You don’t have to get too fancy with your website to get ahead. In this post, we’ll take a look at sample website design that is devoid of fluff and visual clutter. What makes a simple website design stand out and how can you apply the same concept to your own website?

Design and user experience

Site design can affect user experience in a lot of ways. A well-designed website will encourage a visitor to keep scrolling. When it is easy to get around your website and find relevant information that people come for, attracting site traffic is a lot easier. If you look at clean sample websites, you will find that it is easier to focus on the message as compared to fancy looking sites that distract you with lots of flash and scrolling.

Clean website samples you will find on this list are also lightweight - making the pages load quickly. Visitors are typically turned off by sites that lag so a functional website that allows them to complete transactions in as little time as possible creates a positive impression.

Learn from samples sites of reputable brands. You would be hard pressed to find a sample website design from a professional company that is full of fluff. Most people find it hard to trust an outdated website or one that is too difficult to understand.

Elements of a Modern and Clean Website Sample

1. Streamlined color palette

Color schemes are important in modern site design because they have the potential to create a cohesive look to a website. Brands with both primary and secondary colors have a bit more freedom to play around with other design elements for different parts of the website. But too many colors can be distracting as well so in modern website design, it’s important to stick to up to two colors on the major design elements.

2. Ample white space

White space makes a web site sample look cleaner, sleek and modern. It doesn’t have to be white, however. White space is basically empty space that serve as a buffer between different elements or content on a page. Content should have room to breathe and white space keeps your site from looking too crowded or cluttered.

3. High quality visuals

A good website should be able to draw users in with high quality content. Visuals such as images, videos and graphics should be able to reinforce your message. Place videos in strategic areas around your website. Keep them short but punchy. As much as possible, use your own images instead of stock photos.

4. Design with the user in mind

We cannot emphasize this enough. Modern website design prioritizes user experience. When you choose sample website templates, think of how the user will go through your website and consume your content. Plan the hierarchy of your content and navigation carefully. With Google and other search engines placing a high priority on user experience, you would be wise to keep your target audience in mind when planning out your website’s design.

5. Clean samples web pages are optimized for speed

Speed optimization is another important element of clean and simple website design. With people expecting to get their information almost automatically, they are more likely to leave a website if they don’t get it to load in a few seconds. You don’t want to miss out on leads or conversion opportunities just because your website is too slow to load. With that in mind, always optimize your site and your content for speed. Compress image files and stick to recommended file sizes. Avoid adding too many unnecessary pages and plugins that can weigh down your site.

Clean website design samples to inspire your project

Now that you are armed with the right knowledge and tools on important clean website design sample principles, here are some of the best website designing samples on Strikingly that you might want to draw inspiration from.


Sarah Caroline Muller


The Odd One Out


What I See


Summerlee Walter


Possible + Venmo