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You can now export your all form data to a CSV file, even for custom forms. Each field will be a column in the exported CSV file.

Enterprise can mean many things, but it is primarily a term for a big business or company - the alternative of a small business where you have hundreds or thousands of employees. To properly define enterprise, you need to understand the levels of meaning of the word and how it’s applied in different contexts. What is an enterprise? As a human skill, enterprise can refer to the eagerness to do som…

If exercising and being fit is your hobby, then a fitness model career might be the perfect line of work for you. If being 100% committed to physical fitness and health is your niche, look no further as this guide will unravel the ins and outs of how to become a fitness model. Being fit is no easy feat to begin with, and turning it into your career is even more challenging. It takes practice and …

When starting your website, the About Us page becomes the foundation your website will be built upon. It usually becomes the first page you set up, regarding which industry or section of the business you are in. It’s also the page that you have the most knowledge of when starting since, as the name suggests, it’s about you and your business! The About Us page may go with different labels such as …

Trust Badges are a common sight in today’s ecommerce business and market scene. From free shipping to safe check out, there’s always going to be a trust badge displayed to strengthen its claim and fortify the trust that your customers have towards your brand. But what is a trust badge really? And why do they seem everywhere, even in businesses and websites that seem to be new? Let’s find out! Def…

Instagram TV or IG TV for short is Instagram’s long-form channel that is viewed in vertical orientation just like their stories function. The access to Instagram TV is only exclusive through Instagram’s app and having a massive following in your Instagram profile will definitely help get you noticed on IG TV. This guide will be an in-depth look at the tips and tricks you can use to take advantage…

Looking back, the 90s sounds so obsolete now. Well, it has been two decades since then and it has become a sort of peaceful memory we keep in our treasure chests. It’s just there in sepia colors waiting for us to recall a Saturday filled with cartoons on our chunky TV monitor, an afternoon spent just talking to our best friends on our wired telephones until it’s time for dinner, and random days w…

One of the best things that technology, specifically the internet, has made possible our WEBSITES. Websites have made it possible for you to learn more about a certain brand or organization. If you visit their website, there you will see a description of their organization. You will also see there their mission as an organization and even their history. And that has enabled businesses to expand t…

Let’s begin with what GIF stands for. Graphics Interchange Format, or better known as GIF, is an image format where individual frame movement is possible. It is especially used in websites, social media, and private messaging apps to convey messages that were not possible with just your typical PNG or JPEG. In short, they are the moving and looped memes or pictures your friend sends you! In this …

As a manager of your online presence, website owners need to make sure that their website doesn’t drop out of relevance by taking measures to measure and track the activity on and around their websites. But what do you use to measure your performance to get an idea of your starting point? These data points are called web analytics and tell you exactly what’s going on after you’ve built your websi…

Creating an online portfolio to boost your presence and trust in the cloud has never been more relevant today. In a world and business scene where remote jobs are becoming a norm, stumbling upon this “how to make an online portfolio guide” is the perfect thing to get you and your skillset out in the known. This guide will be an in-depth beginner’s tutorial on how to set up your free portfolio web…

The internet, over the years, has become people’s go-to place for just about anything. It’s where you can find entertaining videos of pandas being cute even when they are tumbling down the ground. It’s also the place where you find blogs about what ingredients are needed to cook pancakes. It is also where you can find the most random questions like “why do cucumber and shampoo taste alike?” Or “w…

Newborn Newborn photography is a niche of photography that is bustling in terms of its business capabilities these days. We want to be a part of your success, so with these newborn photography tips, we hope to see your work soon! May it be featured on your portfolio or website, we are sure that our newborn photography for beginner’s guide will be of crucial help to your eventual boom in newborn p…

Blogging is one of the earliest, and one of the most long-standing ways of sharing content. A popular first idea for a website, a blog website is where users can generate their own content - whether visual or long-form, to express themselves, and even elevate their credibility as a professional. More and more thought leaders and experts are creating a blog website or a podcast to connect with the…

We’ve upgraded our publishing backend so you can now see site changes immediately after publishing when viewing your own site.

In this day and age, one of the most powerful tools we have is the World Wide Web. It provides us a wide range of information with just a few clicks of a button. Another powerful tool in the current generation is the voice, conviction, and the drive for everyone to be a changemaker in their own ways. We do say that the only permanent thing in this world is change, so wanting to make a relevant an…