How to Create an Amazing Under Construction Page

· Building Your Site,Design Inspiration,Tips and Tricks
How To Create An Amazing Under-Construction Page

In today's digital age, having an under construction page is crucial for any website owner. It informs visitors that the site is being worked on and helps build anticipation for the launch. Here we will explore how to create an amazing under construction page that will keep your audience engaged and excited about your upcoming website launch.

The first step in creating an amazing under construction page is to grab your visitor's attention. It can be achieved by using a visually appealing design and a strong headline that communicates what your website is all about.

A well-designed under construction page can help you build brand awareness and credibility while allowing you to collect visitor data and promote your social media channels. Strikingly is a website builder offering a range of customizable website templates to help you quickly and easily create a fantastic under construction page quickly and easily. In this article, we will understand the elements of an under construction page, techniques to make it stand out, and how to create one using Strikingly.

Elements Of An Amazing under construction Page

An under construction page is crucial for any website owner who wants to create anticipation and excitement around their upcoming launch. Here are the essential elements that will make your under construction page stand out:

1. Choosing A Relevant Theme

Your under construction page should reflect your website's overall theme and design. It will help visitors understand your site and what they can expect when it's fully launched. Strikingly offers a variety of free website templates that you can use to create a cohesive look and feel for your under construction page.

2. Crafting A Strong Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors will see when they land on your under construction page, so it needs to be attention-grabbing and informative. Use strong language to convey the excitement of your upcoming launch, and include relevant keywords that will help with SEO.

3. Adding Captivating Visuals

Visuals are essential to any website design, and your under construction page is no exception. Use high-quality images or graphics that reflect the theme of your site and capture visitors' attention.

Under Construction Page- Add Captivating Visuals

Image taken from Strikingly


4. Creating Engaging Copy

Your copy should be informative and engaging enough to keep visitors interested in learning more about your site. Use clear language that explains what your site is all about and why it's worth checking out once it's fully launched.

You'll be well on your way to creating a page that generates buzz and anticipation for your upcoming launch by incorporating these four elements into your under construction page design.

Advanced Techniques For A Standout under construction Page

As you work on your under construction page, it's essential to consider some advanced techniques that can take your page to the next level. Creating an exceptional under construction page is essential when updating your website. It's an opportunity to inform visitors about your site's temporary unavailability while showcasing your brand and maintaining engagement. To make your under construction page stand out, consider incorporating these advanced techniques:

1. Utilize Free Website Templates

Take advantage of free website templates specifically designed for under construction pages. These templates offer professionally crafted layouts and designs that can be easily customized to align with your brand. They save time and effort, allowing you to create an impressive under construction page quickly.

2. Eye-Catching Website Design

Design a visually appealing under construction page using attractive colors, fonts, and graphics. Ensure the design reflects your brand's identity and captures visitors' attention. A visually engaging page will leave a lasting impression, even during temporary downtime.

3. Leverage Website Builders

Make use of website builders that offer under construction page features. These builders provide user-friendly interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality, making creating and customizing your under construction page easy. They often include pre-designed templates, allowing you to personalize your page without any coding knowledge.

4. Informative Content

Craft informative content for your under construction page, explaining the reason behind the downtime and providing an estimated timeframe for completion. Keep visitors updated about the progress and assure them you're working diligently to improve their website experience.

5. Promote Website Creation

Utilize the under construction page as an opportunity to promote your website creation services. If you offer website design or development, showcase your expertise and provide information on how visitors can make a website with your assistance. It can help generate leads and conversions even during the construction phase.

6. Clear Call-To-Action

Include clear and visible call-to-action buttons or links on your under construction page. Direct visitors to alternative actions they can take, such as subscribing to your newsletter, following you on social media, or exploring other sections of your existing website. It maintains engagement and keeps visitors connected to your brand.

Under Construction Page- Add Clear Call-To-Action

Image taken from Strikingly

You can create an under construction page that informs visitors about your site's temporary unavailability and highlights your brand and services by implementing these advanced techniques. Use free website templates and builders to design an impressive page that captivates visitors. Keep the content informative and provide clear calls to action to maintain engagement. Even during construction, your under construction page can effectively generate leads and keep visitors connected to your brand.

Add The X Factor

When creating an under construction page, certain elements can make your page stand out from the rest. These elements can differentiate between a mediocre page and an amazing one. Here are some tips on adding the X factor to your under construction page.

1. Adding A Unique Element

Adding a unique element to your under construction page can set it apart and leave a lasting impression on visitors. You can make your under construction page stand out by incorporating. innovative features and personalized touches. One way to make your under construction page unique is by adding a special feature that sets it apart. It could be anything from a custom illustration, an animated background, or a personalized message to your visitors. Consider the following strategies to add a unique element to your under construction page:

  • Custom Graphics Or Illustrations. Instead of using generic images, consider creating custom graphics or illustrations that align with your brand and the purpose of your under construction page. These unique visuals can capture your attention and make your page more memorable.
  • Interactive Elements. Incorporate interactive elements to engage visitors while they wait for your website to be fully functional. It can include interactive animations, mini-games, or quizzes about your brand or industry. Interactive marketing features entertain visitors and keep them engaged with your brand during the construction phase.
  • Countdown Timer. Include a countdown timer that displays the estimated time until your website is expected to return online. It creates anticipation and excitement among visitors, encouraging them to return when your website is ready.
  • Progress Bar. Showcase the progress of your website's construction with a visually appealing progress bar. It allows visitors to see the completion percentage and provides transparency about the development process. It instills confidence and assures visitors that your website is being actively worked on.
  • Personalized Messages. Customize the messages on your under construction page to reflect your brand's personality and voice. Inject humor, creativity, or a personal touch to connect visitors to your brand, even during temporary downtime.
  • Social Media Integration. Integrate your social media feeds or share buttons on your under construction page to encourage visitors to connect with you on other platforms. It keeps them engaged and allows you to maintain communication and provide updates through social media channels.
Under Construction Page- Integrate social media

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Teaser Content. Provide a sneak peek of what visitors can expect from your website once it's a social media live. Showcase upcoming features, products, or exclusive content to create anticipation and generate excitement among your audience.

Remember to utilize the keywords "under construction page," "free website," "website templates," "website design," "make a website," and "website builder" in the meta tags, headings, and content of your under construction page.

2. Standing Out From The Crowd

Another way to add the X factor is by choosing a theme or design that stands out from other under construction pages. Instead of using generic templates, try experimenting with bold colors or typography that reflects your brand's personality.

3. Going Above And Beyond

Going above and beyond what is expected is another way to make your under construction page unforgettable. It could mean adding an interactive element like a game or quiz, providing exclusive content for subscribers, or offering discounts for early access.

4. Winning Over Your Audience

Ultimately, the goal of any under construction page is to win over your audience and keep them engaged until your website launches. You'll leave a lasting impression on visitors by incorporating unique elements, standing out from the crowd, and exceeding expectations.

How To Create An Amazing under construction Page Using Strikingly?

Creating an under construction page for your website is crucial to maintain your online presence and informing visitors about upcoming changes or updates. Strikingly, a free website builder can help you design an amazing under construction page that will captivate your audience and keep them engaged until your website is ready to launch. Here's how:

1. Choose Your Template

Strikingly offers a wide range of website templates that you can choose from to create an under construction page that fits your brand and style. Make sure to select a template that reflects the purpose of your website and resonates with your target audience.

Under Construction Page- Choose Your Template

Image taken from Strikingly


2. Highlight Your Brand

Your under construction page should showcase your brand identity and provide a glimpse of what visitors can expect from your website. Add your logo, use colors that represent your brand, and include a brief description of what you do.

3. Add A Countdown Timer

A countdown timer adds excitement and urgency to the launch of your website. It creates anticipation among visitors and motivates them to return when the site is ready. Strikingly allows you to add a customizable countdown timer that counts down to the launch date.

4. Include Social Media Links

Social media is essential for building an online presence, so include links to all relevant social media profiles on your under construction page. It will allow visitors to follow you on social media and stay updated on any news related to the site's launch.

5. Collect Visitor Data

Collecting visitor data is important for building a strong email list that you can use for marketing purposes once the site launches. Strikingly allows you to add an email capture form where visitors can leave their email addresses in exchange for updates on the site's progress.

6. Provide A Call To Action

A call-to-action (CTA) is a button or link that encourages visitors to take action, such as signing up for a newsletter or following you on social media. Please include a clear and compelling CTA on your under construction page to engage visitors and encourage them to stay connected.

7. Preview And Adjust Before The Launch

Before launching your under construction page, preview it and adjust any elements that need improvement. Strikingly lets you see how your page will look on different devices, making optimizing the design for all screen sizes easy.

8. Publish And Get Ahead Of The Competition

Once you're satisfied with your under construction page, it's time to publish it and get ahead of the competition. Strikingly makes it easy to publish your site with just one click, ensuring that your under construction page is live and ready for visitors.


Creating an under construction page is a crucial step in website building. It helps to keep visitors informed and engaged while you work on your site. In this article, we have explored the key elements of an amazing under construction page and how Strikingly can help you create one effortlessly.

When designing your under construction page, it's important to remember that it should be visually appealing and informative simultaneously. You want to ensure visitors know what your site is about and when it will be ready.

Strikingly offers free templates easily customized according to your needs. Creating an under construction page is extremely easy with Strikingly's intuitive drag-and-drop interface. You can add text boxes, images, and other elements to your page with a few clicks.

What are you waiting for, then? Sign up for Strikingly today and start building your under construction page!