Drive Success With These Mission Statement Examples And Ideas

· Building Your Site,Promoting Your Site,Entrepreneurship
Drive Success With These Mission Statement Examples And Ideas

Crafting a mission statement is essential to any business strategy. It concisely declares an organization's purpose, values, and goals. A well-written mission statement can provide direction and clarity to employees, customers, and stakeholders. In this article, we will explore the importance of having a mission statement for business, provide examples and ideas to help you craft your own, and show you how Strikingly can assist you in the process.

What Is A Mission Statement?

A mission statement is a brief statement that defines an organization's purpose and objectives. The purpose of the mission statement is to communicate the company's reason for existence and what it aims to achieve in the long run. A well-crafted mission statement should be clear, concise, and memorable.

Importance Of Having A Mission Statement

A mission statement is crucial for any business as it directs decision-making processes. It helps companies stay focused on their core values and ensures that all actions align with their goals. Additionally, it can serve as a powerful tool for branding by communicating what sets your business apart from competitors.

There are countless examples of powerful mission statements across various industries that can inspire you when crafting your own. Throughout this article, we will explore some popular company mission statements to give you ideas on creating one that resonates with your target audience.

How To Write A Mission Statement?

A business mission statement is a short but powerful statement that defines the purpose and values of your business. It is the foundation upon which you build your brand, culture, and decision-making. Here are the steps to crafting a compelling mission statement.

1. Identify Your Purpose

Your purpose is the reason why your business exists beyond making profits. It should be something that inspires you and resonates with your target audience. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What problem does my business solve?
  • What impact do I want to make in my industry?
  • What motivates me to do what I do?

Your answers should help you craft a purpose statement that reflects your passion and vision.

2. Define Your Target Audience

Your target audience is the group of people who will benefit from your products or services. Knowing who they are will help you tailor your message and offerings to their needs and preferences. Consider these factors:

  • Demographics - age, gender, income, location, etc.
  • Psychographics - interests, values, beliefs, lifestyle, etc.
  • Pain points, challenges, or problems they face that your business can solve.

Use this information to create a target market profile that guides your marketing efforts.

3. Incorporate Your Core Values

Your core values are the guiding principles that define how you conduct business and interact with customers and employees alike. They should align with your purpose and reflect what makes your business unique. Examples of core values include:

  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Collaboration
  • Accountability
  • Customer-centricity

Choose 3 to 5 values that resonate with you and communicate them in simple yet meaningful language.

4. Keep It Concise And Memorable

Your mission statement should be easily remembered and communicated in a few words or sentences. Avoid using jargon or complex language that may confuse or bore readers. Instead, use simple but powerful words that evoke emotion and inspire action. Here are some tips:

  • Use active verbs. To inspire, To empower, To innovate, etc.
  • Be specific. Avoid vague or generic statements that don't differentiate your business from others.
  • Edit ruthlessly. Keep refining your statement until it captures the essence of your purpose, audience, and values.

Remember, a great mission statement is not only a statement of intent but also a call to action that motivates people to support your business.

Crafting a mission statement is essential in building a successful and meaningful business. You can create a powerful message that resonates with customers and employees by identifying your purpose, defining your audience, incorporating your values, and keeping it concise and memorable.

Mission Statement of Strikingly user- Cornell Class Of 2016

Image taken from a Strikingly user's website


Company Mission Statements - Examples

A business mission statement is a concise summary of the purpose and values of a company. It serves as a guide for decision-making and helps to communicate the company's identity to customers and employees. Some examples of well-crafted mission statements have helped companies achieve their goals.

Google: To Organize The World's Information

Google's mission statement is simple yet powerful. It conveys the company's commitment to making information accessible to everyone. Google has created a platform that enables people to find answers to their questions quickly and easily by organizing the world's information.

Nike: To Bring Inspiration And Innovation To Every Athlete

Nike's mission statement reflects its focus on athletic performance and innovation. The company has built its brand around empowering athletes at all levels, from beginners to professionals. Inspiring athletes with new products and technologies, Nike has become one of the most recognizable brands in sports.

Amazon: To Be The Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company

Amazon's mission statement emphasizes its commitment to customer satisfaction above all else. Prioritizing customer needs, Amazon has become one of the most successful e-commerce companies in history. Its focus on convenience, selection, and value has made it a destination for millions of shoppers worldwide.

Coca-Cola: To Refresh The World In Mind, Body, And Spirit

Coca-Cola's mission statement speaks to its role as a global beverage leader with a long history of refreshing consumers' minds, bodies, and spirits with its products. The company aims to deliver refreshing beverages and create positive moments that bring people together.

These examples demonstrate how different companies can use their mission statements as a tool for success by focusing on what they do best while staying true to their values.

Crafting an effective business mission statement requires identifying your purpose, defining your target audience, incorporating your core values, and keeping it concise and memorable. Implementing your mission statement into branding, using it to guide decision-making, communicating it to employees and customers, and revisiting it regularly, you can reap the benefits of a strong mission statement.

Mission Statement of Strikingly user- Unlocked Capital

Image taken from a Strikingly user's website


Industry-Specific Mission Statements

Crafting a mission statement that accurately reflects your business's purpose, values, and goals is essential for any company. However, the process of creating a mission statement can be challenging, especially when it comes to industry-specific statements. Here are some examples of industry-specific mission statements to inspire you.

Nonprofit: To Improve The Quality Of Life For Underprivileged Communities

Nonprofits exist to serve the greater good by addressing social issues and improving people's lives. A nonprofit's mission statement should clearly articulate its purpose and how it plans to achieve its goals. Some examples of nonprofit organization mission statements include:

  • Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity brings people together to construct houses, and communities, and hope to demonstrate God's love in action.
  • The American Red Cross. To prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing volunteers' power and donors' generosity.

When crafting a nonprofit's mission statement, it is important to focus on the organization's impact on society rather than its bottom line.

Healthcare: To Provide Exceptional Patient-Centered Care

The healthcare industry is all about providing high-quality care to patients. A healthcare company's mission statement should reflect its commitment to patients' well-being while outlining its unique approach or philosophy toward healthcare delivery. Some examples of healthcare mission statements include:

  • Mayo Clinic. To provide the greatest treatment possible to every patient via integrated clinical practice, teaching, and research to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being.
  • Kaiser Permanente. To provide high-quality, affordable healthcare services and improve the health of our members and communities health.

When crafting a healthcare company's mission statement, it is important to emphasize patient-centeredness while highlighting unique approaches or philosophies toward healthcare delivery.

Technology: To Create Innovative Solutions That Simplify People's Lives

Technology companies are all about innovation - creating new products and services that make people's lives easier. A technology company's mission statement should reflect its commitment to innovation while emphasizing its broader societal impact. Some examples of technology mission statements include:

  • Apple. To bring the best user experience to its customers through innovative hardware, software, and services.
  • Microsoft. To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

When crafting a technology company's mission statement, it is important to emphasize innovation while highlighting the broader societal impact of its products or services.

Education: To Empower Students To Reach Their Full Potential

Education is all about empowering students to reach their full potential - academically, socially, and emotionally. An educational institution's mission statement should reflect this commitment to student success while outlining its unique educational philosophy. Some examples of educational mission statements include:

  • Stanford University. To promote the public welfare by exercising an influence on behalf of humanity and civilization.
  • Teach for America. Expanding the group of influential people who fight to guarantee that impoverished children receive a top-notch education.

When crafting an educational institution's mission statement, it is important to emphasize student success while highlighting any unique approaches or philosophies toward education delivery.

Crafting a business mission statement that accurately reflects your company's purpose, values, and goals is essential for any business. Following these industry-specific examples and guidelines on how to write a mission statement, you can create a powerful message that resonates with employees, customers, and stakeholders alike. And with Strikingly at your disposal, creating a stunning website that showcases your business mission statement has never been easier!

Mission Statement of Strikingly user- Real Meal Grill Detroit

Image taken from a Strikingly user's website


Implementing Your Mission Statement

Once you have crafted a strong mission statement, it's important to integrate it into your business operations. Here are some ways to implement your mission statement effectively:

Incorporating Your Mission Statement Into Branding

Your mission statement should be reflected in all aspects of your branding, from your logo and website design to your marketing materials and social media presence. Your brand should communicate what you stand for and what sets you apart from competitors.

Consider incorporating your mission statement into the following elements of your branding:

  • Logo design. Use colors and imagery in your logo design that reflect the values and purpose of your business.
  • Website design. Include a main homepage section showcasing your mission statement.
  • Marketing materials. Use language that aligns with your mission statement in all marketing copy.
  • Social media. Share posts highlighting how you are fulfilling your mission.

Consistently incorporating your mission statement into branding, you will build a strong brand identity that resonates with customers.

Using Your Mission Statement To Guide Decision-Making

Your business decisions should always align with the values outlined in your mission statement. When faced with tough choices, refer to this document to ensure you stay true to what matters most. For example, if one of your core values is sustainability, consider how each decision will impact the environment before making a final choice. If one of your goals is customer satisfaction, prioritize customer feedback when developing new products or services.

Using this document as a guide for decision-making, you can ensure that every action the company takes reflects its purpose and values.

Communicating Your Mission Statement To Employees And Customers

Both employees and customers need to understand what sets you apart from competitors and why they should choose to do business with you. Employees can feel more connected to their work, and customers can feel more confident in their purchases by clearly communicating what drives the company forward.

Consider the following ways to communicate your mission statement:

  • Employee training. Ensure all new hires are trained on the company's mission statement and how it informs day-to-day operations.
  • Customer communication. Include your website's mission statement, marketing materials, and any customer-facing interactions.
  • Internal communication. Regularly remind employees of the company's mission statement and how it guides decision-making.

Communicating your mission statement effectively, you can build a loyal customer base and a team of dedicated employees.

Revisiting And Reevaluating Your Mission Statement Regularly

As your business grows and changes over time, it's important to revisit your mission statement regularly to ensure it aligns with your values and goals. Reevaluating this document periodically can help you to ensure that all company decisions are aligned with its core purpose.

Consider revisiting and reevaluating your mission statement:

  • Annually. Schedule a yearly document review to ensure it accurately reflects the company's values.
  • When major changes occur. If there is a significant shift in business strategy or market conditions, revisit the document to ensure it is still relevant.
  • When feedback is received. If customers or employees provide feedback that suggests a misalignment between actions taken by the company and its stated purpose, review the document to determine if changes need to be made.

Regularly revisiting and reevaluating your mission statement ensures that your business remains focused on what matters most.

Mission Statement of Strikingly user- Grow Food Where People Live

Image taken from a Strikingly user's website


How To Add A Mission Statement To Your Website With Strikingly?

Here are the steps to add a mission statement to your website built with Strikingly:

  • Log in to your Strikingly account and go to the Editor view of your site.
  • Click the "Add Section" button to add a new section to your homepage. Choose the "Text" section.
  • In the Text section, add the heading "Our Mission." You can format the text to make it stand out, e.g., choose a larger font size, bold, etc.
  • Under the heading, add your mission statement text. Make sure to check that the text is clear, compelling and conveys your core purpose and priorities. You can break it up into paragraphs for easier readability.
  • You can choose to center align the mission statement to give it more emphasis. You can also change the background color of just that section to make it stand out on the page.
  • Optionally, you may want to anchor the mission statement by adding an image on the side. You can do so by adding an "Image" section next to the Text section. Choose an inspirational image that resonates with your mission.
  • Preview and publish the changes to make your updated site with the mission statement Live.
  • Once published, your mission statement will show up prominently on your homepage, where site visitors can easily see it to get a sense of your organization's purpose and direction.
  • You can also choose to add the mission statement to the "About Us" or "Why Choose Us" page. The more prominently you showcase it across the site, the more impact it will have.
  • Periodically review and revise the mission statement to ensure it stays relevant and compelling. Make changes to it on your website as needed to keep everything up to date.

Benefits Of A Strong Mission Statement

Here are some of the key benefits of having a strong mission statement:

Attracting And Retaining Customers

Your mission statement serves as the foundation of your business and can help you attract and retain customers. When potential customers see that your business has a clear purpose and values, they are likelier to trust you and become loyal to your brand. For example, eco-conscious consumers will be drawn to your business if your mission statement emphasizes sustainability.

Fostering A Strong Company Culture

A well-crafted mission statement can also foster a strong company culture. When employees understand the purpose and values of their workplace, they are more likely to feel fulfilled in their job and motivated to work towards common goals. It can increase productivity, higher employee satisfaction, and lower turnover rates.

Attracting Top Talent

In addition to retaining current employees, a strong mission statement can attract top talent to your business. A separate mission statement might help you differentiate yourself from competing employers in the job market since people want to work for organizations that share their values and views.

Providing Direction For Business Decisions

Finally, a clear mission statement can guide important business decisions. When faced with tough choices or opportunities for growth, you can refer to your mission statement as a guidepost for what actions align with your company's purpose and values.


A mission statement is the foundation of a business. It provides direction, purpose, and values that guide decision-making and attract customers and top talent. Crafting a strong mission statement requires identifying your purpose, defining your target audience, incorporating core values, and keeping it concise and memorable. Implementing it involves incorporating it into branding, guiding decision-making, communicating it to employees and customers, and revisiting it regularly.

Strikingly can help you create a professional-looking website that reflects your mission statement. With its user-friendly interface and customizable templates, you can easily showcase your brand's unique identity.

Why wait any longer to craft your business's mission statement, then?! A well-crafted one will provide direction for years to come while attracting like-minded customers who share similar values with your brand. Use the steps outlined in this article and Strikingly to create a mission statement to guide your business toward success.