search engine optimization.

Understanding Cold Traffic: Types, Sources, and Characteristics

graph of performance analytics on a laptop

It's now time to delve into the deep. Everyone knows what "traffic" means, but cold traffic? Let's take a look.

Types of Cold Traffic

  • Organic cold traffic. These are the cold audience who visit your website through organic search results or non-paid referral sources such as social media or online forums. These visitors have not been exposed to your brand or products before but may be interested in your niche or industry.
  • Paid cold traffic. These are visitors who visit your website through paid advertising such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, or Instagram Ads. These visitors may not have heard of your brand or products before, but they have been targeted based on specific characteristics, such as interests or demographics.

Sources of Cold Traffic

  • Search engines. Cold traffic can come from search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. These visitors may have been searching for keywords related to your niche or industry before landing on your page.
  • Social media. A cold audience can come from social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. These visitors may have seen your content or ads while browsing social media.
  • Referral websites. Cold traffic can come from referral websites such as online forums, blogs, or directories. These visitors may have been referred to your website by another website or individual.
  • Paid advertising. Cold traffic can come from paid advertising sources such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, or Instagram Ads. These visitors may have been targeted based on specific characteristics, such as interests or demographics.

Characteristics of Cold Traffic

  • Low engagement. Cold traffic is characterized by low engagement because these visitors do not know you yet. They have yet to interact with your brand.
  • Low conversion rate. You can't really expect high conversion rates from people who are not familiar with your brand. Cold traffic tends to have a low conversion rate.
  • Limited information. Cold traffic visitors often need more information about your business, products, or services.
  • Anonymous. Cold traffic can be anonymous, meaning you may not have any information about your visitor's demographics, behavior, or interests.
  • Previous interaction. Cold audiences have no prior interaction or engagement with your business, making it harder to predict their behavior and interests. They cannot be part of your buyer persona just yet.

Strategies for Generating Cold Traffic

If you are a business owner or a content manager, there are several strategies you can use to generate cold traffic, including:

  • Content marketing. Creating valuable and informative content can attract visitors interested in your niche or industry. You can attract and engage a cold audience by regularly producing high-quality blog posts, videos, infographics, e-books, and other types of content.
  • Paid advertising. You can utilize paid advertising like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads to target specific demographics and interests. This can be an effective way to generate cold traffic, but it requires a budget.
  • Influencer marketing. Partnering with influencers in your niche or industry can expose your brand and products to a new audience. Influencer marketing can be a great way to generate cold traffic because influencers have a large following of engaged followers.
  • Referral marketing. Encouraging satisfied customers to refer their friends and family can be an effective way to generate cold traffic. You can encourage happy customers to spread the word about your business by providing referral incentives.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO). Optimizing your website for search engines can help increase your visibility in organic search results. SEO is a cost-effective way to generate a cold audience because it involves improving your website's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) so that it appears at the top of the search page.
  • Social Media. Creating a strong presence on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter can help generate cold traffic by attracting potential customers interested in your niche or industry. You can also generate cold traffic through community building.

Combining these strategies can effectively generate cold traffic and increase your chances of turning them into warm or hot traffic. Remember that it's essential to be consistent, creative, and engaging with your content to keep your audience interested and grow your reach.

Cold to Hot: Converting Cold Traffic to Hot Traffic

You now have cold traffic. Now the questions, "how do you convert cold traffic?" or "what do you do with them?" Convert them, of course! Need help with how to do it? Here are four crucial points on how to convert a cold audience to a really hot one:

1. Optimize for conversions

Your website should be optimized for conversions, meaning it should be designed to guide visitors toward a specific action, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form. Use lead magnets, calls to action, and landing pages to convert a cold audience to a hot buyer.

Hollabox landing page with download button

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

2. Use retargeting

Retargeting is a powerful tool to convert a cold audience into warm or hot traffic. By tracking the behavior of visitors to your website, you can retarget them with ads that are specifically tailored to their interests and needs.

3. Use email marketing

Strikingly edit newsletter page

Image taken from Strikingly

Email marketing is an effective way to convert cold traffic into warm or hot traffic. By capturing email addresses from visitors to your website, you can use email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and encourage conversions.

4. Use analytics to track and measure.

Use analytics tools to track and measure your website traffic, including the behavior of cold traffic visitors. Using analytics will give you a better understanding of converting cold traffic and will allow you to make data-driven decisions to improve your conversion rate.

Sample of Strikingly analytics

Image taken from Strikingly

Here's what you need to remember: converting a cold audience is a process that can take time. It doesn't happen overnight, so you have to be patient. However, by creating a positive user experience, providing valuable content, and utilizing retargeting, email marketing, and analytics, you can increase the chances of converting cold traffic into warm or hot traffic.

Additionally, It's essential to regularly test and optimize your website to improve conversion rates and monitor your competitors' performance to stay ahead of the curve.

We're Hot! Use Strikingly to Convert Cold Traffic


Image taken from Strikingly

Yes, you can use Strikingly website builder to convert cold traffic, although it might require additional steps and tools. Here are a few ways you can use Strikingly to convert cold traffic:

  • Optimize your Strikingly website for conversions. Strikingly website builder allows you to design a website optimized for conversions. Take advantage of features like sign-up forms, compelling calls-to-action sections, and gorgeous mobile-optimized landing pages. These features can help guide a cold audience toward a specific action, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form.
  • Use retargeting pixels. Strikingly allows you to add retargeting pixels to your website via custom code, so you can track visitors' behavior and retarget them with ads tailored to their interests and needs.
  • Use Email marketing. Strikingly lets you connect your website to email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, etc. You can capture email addresses from visitors to your website and use Strikingly's email marketing feature to nurture leads and encourage conversions.
  • Use analytics. If you use Strikingly, you can connect your website to different analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, to track and measure your website traffic, including the behavior of cold traffic visitors. Analytics will give you a better understanding of who your cold traffic is and let you make data-driven decisions to improve your conversion rate.

Understanding how to convert cold traffic into a hot buyer list is vital. But your marketing efforts don't end there. Once you've executed an effective cold-to-hot conversion strategy, you should continuously analyze and measure your results. You should also continually nurture your relationship with your previously cold-but-now-warm clients to get more return for your investment.