Cold Traffic

Online business owners frequently focus on attracting only hot customers enthralled by a product. Working with a cold audience appears to be too time-consuming and uncertain in return. Still, why pass up on hundreds of potential customers? You must use three types of targeting to get the most out of your marketing budget: cold, warm, and hot. Each traffic segment consists of a diverse group, from those who purchased from you to those who have never heard it. Different content should be used at each stage of the marketing funnel to add value and convert cold traffic into customers. This article will teach what is cold traffic, how to work with people who aren't aware they have a problem, and how to convert cold traffic and bring them into your sales funnel.

Cold Traffic Definition?

Someone unfamiliar with you, your brand, your solution, or your product/service is considered cold traffic. Cold traffic is the business's new lifeblood. It is an essential component of your marketing strategy because it entails reaching out to people in your target market. Suppose your company begins to establish authority while also building a relationship and trust with your targeted cold audience by providing information and resources that they find helpful. In that case, the cold audience can turn into warm traffic.

The Division of Web Traffic

There are three distinct types of website traffic for business marketing: cold, warm, and hot. Each type has distinctive characteristics and offers a variety of conversion opportunities.

1. Cold Traffic

Individuals who land on your website searching for their query and have never heard of or come across you before are considered cold traffic. Typically, they were not intentionally drawn to your brand and had no experience dealing with you before their landing.

Major Characteristics:

  • Have the lowest likelihood of purchasing from you
  • Are highly resistant to sales attempts

2. Heavy Traffic

The masses who regard you as a trustworthy business for collaboration believe what you say and expect what is promised to them to contribute to the high traffic. They have passed through your marketing funnel and given you their vote of confidence in the form of a sale.

Major Characteristics:

  • positioned at the end of the marketing funnel
  • ready to close the deal
  • once converted, eligible for upsell
  • Bring in more projects.
  • Maintain a high level of possibility for additional purchases

3. Warm Vehicle Traffic

Warm can refer to anything between cold and hot. Isn't that right? The warm traffic audience is analogous to the scientific fact that such people already know you. They may or may not have visited your website, but they have a sense of your company's expertise.

Major Characteristics:

  • They have begun to like and trust you, even if only a little
  • They are directly close and engaged, but indirectly afar to be a potential lead
  • They are not overly focused on purchasing offers
  • They are a little easier to convert

How Do You Convert Cold Traffic?

It is evident that before signing up for a subscription, or any service or feature, people usually raise objections, question its feasibility, and face numerous psychological barriers. Before approaching any business, they want to know if it is trustworthy, can answer their questions, solve problems, and relate well, and if so, if it can turn on these skeptical minds and compel them to take action. Both first-time visitors and returning customers will arrive at a parallel line somewhere and expect what was promised, including quality. The goal is not simply to sell but to develop and improve your relationships. So, how do we warm the cold traffic people and form long-term bonds with them?

1. Recurrence and Familiarity

cold traffic conversion

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Repetitiveness and familiarity may appear irrational, but believe it or not, when applied practically, they work exceptionally well. Let's use it in our personal lives and see what happens. You go to a party, meet someone first, exchange handshakes and names, and only engage in one or two conversations. This was a cold conversation, to put it mildly. Next week, at any gathering, you run into the same person, greet him warmly, you know each other from the previous meet-up, and as a result, you get along well with him, striking up a good conversation. If this process is repeated, you'll probably refer to each other as "friends" or "acquaintances," which your advertising campaigns and efforts will attempt to achieve. Whether online or in-person, socializing produces unnoticeable results at first but allows you to reap the benefits later.

2. Content Types to Provide

cold traffic conversion

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

"The King is the Content!" — We've all been reading this for a long time, and we'll keep reading it because it's true. However, how it is presented and the shape and form it takes now play an essential role in capturing the user's attention and displaying desired outcomes. Let us look at it through the eyes of traffic that are transitioning from cold to warm.

  1. Cold Traffic Audience Targeting:

Because these are infrequent visitors to your site, it is best not to frighten them by redirecting them to any landing pages or sales pages. First, give them the following:

  • Blog Posts
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • How-To Guides
  • Surveys
  • Research Papers
  • Power Posts

It’s nothing short of a challenge for selling to cold traffic; it takes all of your efforts to entice and eventually convince them. Lead Magnets serve as a valuable resource that provides value to visitors in exchange for their personal information. Power posts or data-driven content can also be used to pique the interest of site visitors. These are detailed posts backed up by facts and statistics that back up your claims. The idea is to get people to learn more about your brand to build a relationship, carry it beyond, nurture it, and, finally, make it profitable on both ends.

  1. Warm Traffic Audience Targeting:

These people know you and follow you somehow, but you have to keep trying to get them to the next level. So remind them of their interest in your company's products and services.

This type of content could be beneficial:

  • Whitepapers and e-books ( as a lead magnet)
  • Webinars
  • Events
  • Trials/free tools
  • Product demonstrations

Obviously, suppose any of his followers subscribe/sign up for a product or service. In that case, he indicates his areas of interest, which provide clear insights into what problems they want to solve. Linkedin Learning is doing an excellent job of business promotion. The enticing lead magnet 'Start My Free Month' will entice regular visitors and newcomers to collaborate on a social level. Warm traffic people are willing to go the extra mile; they are simply controlled by a tempting factor that must be well-targeted, urging the cold traffic to continue with your brand.

3. Traffic Audience Segmentation

cold traffic conversion

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

To better understand traffic, one can use segmentation and automation techniques based on differences such as age, gender, interests, location, etc. This will assist you in sending the appropriate content to the right person at the proper time! "People who visit your website are all different and have different needs," keep in mind. In general, a website directs every cold traffic visitor through the same funnel, landing them on the same page with the same options. As a result, they provide the same user experience, ignoring their various roles and interests. This ignorance can cost you a lot of money, which is why you're having trouble with your conversions. To reciprocate, create more personalized and engaging user experiences that favor visitor segmentation. It is a method of categorizing incoming web visitors/navigators to provide a more personalized user experience. Segmenting can help you get closer to the visitor by understanding their demographic-specific behavior and patterns based on the most liked and clicked posts, as well as the diverse subjects and themes with which they strongly resonate. After gaining insights, monitor this traffic, analyze their desires, and send them relevant data (content) to let them know they've arrived at the right place. This becomes the starting point for measuring conversions and observing their positive/negative impact.

4. Boost Your Website's Performance

cold traffic

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

This is the most powerful tool for converting cold traffic into customers. It is, in fact, the sole purpose of a landing page. Remember that your lead page (as it is also known) tells the user what to do with a clear and visible call to action. Other suggestions for improving the conversion rate of your landing page:

  • A very clear goal
  • A call to action
  • Image for reference
  • Testimonials
  • Section on Contacts
  • Certificates of Quality


Working with hot leads is, of course, a piece of cake. Attracting cold traffic to your sales funnel, on the other hand, opens up a large number of prospects who could become raving fans of your brand. So, why should you pass up this opportunity?

For example, Strikingly has nearly all of the features and tools you'll need to run your site efficiently and implement marketing strategies that will help you convert cold traffic visitors into qualified leads. As a Strikingly Pro user, you can create interesting coupons for your customers using the Simple Store feature, accessible via your site's editor. Sales coupons are an excellent way to convert website visitors and gain repeat customers.