What Is Web Hosting? Web Hosting 101 For Beginners

· Building Your Site,Tips and Tricks,Entrepreneurship
What Is Web Hosting? Web Hosting 101 For Beginners

Web hosting is an essential component of building and maintaining a successful website. Understanding the basics of web hosting is crucial for anyone looking to establish an online presence. In this introduction, we will delve into the definition of web hosting, how it works, and its impact on the success of your website.

What Is Web Hosting- Web Hosting Explained

The act of putting your website's data on a server that is linked to the internet is referred to as web hosting. It enables users from all around the world to visit websites owned by people and companies. Essentially, web hosting provides a home for your website, ensuring it is available 24/7.

What Is Web Hosting- Benefits Of Web Hosting

Web hosting offers numerous benefits for website owners.

  • It provides reliability and ensures your site is always accessible to visitors.
  • Web hosting services often offer technical support and assistance in managing your website effectively.
  • Web hosting gives you a personalized domain name that reflects your brand or business name.
  • It enhances your online credibility and makes it easier for users to find you online.

How Does Web Hosting Work For Your Website Success

The quality of your web hosting provider can significantly impact the success of your website. A reliable and efficient web host ensures fast loading times, minimal downtime, and excellent visitor user experience.

Furthermore, search engines prioritize websites with good performance and uptime when ranking search results. Therefore, choosing a reputable web hosting provider is vital in improving your website's visibility and attracting organic traffic.

What Is Web Hosting - The Importance

What Is Web Hosting - The Importance

Web Hosting Definition And Its Purpose

The service that enables people and companies to make their websites available on the internet is referred to as web hosting. It entails putting website data and files on a server, a powerful computer that remains connected to the internet 24/7. Web hosting providers rent out space on these servers to website owners, allowing their websites to be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

How Web Hosting Works To Keep Your Website Accessible

When users type your website's domain name into their web browser, their device sends a request to the server where your website is hosted. The server then retrieves your website's files and sends them back to the user's device, allowing them to view your website in their browser.

Web hosting ensures that your website is always accessible online. The servers are equipped with high-speed internet connections and backup power supplies to ensure uninterrupted access to your site. Additionally, web hosting providers use various security measures, such as firewalls and SSL certificates, to protect your website from cyber threats.

Choosing The Right Web Hosting Provider For Your Needs

Selecting the right web hosting provider is crucial for the success of your website. When deciding, consider reliability, uptime guarantee, bandwidth limitations, storage capacity, security features, customer support, and technical assistance.

Here are some tips for choosing the right web hosting provider:

  • Research different providers. Find reputable companies with positive customer reviews.
  • Assess reliability. Check if they offer an uptime guarantee of at least 99%.
  • Determine bandwidth and storage limitations. Ensure they provide sufficient resources for your expected traffic and content needs.
  • Evaluate security features. Look for providers that offer SSL certificates and other security measures.
  • Consider customer support. Choose a provider with responsive customer support available 24/7.

Remember, the right web hosting provider will offer the necessary features and support to ensure your website's performance, security, and accessibility.

What Is Web Hosting Types

What Is Web Hosting Types

Multiple web hosting types are available to meet various demands and price ranges. Choose wisely for your website if you are aware of your possibilities. Let's examine the many kinds of web hosting.

Shared Hosting: Affordable And Suitable For Small Websites

Shared hosting is popular for beginners and small websites with limited traffic. In this type of hosting, multiple websites share the same server resources, including CPU power, memory, and disk space. It makes it a cost-effective option as the server costs are divided among multiple users.

However, since resources are shared, performance can be affected if other websites on the same server experience high traffic or resource usage. Choosing a reliable shared hosting provider that ensures optimal performance even in a shared environment is important.

VPS Hosting: Enhanced Performance And Control

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server Hosting. It offers enhanced performance and control compared to shared hosting. With VPS hosting, your website is hosted on a virtual server that simulates a dedicated server environment.

Each VPS has dedicated resources, including CPU power, memory, storage space, and bandwidth. It ensures better performance and stability even during peak traffic periods.

VPS hosting also provides more control over server settings and allows customization based on your specific requirements. It is suitable for growing websites that need more resources but only require part of the capacity of a dedicated server.

Dedicated Hosting: Maximum Control And Resources

Dedicated hosting offers maximum control and resources, providing an entire physical server exclusively for your website(s). With dedicated hosting, you have full root access to the server, allowing you complete control over its configuration and settings.

This type of hosting is ideal for large websites or businesses with high traffic volumes that require maximum performance and security. Dedicated servers offer unparalleled reliability since you don't have to worry about sharing resources with other websites.

However, dedicated hosting tends to be more expensive than shared or VPS hosting. It is recommended for websites that require extensive resources and advanced technical knowledge for server management.

Cloud Hosting: Scalable And Flexible Solution

Cloud hosting is a relatively newer type of web hosting that utilizes multiple servers interconnected to form a cloud infrastructure. It allows for better scalability, flexibility, and reliability than traditional hosting options.

In cloud hosting, your website's data is stored on multiple servers, ensuring redundancy and minimizing the risk of downtime. If one server fails, another server in the cloud takes over seamlessly, keeping your website accessible.

Cloud hosting also offers scalability, allowing you to easily adjust your resources based on traffic fluctuations. It is a cost-effective alternative for websites with uncertain or quickly increasing traffic because you just pay for the resources you utilize.

Cloud hosting provides high availability and performance while eliminating physical hardware limitations. It suits businesses of all sizes looking for a scalable and flexible solution.

What Is Web Hosting Factors To Consider When Choosing A Provider

What Is Web Hosting Factors To Consider When Choosing A Provider

Reliability And Uptime Guarantee

When selecting a web hosting provider, one of the crucial factors to consider is their reliability and uptime guarantee. You want to ensure that your website remains accessible to visitors at all times without any interruptions. Find companies who promise a high uptime, preferably 99% or above, as this ensures minimal downtime for your website. A reliable web hosting provider will have robust infrastructure and backup systems to prevent unexpected outages.

Bandwidth And Storage Limitations

Another important consideration is the bandwidth and storage limitations offered by the web hosting provider. Bandwidth refers to the amount of data transferred between your website and its visitors within a given time frame. If your website receives high traffic or has large media files, you'll need sufficient bandwidth to accommodate it. Similarly, storage limitations determine how much data you can store on the server. Ensure your hosting plan provides enough bandwidth and storage space for your website's needs.

Security Features And SSL Certificates

Website security is paramount in today's digital landscape, so choosing a web hosting provider that prioritizes security features is essential. Look for providers that offer robust measures such as firewalls, malware scanning, regular backups, and secure server protocols (HTTPS). Additionally, having an SSL certificate is crucial for encrypting sensitive information exchanged between your website and its users. It protects user data and enhances trust in your site's security.

Customer Support And Technical Assistance

Having reliable customer support and technical assistance can make all the difference when managing your web hosting services effectively. Choose a provider that offers 24/7 customer support through various channels such as live chat, email, or phone. It ensures prompt assistance whenever you encounter issues or have queries regarding your hosting plan or server configuration. Additionally, look for providers that offer extensive documentation, tutorials, and a knowledge base to help you troubleshoot common problems independently.

What Is Web Hosting Plan Selection

What Is Web Hosting Plan Selection

When selecting the right web hosting plan, there are a few key factors to consider. Evaluating your website's needs and traffic, understanding different pricing models, and planning for scalability are all important aspects of making an informed decision.

Evaluating Your Website's Needs And Traffic

Before choosing a web hosting plan, evaluating your website's needs and traffic is crucial. Consider the size of your website, the number of visitors you expect to have, and any specific requirements or features you may need. It will help you determine the resources and capabilities your web hosting plan should provide.

Some important questions to ask yourself include:

  • What is the purpose of my website? Is it a personal blog, an e-commerce site, or a business website?
  • How much storage space will I need for my website files?
  • Will my website require any special software or applications?
  • How much traffic do I anticipate receiving daily or monthly?

You can choose a web hosting plan that adequately supports your online presence by understanding your website's needs and traffic patterns.

What Is Web Hosting Pricing Models

Web hosting providers offer various pricing models to accommodate different budgets and requirements. It's important to understand these pricing models before making a decision.

  • Shared Hosting. It is an affordable option where multiple websites share resources on a single server. It is suitable for small websites with low traffic volumes.
  • VPS Hosting. Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting offers enhanced performance by allocating dedicated resources to each website on a shared server.
  • Dedicated Hosting. You get a whole server all to yourself when you choose dedicated hosting for your website(s).
  • Cloud Hosting. Cloud hosting utilizes multiple servers working together as one system, offering scalability and flexibility as your website grows.

Consider your budget, website size, and expected traffic when deciding which pricing model best fits your needs.

Scaling Up Or Down As Your Website Grows

As your website grows and attracts more visitors, it's important to have the ability to scale up your web hosting plan. Look for an offering with scalability options, such as upgrading to a higher-tier plan or adding additional as needed.

Similarly, if you find that your website's traffic decreases or you no longer require certain features, having the ability to scale down your hosting plan can help you save costs. Flexibility is key in ensuring that your web hosting plan can adapt to the changing needs of your website.

Regularly assess and re-evaluate your website's needs and adjust your hosting plan accordingly. It will ensure that you always provide visitors with a seamless online experience.

What Is Web Hosting Features And Add-ons

What Is Web Hosting Features And Add-ons

Web hosting features and add-ons refer to the services and functionalities provided by web hosting providers to enhance and customize your hosting experience. These features and add-ons can vary from one hosting provider to another, but some common ones include:

  • Domain Registration- Many hosting providers offer domain registration services, allowing you to purchase and manage domain names directly from the same platform where your website is hosted.
  • Email Hosting- This feature provides email hosting services, enabling you to create and manage custom email addresses associated with your domain (e.g., yourname@yourwebsite.com).
  • SSL Certificates- SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are essential for securing your website with HTTPS encrypting data between your site and visitors. Hosting providers often offer SSL certificates as add-ons.
  • Website Builder- Some hosting providers include a website builder tool that simplifies website design and creation, even if you need more technical skills.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)- Hosting services may offer easy integration with popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, allowing you to build and manage your website with these tools.
  • Backup and Restore- Regular backups of your website's data and files are crucial. Hosting providers often offer backup and restore options to safeguard your site against data loss.
  • Databases- Access to databases, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, is essential for running dynamic websites and applications. Hosting plans may include support for one or more databases.
  • E-commerce Features- If you plan to run an online store, hosting providers offer e-commerce add-ons, such as shopping cart software and payment gateways.
  • Website Security- Hosting providers often include security features like firewalls, DDoS protection, and malware scanning to protect your website from online threats.
  • Bandwidth and Storage- Hosting plans typically include specific bandwidth and storage limits. You can choose plans that suit your website's traffic and storage needs.
  • Resource Scalability- Some hosting plans allow you to easily scale resources like CPU, RAM, and storage as your website's needs grow.
  • Website Analytics- Access to website analytics tools can help you monitor visitor behavior, track performance, and make data-driven improvements.
  • Customer Support- Reliable customer support is crucial. Hosting providers may offer various levels of customer support, including email, live chat, phone support, and support ticket systems.
  • Addon Domains- If you have multiple websites, some hosting plans allow you to host additional domains on the same account.
  • Subdomains- Hosting providers often allow you to create subdomains (e.g., blog.yourwebsite.com) for different sections of your site.
  • FTP and File Manager- Access to FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or a file manager makes it easy to upload, manage, and organize your website's files.
  • One-Click Installers- Hosting providers may offer one-click installers for popular web applications like WordPress, making setting up software on your site quick and simple.

It's essential to carefully review the features and add-ons offered by hosting providers to select a hosting plan that aligns with your website's requirements and specific needs. Consider your budget, technical expertise, and the type of website you're building when choosing hosting features and add-ons.

What Is Web Hosting With Strikingly?

Web hosting with Strikingly is the service that allows you to publish and make your website accessible on the internet. When you create a website using Strikingly's website builder, your website's files, such as text, images, and code, are stored on Strikingly's servers. These servers are specially designed to ensure your website is available to visitors 24/7.

Here's what web hosting with Strikingly offers:

  • Reliability- Strikingly's hosting service is reliable, meaning your website will be up and running consistently, minimizing downtime.
  • Performance- The tool optimizes its servers for fast loading times, ensuring your website loads quickly for visitors.
  • Security- It provides security features to protect your website and visitor data from online threats.
  • Ease of Use- Strikingly's hosting is seamlessly integrated with its website builder, making it easy to publish and manage your site without technical expertise.
  • Scalability- You can easily upgrade your hosting plan with Strikingly as your website grows, ensuring it can handle increased traffic and content.

Web hosting with Strikingly means that Strikingly takes care of the technical aspects of hosting your website, allowing you to focus on creating and maintaining your site's content and design.

Steps To Follow For Web Hosting On Strikingly

Web hosting on Strikingly is a breeze:

  • Sign Up - Create an account on Strikingly.
  • Choose Template - Pick a template that suits your style.
What Is Web Hosting With Strikingly - Step 2 - Choose Template

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Design - Customize it with text, images, and more.
What Is Web Hosting With Strikingly - Step 3 - Design

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Add Pages - Build additional pages and sections.
What Is Web Hosting With Strikingly - Step 4 - Add pages or sections

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Domain - Connect your custom domain if you have one.
What Is Web Hosting With Strikingly - Step 5 - Register or connect domain

Image taken from Strikingly

broken image

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Publish - Click "Preview" to check the site and then "Publish" to make your site live.
What Is Web Hosting With Strikingly - Step 6 - Preview and Publish

Image taken from Strikingly

What Is Web Hosting With Strikingly - Step 7 - Monitor analytics

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Support - Get help from Strikingly's customer support and resources.
What Is Web Hosting With Strikingly - Step 8 - Take support if needed

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Upgrade (Optional) - Consider upgrading for more features as your site grows.


Choosing the perfect web hosting provider is crucial for your online presence. When deciding, consider factors like reliability, uptime, bandwidth, security, and support. Strikingly simplifies website creation with its user-friendly interface and versatile features. Understanding the basics of web hosting, including 'what is web hosting,' empowers you to make informed decisions. Quality hosting ensures reliability and performance, and with Strikingly, you can customize your site to boost your online presence. Remember, choosing the right hosting provider, effective website-building tools, and understanding 'what is web hosting' are key to achieving online success.