Domain Transfer Made Easy: Step-By-Step Guide

· Entrepreneurship,Building Your Site,Tips and Tricks
Domain Transfer Made Easy: Step-By-Step Guide

In today's digital landscape, transferring domains has become increasingly important. Whether you're looking to switch registrars or consolidate your online presence, understanding how to transfer a domain is crucial. Today we will walk you through the entire domain transfer process, ensuring a seamless transition for your website.

Transferring a domain involves moving it from one registrar to another. The process ensures that all aspects of your website, including files, databases, and email accounts, remain intact during the transition. You can easily and confidently navigate each step by following a comprehensive guide like this one.

Transferring your domain offers several advantages for your online presence:

  • It allows you to switch registrars if dissatisfied with your current provider's services or pricing structure.
  • It enables you to consolidate multiple domains under one registrar for easier management and cost savings.
  • Transferring domains can improve website performance by leveraging advanced features offered by new registrars.

Strikingly is an intuitive website builder that simplifies creating and managing websites also the domain transfer process. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Strikingly makes it easy for individuals and businesses to establish their online presence effortlessly.

Preparing For Domain Transfer

Gathering all the necessary information before initiating a domain transfer is essential to ensure a smooth and successful process. We will guide you through the crucial steps of domain transfer preparation.

Gathering Necessary Information

To begin the domain transfer process, you must collect specific details about your domain. These include:

  • Domain registrar information. Identify the current registrar responsible for managing your domain.
  • Account login credentials. Ensure you have the username and password to access your account with the current registrar.
  • Domain registration period. Note down the expiration date of your domain registration to avoid any interruption during the transfer process.
  • Email account settings. Take note of any email accounts associated with your domain and their settings, such as usernames, passwords, and server configurations.

Checking Domain Ownership Details

Before transferring your domain, verifying that you are the rightful owner is crucial. To do so.

  • Whois lookup. Perform a Whois lookup using online tools or contact your current registrar to confirm that your name is listed as the domain's registered owner.
  • Contact information consistency. Ensure that your contact details, including your email address and phone number, match those listed in the Whois record accurately.
  • Privacy protection services. If you have privacy protection services enabled for your domain, consider disabling them temporarily during the transfer process, as they may hinder successful verification.

Verifying Contact Information Accuracy

To prevent any delays or complications during the transfer process:

  • Update contact information. Double-check that all contact details associated with your domain are up-to-date and accurate in your current registrar's records and ICANN's WHOIS database.
  • Email address accessibility. Ensure you can access the email address listed in WHOIS records, as it will be used for critical transfer-related notifications and authorization codes.
  • Check spam folder. Regularly monitor your email's spam folder to ensure that critical transfer-related emails do not end up there.

Ensuring Domain Eligibility For Transfer

To avoid any issues during the domain transfer process, ensure that your domain meets the following eligibility criteria:

  • Domain age. Most registrars require a minimum of 60 days from the initial registration or previous transfer before allowing a domain to be transferred.
  • Domain status. Verify that your domain is not locked, on hold, or involved in any legal disputes or pending transfers.
  • Payment status. Ensure that all outstanding fees related to your domain registration are paid to prevent any obstacles during the transfer process.
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Choosing A New Registrar

When transferring your domain, choosing a reliable registrar is crucial. Here are some key factors to consider when researching reputable registrars:

  • Reputation. Look for registrars with a solid reputation in the industry. Check online reviews and ratings to understand their track record and customer satisfaction.
  • Security. Ensure the registrar has robust security measures to protect your domain from unauthorized transfers or hacking attempts.
  • Experience. Opt for registrars with years of experience in the domain industry. Established companies often have better infrastructure and expertise to handle transfers smoothly.
  • Accreditation. Verify if the registrar is accredited by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Accreditation ensures that they adhere to industry standards and regulations.

Comparing Pricing And Features

Before deciding, compare the pricing and features offered by different registrars. Consider the following:

  • Transfer fees. Some registrars may charge a fee for transferring your domain, while others offer free transfers as part of their services.
  • Renewal costs. Consider the cost of renewing your domain with the new registrar once the transfer is complete.
  • Additional services. Check if the registrar offers additional services such as email hosting, SSL certificates, or website builders that could benefit your online presence.
  • Domain management tools. Evaluate the ease of use and functionality of their domain management interface or control panel.

Considering Customer Support Options

Customer support is crucial during the domain transfer process, especially if you encounter any issues or have questions. Consider these factors when evaluating customer support options:

  • Availability. Ensure customer support is available 24/7 through multiple channels such as phone, email, live chat, or ticket system.
  • Responsiveness. Look for quick response times and prompt resolution of issues raised by existing customers.
  • Knowledgeable staff. Assess the expertise and knowledge of the customer support team to ensure they can assist you effectively.
  • Self-help resources. Check if the registrar provides comprehensive documentation, tutorials, or a knowledge base that can help you troubleshoot common issues independently.

Making An Informed Registrar Selection

After conducting thorough research and considering the abovementioned factors, it's time to decide which registrar to choose for your domain transfer. Consider the following tips:

  • Prioritize reliability. Opt for a registrar with a proven track record of reliable service and minimal downtime.
  • Consider long-term goals. Choose a registrar that aligns with your long-term goals for your website or online business.
  • Evaluate user feedback. Consider reviews and testimonials from other users who have transferred their domains to the registrar you are considering.
  • Trust your instincts. Ultimately, trust your instincts when deciding. Exploring other options is best if something feels off or doesn't sit well with you.
Navigate to domains for domain transfer on Strikingly

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Preparing The Existing Domain

Before initiating a domain transfer, it is crucial to back up all your website files and databases. It ensures you have a copy of your website's content in case data is lost during the transfer process. You can use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software to connect to your web server and download all the necessary files.

To back up your website files, follow these steps:

1. Connect to your web server using FTP software.

2. Navigate to the root directory of your website.

3. Select all the files and folders within this directory.

4. Download these files to a local folder on your computer.

In addition to backing up website files, exporting any databases associated with your domain is also important. If you have a database-driven website, such as an online store or a blog, export the database using tools like phpMyAdmin or other database management software.

Exporting Email Accounts And Settings

If you have email accounts associated with your domain, exporting their settings and contents is essential before transferring the domain. It will ensure that you keep all important emails during the transfer process.

To export email accounts and settings, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your email client (e.g., Outlook, Thunderbird) or access your webmail interface.

2. Go to the account settings section.

3. Look for an option to export account settings or configurations.

4. Save this file on your computer for future reference.

Additionally, if you use an email client like Outlook or Thunderbird, back up any locally stored emails by exporting them.

Retrieving DNS Settings And Records

Before transferring a domain, it is necessary to retrieve its DNS (Domain Name System) settings and records from the current registrar or hosting provider. These settings control how your domain is connected to your website and other online services.

To retrieve DNS settings and records, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your current registrar or hosting provider's account.

2. Locate the DNS management section or domain settings for the specific domain you want to transfer.

3. Look for options to export or view DNS settings and records.

4. Take note of the existing DNS records, including A, MX, CNAME, and any other custom configurations.

Disabling Privacy Protection, If Applicable

If you have enabled your domain's privacy protection, deactivating it before initiating the transfer process is important. Privacy protection hides your personal contact information from being publicly displayed in WHOIS databases.

To turn off privacy protection for your domain, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your current registrar's account.

2. Navigate to the domain management section.

3. Look for an option related to privacy protection or WHOIS privacy.

4. Disable this feature by following the provided instructions.

Turning off privacy protection ensures that all necessary contact information is visible during the transfer process and allows for a smooth ownership transition between registrars.

Click on transfer domain then search for your domain name that you want to transfer

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Initiating The Domain Transfer

When transferring a domain, several important steps need to be taken. Here we will discuss how to initiate the domain transfer process effectively. It includes unlocking the domain for transfer, obtaining an authorization code (EPP code), initiating the domain transfer on the new registrar's website, and confirming the domain transfer request.

Unlocking The Domain For Transfer

Before beginning the domain transfer process, you need to unlock your domain. It is a security measure that prevents unauthorized transfers. To unlock your domain, log in to your current registrar's website and navigate to your account settings or domain management section. Look for an option that allows you to lock or unlock your domain.

Obtaining An Authorization Code (EPP Code)

To initiate the transfer process, you will need Dauthorization and EPP codes. The code acts as a unique identifier for your domain and confirms that you have permission to transfer it. To obtain this code, log in to your current registrar's website and navigate to your account settings or domain management section. Look for an option to request or generate an authorization code.

Initiating Domain Transfer On The New Registrar's Website

Once you have unlocked your domain and obtained the authorization code, it's time to initiate the transfer on your new registrar's website. Research reputable registrars that offer reliable services and competitive pricing options. Compare their features and customer support options before making an informed decision.

After selecting a new registrar:

1. Log in to their website using your account credentials.

2. Navigate to their domain management section or a similar area where you can initiate a new domain transfer.

3. Follow their instructions and provide all necessary details, including the authorization code.

Confirming Domain Transfer Request

After submitting all required information on the new registrar's website, you must confirm the domain transfer request. It may involve reviewing your provided details and confirming that everything is accurate. Take this opportunity to double-check all the information you have entered, such as the domain name and authorization code, to avoid any potential errors.

Once you are satisfied with the details, confirm the transfer request according to the instructions provided by your new registrar. It may involve clicking a confirmation button or following a specific process outlined by their website.

Completing The Domain Transfer

Once you have initiated the domain transfer process, there are a few important steps to complete to ensure a successful transfer. These steps include approving domain transfer emails, responding to transfer-related notifications, verifying successful domain transfer completion, and updating nameservers and DNS settings.

Approving Domain Transfer Emails

During the domain transfer process, you may receive emails from both your current registrar and the new registrar. These emails will typically contain important instructions or requests for action regarding the transfer. Reviewing these emails and following instructions promptly and carefully is crucial.

To ensure a smooth domain transfer, approve any domain transfer emails that require your action. It may involve clicking on a link or confirming your consent through a specific response method outlined in the email. Please approve these emails to avoid delays or failure of the domain transfer process.

Responding To Any Transfer-Related Notifications

In addition to approving domain transfer emails, it is essential to respond promptly to any other notifications related to the transfer process. These notifications may include requests for additional information or verification of certain details.

For example, you may receive a notification asking you to confirm your contact information or provide further documentation for security purposes. Responding promptly and accurately to these notifications is crucial to facilitate a seamless domain transfer.

Verifying Successful Domain Transfer Completion

After approving all necessary emails and responding appropriately to any notifications, verifying that the domain transfer has been completed is essential. It can be done by checking the status of your transferred domain within your new registrar's account dashboard.

Once the domain has been successfully transferred, its status will change from pending or in progress to active or transferred. It is recommended that you regularly check on the status of your transferred domain until it reflects this change.

After completing the domain transfer, updating your domain's nameservers and DNS settings is crucial. It ensures that your website and online services linked to the domain continue functioning properly. To update these settings, access your new registrar's account dashboard or control panel and navigate to the relevant section for managing your domain's settings.

Follow your new registrar's instructions to update the nameservers and DNS settings. These changes may take some time to propagate across the internet, so be patient. Some users may still be directed to your old website during this period or experience temporary disruptions. Once propagation is complete, all users should be seamlessly directed to your newly transferred domain.

Follow the instructions to complete domain transfer on Strikingly with ease

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Troubleshooting Domain Transfer Issues

Here are a few common issues users transferring domain face and their solutions:

1. Dealing With Domain Transfer Delays

When transferring a domain, delays are common but can be addressed by taking a few steps:

  • Contact your current registrar to inquire about the transfer status and identify potential issues.
  • Regularly check your email for transfer-related notifications or any additional actions required.
  • Practice patience as domain transfers can be time-consuming, especially if technical or administrative hurdles are involved.

While it's natural to desire a quick resolution, patience is important throughout the process.

2. Resolving Domain Ownership Conflicts

Domain ownership conflicts occur when disputes arise over control of a domain. To address these conflicts during the transfer process, gather necessary documentation proving your ownership and communicate with all involved parties to resolve the issue amicably. If resolution attempts fail, seek legal advice from an intellectual property or domain dispute specialist. Resolving ownership conflicts requires careful navigation, cooperation, and a diplomatic approach to find a mutually beneficial solution.

3. Troubleshooting DNS Propagation Problems

DNS propagation is the process of changes to a domain's DNS settings spreading across the internet. Troubleshooting steps for propagation issues include:

  • Double-check DNS settings for accuracy.
  • Clearing the DNS cache on your computer to refresh information.
  • Being patient, as propagation can take several hours to 48 hours.

If problems persist, contacting your registrar's support team is advisable.

4. Seeking Assistance From Registrar Support

During the domain transfer process, if you encounter difficulties or have questions, don't hesitate to contact your registrar's support team for assistance. Locate their contact information and provide them with relevant details about your transfer and specific issue. Remember to be patient and polite, as support representatives may be handling multiple inquiries. Seeking assistance from the support team will help you navigate the transfer process more effectively.

How To Do Domain Transfer With Strikingly In East Steps?

Before initiating a domain transfer with Strikingly, gathering all the necessary information related to your domain transfer is important. It includes details such as your current registrar, the expiration date of your domain, and any additional services or features associated with your domain.

1. Authorization: Unlock Your Domain And Obtain The Transfer Authorization Code

To successfully transfer your domain to Strikingly, you must unlock it from your current registrar. It can be done through your registrar's account settings or control panel. Once unlocked, you must obtain a transfer authorization code from your current registrar, an EPP code. The code is essential for initiating the transfer process with Strikingly.

2. Access Strikingly: Log In To Your Strikingly Account

To begin the domain transfer process with Strikingly, log in to your Strikingly account using your credentials. If you don’t have an account, sign up for one on their website.

3. Domain Settings: Navigate To The Domains Section

Once logged in, navigate to the Domains section within your Strikingly account settings. Here in this section is where you can manage all aspects related to domains associated with your website.

4. Transfer Domain: Click On The Transfer Domain Button

In the Domains section of Strikingly, locate and click on the Transfer Domain button. It will initiate transferring your domain from its current registrar to Strikingly's platform.

5. Enter Details: Provide Domain Name And Transfer Authorization Code

When prompted during the domain transfer process, provide the necessary details, such as the domain name you wish to transfer and the previously obtained transfer authorization code (EPP code). Double-check that all information entered is accurate to ensure a smooth transfer.

6. Confirm Transfer: Review The Details And Confirm The Transfer

Before finalizing the domain transfer, carefully review all the provided details to ensure accuracy. Verify that the domain name and authorization code are correct. Once you are confident that everything is in order, confirm the transfer to proceed.

7. Verify Email: Check Your Email For Transfer Confirmation Instructions

After confirming the domain transfer, check your email for further instructions regarding the transfer confirmation process from Strikingly. Follow these instructions carefully to complete the verification and confirmation of your domain transfer.


Following a step-by-step guide is crucial when it comes to domain transfer. It helps you stay organized, ensures you get all the important details, and minimizes the risk of encountering problems. You can successfully transfer your domain without hassle by carefully planning and executing each step.

Strikingly is an excellent choice if you're looking for a reliable website builder to accompany your domain transfer process. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Strikingly makes it easy for anyone to create a stunning website that represents their brand effectively and transfer domain.

Transferring your domain can be simple and manageable. Remember to troubleshoot any issues that may arise along the way and seek assistance from registrar support if needed. With proper planning and execution, you can seamlessly enjoy the benefits of transferring your domain to a new registrar. Sign up with Strikingly now to start your domain transfer.