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A great brand name is not simply something that looks good on a business card or is easy to pronounce. It is not perfect just because you like it. It is good because it conveys information to consumers. Customers drive the demand for good brand names, and customers will still want easy ways to recognize, recall, discuss, and compare brands. A brand’s most valuable asset can be its name, which can…

What comes to mind when you think about your most favorite food's aroma, flavor, and texture? You get that mouth-watering experience because it triggers the same emotional response associated with that dish. As a food photographer, you need to make your audience experience that emotion with every food photograph. Food is a language that speaks across borders and cultures. Then why limit food phot…

It might seem like an unusual time to open a pop-up shop, with so many businesses in different stages of closure. Consumers will be hungry for real-life experiences as the planet recovers. And, though they have grown accustomed to the ease of shopping online, they miss the physical connection they have with brands. A pop up store may be the answer for you if you want to try out a retail presence …

Getting all the family members at the same time in the same place can be pretty hard. Adding to that, organizing all of them for a family photo can be a nightmare. Family photos can be shared between the family members and can be hung at their homes to cherish the memories spent with your loved ones. There are many free apps for sharing family photos. When it comes to photography, family photogra…

The supply chain system is a complex and challenging platform where you need to be on top of your game to be a consistent player and grow big. One of the many and probably one of the most important components of the supply chain system is the supplier. Supplier businesses are tricky as you need to consider several aspects of both the manufacturing industry and the retailer to make transactions fe…

Free blog sites have come a long way in recent years. In the past you needed some form of design or programming experience to put up a successful blog, nowadays, you can easily get a professional-looking website up without having to write code or know typography. Anyone with a computer and access to the Internet can create their own blog with a bit of creativity and a lot of help from the best bl…

If you own an ecommerce store, you need to combat an enemy that’s been threatening many online entrepreneurs for years. Shopping cart abandonment may sound like a harmless word, but statistics reveal that it’s a major cause of losing potential revenue. In this blog, we’ll explore shopping cart abandonment, including statistical data to get insights on how serious of a problem it really is. Moreov…

Starting a small business will definitely cost you money, no matter how big or small it is. How much does it cost to start a business? Well, there is no exact answer to this question, but we can give you a heads up about the startup costs. Because every business is uniquely different, you have to determine the basic needs and requirements on how to start a small business. How to start a business?…

It's quick to get preoccupied with the main elements of web design. After all, there's the interface to consider, the navigation to implement, and the functionality to think about. By its nature, a website can entice visitors from the moment they arrive. It's all about the design, colors, typography, navigation, and more. That's why many (if not all) web designers concentrate on creating the top …

Users can now use Strikingly Taiwan Payments to accept NT$ payments in Strikingly stores!

Photography is one broad field. Anyone could have the experience to enjoy it, no matter what genre they would like to explore. Photography has the power to capture the best moments happening in any type of subject. It can be all about animals in their natural habitat, the latest in fashion, people in their everyday life, best places to visit for a vacation, food recipes in different areas in a co…

How can you increase your business sales figures? There are many ways to do this. The most obvious thing is that you have to have a good marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy can help you target the right people and turn them into customers for your business. The ease of surfing the internet, like social media, can help you do your marketing from multiple channels. Another thing you can d…

The church allows us to have a safe space to reconnect, replenish or strengthen our faith and spiritually with the supreme being and creator himself, God. Through churches, we gather and unite as a family, pray and grow in maturity and wisdom, celebrate festivities together as one body like Christmas and Easter, and spread the word of God. Most of the time, we spend Sundays in the church to thank…

Thinking of a great brand name can be stressful and daunting. With millions of brand names out there, you might end up thinking of a business name that’s already been taken by one or two. To say, whether you’re thinking of how to come up with a brand name this very minute, having the best business name idea is the most basic and crucial element when it comes to starting up a business. Aside from …

They say you can't make a lot of money with just a website; that building an email list is the key to actually making a lot of money online. But where do you begin when creating your own list; from the ground up? If you ask any digital marketer, they will most likely tell you to start with landing pages, but what is a landing page? Perhaps you've heard about this marketing tip before, but you've …

To create a good website, you need to understand that visuals are one of the most important elements of a website. A unique and attractive design can help people remember your website better. A balanced color scheme can make it more convenient for people to browse your website. A good layout can make people understand your website content better. Simply put, if your website has good visuals, then…