Artificial intelligence or AI has been taking the digital marketing world by storm, becoming the go-to technology for businesses and brands looking to gain more insight into delivering positive customer experiences. We see AI at work in so many different fields but in a nutshell, this technology is used to create data-driven marketing campaigns so that they resonate better with a brand’s target audience. AI’s work extends to website generators or site builders that aim to empower individuals who lack the technical capability to build websites compete with bigger companies and websites in their industry.

AI powered website generator

Increased productivity

A free website generator such as Strikingly uses the power of AI to enable users to create professional websites without the need for prior technical knowledge in web design and development. This capability lowers the barrier to entry for small businesses looking to leverage on digital marketing to build their brand and create audience awareness.

By building your site using a website page generator, you free up time and money for other areas of your business. You get to spend more on product development or other areas of digital marketing because you incur minimal expense on site builders. You get a lot more stuff done because with these platforms, you can literally get your site up in a few minutes.

When you start building your site on Strikingly, you are taken to a page that contains the template collection. These templates are classified according to purpose - e.g. business, personal, startup, etc. - to help you with your search for the most suitable template for your project. The site editor has both mobile and desktop view, allowing you to edit in either interface to make it easier for you to visualize what your site might look like in different devices. This is how the platform enables you to build your site quickly and easily, without sacrificing the quality of the output. Every section has been pre-assembled so you don’t need to mess around with code.

Data driven marketing

website generators with AI

AI in a website generator free up not just time spent on building a site but also keeping track of performance metrics. Site builders such as Strikingly come with site analytics tools so users can review the performance of their websites and implement improvements in a timely manner. With Strikingly, you can also integrate your Google Analytics account to get a more granular view of key performance indicators (KPIs) for your website. These integrations enable you to roll out data-driven digital marketing campaigns, targeting the right set of audiences based on the information you get from these tools.

Automated processes

A good website generator automates the site building exercise so all you need is to be armed with the right kind of content to complete your website. You get a professionally-done shell of a site where virtually any type of content but it does not take away the need for a human touch - creating messages that resonate with your target audience.

Do note that while automation can be a good thing, leaving everything to artificial intelligence may not be good for your digital marketing campaigns. AI can help you create marketing campaigns backed by accurate data but the strategy as to how to use this information to your advantage is up to you. In this increasingly digitally prevalent generation, the human touch is still attractive to users. They want human interaction as much as possible.

Ultimately, AI and website generators combined can help you create a successful website but technology can only do so much. It makes the digital marketing job easier for small businesses with limited budgets but it doesn’t take away the need to create engaging content by humans. If anything, the technology can ease you in the right direction in terms of how you frame your message and present your site to your target audience.