drive conversion on your website to increase paying customers

In today's business world, everything revolves around eCommerce and online sales. One term that only needs to be spoken more of is 'conversion rate.' Conversions on a website are related to getting a response from customers. If we elaborate on it, you drive conversions to ensure you involve your customers in action with the help of a call to action (CTA). For example, if you have an eCommerce website, you can urge your customers to buy a product. Similarly, you can ask your customers to leave feedback after purchasing.

Customer response comes in the form of transactions through a purchase. It can also be about converting their free subscription to paid subscription. The objective of a conversion rate is to convert customers, which is crucial to increased revenue and profit. Learning how to drive conversion must be your ultimate aim for the growth of your business.

Importance of Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is a crucial part of the sales funnel. If website traffic shows the number of visitors, conversion rate indicates the number of people who took your desired action. For example, you can convert customers by urging people to buy a product from your store. A conversion rate is more pivotal to your digital marketing strategies than website traffic.

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Although website traffic is also essential, there is no point in attracting visitors who don't buy your products and services. You drive conversions to encourage your visitors to make a sale, which will help you to earn more profits. Apart from the revenue, here are some of the crucial benefits you can attain from converting customers:

  • Determine whether your business strategy is a failure or a success
  • Inform you if your business strategy is functioning, leaving you extra cash to experiment with other marketing tactics
  • Improve your website campaigns and sales process

When converting customers, you automatically improve the aspects necessary to drive your prospects down the sales funnel. However, remember that these numbers aren't always factual. You should follow your conversion rate numbers carefully because they can be deceiving. You must know how to evaluate your data to get an accurate reading of what the conversion rate means for your business.

Tips to Drive Conversions On Your Website

1) Use the Perfect Call to Action

The CTA button is one of the most significant ways to drive conversions on a website. Providing CTAs will inform the customers what they will get after visiting your website.

However, it would help if you were specific with your choice of words on your CTA button. For example, people would be hesitant to click on "Download" or "Sign Up." You should avoid risky offers and provide them high value, such as checklists and reports. This approach will help you to convert customers and earn quality revenue.

When discussing CTAs, you shouldn't just put your hopes on the "Contact Us" form. This form is one of the least effective CTAs and isn't a reliable option to increase your conversion rate. To catch your viewer's attention, you must check out the different variants of CTA buttons and see their effectiveness.

2) Include Testimonials on Your Homepage

Testimonials aren't just there to drive conversions but also help create social proof on your website. They are precious for building the credibility of eCommerce websites. According to a stat shared by Mention, 64% of customers read testimonials before thinking about the buying process on a website.

There are two types of testimonials, i.e., written and video. Regardless of your written testimonials' length, you must ensure they are authentic and convincing. If we were to recommend, video testimonials are the better way to convert customers because videos help to showcase your praise in an improved manner. However, it would be best to distribute testimonials throughout the website, such as pricing and checkout pages.

3) Create Quality Content

Creating quality content is the king on the Internet and is one of the common ways to drive conversions on your website. Quality content isn't just about providing helpful information; it is also about understanding your target audience and the topic you are writing about. For example, if you own a blog website, you must publish and promote your blogs regularly on your platform. It is also necessary the boost your search engine ranking.

Quality content on your website will make your visitors stay around for longer and learn more about your company. It would be best to add variations to your content, including video, audio, and visual content. Viewers also love sharing this type of content on their social media platforms.

4) Educate Users Through Webinar

Webinars can be one of the most effective ways to drive conversions and attract new leads to your business. They enable you to educate your viewers about current problems, get you regarded as a credible source of information, and build a good reputation for your brand.

Before you create a webinar, you must prepare the event in advance, choose a subject related to their problems, identify a presenter, and set your time and date.

Remember to promote your webinar two weeks in advance across all the channels. You can deliver a note to your email list, talk about your webinars through blogs, and promote your content on social media.

5) Try to Improve Website Speed

It would be best to remember the speed factor when you drive conversions on your website. It is one of the critical factors for a high search engine ranking. It is one of the biggest priorities for eCommerce websites today.

If you prioritize a decrease in page loading time, you will see a surge in your website's conversion rate and overall traffic. You can go through Google Pagespeed Insights to learn more about your website speed. It is a free tool that helps you to identify specific problem areas within your site.

6) Convert Visitors to Subscribers

Many famous and successful blog sites have multiple readers and fans on social media. However, how do you get a huge fan following on your blogs? One of the best ways to boost your online presence is through your email list.

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Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Regardless of whether you have an extensive email list, it would be best if you tried to build your fanbase every day. For example, you can offer exciting things to your viewers, such as videos, podcasts, or infographics, in exchange for subscribing.

If you want to build a prolific email list, you can integrate email opt-in forms on your website footer, header, sidebar, or in the last paragraph of your blogs. You can use a unique line to teach your viewers about the benefits. Landing pages can also be essential as they decrease distraction and help users focus on your call to action.

Rely on Strikingly to Drive Conversions

In today's digital world, you must need a high-quality website for your profession. Whether an in-house worker or a freelancer, you need a professional website to show your credibility. Strikingly is a high-quality website builder that enables you to drive conversions by building a top-notch website in a matter of hours. One of the reasons why Strikingly is a reliable website builder is because it provides you with a user-friendly environment for building a website.

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Once you register on our platform, you will gain access to numerous ready-to-use website templates. All our provided templates are responsive, which means all portable devices can access them. You can customize your preferred template according to your business or working plans. We take care of all the technical-related aspects of your website to secure a smooth browsing experience for your visitors.

Strikingly also provides a drag-and-drop feature, which helps you upload images and visual content to your website. Adding visuals is one of the easy ways to drive conversion because images, more than written content, urge people. You don't need to do any programming or coding to incorporate infographics or videos into your website.

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Image taken from Strikingly

Social media marketing is another effective way to convert customers. By attracting visitors to your platform through social media posts, you can see your website statistics to see whether people come to your website through ads. You can go through the website statistics through your Strikingly dashboard.

multiple payment gateways

Image taken from Strikingly

Lastly, Strikingly provides users with multiple payment gateways to support their eCommerce website. We provide our customers with PayPal, Stripe, and Square, enabling them to pay through their credit or debit card. The multiple payment options help you to provide a quality shopping experience to your customers when they buy products from your online store. Eventually, it enables you to drive conversions to a great extent.


Once you learn how to drive conversions on your platform, you won't have to worry about its online presence. However, it all comes with having a professional and feature-rich website at your disposal. If you can take care of your website's conversion rate, all other aspects of your business will fall into place.

Strikingly is a professional website-building platform that provides you with all the necessary features. We regularly update our features to provide users with a time-saving and cost-effective experience while building their websites. You can contact our Happiness Officers immediately if you want to learn more about building a professional website to convert customers.