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Mastering The Art Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

June 23, 2023

Word of mouth marketing is a powerful business tool to gain new customers and increase brand awareness. In this article, we will explore the word of mouth marketing, its importance, the role of SEO, and how Strikingly can help you create an effective word of mouth marketing strategy.


What Is Word Of Mouth Marketing?

Word of mouth marketing refers to the organic spread of information about a product or service through personal conversations between individuals. It can occur in person or online and be positive or negative.

Word of mouth advertising is one of the most effective forms of marketing because people trust recommendations from their friends and family more than they believe traditional advertising. It can also lead to long-term customer loyalty and repeat business.

Advantages of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Here are some major advantages of word of mouth marketing:

  • Trustworthiness. Word of mouth recommendations from friends and family are considered the most trustworthy source of information about a business. People tend to trust personal experiences more than ads. This can translate to increased sales and conversions.
  • Word of mouth is earned. You can't buy or force word of mouth unlike other marketing methods. It's something you earn by delivering great products and services. This means it's an authentic endorsement, not a paid promotion.
  • Low cost. Encouraging word of mouth marketing is a low-cost way to raise brand awareness and increase new customers. Compared to the cost of advertising, incentivizing referrals barely cost a thing.
  • Higher conversion rates. People who visit your business through a trusted referral are more likely to make a purchase. Studies show word-of-mouth marketing can drive up to 50-60% higher conversion rates compared to other sources.
  • New loyal customers. Customers who come through referrals tend to be very loyal. They already have a positive impression of your brand and are likely to make repeat purchases and spread more word of mouth.
  • Compounding effects. Word of mouth starts a domino effect where one referral leads to more, and the outcome amplifies itself over time. Even one happy customer can trigger an ongoing cycle of new business through word of mouth.
  • Higher CLV. The lifetime value of customers acquired through word of mouth tends to be higher than other sources. They are usually very loyal, which translates to higher purchase frequency and larger spending over the lifetime of the relationship.
  • Valuable insights. Conversations between real customers provide honest feedback and opinions about your business. Paying attention to word of mouth can yield valuable insights into how to improve your products, services, and customer experience.
  • Enhanced reputation. Word of mouth directly impacts your business reputation and brand image. Positive experiences shared across networks create buzz and excitement around your company. This enhanced reputation then attracts even more new business.

Businesses should actively encourage and monitor word of mouth marketing. It can be one of the most effective methods for driving new customers, increasing loyalty, and long-term success when harnessed. The power of personal recommendations should not be underestimated.


SEO plays a crucial role in word-of-mouth advertising because it helps your website rank higher on search engines, making it more visible to potential customers. Its increased visibility can lead to more shares and referrals, ultimately boosting your word-of-mouth efforts.


Strikingly offers tools that make it easy to optimize your site for SEO and create shareable content that encourages word-of-mouth promotion. With Strikingly's user-friendly platform, you can quickly create a professional-looking website that engages your audience and drives conversions.

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Creating A Positive Brand Image

In order to create a word of mouth marketing strategy, it is essential to develop a positive brand image. It involves providing exceptional customer service, offering quality products or services, developing a unique brand personality, and optimizing your website for SEO.

Providing Exceptional Customer Service

Providing exceptional customer service is crucial to creating a positive brand image. Customers are more likely to recommend your business if they have had a positive experience with your company. It involves responding promptly to customer inquiries and complaints, going above and beyond to meet their needs, and providing personalized attention.

Offering Quality Products Or Services

Offering quality products or services is another key element of creating a positive brand image. Customers are more likely to recommend your business if they are satisfied with your products or services. It involves ensuring that your products or services meet high standards of quality and delivering them promptly.

Developing A Unique Brand Personality

Developing a unique brand personality can help differentiate your business from competitors and make it more memorable for customers. It involves developing a consistent tone of voice, visual identity, and messaging that reflects the values and personality of your brand.

Optimizing Your Website For SEO

Optimizing your website for SEO is essential to ensure potential customers can find you online through search engines like Google. It involves optimizing on-page elements like title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags, as well as off-page elements like building high-quality backlinks.

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Encouraging Word Of Mouth Advertising

Word of mouth advertising is an effective tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and attract new customers. You can leverage the power of word of mouth marketing to grow your business by creating a positive brand image and encouraging customers to share their experiences. Here are some effective strategies for encouraging word of mouth advertising:

Creating Shareable Content

One of the best ways to encourage word of mouth advertising is by creating shareable content that people want to pass on to their friends and followers. It could be anything from a funny meme or video to an informative blog post or infographic. You increase the likelihood that they will share it with others by creating content that people enjoy and find valuable.

Implementing Referral Programs

Referral programs are another effective way to encourage word of mouth advertising. You can motivate them to spread the word about your business by offering incentives for customers who refer their friends and family. It could be anything from a discount on their next purchase to a free product or service.

Leveraging Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are ideal for encouraging word of mouth advertising. You can grow a loyal fan base that will help spread the word about your business by sharing engaging content and interacting with your followers.

Building Relationships With Influencers

Influencer marketing has become increasingly trendy in recent years, and for a good reason – influencers have a large following who trust their opinions and recommendations. You can tap into their audience and encourage them to promote your products or services by building relationships with influencers in your industry.


You can create an effective word of mouth marketing strategy that will help expand your business and attract new customers by implementing these strategies.

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Measuring the Success of Word of Mouth Marketing

In order to determine the effectiveness of your word of mouth marketing strategy, it's important to track and measure various metrics. Here are some ways to measure the success of your word of mouth marketing efforts:

Tracking Referral Sources

Identify where your referrals are coming from by tracking sources such as social media, email campaigns, and website links. It will help you understand which channels are most effective in generating word of mouth advertising.

Monitoring Online Reviews And Ratings

Keep an eye on online reviews and ratings on Yelp, Google, and Facebook. Positive reviews can boost your brand image, while negative ones can harm it.

Analyzing Website Traffic From Word Of Mouth Promotion

Use Google Analytics to track website traffic from referral sources. It will help you understand which pages visitors land on and how long they stay.

Conducting Customer Surveys

Surveying customers can provide valuable insights into their experience with your brand and whether they're likely to recommend it to others. You can better understand the impact of your word of mouth marketing strategy by measuring these metrics.

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Addressing Negative Word of Mouth

Negative word of mouth can damage any business, but addressing it promptly and effectively is important. Here are some strategies to consider:

Responding Promptly To Negative Feedback

When negative feedback arises, the first step is to respond promptly and empathetically. Acknowledge the customer's concerns and apologize for any inconvenience caused. It shows that you care about their experience and are willing to make things right.

Offering Solutions To Resolve Issues

After acknowledging the issue, offer a solution that addresses the customer's complaints. It could be a refund, exchange, or other resolution that shows you're committed to making things right.

Implementing Changes To Prevent Future Negative Feedback

Take steps to avoid similar issues from happening in the future by implementing changes in your product or service offering, customer service processes, or other areas that may have contributed to the negative feedback.

Using Seo To Bury Negative Search Results

If negative feedback has appeared online, use SEO tactics such as creating positive content and optimizing existing content for relevant keywords to push down negative search results.

One effective way of addressing negative word of mouth is by responding publicly on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook. You can show customers that you care about their experience and are willing to take steps toward improvement.

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Integrating Word of Mouth Marketing into Your Business Strategy

Word of mouth marketing should be a priority for any business looking to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty. You can harness the power of your satisfied customers to promote your business and attract new customers by creating an effective word of mouth marketing strategy.

Making Word Of Mouth Marketing A Priority

To make word of mouth marketing a priority, you must ensure that all aspects of your business are focused on providing exceptional customer service and delivering high-quality products or services. It will create positive experiences for your customers, which will, in turn, encourage them to share their experiences with others.

Encouraging Employee Advocacy

Your employees can be some of your most powerful advocates regarding the word of mouth advertising. Encourage them to share their positive experiences with friends and family, and ensure they know about your products or services so they can answer any questions potential customers may have.

Incorporating Word Of Mouth Promotion Into Marketing Campaigns

Incorporating word of mouth promotion into your marketing campaigns can help amplify the reach and impact of your messaging. Consider implementing referral programs or leveraging social media influencers to spread the word about your business.

  • Referral programs: Offer incentives for current customers who refer new customers to your business.
  • Social media influencers: Partner with influencers with huge followers on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter to promote your products or services.

Continuously Evaluating And Adjusting Strategies

In order to ensure the success of your word-of-mouth marketing efforts, it's important to continuously evaluate and adjust strategies based on customer feedback and other metrics such as website traffic, referral sources, online reviews, and ratings.

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Strikingly's Role In Word Of Mouth Marketing Strategy

Word of mouth marketing is a powerful business tool to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty. However, creating an effective word of mouth marketing strategy can be challenging. It is where Strikingly comes in handy. Strikingly offers various features to help you get the word out and amplify your marketing efforts.

Getting The Word Out With Strikingly

Strikingly allows you to build a professional-looking website in minutes, even if you have no coding experience. With its user-friendly interface and customizable templates, you can showcase your products or services and provide all the information potential customers need. It helps you get the word out about your business and attract more visitors to your site.

Amplifying Your Marketing Efforts With Strikingly

Strikingly also offers various marketing tools that can help you amplify your efforts. For instance, it allows you to add social media icons to your site so visitors can share your content with their friends and followers. You can also integrate email marketing tools like Mailchimp or Constant Contact to create newsletters or promotional emails.

Harnessing The Power Of Strikingly For Word Of Mouth

One of the advantages of word of mouth marketing is that it relies on personal recommendations from satisfied customers. With Strikingly, you can showcase customer testimonials on your site, which helps build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Spreading The Buzz With Strikingly's Help

Another way to encourage word of mouth advertising is by creating shareable content that people want to discuss and share with friends. With Strikingly's blogging feature, you can create engaging content that showcases your expertise and provides value to readers.

Boosting Your Word Of Mouth Marketing With Strikingly

Social media is another powerful word of mouth marketing tool. With Strikingly, you can easily integrate social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram into your site, making it easy for visitors to share your content on social media.

Using Strikingly To Supercharge Your Word Of Mouth

Influencer marketing is another effective way to encourage word of mouth advertising. With Strikingly's built-in SEO tools, you can optimize your site for search engines and attract the attention of influencers in your industry.

Empowering Your Word Of Mouth With Strikingly

Strikingly offers various features and tools to help you create an effective word of mouth marketing strategy. You can empower your word of mouth advertising efforts and grow your business by getting the word out about your business, amplifying your marketing efforts, and harnessing the power of social media and influencers.


Word of mouth marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses grow and succeed. You can create effective word of mouth marketing by creating a positive brand image, encouraging word of mouth advertising, measuring success, addressing negative feedback, and integrating it into your business strategy. Strikingly can support these efforts by getting the word out, amplifying marketing efforts, harnessing the power of word of mouth, spreading the buzz, and supercharging your word of mouth. Start implementing these strategies today to see the advantages of word of mouth advertising for your business.


Word of mouth marketing is important because it helps grow trust and credibility with potential customers who are more likely to trust recommendations from friends and family than traditional advertising methods. It also helps businesses save money on advertising costs while increasing their reach.


With Strikingly's support and guidance in creating shareable content, leveraging social media channels, building relationships with influencers, and monitoring online reviews/ratings, you can successfully harness the power of this powerful form of advertising. Don't wait to start implementing effective word of mouth strategies for your business; sign up today!