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Instagram advertising is a hot topic right now. It's no surprise that many people want to understand how to advertise on Instagram. Instagram is the top visual content social network, with over 1 billion monthly active users, and it provides a massive potential for digital marketers to reach their target demographic. #picturesFirst has already altered the way we eat, and it's about to change the …

What makes your website special that makes people head on to your page? Here at Strikingly, we believe every website has something good to offer. However, it doesn’t mean being good enough will get you to the top of search results. You need to do something to make it work. In fact, you need the best SEO services to do the tricks. The target audience may be different among businesses or personal o…

It's difficult to master effective marketing. When developing B2B marketing strategies, marketers must strike a balance between creative demands, budget limits, and channel concerns. On the other hand, your audience is the most important factor in good marketing. Your promos and adverts will most likely fall on deaf ears if you don't target your customer persona correctly. It's as if you're not e…

Nowadays, there are many ways to make a living in the digital industry. If you are inclined to a digital nomad job, it is just another chapter you will write in your professional career. If you want to be associated with social entrepreneurship, this is the right job for you. Like many other jobs, an online job of a nomad has many challenges, such as traveling across the country and doing remote …

There's always the risk of misinterpretation and misuse with each new marketing or SEO tool. Landing pages are an example of this. There are a lot of congested sites with a lot of keywords. Certain landing pages do not clearly state what they want you to do. Landing pages that aren't performing as expected. Do not be concerned. Here's some guidance on creating an effective landing page design tha…

Are you someone who enjoys doing artwork? Do you want to share your masterpieces online and be recognized worldwide? Then, you just happen to be in the right place. Creating an art portfolio website has become in demand these days. If you want to get hired by a company or a client, having a portfolio website for artists is a holy grail. Due to the pandemic, most companies nowadays use an art port…

Want to start a small business online? Why not try selling private label products? This is ideal for startup owners and retailers who want to add more products to their shops or start a whole new concept. Knowing the best selling private label products will help you a lot in the planning process. Also, you will be able to come up with strategies that focus more on selling instead of production. I…

Making a beautiful wedding website needs dedication. Fortunately, this isn't a permanent commitment to see you through sickness and health, but rather a commitment of time and money. And, with everything else that goes into arranging a wedding, you'll almost certainly be short on both. A wedding website, on the other hand, is a wise investment. Unlike an invitation, it can serve as a means of con…

Brand identity is a notion that is commonly misinterpreted. The loose and inconsistent use of brand nomenclature in the general press—and even in the marketing business itself—is to blame for a lot of the confusion. However, "brand identity" is a potent weapon you may use to affect how people think about your company. It has an exact meaning. The sooner you grasp brand identity and what it can (a…

With every challenging time, there comes an opportunity. It is safe to say that we currently live in the same criteria. In today’s period, we can obtain a university degree from home and open a home office. With so many ideas of remote tasks on the table, we can agree that self-employment is gaining a lot of recognition. Finding an online job you can start would give you great flexibility. Your r…

Have you recently launched your dropshipping or eCommerce store? Are you fully prepared to step into the digital marketing world? If you have started looking for information, you must have come across the advice of building a blog to promote your website. The truth is that this is actually great advice. The latest blogging statistics reveal that blogging is highly beneficial for promoting eCommer…

Among the factors that determine the success or failure of a boutique is how you buy the wholesale clothing to sell. Sourcing for the trends, good quality, and price is an arduous task to do, as it sets you apart from other boutiques and makes you survive in this competitive industry. If you are a boutique owner, there is a reason for that. You know how to style your customers and provide them go…

Having unique and creative content is key to your website’s success. But, here is the thing -- your job doesn’t end after posting one blog, photo, or video content after another. You need to promote website content to bring it into action. It may take some time to get the results you want, but pushing some buttons and setting up website content promotion strategies to create traffic to your site …

With so many technological advancements in many parts of the world, we can safely say that the internet has taken over. Nowadays, people use the internet in just about everything, such as business meetings, personal talks, study, entertainment, and gaming. It is said to be believed that 4.33 billion people are using the internet for their respective reasons. Considering the evolution of technolog…

Are you a passionate musician who wants to build an online presence for your band? Are you interested in building a hip hop website? Most hip hop artists rely on social media to share their music with the world. Although social media can help you build a solid online presence, it is not sustainable enough for the long run. You need a platform that you own entirely to make any changes to it that y…

In this day and age, almost everyone has heard about entrepreneurship. Becoming an entrepreneur is not seen as a big deal anymore as it was decades ago. There are many venues available for aspiring entrepreneurs to start their ventures at minimal costs and almost zero capital expenditure. Entrepreneurship often involves high levels of risks and uncertainty. But at the same time, it also offers gr…