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What’s the job of a marketing funnel? In the English language, a funnel is used to pour any fluid into a desired pot or container. It's wider at the top and gradually narrows down to a small opening at the bottom. But why do you need to know this? As a marketer or someone running a business of their own, to understand the concept of digital marketing sales funnels, you need to understand the conc…

Professional life has never been the same since the pandemic began. We were sent home and have learned ways of working remotely. None of us had an idea of creating websites and making an external source of income through it. While you intend to make passive income or just want to pass the time and fill your pockets, a couple of income ideas would have struck your mind. As there were quarantine re…

Like any other social media freak, Pinterest is probably your go-to platform for ideas or inspiration for your favorite pastime or projects. You could also be one of those who are into inspiring others. What if we told you that businesses use Pinterest for marketing purposes as well? Besides being a social networking platform, Pinterest is also a powerful search engine, and promotional tool brand…

Nothing comes for free in today’s highly industrialized world. There is a corporate or brand name for everyone now. You are most likely to pay even for advice that someone gives you! It is wise in such a case that whatever product, skill, or even information that you have, you use it to earn. For this purpose, you must know the art of business which deals with many factors. But the most crucial f…

One of the first things that people notice about your company or product is your brand logo. It is the very first impression they get of what you represent, what your tastes are, and what you are capable of doing. This is why logos should be designed intricately, considering every small detail. Logo design trends should definitely be taken under serious consideration by businesses. It is also imp…

When you started blogging, were you guided the right way from the start? If you have just been told to write for as long as you can, it couldn’t have been a worse form of guidance for you. There are numerous things to consider before you begin stepping into the world of blogging. If you have just started to understand its concept, you don’t need to look further than this article when it comes to …

Website redesigning is a comprehensive process involving content updates, new layouts, and improved navigation to increase conversions and improve site performance. In the olden days, when individuals and organizations would pay thousands of dollars to web developers to create and redesign their web pages, the website redesign process involved making significant changes to the code or programming…

Previously, marketers splurged on bus stop bench advertising and costly sponsorship deals related to an event to promote their brand. However, as they got to know neuromarketing, they have distanced themselves from these kinds of techniques. Nowadays, one of a marketer's biggest priorities is spending as little time as possible and achieving maximum results. With such a tough situation in their h…

Like any other field or creation of art, marketing also highly depends on some form of writing, and in the marketing field, it is called copywriting. However, for some odd reason, it is one of those factors in the process of marketing that is often overlooked or not given enough attention to. All you need to do is follow some easy copywriting tips, and these copywriting tips will be enough for yo…

Something quite obvious and out there in the open, but most people fail to realize, that marketing is mostly all about mind games. It is about knowing the human psychology to a tea and then using it to benefit your business. It is the art of using psychology tricks on your general audience and dedicated customers to maximize your own profit with these psychological tricks. That is why, to excel i…

If you are even remotely linked to any kind of a business today, it’s not possible that you are unaware of the role that Instagram story ads play in advancing your business ventures. That’s exactly why it is very important to know how to use Instagram stories ads in the most optimal ways to benefit your business. Today’s article will be all about Instagram story ads, and how creating Instagram st…

Now you can use the new auto-translation tool in the Multi-language settings to quickly create a multi-lingual experience for your site visitors. Go and try it if you need!

If you want to improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) ranking, you need to craft the perfect SEO title tag for your website. Usually, the page titles are one of the first things that a visitor sees regarding your website. How you accommodate your page title will say a lot about your website in general and how visitors visualize it. The page titles are considered to be one of the …

In a period where the world is becoming digitized day after day, it is essential for car dealers to follow the same wavelength. Creating a professional website will attract new customers to car dealerships and improve their search engine rankings. If you still have the mindset of creating a dealer website for cars, now is the right time to invest in it. As mad as it sounds, you can create a car d…

If there is one main goal all businesses want to reach, that is to boost sales. Who wouldn’t want the attention and higher revenue count, right? But for you to actually succeed in increasing sales for your online business, you must first have a reliable action plan on how to boost sales effectively. Many businesses have managed to create their own action plan on how they can increase sales but un…

With the immense rise in demand for ecommerce solutions, making the move towards building an online store can benefit your business. But the wide variety of options available makes the selection process quite overwhelming. That’s why in this post, we will provide you with a good comparison of the best ecommerce solutions to use in 2022. This information is based on our first-hand experience of us…