blog banner image: Beyond the Screen: The Unique Advantages of Print Media

In the world of print media, ink meets paper, and words come to life. Despite the rise of digital media, print publications hold a special place in our hearts and minds. From the crisp feel of a newspaper in the morning to the satisfying weight of a magazine in our hands, print media has a unique charm that its digital counterparts cannot replicate. In this article, we'll delve into the world of print media and explore its continued relevance in today's digital age. From the challenges it faces to the opportunities it presents, we'll take a closer look at how print media is adapting and thriving in the modern world. Get a caffeine fix and settle in as we explore the ongoing love affair between people and print.

What is Print Media?

Print media refers to any form of communication printed on paper, including newspapers, magazines, books, brochures, and more. These forms of media have been around for centuries and have played a significant role in shaping our society and culture. They have been used to disseminate information, educate the masses, and entertain readers.

Newspapers, which date back to the 17th century, were some of the first forms of print media. They were initially produced to share news and information with a small community. Still, as technology advanced, they became more widely available and began to reach larger audiences. Over time, newspapers became an essential source of information for people all over the world, and they continue to play a vital role in shaping public opinion and influencing political decisions.

Magazines, which began to appear in the 18th century, also played a significant role in shaping popular culture and society. These magazines were created to target specific audiences, such as women or farmers. Still, over time, they evolved to cater to a wide range of interests, from fashion and entertainment to technology and science.

In addition to newspapers and magazines, print media also includes books, brochures, and other forms of printed material. These media forms are used for various purposes, such as educating, informing, and entertaining. They have been used to share knowledge, spread ideas, and shape how we think about the world.

In a nutshell, print media is a term that encompasses any communication that is printed on paper and has been used for centuries to inform, educate, and entertain people all over the world. Despite the rise of digital media, it plays a vital role in shaping our society and culture.

A Brief History of Printing Media

The history of print media can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where inscriptions on clay tablets and papyrus scrolls were used to record information. In the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg was the first person to develop what is now known as the printing press. This event signified a significant turning point in the development of print media. The printing press paved the way for the creation and mass production of printed materials. The rapid and economical production of books and other forms of written material, in turn, contributed to an increase in literacy and the dissemination of information.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, newspapers began to appear in Europe, providing the public with news and information. By the 18th century, newspapers had become a vital source of information for the general public and played a critical role in the political and social developments of the time.

In the 19th century, advancements in printing technology and the rise of the industrial revolution led to a proliferation of newspapers and magazines. The introduction of the rotary press and other innovations made it possible to produce large numbers of newspapers quickly and inexpensively, further increasing their reach and popularity.

Print media faced increased competition with the birth of the internet and digital media in the 20th century. However, print media has continued to evolve, and today, many newspapers and magazines have transitioned to digital formats while maintaining a print presence. Despite the challenges, print media remains a necessary and enduring medium, playing a pivotal role in disseminating information, entertainment, and advertising.

Examples of Print Media Marketing

Paper is the traditional medium for printer output. Printing media companies may use canvas, fabric, vinyl, and others. The following are some instances of print media that are widely read and understood by readers, advertisers, and other media consumers.

  • Periodicals and Newspapers

Newspaper image from Canva

Image taken from Canva

Printing media advertisers can choose from various formats and audiences in newspapers and other print media marketing materials. Some options are weekly, local, regional, evening, and Sunday publications.

Who typically reads the most newspapers? A diverse audience consumes this print publication, like people who are invested in local and global news and those interested in sports, business, entertainment, fashion, and politics. Newspapers make money from selling ad space to companies that need assistance with their ads' visual presentation (textual, graphical, photographic, or otherwise). Some companies would pay thousands of dollars for a full-page display to place an ad, while others would settle for a lower price for a text-only ad.

  • Magazines

magazine image from Canva

Image taken from Canva

A wide variety of magazines are available for advertising products and services. Promotional materials for businesses in electronics, manufacturing, finance, and other sectors are included in trade periodicals. Fashion, health, sports, hobbies, and current events are just a few of the topics that consumer magazines promote.

Various other periodicals cater to managers and executives in fields including marketing, engineering, human resources, and more. Most magazines appear regularly (usually weekly, monthly, or quarterly). Still, commercials, whether monochrome or colorful, can be purchased as advertising space.

  • Billboards

Billboard image from Canva

Advertisers can reach consumers through print media such as billboards and posters. They are primarily outdoor, large-format prints and images. Advertisers can influence shoppers before purchasing by hanging banners in prominent locations near shopping malls.

Advertising agencies strategically place billboards in high-traffic areas like airports and train stations to attract more potential customers. Due to the sheer magnitude of these billboards, it would be nearly impossible to ignore the message on display.

Is There Still a Role for Print Media Marketing?

The advertising industry may shift toward electronic media, but the news, fashion, and industrial sectors are not. Despite declining advertising spending, newspapers and magazines are far from extinct; printing media still has a few tricks under its sleeves. Hence, we should never underestimate the advantages of print media.

Marketers still use print media marketing to shape consumers' opinions of particular products and services because of their durability. Although consumers may revisit a well-written leaflet, those who prefer electronic media are more likely to ignore advertisements after a single viewing.

Print media advertising still has a significant role in retaining customers. The vast majority of shoppers still consult this channel when looking for discounts. Almost two-thirds of retailers (68%) cite print media as their preferred advertising medium, per data from NielsenIQ.

Take a look at the advantages of print media in today's world:

  • Exclusivity

Print media offers a sense of exclusivity that digital media does not, making it an ideal choice for luxury or high-end brands. Print ads in a magazine or newspaper have a certain prestige that digital ads don't have, which can help elevate your brand.

  • Creativity


Image taken from Strikingly user Sim Mau

Print allows for creative designs and layouts, making your brand stand out. Print media offers endless possibilities for design and layout, which can be used to create visually stunning and attention-grabbing ads that can differentiate your brand from the competition.

  • Branding

Woody website landing page

Image taken from Strikingly user Woody

Print media is perfect for building brand trust and authority. Print allows you to be more specific, detailed, and informative in your message, which is excellent for providing valuable information to your audience and establishing your brand as a credible source of information.

  • Versatility

Print media advertising is a versatile medium, with options for large-scale campaigns and small-scale, niche publications that can help you reach your target audience precisely. Print media offers a wide range of options for advertising, from large-scale campaigns in national publications to small-scale campaigns in niche publications, which can help you reach your target audience with precision.

Strikingly landing page

Image taken from Strikingly

Speaking of versatility Strikingly is a versatile website-building platform that can cater to your marketing needs. Building a website with Strikingly to market your printed media materials is a wise choice. You can create an e-commerce store where you can display your printing media products and reach a wider audience. It's hitting two birds with one stone.

  • Tangible and lasting impact

Print media provides a tangible and lasting impact that digital media cannot replicate. There's something special about holding a physical piece of advertising in your hands that a digital ad can't replicate. This tangible touchpoint for your brand can leave a lasting impression on your audience and make it easier for them to remember your brand.

Fred Het Hert Book on Strikingly website

Image taken from Fred Het Hert

Picture a glossy brochure with your brand's message and design, sitting on a coffee table that can be picked up and read at any time, providing a constant reminder of your brand. This kind of physical reminder can be highly effective in building brand recall, which is essential in today's highly competitive market.

You see, when people hold onto printed materials, they are more likely to share them with others, expanding your brand's reach and increasing the chances of new customers discovering your brand. And let's remember the nostalgia that comes with print media; it has a certain charm that can make people remember your brand fondly, a feeling that digital media can't replicate. By using this method, you will reap the benefits of print media in building your company, making it a powerful tool for brand recall and loyalty.

  • Targeting and Segmentation

Print media allows for targeting and segmentation to reach your desired audience effectively. Unlike digital media, where ads are often served to a broad audience, print media enables you to choose specific publications or publications with a particular demographic readership, making it easier to reach the right people, which means that you can have your ad seen by people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service, increasing the chances of conversions and boosting your ROI.

Suppose you're selling luxury watches. In that case, you can place an ad in a high-end lifestyle magazine that caters to an affluent readership rather than a general-interest magazine that may be less relevant to your target audience—making it possible for you to target the right audience at the appropriate moment with a fitting message, which is essential to the success of any advertising campaign.

Moreover, print media allows you to go beyond the usual demographic segmentation, like age, gender, and income; you can target your ad to specific interests, hobbies, and lifestyles, making it even more effective in reaching your desired audience. Therefore, print media allows for a level of targeting and segmentation that can effectively reach your desired audience, making it a powerful tool for increasing your ROI.

  • Longer shelf-life

Print advertising has a longer shelf-life than digital, which means your message can continue reaching potential customers even after the initial campaign. This is because print materials, such as brochures, magazines, or newspapers, can be kept and referred to multiple times, whereas digital ads are often only seen once before they're scrolled past or closed. Using print media marketing can be a game-changer for your brand, as it increases the chances of your message being seen multiple times by the same person, increasing the chances of recall and ultimately leading to conversions.

Think of it this way; a print ad is like a party guest that lingers around long after the party is over. It stays in the audience's minds and continues to impact even after the initial campaign. Also, printing media materials can be collected and kept, giving them a sentimental value that can build brand loyalty over time. Unlike digital ads that can be easily forgotten, print ads can be saved as a memory, making it a powerful tool for building brand recall and loyalty.

In retrospect, it is clear that print media advertising is a powerful tool that can help businesses reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. It has proven to be an effective way to build brand recall, trust, authority, and loyalty.