comprehensive tutorial on blogging for beginners
It wasn’t long ago when blogging was classified as nothing more than a habit for an individual. People used to write their hearts out about different topics because they had a passion for doing it. However, the good news for bloggers today is that anyone can rake huge revenue from blogging. If you go through the tutorials of blogging for beginners, you will be able to earn huge income through it within no time. Before you move on to the tips and topics, it is important to understand the basics of blogging.

The word “blog” means the website content that you write that can also describe your products, services, profession, or your experience in general, without sounding like an advetisement. A blog contains different kinds of information related to the website in chronological order. It means that the newest version of information appears first and is followed by the older versions. The blog contains both written content and media content, such as images, GIFs, and videos. As a beginner, you must understand that your blogs can change according to your preferences or the blog niche that you prioritize.

Best Tips for Blogging

1) Brainstorming

Brainstorming comes first in terms of our blogging tips for beginners simply because it removes most of the doubts that a blogger has before starting a blog. You cannot be starting a blog without doing any kind of homework regarding your blog niche. Therefore, brainstorming is one of the most important tips when it comes to blogging for beginners. When you are brainstorming about your blogging topic, you must ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the blog topic that you are considering?
  • What is your target audience?
  • How much is your blog topic trending in the market?
  • How much research do you need to do before starting this blog?

relevant blog niche
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Usually, people tend to write on blogs with a lot of knowledge. Otherwise, they must do a lot of research before starting their piece. Blogging is just like driving a car, i.e., you cannot hit the fourth gear immediately. Instead, you have to make your way to the fourth gear. Similarly, you cannot just sit down and start blogging without doing homework or brainstorming.

2) Rely on an Effective Website Builder

If you have kickstarted your blogging career and want to know how to start a blog for the first time, you must create your base. A blogging base is an effective website builder or blog builder, such as Strikingly. When it comes to blogging for beginners, choosing a quality website builder is not the most important thing. Your first priority as a blogger is to improve readability and, obviously, avoid the grammatical mistakes.

strikingly blog site
Image taken from Strikingly

Once the bloggers have found a rhythm in their blogs, they start developing a blog website and integrating all the relevant content into it. It is important that they post their blogs regularly on their website. They cannot expect to publish just one blog post and expect to drive all the website traffic towards it.

The more blog posts you publish on your website, the more recognition your website will get. Your blogs will be popular within your audience, and you will have more traffic on your website. If you are having trouble creating a blog website on Strikingly, check out our Strikingly’s Discover page for inspiration and make notes. If you are a free plan user on Strikingly, you are eligible to create a basic blog website with all the required website features.

strikingly seo checklist
Image taken from Strikingly

Strikingly provides its users with an SEO checklist, which helps the users to cover all their website content and blogs from an SEO perspective. The SEO checklist looks at all the SEO factors, such as headlines, title tags, image tags (if images are added), image optimization, etc. Apart from that, you can also use Grammarly for removing any grammatical errors found on your website. If you want to check the plagiarism status, you can head over to Duplichecker or Small SEO Tools.

3) Readability

Once you have gone through the first two steps, you can start imagining that blogging for beginners isn’t a walk in the park for anyone. Many roadblocks are involved if you want to know how to start a successful blog. Successful blogs aren’t just about how many lines you can write in a blog. It is also about improving the readability status. Readability is defined as the ability to make your content enjoyable to read. To improve the readability status and make life easy for your viewers, you must divide your long paragraphs into smaller ones. Moreover, you should refrain from writing lengthy sentences as the readers will struggle to understand what they are reading. It is also important to refrain from the use of passive tone in your blogs. Whether you select Strikingly as your blogging platform or not, optional tools are available to add more features to your blog.

4) Monetization

You are almost done with your tutorial on blogging for beginners, but there is one important point that you cannot ignore at all costs, i.e., monetization. If you are a beginner blogger, monetization won’t be the first thing that appears in your mind, as you would solely focus on developing your blog efficiently.

Strikingly believes you must monetize your blog website to improve your revenue numbers. We have shared a list of techniques for you to maintain your readability status through the monetization of blogs:

  • Don’t use hat techniques to speed up the process of monetization
  • Be patient as passive income through blogging takes time
  • Build and promote your blogs and your brand
  • Do not do a lot of advertisements as they may cover your website content

5) Promotion

The last and most important step regarding blogging for beginners is the promotion of your blogs. Bloggers are prone to make numerous blogging mistakes, and one of them is when they invest all their energy in writing top-quality blogs and feel that their job is done. However, the reality is that their job is only half done because they have to spend similar energy on their promotional strategies. The best way to promote their blog posts is by creating a quality blog website on an established website builder, such as Strikingly.

promote website content
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Apart from the blog website, you can create quality advertisements on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. Create a compelling banner image alongside an effective caption, and put your blog link to make your blog is the center of attention for your target audience. By taking this approach, you can ensure that your social media followers eventually become part of your website traffic.

Best Blog Topics to Write

1) Politics

If you go through any of the tutorials regarding blogging for beginners, you will be taught one thing i.e. you must write as per the blogging trends. One of the big blogging mistakes conducted by individuals is that they will write blogs about an incident that happened in the 1980s that no one seems to be interested in. For example, politics is considered one of the most common blog niches in the world today.

People won't be interested if you talk about World War 1 or World War 2 in some of your blogs because it isn’t trending in the blogging trends. However, if you talk about the ongoing situation in Palestine and the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, people would be interested in hearing your opinion. Political situations remain relevant despite being 20-30 years old, i.e. 9/11. You can also write about them on its anniversary because it would be a significant topic on that day.

2) Healthcare

Just like the political situation in most countries, healthcare has also been a massive topic in the last few years. Since the COVID-19 pandemic came to the floor in early 2020, people have been discussing medications and healthcare more than ever. If you write about the COVID-19 situation in your country and the steps taken by your government to fight against it, people would be encouraged to hear your views.

Healthcare can be an interesting topic in blogging for beginners because it has been the trend for the last couple of years worldwide. Many bloggers are earning passive income through this blog niche because of its popularity among viewers. When it comes to understanding the basics of blogging, it is important that you get familiar with the trending topics.

Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

If you want to create a comprehensive outline of blogging for beginners, you must make a checklist of all the potential blogging mistakes you can make. You can write as much as you want on relevant or trending blogging topics, but it won’t be of any value if your blogs contain silly mistakes. The biggest mistake bloggers tend to make is plagiarized content. When you start your blogging career, you must understand that you simply cannot add plagiarized content to your blog website.

website content structure
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The moment Google understands that your website contains plagiarized content, it will not just ignore your webpage but won’t pay attention to any future blogs, even if they are good. Moreover, you must create a structure for your blog by adding headlines and creating paragraphs. You cannot expect a huge section in your blog and expect your viewers to read it entirely.


Everyone wants to know the basics of blogging and make revenue. Therefore, it is vital to go through our tutorial on blogging for beginners and create your habit a source of income.

The best way to earn money through blogging is by establishing an excellent blog website on Strikingly. On your Strikingly website, you can implement all the relevant marketing strategies so that your blogs make their way to your target audience. If you are having problems developing a fully-functional blog website on Strikingly, you can collaborate with our Happiness Officers. By promoting your blogs, you can give your audience plenty of reasons to be satisfied.