
If you're looking to take your business to the next level this year, effective branding advice is a must. The main goal of branding is to give your company a distinctive identity and to communicate that identity to your target market. It's a critical component of any flourishing firm and can significantly impact client acquisition and retention.

This article will discuss 10 branding tips for entrepreneur to help elevate their business in 2023. Whether you're just starting fresh or looking to refresh your existing brand, these branding tips will guide you to make a meaningful impact.

We'll cover everything from defining your brand's unique value proposition to leveraging social media to amplify your reach. And the best part? We'll show you how to implement the list of branding tips using Strikingly, a website builder that offers branding advice and tools to help you create a strong online presence.

#1- Develop A Strong Brand Identity

Your brand identity, which includes your logo, color scheme, typography, and general style, is how people perceive your company. It helps your target audience recognize and remember your company while differentiating you from your rivals.

To create a strong brand identity, define your brand's values and personality. What does your business stand for? What kind of tone do you want to convey in your messaging? Once you have a clear concept of your brand's identity, you can start translating it into visual elements that will resonate with your target audience.

How To Create A Strong Brand Identity Using Strikingly?

Strikingly offers a range of effective branding tips and tools to help you generate a cohesive and professional brand identity. You can upload your logo to the editor and use it everywhere on the site. You can also customize your website design by using your brand logo design.

Remember, consistency is critical when it comes to branding. Ensure your brand identity is reflected in all aspects of your business, from your website to your social media profiles and marketing materials. It will help you establish a strong, recognizable brand that resonates with your target audience.

#2- Define Your Target Audience

Knowing your target audience is essential to creating effective branding that resonates with your ideal customers. By understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points, you can tailor your messaging and brand identity to better connect with them.

Create buyer personas as a starting point for defining your target demographic. These are fictitious depictions of your ideal clients, with details about their characteristics, habits, and objectives. Use Strikingly's analytics and audience targeting features to gain insights into your website visitors and social media followers. It will help you understand who your target audience is and what they're interested in.

Customized audience list for better targeting on Strikingly
Image taken from Strikingly

Once you know your target audience, you can tailor your messaging and brand identity to better resonate with them. For example, if the target audience is mainly millennials, you may want to focus on social media platforms and incorporate more visual elements into your branding.

How To Define Your Target Audience Using Strikingly?

Strikingly's audience targeting features and effective branding tips also allow you to create targeted email campaigns and personalized website experiences based on your visitors' behavior and interests. It can help you create a more engaging and relevant experience for your target audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions and customer loyalty.

#3- Create A Unique Value Proposition

Your value proposition is a lucid and concise statement communicating what sets your brand apart from the competition and why customers should choose you over others. A strong value proposition can help establish credibility, build trust, and differentiate your brand in a crowded marketplace.

Creating a unique value proposition requires profoundly understanding your target audience and their needs. By addressing their pain points and offering a unique and valuable solution, you can position your brand as the go-to choice for your target audience.

How To Create A Unique Value Proposition Using Strikingly?

Research your competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses to create a unique value proposition. It can help you identify gaps in the market that your brand can fill.

Next, use Strikingly's features along with effective branding tips to craft a compelling value proposition message that pulsates with your target audience. Use clear and concise language that communicates your product's or service's benefits and highlights what sets you apart from the competition.

Create custom USP on Strikingly
Image taken from Strikingly

For example, suppose you're a fitness coach. In that case, your value proposition could be "Transform your body and mind with personalized fitness plans and expert coaching tailored to your unique goals and lifestyle." This communicates the value you offer, highlights your expertise, and emphasizes the personalized approach you take to help your clients accomplish their fitness goals.

Remember, your value proposition should be prominently displayed on your website and other marketing materials to effectively communicate your brand's unique value to your target audience.

#4- Create A Consistent Brand Experience

Next in our list of top branding tips is consistency. A consistent brand experience across all touchpoints can help build brand recognition, establish trust, and establish a powerful emotional bond with your target audience.

How To Create A Consistent Brand Experience Using Strikingly?

To create a consistent brand experience, define your brand guidelines, including your brand colors, typography, imagery, and tone of voice. Use Strikingly's website templates, design features, and effective branding tips to consistently reflect your brand guidelines throughout your website and other marketing materials.

  • Visual Consistency

Use the same brand colors, typography, and imagery across all touchpoints, from your web address to your social media profiles and email marketing campaigns. This can help create a cohesive brand identity and make it breezier for your target audience to recognize and remember your brand.

  • Message Consistency

In addition to visual consistency, ensure your messaging is consistent across all touchpoints. Use Strikingly's features with effective branding tips to develop a clear brand voice and messaging that reflects your brand's values, personality, and unique selling proposition. For example, if your brand is known for being fun and quirky, ensure your website copy, social media posts, and email newsletters consistently reflect that tone of voice.

As a result, you can build a strong brand identity and increase brand awareness, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and sales.

#5- Build Brand Awareness Through Content Marketing

Building brand awareness and establishing your company as an expert in your field can be accomplished through content marketing. You can improve brand recognition, increase traffic to your website, and eventually increase leads and sales by producing relevant and educational content that appeals to your target audience.

How To Build Brand Awareness Through Content Marketing Using Strikingly

To build brand awareness through content marketing, develop a content strategy that aligns with your brand's values, mission, and unique selling proposition. Use Strikingly's features, effective branding tips, and blog integration features to create a blog on your website and publish high-quality blog posts that offer value to your target audience.

Add blog section easily to website with Strikingly
Image taken from Strikingly

In addition to blogging, consider using Strikingly's social media integration features to promote your content on social media channels where your target audience is active. Share your blog posts on your social media profiles and engage with your followers to build a community around your brand.

social media integration
Image taken from Strikingly

Remember to keep your brand voice and message consistent across all your content marketing efforts, and always provide value to your target audience. You can establish your brand as a trusted authority in your industry and build brand awareness that can lead to increased customer loyalty and sales.

#6- Leverage Customer Reviews And Testimonials

Next in our list of top branding tips is leveraging customer reviews and testimonials. They are powerful tools for building trust and credibility with potential customers. Positive reviews and testimonials can help establish your brand as a trustworthy and reliable choice in your industry.

How To Leverage Customer Reviews And Testimonials Using Strikingly?

To leverage customer reviews and testimonials, start by collecting feedback from your customers using Strikingly's review and feedback features. You can add a review section to your website where customers can leave feedback and rate your products or services. Once you have collected positive reviews and testimonials, feature them prominently on your website and marketing materials. Use Strikingly's website design features to create a dedicated testimonials page or include quotes from satisfied customers on your homepage.

In addition, consider reaching out to satisfied customers and asking them to provide a more detailed testimonial that you can use in your marketing efforts. Share these testimonials on social media and other marketing channels to help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Remember to ask for permission before using a customer's review or testimonial, and remember that authenticity is key. Feel free to include negative reviews and feedback, as it shows your willingness to improve and can help build transparency and trust with your audience.

#7- Use Visual Branding Elements Effectively

Visual branding elements are crucial to effective branding. They help create a strong brand identity and make your business more recognizable to customers. Your visual branding elements include your logo, colors, fonts, and other design elements that help you stand out. To use these elements effectively, you must clearly understand your brand identity and what you want to communicate to your target audience.

How To Use Visual Branding Elements Effectively Using Strikingly?

With Strikingly's branding tools, advice, and design features, you can easily create and manage your visual branding elements. You can choose from various website templates and customize them to reflect your brand's personality and values. You can also create your logo and select your colors and fonts using Strikingly's simple and user-friendly interface.

When using visual branding elements, it's vital to ensure consistency across all your marketing channels, from your website to your social media profiles and business cards. This consistency helps reinforce your brand identity and makes it easier for customers to recognize and remember your business.

#8- Establish Brand Authority Through Thought Leadership

As a business owner, establishing your brand as a thought leader in your industry can greatly enhance your brand's credibility and reputation. By consistently producing high-quality, informative content that educates and adds value to your target audience, you can position yourself as a master in your field.

How To Establish Brand Authority Through Thought Leadership Using Strikingly?

Overall, establishing yourself as a thought leader can help elevate your brand and increase your influence in your industry. With Strikingly's user-friendly content creation and SEO tools, it's easier than ever to establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field.

Create Content Using The Blogging Feature

One effective way to establish thought leadership is through content creation, such as blog posts or videos. Strikingly's blogging feature makes creating and publishing content on your website easy. You can also use Strikingly's content creation tools, such as video embeds and image galleries, to enhance your content and make it more engaging for your audience.

Reach Industry Experts For Guest Posting

Another way to establish thought leadership is by posting or speaking at industry events. You can use Strikingly's effective branding tips and built-in SEO tools to optimize your website and increase your visibility in search results, making it easier for other industry experts to find and reach out to you for opportunities.

#9- Foster Customer Engagement And Loyalty

Customer engagement and loyalty are crucial aspects of branding. Engaged clients are more likely to stick around and advocate for your brand, which can greatly benefit your business. Consider using Strikingly's customer engagement and loyalty features, such as email marketing and rewards programs, to foster customer engagement and loyalty.

How To Foster Customer Engagement And Loyalty Using Strikingly?

Email marketing can keep your customers up-to-date with your latest products or services and provide valuable content they can share with their networks. With Strikingly, you can easily create and send professional-looking emails to your customers and track their engagement with your content.

Rewards programs are another effective way to foster customer engagement and loyalty. By offering rewards for certain actions, such as making a purchase or referring a friend, you can incentivize your customers to intrigue with your brand more frequently. With Strikingly’s effective branding tips, you can easily create and manage a rewards program for your customers and track their engagement with your program.

#10- Monitor And Measure Branding Success

Monitoring and measuring your branding success is crucial to understanding your branding efforts' effectiveness. By keeping track of your branding metrics, you can identify what's working and what's not and adjust your branding strategies accordingly.

How To Monitor And Measure Branding Success Using Strikingly?

Strikingly offers various analytics, reporting features, and effective branding advice to help you monitor and measure your branding success. You can track website traffic, user engagement, conversion rates, and other key performance indicators (KPIs) to gain insights into your branding effectiveness.

Website analytics tools on Strikingly
Image taken from Strikingly

Set Smart Goals

To start measuring your branding success, set specific and measurable goals for your branding initiatives. For example, you may want to increase your website traffic by 20% or improve your social media engagement rate by 15%.

Track Progress

Once you have set your goals, use Strikingly's analytics and reporting tools to track your progress. You can view your website traffic data in real-time, monitor your social media engagement, and track your email marketing campaigns. Regularly monitoring and measuring your branding success can optimize your branding strategies and achieve your branding goals more effectively.


We have discussed ten effective branding tips that every entrepreneur should consider implementing to elevate their brand. By following these branding tips, you can create a strong and memorable brand that harmonizes with your target audience, builds trust, and helps you stand out in a crowded market. Remember that branding is a continuous process requiring consistent effort and attention to maintain effectiveness.

If you're looking for a platform to help you implement these branding tips, look no further than Strikingly. Strikingly provides entrepreneurs with an easy-to-use website builder and a suite of branding tools to help them create a professional-looking website, build a brand community, and showcase their brand's unique identity.

Take action today and start implementing these branding tips for entrepreneur to elevate your business's brand in 2023. With Strikingly’s list of branding tips, you'll have everything you need to create a successful and effective brand that stands the test of time.