Domain Security Best Practices for Small Business Owners: A Comprehensive Guide

If you're reading this, you're probably already familiar with the importance of having a domain name that represents your brand and helps you reach your customers online. But have you considered the security of your domain? Yes, that's right, we're talking about domain security - the steps you can take to protect your website from cyber threats and keep your customers' information safe.

If you're scratching your head and thinking, "What is domain security? Is that a real thing?" don't worry; you're not alone. Many small business owners focus on building their website and promoting their brand but overlook the crucial aspect of securing their domain name. In this guide, we'll walk you through the basics of domain security and provide you with best practices to keep your website safe and secure.

But that's not all - we're also excited to introduce you to Strikingly, a website builder that can help you create a stunning and secure website in no time. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, Strikingly has the tools and resources you need to make a great first impression online.

Pretty Olive domain

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

If you're wondering how to secure a domain name or looking for a domain security policy that works for your business, you've come to the right place.

Let's dive in and learn how to protect your online presence with domain security best practices.

Domain Security Threats: Are They Real?

Now that we've established the importance of domain security, let's take a closer look at some common domain security threats. And yes, they are real–very, very real.

The internet can be a scary place, full of hackers, cybercriminals, and all sorts of digital dangers. But fear not - with a little bit of knowledge and some proactive steps, you can protect your website and your customers' information from these threats.

What Is Domain Security?

In a nutshell, domain security is the practice of securing your domain name and the associated information and data. This can include protecting against unauthorized access, preventing data breaches, and keeping your website and email accounts safe from hackers.

It's all about protecting your domain name and the precious data that comes with it. You don't want some hacker getting their grubby little hands on your website or email accounts, do you? I didn't think so.

To keep your domain secure, you need to take a few precautions.

  • Firstly, get creative with those passwords. None of that "password123" nonsense, please.
  • Two-factor authentication is also a must-have, so your account stays locked up tighter than Fort Knox.
  • Don't forget to update your security patches regularly, or you'll be a sitting duck for cyber attacks.

But it's not just your domain name that needs protecting; your website and email accounts also need some TLC. Ensure you're using secure hosting, encrypting all data transmissions, and keeping an eye on all security protocols. It's like taking care of a baby; it needs constant attention and care, but trust us, it's worth it.

No matter the size of your business or organization, domain name security is a must-have. With cyber-attacks and data breaches happening left, right, and center, you don't want to be the next victim. Take the necessary steps to keep your domain secure, and you can rest easy knowing that no one will mess with your online presence.

Can These Threats Affect Small Businesses?

Yes. Hackers and cyber criminals don’t care about the size of your business or company.

Cybercriminals use various methods to steal or damage your website and data. One of the most common domain security threats is phishing. Phishing is a type of attack that tricks you into giving away your login credentials, financial information, or personal data by posing as a legitimate entity. It's often done through deceptive emails, links, or pop-ups that look real but are designed to steal information.

Another common threat is domain hijacking, where cybercriminals gain control of your domain name and use it for fraudulent activities, such as redirecting traffic to their website or sending spam emails. This can severely damage your online reputation and negatively impact your search engine rankings.

Malware and viruses are also significant threats to domain security. These malicious programs can infect your website and spread to your customers' devices, stealing their sensitive information or damaging their devices. These threats are often hidden in seemingly harmless downloads or links.

It's important to note that these threats are not limited to larger companies, and small businesses are often targeted due to weaker security protocols. Therefore, it's crucial to implement best practices and take proactive steps to secure your domain.

Examples Of Recent Domain Security Breaches

These threats can have serious consequences for small businesses, ranging from loss of customer trust to financial damage. Recent examples of domain security breaches include the Marriott data breach last 2018, in which the personal information of millions of customers was compromised, and the Equifax data breach in 2017, which exposed the personal data of over 140 million people.

Other examples of domain security breaches include the Twitter hack in which several high-profile accounts were compromised, leading to fraudulent Bitcoin transactions, and the GoDaddy data breach in which an unauthorized individual gained access to the login credentials of multiple accounts.

But don't panic - with the right approach to domain security, you can protect your business and your customers from these threats. In the next section, we'll discuss best practices for securing your domain and keeping your online presence safe and secure.

Best Practices for Domain Security

Best Practices for Domain Security

Now that we've covered some common domain security threats, let's talk about best practices for securing your domain. These practices can help you protect your website and your customers' information from cyber threats, and maintain the integrity of your online presence.

1. Updating Software And Maintaining Strong Passwords

One of the most important things you can do to secure your domain is to keep your software up-to-date and maintain strong passwords. It may seem like a no-brainer, but it's amazing how many people neglect these basic security measures. Outdated software can leave your website vulnerable to hackers, while weak passwords can be easily guessed or cracked.

Updating software and maintaining strong passwords are fundamental components of domain name security. When software is outdated, it becomes vulnerable to attacks and exploits that can lead to unauthorized access to your website and its data. Software updates often address vulnerabilities and patch security holes that have been identified. It is crucial to stay up to date with these updates to keep your website protected from new and emerging threats.

Additionally, strong passwords are crucial to prevent unauthorized access to your domain and website. Weak passwords are easy for hackers to guess or crack, giving them access to sensitive information and control over your website. It is recommended to use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols in your passwords and avoid using easily guessable information such as your name, birth date, or pet's name.

2. Implementing SSL Certificates And HTTPS

Implementing SSL certificates and HTTPS

Another essential element of domain security is the use of SSL certificates and HTTPS. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol for establishing secure connections between a web server and a browser, while HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is the secure version of HTTP that uses SSL. Together, these technologies provide an encrypted connection that can help protect your website and your customers' data from prying eyes.

In addition to providing security, SSL and HTTPS also play a critical role in building customer trust. When visitors see the green padlock icon in their browser's address bar, they know their connection to your site is encrypted and their data is being kept safe. This can help build confidence in your brand and encourage customers to do business with you.

When it comes to building a website for your small business, using a secure website builder like Strikingly can provide an additional layer of protection. Strikingly is committed to ensuring the security of its users' websites and offers a range of security features, such as HTTPS and SSL, to help protect your online presence.

3. Using A Domain Registrar With Strong Security Protocols

In addition to these practices, it's also important to use a domain registrar with strong security protocols. Your domain registrar is the company that manages your domain name, and they play a key role in securing your online presence. Look for a registrar that offers two-factor authentication, DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions), and other security features.

Using a reputable domain registrar is crucial for protecting your domain name. Two-factor authentication, for instance, adds an extra layer of security by requiring a code or token in addition to your password to access your account. DNSSEC helps prevent DNS spoofing and ensures visitors are directed to the correct website. You should also consider enabling WHOIS domain privacy to keep your personal information out of the public record. It's important to research and compare domain registrars to ensure you choose one that meets your security needs.

It's worth noting that even if you're diligent about maintaining strong passwords and using SSL certificates, you're not completely immune to domain name security threats. Hackers are constantly coming up with new and creative ways to exploit vulnerabilities in websites and online systems. That's why it's important to stay informed about the latest threats and to take proactive steps to protect your domain.

Fortunately, many website builders, such as Strikingly, have built-in security measures to help protect your domain and your customers' data. Strikingly uses HTTPS and SSL certificates to secure its users' websites, and also employs a variety of other security protocols to protect against common threats like DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks.

By following these best practices, you can secure your domain and keep your website safe from cyber threats. In the next section, we'll discuss how Strikingly can help you implement these practices and create a secure online presence.

Domain Security and Strikingly: The Perfect Pair

Strikingly ensures all its domains are secured

Image taken from Strikingly

Now that we've covered some best practices for domain security, let's talk about how Strikingly can help you implement these practices and create a secure online presence. Strikingly is a website builder that makes it easy for small business owners to create professional-looking websites without any coding or design skills.

  • How Strikingly Protects Its Users' Domain Information

But what about security? You might be wondering how Strikingly protects its users' domain information and keeps their websites secure. Well, fear not - Strikingly takes domain name security seriously, and has implemented a range of security protocols to keep your website and your customers' information safe.

  • Strikingly's Use Of HTTS And SSL Certificates

One of the most important security measures that Strikingly uses is HTTPS and SSL certificates. As we mentioned earlier, these technologies provide an encrypted connection that can help protect your website and your customers' data from hackers and other cyber threats. Strikingly automatically sets up HTTPS and SSL certificates for all websites created on its platform, so you don't have to worry about doing it yourself.

Fighting Pretty - Strikingly domain with domain security

Image taken from Strikingly - Fighting Pretty

In addition to HTTPS and SSL, Strikingly also uses other security features to protect your domain information. This DNSSEC, which helps prevent DNS spoofing and other attacks. Strikingly also has data backup and recovery processes in place to protect your website and your customers' information in case of a data loss event. You can have peace of mind knowing that your website is safe and secure, even in the worst-case scenario.

Free Strikingly Domain with Domain Security

Image taken from Strikingly - Two Little Bells

Regularly Update Your Strikingly Website's Security Settings

But it's not enough to just have these security features and forget about them. It's also important to regularly update your Strikingly website's security settings and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity, including updating your Strikingly account password every three months.

By using Strikingly, you can take advantage of these security features and create a professional, secure online presence for your small business. In the next section, we'll summarize the key takeaways from this guide and provide some final tips for securing your domain.


Congratulations, you've made it to the end of our comprehensive guide to domain name security for small business owners! We hope you've learned a lot about what domain security is, why it's important, and how to secure your domain name.

In summary, some of the best practices for securing your domain include updating your software and using strong passwords, using HTTPS and SSL certificates, and choosing a domain registrar with strong security protocols. And if you're using Strikingly to build your website, you can take advantage of its built-in security features like DNSSEC, and data backup and recovery.

Follow these best practices and take advantage of Strikingly's security features. You can help protect your website and your customers' information from cyber threats and create a professional, secure online presence for your small business.

What are you waiting for? Go forth and secure your domain like a pro! And if you need help along the way, remember that Strikingly is here to support you every step of the way. With its user-friendly platform and robust security measures, Strikingly is the perfect solution for small business owners who want to create a secure and professional website without hassle.

Thanks for reading our guide, and we wish you all the best in your domain security efforts!