build a relationship marketing strategy to improve collaboration

In today's day and age, every form of marketing revolves around relationship marketing. Any business's marketing objectives and plans are to create a relationship marketing strategy and satisfy its target audience. If you achieve a high customer satisfaction score, people will eventually buy from your online store.

You can conduct relationship marketing in many ways. Depending on the business phase you find yourself in and the industry you are operating in, marketers develop innovative ways to connect with their audience and influence their decisions.

The importance of relationship marketing isn't just associated with the sales department, but it is related to all parts of the business. A business that penetrates the customers' minds is thriving across all operations. After all, companies aren't just about making online sales. They must have adequate financing and production plan to achieve that. The business employees must understand the objectives of a particular business plan. Therefore, all the people involved in marketing strategies, not just those with direct marketing, should deal with customers efficiently.

What is Relationship Marketing?

Relationship marketing is related to marketing conducted to increase, satisfy and maintain your customer base. Rather than focusing on online transactions, a relationship marketing strategy prioritizes customers' opinions about a brand. This strategy is a massive part of customer relationship management, which can also be defined as its customer relationship marketing strategy.

Customer retention is a massive part of your relationship marketing strategy. Companies try to maintain long-term relationships with customers so they can trust their brand and make purchases from their business websites. If you can attain the trust badges from your customers, they will return to your website for future orders.

Nowadays, businesses understand that it is more costly to attract new customers than to satisfy their existing customers. Therefore, businesses spend more time managing their existing customer base and providing quality customer service. Companies also conduct competitor analysis to check their performance concerning the other players in their field.

The benefits of relationship marketing can be both short-term and long-term. For example, if an online store aims to clear the stock of a product line, it will bring short-term benefits. However, if you desire to build your brand image and increase customer loyalty, it will have a long-term impact on your business.

Importance of Relationship Marketing

Many businesses increase their online sales through different relationship marketing examples. However, certain companies have a specific approach concerning this marketing approach. Firstly, you must have a vast customer connection with your brand. Relationship marketing is only about extending business leads, so it doesn't get influenced by customer acquisition.

An efficient relationship marketing strategy needs a high volume of customer details. Therefore, finding a robust solution to gather and store customer data is essential. Investing in relationship marketing is difficult if you don't have enough budget for marketing automation combined with a verified email list.

Examples of Relationship Marketing

1) Starbucks

Starbucks has changed how people think about coffee. The company uses the power of social media to connect with loyal customers, using their social media channels to send unique content to the followers and build hype about future product launches.

When they bring back seasonal favorites, they have a long list of loyal customers waiting anxiously. They also use Instagram to show images and videos while drinking their coffee products. Generating user-generated content makes their fans appreciate them more and return for further buys.

2) Amazon

Amazon is the best example of a platform that makes things easy for customers, which generates customer loyalty and repeat business. They increase online sales by making the purchase and shipping process easy and offer fast delivery for customers who pay for a prime membership. They also make returns simple through their shipping labels and drop-off locations.

Strategies to Build a Relationship Marketing Strategy

1) Personalized Content

great website content

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The audience is tired of going through generic and sales-driven content regularly. The brands must understand the customers' behavior and go beyond generic content if they are serious about customer relationships. Every advertisement must provide an exact value based on the lead's progression through the sales cycle.

Since you are a marketer, you must refrain from creating annoying ads that serve little purpose for your customers. It would be best if you tried to create exciting content directed at a specific audience.

2) Offer Quality Support

The only way to attain the trust badges of your customers is to provide them with quality support. Support interactions are one of the most pivotal points for digital marketers, so you must provide your customers with helpful support options. For example, if your eCommerce website is in Chinese, you can provide your customers with a translator to make them understand your website content. You can also ask your viewers for honest feedback about their experience and see if there is room for improvement.

3) Have an Online Presence

Many marketers consider search engine optimization (SEO) an acquisition strategy, but it can also help you attain the benefits of relationship marketing. Since you are a business owner, you must understand the customers' intentions after buying a product. What would they do after buying your product? How would the product influence their lives? They may want to know about a particular feature of the product, or they want to find new uses for it. Since you are a business owner, you must ensure that your business follows the SEO trends and serves appropriate content to meet their needs.

4) Build Relationships With Email

email office tool

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Email marketing is an essential asset of a relationship marketing strategy. You can begin your marketing approach by sending automated emails to thank customers for their orders. If you have dedicated email management software, it will help you remain updated about your outgoing emails. You can also follow up with emails to ensure that customers are aware of your sales, and you can offer special deals to show loyalty. Updates about your company and product launches will also help maintain customer relationships.

5) Be Social

Social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp are essential for your relationship marketing strategy. Instant messaging is a brilliant way to create a strong customer bond. Customers love an instant reply rather than seeing a rigid email when asking for a booking or an appointment. Hence, you need an all-in-one social media platform that helps you reply to all the customers and improve efficiency.

As social media is a massive part of your relationship marketing plan, you must identify the most common platforms your audience uses and find ways to connect with them. Social media ads can be handy in retargeting your current customers.

Build a Professional Website on Strikingly

If you want to build a professional website for your business or brand, don't hesitate to make one on our platform. Strikingly is a fantastic website builder that enables you to build a business website to support your plans. The best thing about building a website on Strikingly is that you don't need any expertise in coding or programming to make your website. We provide our users with the drag-and-drop feature, which enables them to place their website elements according to their preferences.

strikingly responsive website

Image taken from Strikingly

Strikingly can also attain the benefits of relationship marketing by encouraging referral marketing. For example, if we conduct a referral marketing campaign on our platform, we can offer you a discount on the payment of our Pro Plan next month. The discount rate will be based on the number of customers you attract to purchase our Pro Plan.

Strikingly also supports your relationship marketing strategy by allowing you to send emails to your subscribers list regularly. If you build a business website on our platform, you can send monthly newsletters to your subscribers. If your website provides quality customer support, your website will have a high conversion rate. Customer support will not just generate new customers but will also get repeated sales from existing customers.

strikingly idea forum

Image taken from Strikingly

If you are landing on our website for the first time, you will likely need clarification during your website development. Hence, we provide our users with the "Idea Forum," where we give our users information about relying on Strikingly to run and maintain your website. Apart from talking to the website owners, you can also interact with the other users to learn more about the website's features.

strikingly live chat support

Image taken from Strikingly

The best feature for supporting a relationship marketing strategy is the 24/7 live chat support for all the users. Our users can contact us anytime and submit their queries, and we will respond to them instantly.


Since you have gone through many relationship marketing examples, you can start using them as part of your business. Relationship marketing can be a massive asset to your sales strategy. It helps you to build brand loyalty, understand your customers, and earn more purchases from them.

You can also support your relationship marketing strategy by building a quality website on Strikingly. Please register on our platform for a free account and get access to our responsive website templates.

Strikingly will provide you with customer support throughout your journey of website development. We will also be available to deal with your website's technical-related issues. We believe in the importance of relationship marketing as much as any established business does.