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With most people opting to make their purchases online, getting into the ecommerce business sounds like a viable option for aspiring entrepreneurs. There is definitely a market for online stores in the new normal that we’re living in and, if you’re enterprising enough, success is almost guaranteed. All you need is a great idea for a product and the best ecommerce sites to help you set up your onl…

The key to being successful in the creative industry is a good art website. If you want to establish your personal brand as an artist, you need to build a solid web presence. Having an online portfolio to represent your brand and your talent on the internet is a good way to get started. The good news is that you don’t really need to learn web programming and development to build an art portfolio …

With the ecommerce industry growing rapidly each year - and even more so in this new normal caused by the coronavirus pandemic - we’re seeing a growing number of aspiring online retailers looking to take a piece out of the ecommerce pie. Aside from coming up with the right product that customers will be raving about, the challenge is to choose the best ecommerce website builder for your business.…

Setting up an ecommerce website has become an increasingly popular way of earning money online. With the coronavirus pandemic still affecting a lot of countries around the world, the ecommerce industry has been attracting a lot of attention as a more sustainable way of obtaining goods and services in the new normal. If you’re looking to ride the trend and set up your own online venture, now’s a g…

If your site has a store, you can now hide the cart icon from your site's header. This is useful if you don't want to advertise your store. The cart icon will appear if a visitor adds an item to their cart. Find this setting in "Header & Footer".

First impressions matter when it comes to portfolio website success. Your site should have the ability to sell your talent effectively in the first few seconds of a user’s stay on your page. Online portfolios, after all, are representative of an artist and his brand, and they have to be designed to engage and pique a potential client’s interest to be effective. Having said that, if you’re buildin…

As a photographer, you probably have a different view of your subjects and the things around you. This is how you can capture moments in various angles and give your viewers a different way of looking at what may seem like an ordinary situation. Similarly, when you create a portfolio website through free website templates, you need to think about how a potential client or customer might see your …

You can now change the default “Buy Now” text that appears in your store. Find this in your Store Settings.

You can now batch reorder and delete products. A handy tool if you’re selling a large number of products in your store.

As a business owner, having a website is probably one of the most important tools you should have to build your brand online. A web page serves as an online information hub for everything about your company, your products and services. This explains why many entrepreneurs are willing to spend on a well-built website. But if hiring a professional web designer is not in the budget - as is usually t…

The beauty of using a website builder to create your website is you are already armed with the basic framework that a site needs to run smoothly. In theory, free website templates can be considered websites once published and assume the features and functionality of a basic website. The only thing left for you to do is focus on the design and content so that your website stands out and overcomes …

Add multiple shipping options, with different shipping fees for each option! For instance, you can now set up Standard and Expedited shipping and let your customers choose one.

Whether you’re looking to create a webpage for business or personal purposes, you now have all the tools you need right at your fingertips. Strikingly is a website builder that empowers individuals and small businesses to share their passions with the rest of the world through modern and professional-looking websites. You don’t need a technical background in web development to set up a website w…

Gone are the days when you need to invest hundreds and thousands of dollars to get a website up and running. Nowadays, even beginners and small businesses that do not have the technical expertise or resources to hire professional services can create their own online spaces thanks to website builders. These platforms lower the barrier to entry for owning a website, enabling users to build sites wi…

If you have a great idea for a product but you don’t have the capital to develop it, crowdfunding sites offer a viable solution. But the reality is that not all crowdfunding campaigns are able to meet their KPIs. Studies show that only 30 percent of crowdfunding sites have met their success metrics. Getting people to support and finance your business concept may not be as simple as it seems. Howe…

If you’re looking to start a blog, you will probably want to come up with an awesome name for it. After all, one of the elements of successful blog sites is a website name that is easy to remember and resonates well with a target audience. Because it is one of the first things that people will see when they search for your blog, you naturally want to take some time picking out the right domain na…