Crafting Effective Home Page

As a small business owner, you know how important having a solid online presence is. One of the critical elements of any business website is the homepage. Your homepage is like the front door of your online business. It's the first thing visitors see when they land on your site, and it's your chance to make a great first impression. That's why crafting an effective homepage showcasing your brand, messaging, and products or services is crucial.

This article will discuss the key elements of an effective business website homepage and how you can use a free website builder like Strikingly to create a professional-looking homepage for your small business websites. Whether you're just starting or looking to revamp your existing website, keep reading for tips on small business website design that will help you make a lasting impression.

Key Elements Of An Effective Business Website Homepage

Alright, let's dive into the key elements of an effective business website homepage.

  • Clear Branding and Messaging

Your homepage should clearly communicate your brand identity and the value you offer to your customers. Use consistent branding elements like your logo, color scheme, and font throughout business websites. Also, use concise and compelling messaging that explains what your business does and how you can solve your customers' problems.

  • Call-to-action

Another essential aspect of an effective homepage is including clear calls-to-action. It can be in the form of buttons encouraging visitors to take a specific action, such as "Contact Us" or "Shop Now."

Call to action buttons on homepage

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Make your calls-to-action stand out on your homepage, using contrasting colors, clear and concise text, and placement in strategic locations such as above the fold or in the header. You should also use action-oriented language encouraging visitors to act, such as "Sign up for our newsletter" or "Get started now."

It's vital to ensure that your calls-to-action are relevant to your business and align with your goals. For example, if you're an e-commerce site, your calls-to-action might encourage visitors to purchase or browse your products. If you're a service-based business, your calls-to-action might encourage visitors to schedule a consultation or request a quote.

Finally, it's important to track the effectiveness of your calls-to-action using analytics tools. By monitoring click-through rates and conversions, you can determine which calls-to-action are working well and make adjustments to improve their performance over time.

  • Clean and Simple Design

A cluttered homepage can overwhelm visitors and may even turn them away from your business. Keep your design clean and simple with plenty of white space, clear headlines, and high-quality visuals. It helps your messaging to stand out and makes it easier for visitors to navigate your site.

  • Mobile Responsiveness

In today's digital age, more people are accessing the internet on their mobile devices than desktop computers. That's why it's crucial to ensure your business website is mobile-responsive. Your site should be optimized to look and function well on smaller screens, with easy-to-tap buttons and clear, readable text.

  • Effective Navigation

Your homepage should provide clear and intuitive navigation that helps visitors easily find what they want. It includes a menu with links to your most important pages and a search bar for those who prefer to browse by keyword.

Easy Navigation On Homepage

Image taken from a Strikingly user's website

  • Social Proof and Testimonials

Adding social proof to your homepage can help build trust with your visitors and encourage them to take action. Consider adding customer testimonials, case studies, or logos of well-known brands you've worked with to showcase your credibility and expertise.

  • Loading Speed

Another essential aspect to consider is the loading speed of your website. Visitors are more likely to leave your website if it takes too long to load, so optimizing your site's loading time is essential. It can be done by optimizing images and videos, compressing files, and using a reliable hosting provider.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

An effective homepage should also be optimized for search engines, in other words, SEO, so potential customers can easily find your business online. It involves using relevant keywords in your headlines and content, optimizing your images with alt tags, and building high-quality backlinks to your site.

  • Clear Value Proposition

Your homepage should communicate the value your business provides to its customers. Highlighting the benefits of your products or services and explaining how they can solve your customers' problems or meet their needs. Doing this lets you quickly capture your visitors' attention and encourage them to explore your website further.

  • Regular Updates

Regularly updating your homepage with fresh content, promotions, or new product offerings can help keep visitors engaged and encourage them to return to your site. It also shows that your business is active and responsive to customer needs.

  • User-friendly Forms

If your website requires visitors to fill out forms, such as contact or registration forms, it's essential to make them user-friendly. Keep them short, simple, and easy to fill out, and only ask for essential information. Also, make sure to include clear instructions and error messages to help users avoid mistakes.

Use Of Forms On Homepage

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

  • Accessibility

Your homepage should be accessible to all users, regardless of any disabilities they may have. Ensure that your site is designed with accessibility in mind, with features like alt tags for images, text transcripts for videos, and high-contrast text for users with visual impairments.

  • Security

With cyber threats on the rise, ensuring your website is secure for your business and visitors is crucial. Use a reliable hosting provider, implement SSL encryption, and keep your software and plugins up-to-date.

  • Engaging Content

In addition to having clear messaging, your homepage should also have engaging content that captivates your visitors and encourages them to stay on your site longer. It can include eye-catching visuals, interactive elements, or videos that showcase your products or services.

  • Personalization

Personalization is becoming increasingly important in today's digital landscape. By tailoring your homepage content and messaging to specific audiences, you can create a more personalized experience for your visitors and increase the chances of converting them into customers.

Effective homepages of business websites should have clear branding and messaging, a clean and simple design, mobile responsiveness, effective navigation, social proof and testimonials, fast loading speed, SEO optimization, a clear value proposition, and regular updates. By following these guidelines, you can create a homepage that leaves a lasting impression on your visitors and helps your business stand out.

Now that we've covered the key elements of an effective business website homepage, let's explore how you can build a website homepage quickly.

The Role of Strikingly in Crafting a Professional Homepage

Strikingly is a website builder that offers a variety of professional homepage templates to choose from. Whether looking for a sleek and modern design or something more traditional, Strikingly has got you covered.

Strikingly's Features

One of the best things about Strikingly is its easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor, which allows you to customize your homepage design without needing any coding skills. You can add and arrange sections like text, images, videos, and more to create the perfect layout for your small business websites.

Strikingly also offers a range of customization options, including font styles, colors, and backgrounds. You can easily tailor your homepage to match your branding and messaging.

Customizable template for homepage

Image taken from Strikingly

Mobile-Responsive Templates and User-Friendly Interface

Another great feature of Strikingly is its mobile-responsive templates. All of Strikingly's templates are designed to look great on any device, which means your small business website will look professional and polished no matter how your visitors view it.

Additionally, Strikingly's user-friendly interface makes it easy to create and manage your website, even if you have no prior experience with website design. The platform offers a simple and intuitive dashboard that lets you edit and update your homepage and other pages with just a few clicks.

Overall, Strikingly is an excellent choice for small business website design, especially when creating a professional and effective homepage. Let's move on to some tips for using Strikingly to create an effective homepage for your business website.

Tips for Using Strikingly to Create an Effective Homepage

Now that you understand the benefits of using Strikingly to create a professional homepage for your business websites, let's dive into some tips for using the platform effectively.

  • Choosing The Right Template

When selecting a template for your business website, choosing one that fits your brand identity and the message you want to convey is important. Consider the tone and style of your business, and choose a template that reflects that. Strikingly offers a range of templates designed for different industries and business types, so you're sure to find one that fits your needs.

  • Customizing Your Homepage Design

Once you've chosen a template, it's time to customize it to fit your branding and messaging. Use Strikingly's drag-and-drop editor to add and arrange sections like text, images, videos, and more. Use consistent branding elements like your logo, color scheme, and font throughout your homepage design. Additionally, use clear and compelling messaging that explains what your business does and how you can solve your customers' problems.

  • Mobile Optimization

Besides customizing the design and layout, it's vital to ensure that your homepage is mobile-responsive. With more and more people accessing the internet through their mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial. Fortunately, all of Strikingly's templates are optimized for mobile devices, so you can be sure that your homepage will look great on any screen size.

  • Optimizing Navigation And Social Proof Elements

Another important aspect of an effective homepage is navigation. Your homepage should make it easy for visitors to find the information they're looking for and navigate to other areas of your website. Strikingly offers a range of navigation options, including dropdown menus, links to social media pages, and more.

Social proof is another critical element that can help establish trust and credibility with potential customers. Adding testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers can help demonstrate your expertise and build trust with visitors. Strikingly offers a range of social proof elements to add to your homepage easily.

  • Adding Call-To-Action (CTA) Buttons

Including clear and prominent Call-To-Action (CTA) buttons on your homepage is key to driving conversions. Whether you want visitors to sign up for your email list, purchase a product, or schedule a consultation, your CTA buttons should be clear and compelling. Strikingly offers a range of customizable CTA buttons, so you can choose the style and messaging that best suits your business goals.

  • SEO Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential to getting your website to rank higher on search engine results pages and ultimately drive more traffic. Strikingly offers a range of SEO tools to help you optimize your homepage for search engines, including the ability to add meta tags, descriptions, and keywords. Optimizing your homepage for SEO can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.

  • Analytics and Tracking

It's vital to track and measure the effectiveness of your homepage and website overall, so you can make informed decisions about improving and optimizing your online presence. Strikingly offers a range of analytics and tracking tools that allow you to monitor your website's performance, track visitor behavior, and identify areas for improvement.

Incorporating these tips when using Strikingly to create your business website homepage can help you create a more effective and successful online presence. By choosing the right template, customizing your design and messaging, optimizing navigation and social proof, adding CTA buttons, optimizing for SEO, and tracking performance, you can create a homepage that engages and converts visitors into customers.


In conclusion, having an effective homepage is crucial for business websites, especially for small businesses looking to establish themselves online. Your homepage is the first impression potential customers will have of your business, so it's essential to make it count.

Using Strikingly to create your business website can be a game-changer. It offers a range of professional homepage templates, an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, and a user-friendly interface. By following the tips we've discussed in this article and leveraging Strikingly's features, you can create a homepage that's visually appealing, effectively communicates your brand message, and drives conversions.

In short, an effective homepage is a key component of a successful business website, and Strikingly is a valuable tool that can help you achieve that goal. If you want to create a free website or enhance your small business website design, Strikingly may just be the tool you need.