best email subject lines for your marketing campaign

Email marketing has never been outdated and has become one of the biggest constituents of the current digital world. Thousands of businesses and companies use emails to send messages to their mailing list and promote brand awareness.

If you are a good marketing person, you will always strive to improve your marketing strategies. For example, you can identify ways to make your emails more attractive, so your recipients don't hesitate to open them. One factor that determines the success of your email marketing campaigns is the email subject lines. All successful entrepreneurs tend to write good email subject lines, so their emails are kept from the spam folder.

Writing quality email subject lines can sometimes be underestimated. Some people focus too much on the email body that they ignore the importance of email subject lines. If your email subject line needs to improve, the customers won't be willing to open your email. Regardless of how good your email marketing campaign is, it will only influence the customer's buying decisions if your emails are opened.

Importance of Creating the Best Email Subject Lines

Firstly, good email subject lines are always attractive in the eyes of the recipients. When you send an email, your email name and the subject line are the first things the recipient sees. As inboxes are filled with thousands of emails, catchy email subject lines have become more critical than ever. This line can determine whether the email will be opened or sent to the trash or spam.

email marketing tool

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Good email subject lines have a huge impact on your readers. The words finalized in your email subject line can determine whether or not the hard work you have done in creating your email has paid off or not. Regardless of how well-crafted your email campaigns are, they would have no value if your target audience didn't open them.

If you spend more time creating the best email subject lines, you will increase the chances for your customers to open the respective emails. Hence, the recipients will not put your emails in the spam folder, and you will get your message in front of the right people.

Relevant Tips in Writing the Best Email Subject Line

1) Shorten Your Email Subject Lines

If you go through the Internet, you will realize that good email subject lines are always pragmatic. Otherwise, there is no point in writing a subject line that people cannot interpret. Furthermore, mobile users have increased as we move towards the digital world, leaving desktop users behind.

Therefore, most emails are checked by mobile users these days. If they don't have any urgency to open your email, they will swap and look into the following email. Being a business owner, you must ensure that your email subject line doesn't exceed 40 characters or seven words.

Your recipients want to go through as many emails in a short period. Hence, the subject line with one or two words can stand out and get the most engagement.

2) Avoid Spam Words

Although the best email subject lines can make your recipients open your email, the worst subject lines bring them to the spam folder. If you want to make the most out of your email, you should avoid loud punctuation, such as in all caps and exclamation marks. You can also avoid common promotional words, such as 'Buy Now' or 'Download.' The common promotional words in your call to action (CTA) can create doubt in your recipients' minds, and they may send your email to the spam folder.

call to action

Image taken from Business 2 Community

Rather than focusing on the promotional side, you should offer your expertise and share information your audience can consider helpful.

3) Ask Open-Ended Questions

The best email subject lines always include questions. The questions are attractive because it keeps the audience guessing about the answer. You can attract your readers' attention and pique their curiosity. Whether the questions are involved in an email or not, they always feel incomplete without an answer. It urges the readers to open the email for the answer.

For example, you can write a subject line, "Who are the favorites to win the 2022 World Cup?". As the event is attracting a lot of attention worldwide, the audience would be willing to read your opinion.

4) Integrate a Deadline in Your Subject Line

Because there is no shortage of direction between you and your recipients, the deadline tactic could be an excellent approach to creating catchy email subject lines. In addition, deadlines create urgency that ensures your readers prioritize your email.

For example, if you consider a successful promotional strategy for an event, it will include hundreds of emails. First, you can send an initial announcement and let people know about the potential date. Then, as the deadline comes close, you can set reminders in a "last chance" follow-up email.

You can analyze the best words or phrases to create urgency among your readers. For example, "Now or never" is a highly successful phrase among multiple email marketing campaigns.

5) Consider a Teaser Subject Line

If you are a movie lover, you would understand why people love movie trailers but hate their commercials. A preview can attract people, but giving a punching line at the start takes away all the hype. You should have the same approach while making the best email subject lines.

If you tell everything in your subject line, the readers will only consider reading the body of your email. As a business owner, you should always think about the words that spark interest and immediately hook your readers.

6) Give a Clear Command

Certain recipients respond well to direct instructions. Therefore, if your email contains a direct call to action, such as encouraging people to buy a ticket, you can put it in your email subject line.

The best email subject lines can sometimes be directed to the customers. However, some of the subject lines also contain something valuable. Sharing valuable stuff in your email subject line can be integral to your content marketing strategy. As a business owner, you should consider your subscribers' demands and tease a solution that fits perfectly for your subject line.

7) Make an Announcement

If you have something exciting or unique to share about your business or company, you can show your enthusiasm in your email subject line.

Although it is challenging to bring customized emails to your long mailing list, sharing this information with your email subscribers is a brilliant way to boost that personalization factor. In addition, this approach will make the readers feel they were among the first to know about this offer. For example, your email subject line can be "The winners of the lucky draw are …".

8) Show Uniqueness in Your Email Box

If you want to craft the best email subject lines, you need to do the following things:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • Why won't products provided by your business be available anywhere else?

Since you are the business owner, you should understand what your business is specifically known for and make it part of your subject line. Feel free to include your business name, especially if your organization is popular.

Use Strikingly as Your Email Management Tool

Despite the evolution of social media in the past decade, the importance of email marketing campaigns and newsletters has remained strong. To this day, newsletters are considered one of the most powerful digital marketing techniques for reaching out to your target audiences.

strikingly newsletter dashboard

Image taken from Strikingly

Strikingly is the perfect newsletter platform on the Internet today. We help you execute successful EDM campaigns and communicate your message to the target audience. Using our newsletter feature, you can send up to 2,000 emails monthly. Strikingly allows you to send professional emails from your domain.

mailing list groups

Image taken from Strikingly

Through the Strikingly editor, you can add various forms of content to your emails, such as images, videos, and links. Once you have created the best email subject lines, you can move on to the body of the email. You can use filters to deliver emails to a specific group of people. Once you have finalized your newsletter, you will have the following options:

  • Send test email: You can send a test email to your email address. This is to ensure that your recipients will see your email. If any changes are required, you can make them by checking out the test email.
  • Save as draft: If you still need to finish your email, you can save it as a draft and continue later.
  • Send newsletter now: When you have completed your newsletter, you can use this option to send the email to your mailing list.


Image taken from Strikingly


You can identify different approaches for writing effective email subject lines on the Internet. Different methods work well for different organizations and industry. As an entrepreneur, you must keep track of everything that works best for your marketing campaigns. This approach gives you an idea of what works best for your business and email subscribers.

You can write the best email subject lines by keeping these things in mind. You can examine your inbox by seeing which emails have been opened. Putting yourself in your recipient's place is the best way to create the best email subject lines and improve your business.