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Being a prominent personality unlocks many opportunities. Whether you’re an actor, a content creator, or a well-known online persona, there are millions of ways to leverage your brand. One of the best ways to further establish your brand is to make merch. Merchandise is a product with certain elements associated with your brand. These are items that your fans can buy as a way of belonging to your…

Today, you’ve checked your inbox and saw 645 emails remain unopened. In this case, you can do what most people do with tons of emails they receive every day - click to open important emails while ignoring those that are most likely spam. Let us be honest, we only read emails that are important to us. For instance, you receive a letter from the university where you have applied for a scholarship o…

Business isn’t all about money but rather a momentous milestone when a person engages in the field of e-commerce to make a living. As rewarding as it may sound that you are now making your own money, engaging in business offers you the spontaneity of the market, as well as hone your problem-solving skills in making the best out of your products or services at hand. In fact, managing a money-makin…

Have you ever wondered why some URLs begin with HTTP:// and others begin with HTTPS://? Perhaps you noticed the extra "s" when visiting websites that enable you to provide confidential information, such as when paying bills online. But what does that extra "s" say, and where did it come from? Simply put, the extra "s" indicates that your access to that website is protected and encrypted and that …

Have you been producing content but haven't been able to make any money, despite the fact that you have a lot of potential? Are you perplexed as to how other people benefit from selling video online when your account remains adamantly empty? You're not alone in your thoughts. Every day, people post videos and never make a penny off of it, which is great if money isn't the goal, but frustrating if…

When creating a website, you may get carried away in adding features to your website. Website builders also generally offer the convenience of adding features to their website that makes you even more carried away. However, you should pause and think for a moment: do you need all those features? If your answer is no and you are still adding those features, your website will fall victim to what is…

As an animator, you must be accustomed to turning the stories or inspiration around you into a short animation or animated film that can entertain everyone. During your career journey, you have certainly touched the lives of many people, even though you are not always aware of this, and inspire people through your animation. But, have you told the story about yourself? In the midst of increasingl…

Establishing an online presence is a sure-fire way to scale up your brand’s identity and generate sales in the long run, and the best way to do that is by making a website. If you’re a small business and budget is an issue (as it usually is), web hosting presents a cost-effective option so you can get your website up as soon as possible. There are also free web hosting services available if you’r…

Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) now have about as many picture results as text results. Before any organic text results are available, Google pulls in a huge pack of clickable images to the top of the main results page. Despite your best SEO efforts, your website's photos could be a source of organic traffic that you're losing out on. How do you get a piece of this valuable traffic? …

Learning technical jargon or even just looking at anything tech can be daunting for the average joe. With its intricacies and years of study to master a realm of the internet where codes and numbers look like hieroglyphics, one may ask is there a way to simplify this complex information. While the internet lets you enjoy its wonders and have access to all sorts of information on the web, there is…

Photography is an art that, today, is accessible to everyone. You don't need to have a high-end digital camera to become a professional photographer anymore. Whatever may be your style and taste in photography, it's about time you began selling your art. Your photos have spent enough time lying around on your computer. It's time to put them online and see what they can do. Selling photos online i…

The best carpenter website is polished and professional, giving the impression that this business provides expert service and top-notch craftsmanship. A successful carpenter website will also provide a carpenter list, full-color images of completed projects to show the company’s expertise. A carpenter will draw buyers and make sales in their area with a high-quality website before they’ve even ta…

This is the moment of everyone's life that they want to celebrate the arrival of a new baby into their family! The parents aren't the only ones who get excited when a baby is on the way. Future grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, acquaintances, and other family members are likely to be excited to meet the newest member of the family. Among the most common ways for your loved ones to share th…

When we think of daycare centers, we usually picture cute babies and children experiencing the time of their lives with new friendships, bright colored toys, educational activities, and fun games to play with. What we don’t know is some parents take weeks before they find a suitable day care center for their children. It’s important that parents can assure their children will be safe and learn al…

You can now quickly and conveniently adjust your product images in your Store or Portfolio section. Open the image editor for resize, crop, filter, adjust contrast/brightness, and more.

As a business, you’ve thought, ‘how do I get more customers to visit my site while simultaneously increasing the chances of them making a purchase?’ Well, the long answer is to create an awesome ad campaign or provide offers and prizes on purchase. You can make special coupons and member-only vouchers to get your customers excited about the activity on your website. The short answer? Flash Sales!…