
Becoming one of the top performers in the world of business is everyone's greatest dream. As someone with a company, you'll always aspire to be the best among your competitors. You have that goal to ensure that you are doing a job well and fulfilling your promises to your target audience. Having the capacity to provide your consumers with the best customer satisfaction is among your top lists to grow and be known worldwide. As a reliable business, your top priority is creating a name that will always be remarkable in the digital business world.

For the past years, companies have continuously evolved, specifically in marketing. From doing traditional marketing to applying the modern strategies they have learned, everyone is undoubtedly making adjustments. And for what reason? To improve their business performance.

Many companies from all around the world have been creating ways how they can cope with the changing demands of their specific target market. They have used different strategies, including email marketing, social media advertising, posting promotional videos, collaborating with famous personalities, and even creating their online platform. A performance marketing strategy is one of the most common weapons they've widely used.


Image taken from Startup Youth

What is Performance Marketing?

Performance marketing strategy can be defined as a marketing strategy mainly driven by results. This type of online advertising wherein businesses and platforms only pay a marketing service provider if the marketing objectives are already fulfilled. A successful performance marketing strategy is present when a specific marketing response, such as clicks, a sale, or a lead, has been captured. In short, a performance marketing strategy is simply a performance-based type of online marketing.

Types of Online Performance Marketing Strategy

Understanding what is performance marketing strategy also means discovering how the term refers to paid online marketing advertisements. When you equip your business with a guide to performance marketing, you will encounter three common types you can choose from for your business.


Image taken from Little Helpers

1. Social Media Performance Marketing Strategy

Using social media to advertise has become mainstream in digital commerce. Now that almost every online shopper has a social media account, it would be possible to conduct marketing campaigns. Once you have mastered how does performance marketing work, you can now easily include learning how to run ads through social media platforms. In this performance marketing strategy, an online business can create promotional content and post it on social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube. Under this guide to performance marketing, businesses can set up campaigns with a specific marketing funnel structure. Often, marketing teams set up at least one marketing campaign directed to new prospects also called prospecting. Another is for those who have already visited their business website but have yet to make purchases, also known as the retargeting process.

2. Search Engine Performance Marketing Strategy

If there is another powerful tool you can use to ace the world of e-commerce, it's search engines. Search engine optimization allows your online business to get more attention from the online community. When you increase your search engine rank, the more chances you'll gain online visitors from around the globe. Using search engines to measure performance marketing enables you to drive more traffic to your business websites. You can run your advertisements and drive more website traffic using Google or Bing. The online campaigns involved in this guide to performance marketing are usually structured depending on the campaign's target audience. An online business that wishes to measure performance marketing through this type can campaign either for the kind of product they offer, their other competitor, or for their brand.

3. Influencer Performance Marketing Strategy

Influencers are individuals who have the power to affect a person's buying decisions. An influencer is not entirely a marketing tool but, relatively, a social relationship asset. Online businesses and famous brands can collaborate to perform a marketing campaign toward a specific audience niche. By learning how to measure performance marketing under this type, you can choose which influencer you want to collaborate with. This is important because not all influencers can persuade people to follow them. It is essential to know what kind of niche your prospect influencer enjoys engaging with to smoothly hand in your proposal of collaborating with them. If you are a business that targets individuals who love make-up, collaborating with an influencer who does make-up reviews and tutorials is the best option.


Image taken from Comogomo

How Does Performance Marketing Work?

Four common groups are commonly involved in a practical guide to performance marketing.

1. Retailers

Also known as advertisers, retailers, and merchants, are the brands or companies which sell a product or a service to a specific market niche. Advertisers are responsible for promoting what they can offer creatively and strikingly to reach their goals. Their goals commonly include generating more income, acquiring more leads, and building loyalty from their consumers.

2. Publishers

The following important person in this guide to performance marketing is the publishers or the affiliates. This term refers to companies operating on various media channels, such as websites, blogging platforms, and social media accounts that support digital advertisements. They are also known as "marketing partners" of online businesses that wish to execute their campaigns successfully.

3. Networks

A successful guide to performance marketing is only possible with networks. A network is a third-party platform that smoothly connects an online brand and a publisher. They can be considered a one-stop destination for online resources and tools such as website banners, payment management, text links, and campaign performance tracking. Networks are essential elements to measure performance marketing strategy effectively. One of its known functions is to serve as a passage to keep both the retailer and an affiliate on a single page, specifically when it comes to tracking website leads, conversions, clicks, and other key performance indicators or KPIs.

4. Outsourced Program Managers (OPMs)

Outsource Program Managers, or OPMs, primarily offer full-time performance marketing services for business companies. They are agencies that help online businesses to devise an effective marketing strategy, smoothly manage publisher recruiting, organize a campaign design and comply with regulations if the company needs to be more capable of doing it. OPMs also help businesses with zero workforces fulfill a performance marketing strategy. An OPM is also essential when you master how performance marketing work because it can optimize marketing campaigns to get maximum results.


Image taken from The Winemaker’s Loft

Performance Marketing Tips and Tricks

Mastering how performance marketing works might take time if you need help figuring out where to start. There are various types of hacks you can do to come up with the best guide to the performance marketing strategy that will perfectly fit your business. To smoothly ace the art of measuring performance marketing, here are some excellent tips you can follow.

1. Have A Goal

Choosing which performance marketing strategy best fits your business is impossible if you have zero goals. Before you can measure performance marketing, you must establish a set of realistic business goals. Goals are essential to keep you motivated and help you get a better view of your plans for your business campaign. When you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, it will be easier to create a cohesive plan of how you will do what you're supposed to do. Some of the usual goals businesses have are,

  • Raising brand awareness
  • Getting more website traffic
  • Retargeting potential clients
  • Driving more engagements on their website
  • Creating more leads
  • Increasing monthly sales

2. Pick Your Channels

As we've mentioned in the previous sections, marketing channels are crucial elements of a successful performance marketing strategy. During a performance marketing strategy, it is a wise step to broaden all available marketing channels available for you. Widening your coverage of marketing channels is one genius step to spread your marketing campaign to a broader audience. By doing this step, you can expose your performance marketing strategy to make way for more successful campaigns. You can choose between affiliate marketing, native advertising strategy, or using social media platforms to perform your marketing campaign. Find the best channels which perfectly suit your business to increase the potential of getting more conversions and engagements.

3. Create Your Campaign

The next important step you need to accomplish in this guide to performance marketing is to create an effective campaign. This step is considered one of the crucial steps because a lot of work happens in this stage. Creating a performance marketing campaign typically includes:

  • Identifying the marketing campaign's target audience
  • Understanding the main pain points, desires, and wants of the target market
  • Making the best online advertisements
  • Reaching out to the target audience to grab their attention

The following steps are essential to help you better understand your market niche. The more you spend your time getting to know them, the easier it will be for you to find and craft the best campaign to help you capture them.

Mastering how performance marketing works can stress you the first time you hear about it. But, one thing about learning how to measure performance marketing strategy is that it can give you many great things. All you need to do is find the best partner in digital commerce which can help you perform your marketing campaigns well. If you are wondering how you can effectively monitor how you are doing in the world of e-commerce, starting an e-commerce website could be a great help.


Image taken from Quinnton J Harris

Starting a website here in Strikingly can make it easier for you to perform your marketing campaigns well. With a robust website, you can easily create a platform directly to communicate with your clients and gather more business opportunities. You can send them updates and appreciation emails for choosing you for their transactions. Aside from that, you can have your business platform to freely spread your awesomeness and best product offerings and services to a market that perfectly understands you. Sounds great, right?

If you want to know more about how to get started in the world of digital commerce, chat with us today, and we'll get you started.