Why Online Reviews Matter: A Comprehensive Guide

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Why Online Reviews Matter: A Comprehensive Guide

Online reviews have become an integral part of our digital landscape, shaping consumer decisions and influencing the success of businesses across various industries. In this article, we will explore the significance of online reviews for businesses and the role of SEO in optimizing these reviews. We will also briefly touch upon Strikingly- a tool that can change how your business is perceived.

Online reviews refer to feedback or opinions shared by customers, experts, influencers, or employees about products, services, or businesses on digital platforms. These reviews provide valuable insights into the experiences and satisfaction levels of customers.

Importance Of Online Reviews For Businesses

Online customer reviews have gained immense importance as they are a powerful tool for building credibility and trustworthiness. Positive reviews can enhance a business's reputation and attract potential customers, as opposed to negative reviews, which can impact a company's reputation if not addressed effectively and promptly.

The Role Of SEO In Online Reviews

SEO is crucial in optimizing online reviews to ensure they reach a wider audience and improve search engine visibility. Businesses can increase their chances of appearing higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) by incorporating relevant keywords naturally within review content.

Benefits Of Online Reviews

Online reviews provide numerous benefits for businesses. For example:

Increased Credibility And Trustworthiness

Online reviews play a crucial role in establishing credibility and trustworthiness for businesses. Prospective customers are more inclined to trust the company and feel confident in their purchase selections when they read good testimonials from actual customers. These reviews serve as social proof that the business delivers on its promises and provides quality products or services.

Improved Search Engine Visibility

Search engines value fresh and relevant content, including online reviews. Businesses can improve their search engine rankings by having a steady stream of customer reviews on various platforms. Search engines evaluate reviews as important user-generated information when assessing the authority and relevance of a website. It can result in more visibility and organic traffic for the company.

Online reviews create an avenue for businesses to engage with their customers directly. Businesses that reply to positive and negative reviews demonstrate that they appreciate consumer opinions and are dedicated to providing top-notch customer service. This level of engagement helps build strong customer relationships, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

Positive Impact On Purchasing Decisions

Consumers heavily rely on online reviews when making purchasing decisions. They seek feedback from others who have already experienced a product or service before committing to purchase themselves. Positive online reviews can sway potential customers towards choosing one business over another by highlighting the benefits, features, or exceptional experiences others have had with the product or service.

Online reviews offer significant benefits for businesses regarding credibility, search engine visibility, customer engagement, loyalty, and influencing purchasing decisions. Actively managing and optimizing online reviews can help businesses harness the power of customer feedback to drive growth and success.

Types Of Online Reviews

Online reviews come in various forms and can greatly impact a business's reputation. Understanding the different types of online reviews is essential for businesses to manage their online presence and engage with customers effectively. Let's explore the four main categories of online reviews.

Customer reviews are the most common and influential type of online review. These reviews are written by customers who have purchased or used a product or service and want to share their experience with others. They provide valuable insights into a business's quality, reliability, and overall satisfaction.

Customer reviews are crucial in shaping potential customers' perceptions and purchasing decisions. Positive customer reviews not only build trust but also increase credibility for businesses. On the other hand, negative customer reviews can harm a company's reputation if not addressed promptly and effectively.

2. Expert Reviews

Expert reviews are written by professionals or industry experts with in-depth knowledge about specific products or services. Before sharing their opinions, these individuals thoroughly evaluate various aspects such as performance, features, usability, and value for money.

Expert reviews carry significant weight in influencing consumer behavior due to their expertise and authority in the field. Many consumers rely on these experts' recommendations when making purchasing decisions, as they perceive them to be unbiased and reliable sources of information.

3. Influencer Reviews

Influencer marketing has gained tremendous popularity in recent years thanks to the rise of social media platforms. Influencer reviews involve individuals with a large following on social media platforms endorsing products or services through their personal experiences.

These influencers often collaborate with businesses to promote their offerings to their followers, who trust them as relatable figures within specific niches or industries. Their positive endorsements can generate significant brand awareness, increase visibility, and drive sales.

4. Employee Reviews

Employee reviews provide insights into a company's internal operations from an insider's perspective. These reviews are usually found on websites like Glassdoor, where current or former employees share their experiences working for a particular organization.

Employee reviews can greatly influence a company's reputation as they shed light on the work environment, company culture, management practices, and employee satisfaction. Potential job seekers often refer to these reviews to gain insights into what it's like to work for a specific company.

Send Post-purchase follow-ups for Online Reviews

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How To Obtain Online Reviews

Online reviews play a crucial role in shaping the reputation and success of businesses. They provide valuable insights into the customer experience and help build trust among potential customers. Following are some effective strategies for obtaining online reviews:

#1 Strategy - Encouraging Customers To Leave Reviews

Encouraging customers to write reviews is essential for businesses building a strong online presence. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Provide exceptional customer service. Delivering exceptional customer service will increase the likelihood of positive reviews. Customers who had a great experience are more likely to share their satisfaction with others.

2. Ask for reviews. Be bold and ask your satisfied customers for reviews. You can send follow-up emails or include a call-to-action on your website or social media platforms, inviting them to share their feedback.

3. Make it easy. Ensure that leaving a review is simple and convenient for your customers. Provide clear instructions on how they can leave a review on popular platforms such as Google My Business, Yelp, or industry-specific review sites.

#2 Strategy - Implementing Review Management Strategies

Implementing effective review management strategies can help you monitor and respond promptly to customer feedback:

1. Set up Google Alerts. Set up Google Alerts for your business name and relevant keywords related to your industry. This way, you will receive notifications whenever new reviews are posted about your business.

2. Monitor social media platforms. Regularly monitor social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for any mentions or tags related to your business. Responding promptly shows that you value customer feedback.

3. Use an online reputation management tool. Consider using online reputation management tools that allow you to track and manage customer reviews across multiple platforms from one central dashboard.

#3 Strategy - Leveraging Social Media Platforms For Reviews

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to gather online reviews:

1. Create a dedicated review section. On platforms like Facebook, create a dedicated section where customers can leave reviews. It allows potential customers to find and read reviews about your business easily.

2. Run social media campaigns. Launch social media campaigns encouraging customers to share their experiences and leave reviews. Offer incentives such as discounts or freebies to encourage participation.

3. Engage with customer comments. Respond promptly to customer comments and reviews on your social media platforms. Show appreciation for positive feedback and address any concerns or issues from negative reviews.

#4 Strategy - Utilizing Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing campaigns can be a powerful tool for obtaining online reviews:

1. Include review requests in post-purchase emails. After a customer makes a purchase, write a follow-up email thanking them for their business and kindly requesting them to leave a review.

2. Personalize your emails. Make your review request emails more personal by addressing the customer by name and mentioning specific details about their purchase or interaction with your business.

3. Offer incentives. Consider offering incentives such as exclusive discounts or entry into a giveaway for customers who leave reviews. It can motivate customers to take the time to share their feedback.

Enable product reviews on product pages to encourage online reviews

Image taken from Strikingly

Responding To Online Reviews

Online reviews have become an integral part of businesses online presence, and businesses must respond to both positive and negative reviews. Responding to reviews shows that a business values its customers' feedback and actively addresses their concerns.

The Significance Of Replying To Both Favorable And Unfavorable Comments

Just as crucial as answering bad reviews is responding to favorable ones. Businesses should thank customers for taking the time to post a favorable review and recognize their generosity. It strengthens the relationship with the customer and showcases the business's commitment to excellent customer service.

On the other hand, responding to negative reviews allows businesses to address customer issues or concerns. Businesses can be willing to rectify the situation and improve their products or services by promptly acknowledging and apologizing for any negative experiences.

Tips For Crafting Effective Responses

Effective responses require careful consideration of the response's tone, content, and length. Here are some tips for creating impactful responses:

1. Personalize your response. Address the reviewer by name; it adds a personal touch and shows that you value their experience.

2. Express gratitude. Thank customers for leaving a review, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

3. Apologize sincerely. If a customer has had a negative experience, apologize genuinely without making excuses or shifting blame.

4. Offer solutions. Provide specific steps you will take to address any issues mentioned in the review. It demonstrates your commitment to resolving problems and improving your business.

5. Keep it concise. Be mindful of brevity while addressing all relevant points raised in the review.

Dealing With Fake Or Malicious Reviews

Unfortunately, fake or malicious reviews can sometimes appear online, posing challenges for businesses seeking genuine customer feedback. Here are some strategies for dealing with such reviews:

1. Investigate the review. Look for any suspicious activity or patterns that may indicate a fake review. Check if the reviewer has left similar reviews on other platforms.

2. Flag the review. Most review platforms have mechanisms to report and flag suspicious reviews. Utilize these features to bring attention to potentially false or malicious content.

3. Respond professionally. Craft a polite response addressing your concerns about the review's authenticity and requesting additional information from the reviewer.

4. Seek legal advice if necessary. In extreme cases where fake reviews damage your business, consult legal professionals specializing in online reputation management.

Monitoring And Addressing Customer Feedback

Regularly monitoring online reviews is crucial for businesses to stay informed about customer experiences and address any issues promptly. Here are some tips for effectively monitoring and addressing customer feedback:

1. Set up alerts. Use tools or software that notify you whenever new reviews are posted about your business, allowing you to respond on time.

2. Stay active on review platforms. Regularly check popular review platforms where customers may leave feedback about your business, ensuring reviews are noticed.

3. Prioritize urgent matters. Address negative reviews or complaints promptly, showing customers that their concerns are taken seriously, and action is being taken to resolve them.

4. Use feedback for improvement. Analyze recurring themes or issues raised in customer reviews and use them as valuable insights for improving your products, services, or overall customer experience.

Responding thoughtfully to online reviews can help businesses foster positive relationships with customers, demonstrate their commitment to excellent service, and enhance their overall reputation in the digital landscape.

Make online reviews and feedback form using Strikingly's in-built forms

Image taken from Strikingly

Optimizing Online Reviews For SEO

Online reviews play a crucial role in SEO, providing valuable user-generated content that search engines consider when ranking websites. To ensure that your online reviews are optimized for SEO, here are some key strategies to implement.

Incorporating Relevant Keywords Naturally

When writing online reviews, it's important to incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the content. Including keywords such as online reviews, what is online reviews, and the importance of online reviews helps search engines understand the context of your review and improves its visibility in search results.

For example, when reviewing a product or service, use targeted keywords to mention the specific features or benefits. It helps with SEO and provides valuable information to potential customers.

Leveraging User-Generated Content For SEO

User-generated content, such as customer reviews, is highly valuable for SEO purposes. Search engines prioritize fresh and unique content; customer reviews provide just that. You can generate a wealth of user-generated content that boosts your website's visibility in search results by encouraging customers to leave detailed and honest feedback about their experiences. Additionally, user-generated content adds credibility and authenticity to your website, enhancing your search engine rankings.

Encouraging Customers To Include Specific Details In Their Reviews

To optimize online reviews for SEO, it's beneficial to encourage customers to include specific details about their experiences. It provides valuable information for potential customers and helps with keyword optimization.

For instance, if you run a restaurant and want to optimize your online review for SEO purposes, encourage customers to mention specific dishes they enjoyed or highlight unique aspects of their dining experience. It will help potential customers find your restaurant when searching for specific cuisines or dining preferences.

Using Schema Markup For Review Snippets

Schema markup is a code that helps search engines better understand the content on web pages. Implementing schema markup for review snippets can help you enhance the visibility and presentation of your online reviews in search results.

Schema markup allows search engines to display additional information directly in the search results, such as star ratings, review counts, and reviewer names. It attracts more attention, increases click-through rates, and boosts your website's overall SEO performance.

Integrate online review tools with Strikingly website

Image taken from Strikingly

Utilizing Strikingly For Online Reviews

Strikingly is a powerful website builder offering various features to help businesses effectively manage online reviews. With its user-friendly interface and customizable options, Strikingly makes it easy for businesses to showcase and leverage customer feedback. Here are some ways businesses can use Strikingly to get online reviews:

  • Add a review section to your Strikingly site - You can create a dedicated page or review section. Make it easy for customers to leave reviews.
  • Email signature - Add a link to your reviews page in your email signature. This lightly prompts customers to leave reviews after interacting.
  • Post-purchase follow-ups - Send an email after a purchase asking customers to leave a review on your Strikingly reviews page.
  • Social media prompts - Occasionally prompt followers to check out your reviews and leave feedback.
  • Publish best reviews - Feature your best and most engaging reviews on your Strikingly site. This shows you appreciate reviews.
  • Incentivize reviews - Offer a small incentive like a discount code for customers who leave reviews. Be sure to follow the guidelines here.
  • Make it mobile friendly - Strikingly sites are optimized for mobile so customers can easily leave reviews.
  • Reply to reviews - Be sure to reply to reviews when appropriate to show you value customer feedback.
  • Be patient - It takes time to generate reviews. Consistently make efforts over time to build your review base.

The key is enabling customers to discover and engage with your review pages on your Strikingly site. More reviews will come by consistently providing great service and value.

Strikingly Features That Enhance Online Review Management

1. Review Section. Strikingly provides a dedicated section where businesses can prominently display their online reviews. It helps build trust with potential customers by showcasing positive feedback from previous clients.

2. Star Ratings. With Strikingly, businesses can easily add star ratings to their reviews, allowing visitors to gauge the overall sentiment of customers' experiences quickly.

3. Sorting and Filtering. The platform enables businesses to organize their reviews based on criteria such as date, rating, or relevance. It helps visitors find the most relevant reviews quickly.

4. Integration with Review Platforms. Strikingly integrates with popular review platforms like Yelp or Google Reviews, allowing businesses to consolidate all their reviews in one place.

5. Review Request Forms. Businesses can use Strikingly's built-in forms feature to collect customer feedback and encourage them to leave online reviews directly on the website.

Customization Options On Strikingly For Displaying Reviews

1. Layout Options. Strikingly offers various layout options for displaying online reviews, including grid or carousel formats. Businesses can choose the layout that best suits their website design and aesthetics.

2. Color Customization. With Strikingly's customization tools, businesses can match the colors of their review section to their brand identity, ensuring a cohesive and professional look.

3. Testimonials. Besides customer reviews, Strikingly allows businesses to showcase testimonials from satisfied clients. It adds another layer of credibility and trustworthiness to the website.

Integration With Popular Review Platforms

Strikingly integrates with popular review platforms such as Yelp, Google Reviews, and TripAdvisor. This integration ensures businesses can easily import and display their reviews from these platforms directly on their websites. Consolidating all reviews in one place can let businesses provide visitors with a comprehensive view of their reputation.


Online customer reviews have a significant impact on businesses today. They not only influence purchasing decisions but also enhance customer engagement and loyalty. Positive reviews can boost a business's search engine visibility and credibility, while negative ones provide opportunities for improvement and addressing customer concerns.

For businesses looking to manage their online reviews effectively, Strikingly offers valuable features that enhance review management. With customization options for displaying reviews and integration with popular review platforms, Strikingly provides an all-in-one solution for streamlining, collecting, and showcasing customer feedback.

Stop procrastinating, sign up on Strikingly, and start implementing online reviews strategies today!