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Photography is one of the most interesting forms of art in the modern age, and it can make you a lot of money if you do it correctly. You need to know how to market your photography business to get enough customers; this article will help you with that.

There are numerous websites you could use to market your photography, but it will also come down to the quality of your work. Let us get down to the details, see the trends in photography, and how to use Strikingly to promote your work.

The Trend of Photography

Photography is dynamic, and a big part of marketing your photography is to help you stay on top of the trends. You need to know what customers and viewers are interested in so you can create relevant and provocative content.

1. Outdoor photography and rustic backgrounds

The pandemic created a significant change in viewer preferences, and the changes will continue to manifest into 2023 and the future. Outdoor photos are growing more and more popular, as well as rustic backgrounds.

Outdoor pictures offer a safe social environment for your clients, and the landscape is an amazing source of inspiration. Landscapes provide an outdoor and active feel for everyone, contributing to their growing popularity.

You should focus on using natural items like rocks, caves, and other earthy tones for an all-natural organic feel that will make your work stand out.

2. Authenticity and candid imagery

Sometimes, there is nothing more beautiful than life in its regular everyday form, and that is what candid imagery is all about. It captures life without filters and has grown popular as more people communicate online.

True-to-life images resonate better with most friends and family members, making for a more meaningful digital presence. You should keep the edits to a minimum and only use edits that seem natural and authentic.

The idea is to have a picture representing the actual event without filters or additional effects to enhance beauty.

3. Captivating colors

This is the opposite of candid photos, and it’s more of going crazy with colors and effects to a reasonable extent. Bright and dramatic colors have become popular since 2022. It can be a pop of color that dominates the piece, and this focus on color makes photographs more compelling.

You can use neon signs, colorful buildings, bright flowers, or ultra-saturated elements to capture bright colors. Additional edits might be necessary to improve the work, but it comes down to the artist.

4. Innovative use of equipment

This is more about creativity, and it's grown popular mostly because of the increased social media presence. It can be using old technology like film photography which does not allow editing; therefore, the photographer’s skills tell the whole story.

Sometimes it can be using modern technology like drones and smartphones to take photos creatively. New techniques and equipment always gain viewers' attention, and it can be an excellent way to create traction for your brand.

Tips on How to Market Your Photography

You should market your photography correctly, just like any other business, to get the best results from your customers. Here are some tips on how to market your photography. They’ll improve your chances of selling or getting contracts from your images.

1. Identify your audience

Identifying the people interested in your content is the first step in marketing your photography business. Identifying your audience will help you get ideas that work best for that group, making for a more effective strategy and higher conversion rates.

If you focus on food, you should target restaurants, bars, cafes, culinary magazines, and other related websites. You should consider income, location, specialization, interests, and customer type, from large organizations to individual clients.

2. SEO for your website

Photography marketing relies on SEO, which significantly impacts website traffic. Getting a good SERP ranking will expose your website to more traffic; therefore, more potential customers will be able to see your work and build interest.

Choose the right keywords, descriptions for your images, and internal and foreign keys to improve your SERP ranking. Ensure the website is high performing with up-to-date content.

3. Create a digital portfolio

Digital Portfolio

Image taken from Strikingly Product

Many processes and trends in photography have taken everything online, and you must stay up to date if you have successful photography marketing. A physical portfolio will limit the number of potential customers you can reach; therefore, you should create a digital one.

Make sure it is professional and high-end to make a good impression of your work. Make this a collage of your best work, and find creative ways to make it stand out so that clients can notice you. Use social media and other websites to spread it, and you will get customers.

4. Use social media to market your photography

Social media has grown in popularity recently, and most customers use the platforms to find clients. If you have the right strategy, you can find thousands of potential customers on Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms.

Create accounts on all platforms and use them to post your work and give potential customers a way to reach you. Use stories and posts to keep your brand in people’s minds, which will help you get more attention.

5. Use email marketing to improve conversions

Email marketing can help improve your brand 9 through targeted ads, promoting events, and getting customer feedback. Emails affect more than 60% of buyers' purchasing choices, so it is one of the best advertising platforms.

Ask customers to give their email when they subscribe so you can send personalized emails to them. Use simple and short emails with minimum links and words like “free” since they might end up in the spam folder.

6. Create a referral program

Customers are more likely to use your services if a friend or coworker recommends them. For this to work, you must have amazing work and an effective referral system. You could offer a coupon or another reward for a certain number of referrals from each customer.

Your customers will be marketing photography for you, and you will barely have to spend any money on it.

7. Contests and giveaways

Contests and giveaways attract people’s attention and can lead you to an impressive conversion rate. Use social media platforms, especially Facebook and Instagram, to hold competitions with prizes.

These competitions will attract people in the niche, giving you more publicity and potential conversions. It can be as simple as asking people to follow your page and invite friends to get prizes.

8. Use video ads to market your photography

According to customer surveys, videos make more of an impact on purchasing decisions; therefore, you should focus on creating video content. There is numerous user-friendly software for creating videos which could be collages of your work or services you offer.

9. Join forces with other artists

Marketing photography is like music; you can get more attention by working with other artists in the same niche or different. This way, you will have more people's attention, and you can capitalize on the other artist's publicity to improve yours.

The collaboration will also improve your work's quality, making you more popular among customers. You could be several photographers from different niches.

10. Partner with a local business to market your photography

The quickest way to make money is by creating a mutually beneficial network with local businesses in your niche. You could take photos for their ads, and they promote you and share links to your sites on their website or social media platforms.

This way, they market their business, and you get your work to the public, where you can get potential customers.

How to Upload Images on Strikingly Website Using Gallery and Big Media Sections

Create Free Photography Website

Image taken from Strikingly Product

You must have a strong online presence to market your photography business. Potential customers rely on search engines such as Google to find clients; therefore, having an SEO website will increase your chances of landing a contract.

Strikingly can help you create an amazing website with beautiful images, even if you have yet to gain skills in web development. Here is how you can upload images on Strikingly;

1. Click the “Add a new section” button, and a window will pop up with options for Big media and gallery.


Image taken from Strikingly Product

2. Click on the big media or gallery, depending on where you want to get the photos, and a new screen will pop up with an edit button. Click edit, then select the replace option.

Big Media

Image taken from Strikingly Product

3. In the next window, upload your image from your device or the Strikingly library, then hit publish once you have edited the image. The changes will happen on the live site, and the viewers will see the new image.


Hopefully, this article helped show you how to market your photography business and make some money. Photography marketing can seem like a tedious endeavor, but it will pay off if you do it the right way.

You should have a photography website to market all your work and invite more customers. Use social media to get your work in public to increase the chances of getting customers. Ultimately, your work will speak for itself, and you will make a decent living from it.