The Ultimate Guide to Writing an Effective Website Title for SEO

· Building Your Site,Entrepreneurship,Tips and Tricks
Letter A Title

Website titles are the first thing visitors see when they land on your website. They are short, descriptive phrases that appear at the top of each web page and give users an idea of what they can expect to find on your site. In this article, we will explore what website titles are, why they are essential for SEO, and how Strikingly website builder can help you create effective website titles.

What is a website title?

A website title, also known as a web page title or website title tag, is a short phrase that appears at the top of each web page. It gives users an idea of what they can expect to find on your site and helps search engines understand what your page is about.

Why is a website title important for SEO?

Website titles are one of the most important on-page SEO factors. They tell search engines what your page is about and help them understand how to rank it in search results. A well-written website title can improve your click-through rate (CTR) and increase traffic to your site.

The Role of Website Titles in Attracting Visitors

Website titles are crucial in attracting visitors to your site. They are often the first thing users see when they land on a search results page, and they can influence whether or not someone clicks through to your site.

Understanding SEO-Friendly Website Titles

Website titles are essential to any web page. They serve as the first impression for potential visitors and briefly summarize what the page is about. This section will discuss the basics of writing effective website titles, how to incorporate keywords, the ideal length for website titles, and using modifiers in website titles.

The Basics of Writing an Effective Website Title

An effective website title should be clear, concise, and relevant to the content on the page. It should accurately describe the page and encourage visitors to learn more. A good practice is to include your brand name in the title to increase brand recognition.

How to Incorporate Keywords in the Title

Keywords are crucial for SEO because they help search engines understand what your web page is about. Including relevant keywords in your website title can improve your search engine rankings and attract more visitors. However, it's essential not to overuse keywords as this can result in penalties from search engines.

The Ideal Length for Website Titles

The ideal length for a website title is between 50-60 characters or around 6-7 words long. Titles that exceed this limit may get truncated by search engines, making them less effective at conveying their intended message.

Using Modifiers in Website Titles

Modifiers are words or phrases that add additional context or information to a primary keyword phrase in a website title. Examples of modifiers include best, top, new, ultimate, etc., which can help make your title stand out from competitors' titles.

To illustrate these points visually, imagine a book cover with a catchy headline that accurately describes its contents and attracts readers' attention while incorporating relevant keywords and modifiers.

Crafting Compelling Website Titles

MSL Ventures Website Template

Image taken from Strikingly - MSL Ventures Template


When it comes to website titles, one size does not fit all. To craft compelling website titles, you need to understand your target audience.

  • Who are they?
  • What do they care about?
  • What are their pain points?

Once you clearly understand your audience, you can tailor your website titles to meet their needs.

The art of writing eye-catching titles involves using language that grabs attention and piques curiosity. Use power words like ultimate, proven, and secret to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Use action words like discover, learn, and master to encourage visitors to take action.

The power of emotion in website titles cannot be overstated. Emotion is what drives people to take action. Use emotional triggers like fear, excitement, and curiosity in your website titles to elicit an emotional response from visitors.

Using numbers and statistics in website titles is a great way to add credibility and value. Numbers provide concrete evidence that supports the claims you make in your title. For example, instead of using a vague title like How to Save Money on Groceries, use a specific title like 10 Easy Ways to Save 50% on Your Grocery Bill.

Avoiding Common Website Title Mistakes

When it comes to website titles, several common mistakes can negatively impact your SEO efforts. To ensure your website titles are effective and help you attract more visitors, avoid these common mistakes:

1. Overuse of Keywords in the Title

While incorporating keywords into your website title is vital for SEO, overusing them can have the opposite effect. Keyword stuffing in website titles can make them appear spammy and turn off potential visitors.

Instead, focus on using relevant keywords naturally in your website titles. Make sure they accurately reflect the content on the page and provide value to the reader.

2. Making the Title Too Long or Too Short

The length of your website title is also important for SEO. If it's too short, it may not accurately describe the content on the page. On the other hand, if it's too long, search engines may truncate it or cut off important information.

The ideal length for a website title is between 50-60 characters. This allows search engines to display the full title and ensures it accurately reflects the content on the page.

3. Using Unclear or Vague Titles

Unclear or vague website titles can confuse both search engines and visitors. They should accurately describe what users can expect to find on your web page.

Avoid using generic titles like home or about us. Instead, use descriptive language that clearly communicates what users will find on that specific web page.

4. Ignoring Relevance of Title to Content

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with website titles is ignoring their relevance to the content on your web pages. Your title should reflect what users will find when they click through to that page.

If your title doesn't match up with your content, visitors will quickly leave and search engines may penalize you for misleading them.

To avoid this mistake, make sure you carefully consider your website title and ensure it accurately reflects the content on your web page.

Testing and Measuring the Effectiveness of Website Titles

Mechanic Website Template

Image taken from Strikingly - Mechanic Template


Website titles are critical for SEO, and as a website owner, you want to ensure that your titles are effective in attracting visitors to your site. But how do you know if your website title is working? This is where testing and measuring come in.

The Importance of Testing Website Titles

Testing website titles involves creating different versions of your title and seeing which one performs better. The goal is to find the most effective title that will attract the most visitors to your site. Testing can also help you identify areas for improvement in your website title.

Tools for Testing Website Titles

There are many tools available that can help you test the effectiveness of your website titles. Google Analytics, for example, allows you to track how many visitors each version of your title attracts. Other tools like ClickFlow and Crazy Egg offer A/B testing options that allow you to compare different versions of your title side by side.

The Role A/B testing in Website Title Optimization

A/B testing involves creating two or more versions of a web page or element (such as a website title) and showing them to different groups of users at random. By comparing the performance metrics of each version, you can determine which one is more effective and make changes accordingly.

When it comes to optimizing website titles, A/B testing can be incredibly helpful in identifying what works best for your target audience.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Website Titles

Measuring the effectiveness of a website title involves tracking metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), bounce rates, time spent on page, and conversion rates. By analyzing these metrics, you can determine whether your current title effectively attracts visitors and engages them with your content.

To measure the effectiveness of your website title accurately, it's crucial to establish a baseline metric before making any changes so that you can compare the results.

Best Practices for Writing Effective Website Titles

Maker Furniture Template

Image taken from Strikingly - Maker Furniture Template


When it comes to website titles, certain best practices can help you craft effective titles that attract both humans and search engines. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Write for humans and search engines

Your website title should be written with both humans and search engines in mind. This means incorporating relevant keywords while also making sure the title is clear, concise, and appealing to your target audience.

2. Follow the ideal format for website titles

The ideal format for a website title includes the primary keyword at the beginning, followed by a catchy phrase or description of what the page is about, like this website title examples: Best Pizza in New York City - Delicious Pies Delivered to Your Doorstep.

3. Make relevant and unique in website titles

Your website title should accurately reflect the content of your page and be unique from other pages on your site. Avoid using generic or vague titles that don't provide any value to the reader.

4. Keep your website titles updated and fresh

It's essential to regularly review and update your website titles as needed to ensure they remain relevant and effective. This can also help improve your SEO rankings over time.

To illustrate these best practices, imagine you run a travel blog focused on budget-friendly destinations around the world. An effective website title example for one of your blog posts might be 10 Affordable Destinations You Can Visit on a Shoestring Budget - Travel Tips from a Budget Traveler.

As you can see, this title incorporates relevant keywords (affordable destinations, shoestring budget, budget traveler) while also providing an interesting description of what readers can expect from the post.

Have a Website Title But No Website? Build One Today.

Fresh Finest Website Template

Image taken from Strikingly - Fresh Finest Website Template


Strikingly is an excellent tool for creating effective website titles because it provides templates that are optimized for SEO and user engagement. With Strikingly's easy-to-use interface, you can quickly create compelling and well-optimized web page titles that attract visitors to your site.

Here are the step by step instructions to build a website with Strikingly:

1. Sign up for a Strikingly account. You can sign up for free and upgrade to a paid plan later if you need more features.

2. Choose a template. Strikingly has many stylish templates to choose from. Select one that you like, and that fits your needs. You can preview the templates to see what they look like.

3. Customize the template. You can easily customize the template by changing colors, fonts, adding your logo, and more. You can also change the layout and structure if you want.

4. Add content. Add the content for your website like text, images, videos, contact forms, maps, etc. Strikingly has drag-and-drop functionality to easily add and edit content.

5. Set up your site navigation. Create menu items and links to connect all your website pages. You can have both top-level navigation as well as footer navigation.

6. Choose a domain name (optional). You can use your own domain name or purchase a new one right from Strikingly. They offer .com, .net, and other extensions.

7. Publish your site. Once you have customized the template and added all your content, simply click publish to make your website live. Your website will be mobile-optimized.

8. Promote your website. Promote your new website on social media platforms, search engines, email marketing, content marketing, etc. to drive more traffic.

9. Engage your visitors. You can add blog posts, email subscription forms, social sharing buttons, comment sections, and more to keep visitors engaged and coming back to your site.

10. Upgrade your plan (optional). If you need more advanced features like ecommerce, member logins or more storage and bandwidth, you can upgrade to one of Strikingly's paid plans anytime.


Website titles play a crucial role in SEO by indicating the relevance of your web page to search engines. Your website title is one of the first things that search engines see when crawling your web page, so it's essential to make it clear and concise. Incorporating relevant keywords into your website title can improve your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Well-written web page titles can significantly impact driving traffic to your site because they clearly indicate what visitors can expect from your content. By crafting compelling and relevant web page titles, you can increase click-through rates (CTRs) from search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more organic traffic to your site.