best ways to make rss feed work

On the Internet, there is so much information available that you can cover just about any topic. It has become more critical for people to streamline and organize content to make it overwhelming. There is no point in fetching information just to fill the lines. Data is only vital if you can digest it and sink it in your mind. You must organize information in a way that allows you to obtain the necessary elements from it. One way to do that is by establishing a single-page website on Strikingly.

You cannot go through all the text displayed on the Internet. When we cover a specific niche on the Internet, we must know the areas where it is found and where it is not found. This is one of the reasons why one-click website builders are coming to the market. It allows you to organize the data that seems scattered on the Internet and doesn’t have a plan. This is where the concept of RSS feed comes into play. Before we get into its way of working, here is a question for you, i.e., “What is RSS?”. For starters, its initials are called Really Simple Syndication.

What is an RSS Feed?

We don’t think anyone by now doesn’t have an idea about the Facebook newsfeed. Even if you don’t know about the Facebook newsfeed, which is extremely unlikely, other social media platforms exist, such as LinkedIn. The objective of the newsfeed is to identify the kind of information you seem interested in. Your previous post-viewing patterns determine your interest. The news feed helps showcase social media posts in an organized way to ensure that you maintain your interest on the website or the social media platform.

rss feed example
Image taken from Strikingly

Do you have an idea what the functionality of the RSS feed is? If you are unaware, it works the same way as the news feed of your social media account. However, the difference is that it works on social media websites. This feature is available on all websites nowadays. When a website has this feature, it can provide information to the viewers in a much better way than other websites. They can inform the audience about what is happening with the website and discuss any potential brand updates.

In simple words, if you know how to use an RSS feed, you will make life easy for yourself and your audience. It ensures that all the available information for the viewers is easily categorized. It is like the index you see on the last page of your academic book. Moreover, it helps you identify the new content published on the website.

RSS can also be considered as algorithmic-free format text files. They are not the same as the other website content displayed on your platform and can be integrated into the best fonts for your website. If a person wants to look into everything on a website without investing a lot of time, it is crucial that they get to know the importance of RSS and integrate it as part of the owned website.

Are RSS Feeds Relevant?

If we talk about the relevance of an RSS feed, there are two different storylines. Before you understand how to use an RSS feed, you must know its history. The truth is that this feature is much older than the newsfeed we see on our social media platforms every day. Many website developers tend to include social media platforms in the last section of their forum or attach a YouTube video in one of the website sections. However, some developers tend to include RSS on their websites.

social media footer

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The people using RSS feel that despite its influence, social media comes with a lot of baggage. The concept of RSS goes back to the old days. People would use this feature to check out the headlines of their website rather than going through the entire chunk of content. They would go through the quickly-selected articles from various sources. They add social media platforms as part of the website footer and create a link between those platforms and the company itself.

How do RSS Feeds Work?

Before we start integrating RSS into our Strikingly website, here is another question for you, i.e., “How do RSS feeds work?”. For starters, the ball is in your court as a website developer because the plans regarding RSS start with you. Previously, we have given an example of an author and how they organize the content for the viewers to interpret it properly. However, you must understand that there are website builders in the market, such as Strikingly, which help the authors provide updates on their respective content.

Usually, the XML file is created by the website developer. This file consists of the titles, headings, descriptions, URLs of all the web pages, and posts of the particular website. XML files help the developers update their website content and display it through the RSS reader once the author uses it to include the feed on the website.

You can only know how to use an RSS feed if you understand the complexities of an RSS reader. An RSS reader is defined as an outlet that collects information from XML files of different websites. Once it contains the information, it organizes the content according to a certain format and makes it easy to read. There are numerous RSS readers for you to access on the Internet. You can also include the RSS reader as your Internet browser, such as Google Chrome.

strikingly blog site
Image taken from Strikingly

Once the viewers identify an RSS reader on the website, it will automatically provide them with essential updates on their website or blog posts. It is important to note that you cannot integrate RSS into your working plans if you don’t have a blog website. If you want to add this feature to your working plans, make sure that you create a fully-functional blog website on Strikingly. Strikingly will enable you to develop a quality blog site with less to little energy invested in its development.

How to use an RSS Feed?

It is now time to get a bit technical with the website feature. To completely understand the concept, you must know the answers to the question “How do RSS feeds work?”. The procedure starts with the activity of the RSS reader. It identifies and acquires all the necessary details, updates, and content files (regardless of their size) from the related online websites. After obtaining the information, the RSS reader organizes it in a way that can be gone through quickly.

The RSS reader helps you identify different aspects of your website content, such as headlines, titles, tags, abstracts, and summaries. The content gets distributed according to real-time, which means that your most-recent published blog post will appear first on your RSS feed results.

How to include RSS Feed on Strikingly Website?

After going through the previous points, you have likely found answers to your question, i.e., “What is an RSS feed?”. However, the reality is that your working plan has just got started. Now, it is about involving this feature in your individual working plans. The good thing is that you have an effective website builder like Strikingly to make life easy for you. It won’t just help you in developing a quality blog website but also help you in the integration of RSS in your blog posts.

strikingly website builder
Image taken from Strikingly

Even if you have created an eCommerce website or a personal website, Strikingly will help you create a blog section and display it as a navigation element on your landing page. If you have an established blog site on Strikingly, do you know how to use an RSS feed on your platform? If you are unaware of this procedure, we have you covered in that in the following steps:

  1. Login to your Strikingly account (If you don’t have an account, complete the registration after landing on our landing page)
  2. Check out the Strikingly website editor (select a website template to get started)
  3. Click on the blog section and move to the blog settings. Initially, the RSS feature will be disabled for your Strikingly blogs. However, you can enable it for your blog section before moving on to your website content

strikingly rss feature
Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Check the box “Generate RSS feed.” This will allow the viewers or the RSS readers to continuously stream updates through this feature

An icon will be displayed at the end of each blog that is displayed on your Strikingly website. The feed icon of your blog contains the URL in the format “”. Even though it is done manually by website authors, Strikingly makes the job easy for you.


As you now have a complete overview of how to use an RSS feed, it is important that you build a fully-functional website today and get started with it. Developing a website is as easy as creating a social media account. You no longer have to hire professional developers to create website designs and organize content.

Moreover, you don’t need highly qualified IT degrees to confirm your eligibility to build a website on Strikingly. If you have the creativity and the intention to build a quality blog website, you can do that on our platform. If you have any issues in making your blog site, you can inform our Happiness Officers about it. Creating a blog site and integrating RSS feeds on your blog posts will save a lot of time for your viewers.