Terms And Conditions Demystified: Everything You Need To Know

· Building Your Site,Entrepreneurship,Tips and Tricks
Terms And Conditions Demystified: Everything You Need To Know

When creating a website, one important aspect that should not be overlooked has terms and conditions. But what are the terms and conditions? We will understand the term, and everything there is to know about it when running a business and an online website.

What Are Terms And Conditions?

Terms and conditions are a legal agreement between you (the website owner) and your users. They outline the rights and responsibilities of both parties when using your website.

Having terms and conditions is crucial for protecting your website, business, and users. They provide clarity on what is expected from users when using your website, which can help prevent misunderstandings or disputes in the future. Additionally, they can protect you from legal action by outlining liability, limitations, or disclaimers.

Common Misconceptions About Terms And Conditions

One common misconception about terms and conditions is that they are only necessary for e-commerce websites or businesses selling products/services online. However, any website that collects user data or has user-generated content should have them in place.

Another misconception is that simply displaying them on your website is enough to protect you legally. In reality, they need to be well-written, up-to-date, easily accessible, and enforced to be effective.

Login to Strikingly & edit a template to add Terms And Conditions

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What Should Be Included In Your Terms And Conditions

If you own a website or an online business, it is essential to have terms and conditions. These are the rules that govern the use of your website or service. They protect you and your users by outlining what is expected of each party. Here are some important sections that should be included in your terms and conditions:

Overview Of Terms And Conditions

Your terms and conditions should start with an overview section that explains what they are and the purpose of terms and conditions. The section should clearly state the agreement between you as the website or service owner and the user accessing it.

Disclaimer And Limitation Of Liability

This section is crucial as it limits your liability for any damages users incur while using your website or service. It also disclaims any warranties or guarantees regarding the information provided on your site.

Here are some things to consider including in this section:

  • Limiting liability for damages caused by third-party content.
  • Disclaiming responsibility for loss of data.
  • Make it clear that users are responsible for their actions on your site.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy policy outlines how you collect, use, store, and protect user data. It should be written in plain language so that users can easily understand how their information is handled.

Some important elements to include in this section are:

  • What personal information is collected.
  • How personal information is used.
  • Who has access to personal information.
  • How personal information is secured.

Intellectual Property And Copyright Infringement

This section protects your intellectual property rights and those of others who use your site or service. It outlines what content can be used, how it can be used, and what happens if someone infringes on those rights.

Here are some things to consider including in this section:

  • Copyright infringement policy
  • Trademark infringement policy
  • Guidelines for using your content
  • Guidelines for user-generated content

Having clear and comprehensive terms and conditions is essential for any website or online business. They protect you and your users by outlining what is expected of each party. Including the sections outlined above, you can create terms and conditions that are fair, understandable, and legally binding.

Navigate to settings, then hit Show Advanced to find Privacy & Legal to add Terms and Conditions

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Tips For Writing Effective Terms And Conditions

When creating terms and conditions for your website, it's important to remember that these legal agreements are not just for show. The terms and conditions aim to protect your business and its users. Here are some tips for writing effective terms and conditions:

Make Them Easy To Read And Understand

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when creating terms and conditions is using overly complex language that users may be unable to understand. Use clear, concise, easy-to-read, and understandable language to avoid this.

Use Clear Language And Avoid Legalese

Legalese is the formal language used in legal documents, which can often be difficult for non-lawyers to understand. Instead of using legalese, use plain English that your users can easily understand.

Keep Them Up-To-Date

As your business evolves over time, updating your terms and conditions is important. Make sure you review them regularly to ensure they are still accurate and up-to-date.

Ensure Compliance With Relevant Laws And Regulations

Different industries may have different laws or regulations regarding terms and conditions that apply specifically to them. Before you display terms and conditions, ensuring that your terms comply with all relevant laws and regulations is important.

When creating effective terms and conditions, ensure they are easy to read, use clear language, are up-to-date, and comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Some additional tips for terms and conditions include:

  • Use bullets for key points or numbered lists where appropriate.
  • Include examples or scenarios where necessary.
  • Consider consulting with a lawyer if you have any doubts about the content of your terms.

Following these tips, you can create terms and conditions that protect both your business interests and those of your users.

Remember displaying your terms clearly on your website is as important as writing them effectively. Ensure they are easily accessible and visible to all users, and require them to agree to your terms before using your website or services.

Check the required box - paste your Terms and Conditions - Save

Image taken from Strikingly

How To Implement Your Terms And Conditions

When it comes to implementing your terms and conditions, you should follow a few key steps to ensure they are effective and legally binding. Here are some tips:

Make Them Easily Accessible On Your Website

One of the most important things you can do is ensure your terms and conditions are easily accessible on your website. It means including a link to them in the footer or header of every page and making sure they can be found through a search engine.

Here are some ways to display terms and conditions:

  • On a separate page on your website.
  • As a pop-up window when users first visit your site.
  • As part of the checkout process for e-commerce sites.

Whatever method you choose, make sure it's clear and easy for users to find.

Require Users To Agree To Your Terms And Conditions

For your terms and conditions to be legally binding, users must agree to them before using your site or services. It means including a checkbox or button that users must click to indicate their agreement.

Here are some tips for requiring user agreement:

  • Use clear language that explains what users agree to.
  • Make sure the checkbox or button is prominent and easy to find.
  • Consider using a clickwrap agreement, which requires users to scroll through the entire document before agreeing.

You may guard against future legal problems by requiring user agreements.

Inform Users Of Changes To Your Terms And Conditions

It's important to keep your terms and conditions up-to-date as laws change or your business evolves. When you make changes, you must inform users so they can review the updated terms.

Here are some ways to inform users of changes:

  • Send email notifications.
  • Display a pop-up window with the updated terms when users next visit your site.
  • Require users to agree to the updated terms before continuing to use your site or services.

You can help build trust and avoid legal issues by informing users.

Enforce Your Terms And Conditions

Finally; you must enforce your terms and conditions for them to be effective. It means taking action when users violate your terms, whether by suspending their account or pursuing legal action.

Here are some tips for enforcing your terms:

  • Have a clear policy in place for dealing with violations.
  • Make sure users are aware of the consequences of violating your terms.
  • Act quickly and consistently when violations occur.

Enforcing your terms, you can help protect yourself from legal issues and maintain a safe and fair user environment. Implementing your terms and conditions is crucial in protecting yourself legally and building trust with your users. Making them easily accessible, requiring user agreement, informing users of changes, and enforcing your terms can help you to ensure everyone understands their rights and responsibilities when using your site or services.

Ensure to check the box for Display a footer at the bottom of the page for the Terms and Conditions link to show

Image taken from Strikingly


What Happens When You Don't Have Terms And Conditions

Terms and conditions are essential when running a website or online business. Without them, you could be facing serious legal and financial consequences. Here are some of the potential risks you may face if you don't have terms and conditions:

Potential Legal And Financial Consequences

  • You may be sued by customers or clients who feel they were misled or mistreated in some way.
  • You could face fines or penalties for violating consumer protection laws.
  • Your business may be shut down if you are found to be engaging in illegal activities.

Risks To Your Business And Reputation

Not having terms and conditions can also put your business at risk in other ways. For example:

  • Customers may not trust your website if they don't see clear terms and conditions outlining how their information will be used.
  • Investors or partners may hesitate to work with you if they perceive your business as risky or unprofessional.
  • Your reputation could suffer if negative reviews or news stories circulate about your lack of transparency.

Examples Of Businesses Facing Legal Issues Without Terms And Conditions

There have been many cases where businesses have faced legal trouble due to a lack of terms and conditions on their website. Here are a few examples:

  • In 2017, an Australian travel company was fined $6 million for misleading customers about its refund policy.
  • A UK-based dating site was sued by users who claimed that the company had created fake profiles to lure them into paying for premium memberships.
  • A US-based fitness app was hit with a class-action lawsuit after users complained that the app had collected sensitive health data without their consent.

Strikingly's Terms And Conditions Templates

Fortunately, creating terms and conditions doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. Strikingly offers a range of customizable templates that you can use to create terms and conditions. These templates are designed to be easy to read and understand while covering all the important legal bases. With Strikingly, you can create and display terms and conditions in just a few clicks.

Having clear and comprehensive terms and conditions is crucial for any online business. Not only do they protect you legally, but they also help build trust with customers and partners. If you don't have terms and conditions, now is the time to create terms and conditions using Strikingly's user-friendly templates.

Preview the site to see the Terms and Conditions at the footer before launching the website

Image taken from Strikingly


How To Add A Terms & Conditions Page To Your Website Easily With Strikingly?

To add and update terms and conditions for your website, follow these steps:

  • Login to Strikingly, then navigate to the website editor from the dashboard. On the editor, click on ‘Settings’ to open the options and click ‘Show Advanced.’ Then, find and open the ‘Privacy and Legal’ option from the expanded menu. There you will find options to activate and display the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Check the boxes adjacent to these choices to activate them.
  • Next, draft tailored terms and conditions for your website or utilize an existing template. Once your terms and conditions details are prepared, copy and paste the complete text into the provided text editor box. Then hit the "Save" button to save the updates.
  • Ensure you have the setting activated to exhibit additional content in your website's footer. It will automatically display your terms and conditions in the footer section for your visitors.
  • Finally, preview your live website to verify the terms and conditions text appears as desired before launching the website. Your visitors can now read and consent to your terms and conditions when accessing your website or making a purchase. Be certain to revise the terms and conditions as needed to keep them up-to-date and compliant for transparency.


Terms and conditions are essentially a contract between you and your users, outlining what is expected of each party when using your website. Having terms and conditions for your website is crucial to protect you and your users. It outlines the rules and expectations for using your site and both parties' legal responsibilities.

They serve several important purposes:

  • Protecting you legally. Having clear terms and conditions can help protect you from legal issues arising from user behavior on your site.
  • Setting expectations. Your terms and conditions should outline what users can expect from your site, including any limitations or restrictions on use.
  • Protecting user privacy. Including a privacy policy in your terms and conditions helps ensure that users understand how their data will be collected, used, and protected.

When creating or updating your terms and conditions, it's important to keep them simple yet comprehensive. Use clear language that is easy to understand, avoiding legal jargon or complex terminology.

Adding terms and conditions may seem difficult, but it is worthwhile. Firstly, there are terms and conditions generators online that can help you get a template to edit and customize. And secondly, Strikingly allows you to add and update a terms and conditions page to your website in a single step that literally requires no effort.

If you are yet to create terms and conditions for your website, now is the time! Don't leave yourself open to legal issues or misunderstandings with your users. And if you already have terms and conditions in place, take a moment to review them and make sure they are up-to-date and comprehensive. Your users will thank you for it! Remember, creating effective terms and conditions is important to running a successful website. So take the time to do it right, and protect yourself and your users in the process.