Community building with UGC

In today's digital age, user-generated content (UGC) has become integral to brand marketing strategies across all industries. But what does UGC mean, and why are businesses increasingly turning to it?

To answer what is user-generated content, in simple words, UGC is any form of content such as reviews, photos, videos, or social media posts - created and shared by consumers rather than by the brand itself.

The user-generated content goal is to develop a sense of authenticity and transparency, which can be particularly powerful in building consumer trust and community. When people see that others like them are using and enjoying a product or service, they are likelier to trust and engage with the brand. Additionally, UGC can enhance engagement and loyalty, as consumers feel a greater sense of ownership and connection to brands that involve them in the conversation.

One tool that has helped many brands effectively leverage UGC is the Strikingly website builder. With its user-friendly platform and customizable features, Strikingly allows businesses to create engaging websites that encourage UGC and foster a sense of community. In this article, we will explore the benefits of user-generated content and examine how successful brands have used it to build trust and community. We will also discuss best practices for using Strikingly to leverage UGC and build a loyal customer base.

Importance of User-Generated Content

In recent years, UGC has gained significant attention from marketers as an effective way to build consumer trust and community. One of the critical benefits of user-generated content is that it creates a sense of authenticity and transparency. When consumers see real people using and enjoying a product or service, it feels more genuine and trustworthy than a carefully crafted advertisement. This sense of authenticity can be significant for brands that want to connect with younger consumers, who are often skeptical of traditional advertising methods.

UGC Enhances Engagement And Loyalty Among Consumers

In addition to creating a sense of authenticity, UGC can enhance consumer engagement and loyalty. By encouraging customers to share their experiences and opinions, brands can foster a sense of ownership and connection among their followers. It can increase engagement and loyalty as consumers feel more invested in the brand. The ability to create a loyal community is a major reason why using user-generated content has become a must for brands now.

Website template for building online community
Image taken from Strikingly

Impact Of UGC On Purchasing Decisions

Furthermore, UGC can significantly impact purchasing decisions. According to a survey by TurnTo Networks, 90% of consumers say that UGC influences their purchasing decisions, and 53% say that UGC is more important than traditional advertising. UGC is seen as more trustworthy and authentic than traditional advertising is why using user-generated content is considered a valuable tool for brands looking to increase conversions and drive sales.

Overall, the benefits of user-generated content are clear - it creates a sense of authenticity, enhances engagement and loyalty, and can significantly impact purchasing decisions.

Lessons from Successful Brands- Why Using User-Generated Content Is A Must

Let's look at some successful case studies to understand better how UGC can be leveraged to build trust and community. Several brands, including Coca-Cola, Airbnb, GoPro, and more, have effectively used UGC to connect with their audiences and drive sales.

1. Starbucks. Starbucks has successfully encouraged UGC by featuring customers' Instagram photos on its official website and social media channels. It enables customers to share their photos and creates a sense of community around the brand.

2. Airbnb. Airbnb encourages UGC by featuring guest reviews and photos on its website, providing social proof of its services. They also encourage hosts to share their unique and interesting listings on social media, further driving engagement and UGC.

3. Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has successfully encouraged UGC through its "Share a Coke" campaign. The campaign encouraged customers to share photos of their personalized Coke bottles on social media, creating a sense of excitement and exclusivity around the brand.

4. GoPro. GoPro's UGC strategy revolves around its "Photo of the Day" feature on its website and social media channels. GoPro inspires others to capture and share their adventures by showcasing their customers' stunning photos and videos.

5. Lululemon. Lululemon has built a community around its brand through its "Sweat Collective" program, encouraging fitness influencers and enthusiasts to share their workout routines and photos on social media. This UGC creates a sense of community and drives engagement and brand loyalty.

6. Glossier. Glossier has built a strong brand identity around its customers' UGC. They encourage customers to share their makeup looks and skincare routines on social media, showcasing the natural beauty and diversity of their customers.

7. Nike. Nike's UGC strategy revolves around its Nike+ Run Club app, allowing users to track and share their runs on social media. It encourages users to share their accomplishments and creates a sense of community around the brand's athletic lifestyle.

8. Sephora. Sephora encourages UGC through its "Beauty Insider" program, which rewards customers for sharing reviews, photos, and social media posts featuring Sephora products. It drives engagement and provides valuable social proof for potential customers.

9. Warby Parker. Warby Parker's UGC strategy revolves around their "Home Try-On" program, which allows customers to try on frames at home and share photos on social media. It encourages customers to share their opinions and provides valuable feedback for the brand.

10. H&M. H&M has successfully encouraged UGC through their "H&M Loves Coachella" campaign, encouraging customers to share their festival outfits on social media using the hashtag #HMxME. It created excitement around the festival and drove engagement and brand loyalty.

Image taken from Strikingly

These brands have successfully encouraged UGC by creating a sense of community, providing incentives and rewards, and showcasing their customers' unique perspectives and experiences. By following these strategies, businesses can leverage UGC to drive engagement and loyalty among their customer base.

The Importance Of Responding To And Engaging With UGC

Engaging with UGC is crucial for building a strong sense of community and encouraging further participation. When users take the time to create content, they want to feel valued and heard. Responding to UGC shows that a brand listens and cares about its audience's opinions and contributions.

Engagement can take many forms, from simply liking or sharing a user's content to featuring it prominently on the brand's website or social media channels. Brands can also respond to UGC by asking follow-up questions, offering additional resources or tips, or even starting a conversation with the user and other community members.

Engaging with UGC allows brands to foster a sense of community and build long-lasting relationships with their audience. It can lead to increased loyalty, advocacy, and even sales. Additionally, responding to UGC can also provide valuable insights into what resonates with the brand's audience and how they perceive the brand.

Using Strikingly to Leverage User-Generated Content

Now that we have explored the importance of UGC and how successful brands have leveraged it, let's understand how Strikingly can be used to create an engaging platform for UGC. Strikingly is a famous website builder that offers a variety of features to help businesses and individuals create professional-looking websites quickly and easily.

Image taken from Strikingly

Use Strikingly To Create An Engaging Platform For UGC

One key feature of Strikingly is its ability to integrate UGC seamlessly into a website. For example, Strikingly allows users to create forums where customers can engage with each other and share feedback or ideas. It can create a community and encourage ongoing customer engagement and loyalty.

Another way that Strikingly can leverage UGC is through social media integration. By integrating social media channels like Facebook or Instagram into a Strikingly-powered website, businesses can encourage customers to share photos, reviews, and other content related to their brand. It helps create a sense of authenticity and transparency and provides valuable social proof that can influence purchasing decisions.

Examples Of Strikingly-Powered Websites That Effectively Leverage UGC

Several successful websites powered by Strikingly effectively leverage UGC to build trust and community. One example is The Happy Hour, a podcast network that uses Strikingly to create an engaging platform for listeners to connect and share their thoughts on the latest episodes. Another example is the travel website A World to Travel, which encourages readers to submit their travel stories and photos for publication.

Using Strikingly to create an engaging platform for UGC helps businesses and individuals to build a loyal customer base and create a sense of community around their brand.

Social Feed on website for better engagement & promote UGC
Image taken from Strikingly

Best Practices for Leveraging User-Generated Content

Now that we have discussed the importance of UGC and how it can be effectively leveraged using Strikingly, let's delve into some best practices for encouraging and moderating UGC.

These tips can help businesses and individuals maximize UGC's impact on brand performance and avoid potential pitfalls.

Tips For Encouraging UGC

Encouraging user-generated content (UGC) can be a powerful way for brands to build trust and community among their audience. Here are some tips for brands looking to increase UGC:

1. Offer incentives. One way to encourage UGC is to incentivize users who contribute content. It could include discounts, free products, or the chance to be featured on the brand's website or social media channels.

2. Create engaging prompts. Brands can also encourage UGC by creating engaging prompts that inspire users to share their experiences or opinions. These prompts could be in the form of questions, challenges, or contests.

3. Leverage social media. Social media is a powerful tool for encouraging UGC, allowing brands to reach a wide audience and share user-generated content. Brands can create hashtags to encourage users to share content or use social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok to create challenges or contests.

4. Showcase UGC. Once users have contributed to UGC, brands need to showcase it in a way that encourages further participation. Brands can feature UGC on their website, social media channels, or even in physical stores or advertisements.

5. Engage with users. Finally, brands need to engage with users who contribute to UGC. It could include responding to comments or messages, featuring user-generated content on the brand's channels, or collaborating with users to create new content. By engaging with users, brands can foster community and loyalty among their audience.

Strategies For Moderating UGC to Maintain Brand Integrity And Avoid Negative Content

Moderating user-generated content is crucial for maintaining brand integrity and ensuring the content aligns with the brand's values and message. Here are some strategies for moderating UGC:

  • Establish clear guidelines. Create clear guidelines that outline what kind of content is acceptable and what is not. It includes specifying the types of language, imagery, and behavior that are prohibited.
  • Use moderation tools. Utilize moderation tools such as filters, blocking, and reporting features to monitor and remove inappropriate or irrelevant content.
  • Train moderators. Ensure that moderators are trained to review and moderate UGC effectively and consistently.
  • Encourage self-moderation. Encourage users to self-moderate by flagging inappropriate content and engaging in constructive dialogue with other users.
  • Be transparent. Be transparent about the moderation process and how decisions are made to build user trust.

By implementing these strategies, brands can effectively moderate UGC and maintain a positive online community.

The Importance Of Measuring The Impact Of UGC On Brand Performance

Measuring the impact of user-generated content (UGC) on brand performance is essential for understanding the effectiveness of UGC strategies and optimizing future campaigns. Here are some reasons why measuring the impact of UGC is important:

  • Evaluating ROI. Measuring the impact of UGC can help brands determine the return on investment (ROI) of UGC strategies and determine which tactics are most effective.
  • Understanding audience engagement. By measuring the impact of UGC, brands can gain insight into how their audience engages with their content, what types of content are most popular, and which social media channels are most effective.
  • Improving brand messaging. Analyzing UGC can help brands refine their messaging and understand how their audience receives it.
  • Identifying brand advocates. Measuring the impact of UGC can help brands identify their most enthusiastic and loyal customers, who may be valuable brand advocates.
  • Responding to feedback. Analyzing UGC can help brands identify common themes and issues that customers are discussing and enable them to respond to feedback and improve their products and services.

Overall, measuring the impact of UGC is essential for understanding the effectiveness of UGC strategies and improving brand performance. By utilizing analytics, surveys, and social listening tools, brands can gain valuable insights and optimize their user-generated content strategies for maximum impact.


User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool for building consumer trust and community. Enhanced engagement and loyalty, increased authenticity and transparency, and influenced purchasing decisions are reasons why using user-generated content is a must today. By leveraging UGC, businesses and individuals can create a powerful marketing strategy that resonates with customers on a deeper level.

Through case studies and best practices, we have seen how successful brands have effectively leveraged UGC to drive engagement and sales. And with the help of tools like Strikingly's UGC-friendly features, creating a platform for UGC has never been easier.

Businesses may develop a community of devoted consumers and boost brand performance by giving rewards, generating interesting prompts, and policing material. With the help of tools like Strikingly, anyone can create an engaging platform for UGC that drives results.

The benefits of user-generated content are clear, and the time to start leveraging it is now. So let's start building trust and community through user-generated content! Sign up on Strikingly today.