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How often do you use social media apps in your daily life? How many social media accounts do you have, and do you open every day? Can you last a day without using any of the most popular social media platforms? Don’t worry, we get it. And so do a billion more people out there. See, social media apps now play a big role in the living experience of every human being out there. From being just an av…

If you don't already have an email newsletter for your company, you should consider launching one. Email marketing efforts supported by a solid plan can provide a consistent return on investment (ROI) and other value-added benefits. This article will read about what a newsletter is and its purpose in your content marketing strategy. What is a Newsletter? Newsletters are used by businesses and org…

The objective of every business is to survive and grow. Different companies use different marketing and brand management strategies for increasing their sales and enhancing their brand image. We all know that scaling a business is not easy. It requires a lot of strategic planning to get to the point of growing a business and seeing it thrive. Like everything else in life, growing a business would…

Every business needs to advertise its products and services to attract customers and make them purchase. Without advertising strategies, it would be tough for any company to make a place for its products in the market. Businesses are constantly competing in the global market by coming up with creative ads and slogans. Tons of money is spent on the different media for advertising by the various in…

The website for your construction company is an essential aspect of your operation. If you're like most construction companies, you revamp it every few years, setting aside money for a brand new, colorful, and fashionable website. But, if you’re honest, how much company growth have any of those spanking new websites brought you? If you're unsure or think those redesigns didn't have much, if any, …

Have you considered how to take your Digital Marketing campaign to the next level? Marketing content is an effective way to accomplish this. With a low-cost investment, this approach can attract and engage your target audience. Content marketing allows you to immerse potential clients in an atmosphere where they may learn how your product or service can solve their problems or fulfill their wants…

The world is evolving at a rapid pace and so too is the digital era. In such a fast-growing atmosphere, you need to be up to date in order to keep up. So if you’re a young professional who’s just beginning to explore his/her options in the market or a seasoned professional trying to increase their network, you’re bound to have a professional resume. You might even have an online resume built that…

With the rise of social media marketing, we are observing another change in the global marketing trend: the gaining popularity of video marketing. People still read blogs, but their attention span is much longer when they are watching videos. This is why businesses have been increasingly using videos to promote their products and services. Whether it be an explainer video, a doodle illustration, …

Raising funding for your next enterprise might be a significant stumbling block on the path to realizing your idea. While bank loans and pitching investors are still valid fundraising alternatives, crowdfunding allows you to seek support from a crowd: a group of people who pool their resources to invest in your idea and help it become a reality. According to Fundly's recent report, best crowdfund…

Digital marketing campaigns have been coming up with more and more ways to innovate and reach a wider audience. Their goals are not solely focused on advertising their products to the people online anymore, they are also persistent in getting these people converted. “Converted” meaning turning the people who see your campaigns or visit your website into paying and loyal customers. There are many …

Building a company can be a solitary endeavor. However, marketing one does not have to be complicated. Co-marketing entails two complementing brands pooling their audiences and resources to run a campaign that neither could do well on their own. Large enterprises and small businesses alike can benefit from a strategic partnership since they allow them to share what they already have rather than b…

In the realm of the digitized world and the ongoing pandemic, every business is striving to build a successful website. Building a successful website not only requires a good taste of web design but also needs you to have knowledge about the different elements of web content. If you are also looking to learn how to make a successful website, you have come to the right place. In this article, we w…

Successful businesses conduct thorough research before coming up with new product ideas or penetrating new markets. Different kinds of research need to be done to help entrepreneurs steer the company in the right direction. One way to sum up all kinds of research is to frame them into a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis encompasses the different segments an enterprise or an entrepreneur needs to get i…

If you want to be selling your products or services effectively, you need to be familiar with the concept of buyer persona. A buyer persona, sometimes referred to as ‘customer persona’ or even ‘marketing persona’, helps you put yourself into your potential customers’ shoes, and create marketing content that can penetrate into their hearts and influence their buying decisions. It is what you need …

We’ve updated our font library with new, modern fonts, including the newest Google Fonts. You can also pick a specific font-weight for selected fonts!

Social media content is becoming among the most persuasive kind of content for marketing and promoting a business. Consumers have so many social media apps on their phones. Therefore, posting about your brand on various social media platforms is like penetrating into consumers’ handphones. Regardless of which social media platform you use, as long you use it in the right way, your social media m…