Domain Domination - How To Choose A Domain Name That Beats Competition

· Building Your Site,Tips and Tricks,Entrepreneurship
Domain Domination - How To Choose A Domain Name That Beats Competition

Choosing the right domain name for your website is crucial to establishing your online presence. It impacts your website's search engine optimization (SEO) and plays a significant role in branding.

Selecting a domain name is like choosing a digital address for your website. It serves as the first point of contact between you and your audience. A well-chosen domain name can make it easier for visitors to remember and find your site, while a poorly chosen one can lead to confusion and potential traffic loss.

How A Domain Name Impacts SEO And Branding

Your domain name directly impacts SEO, as search engines consider it when ranking websites. Including relevant keywords in your domain can help improve search engine visibility and attract targeted traffic to your site.

In addition to SEO, a well-chosen domain name also contributes to building brand recognition. It should align with your brand identity, making it easier for customers to associate it with your products or services.

How To Choose A Domain Name?

Choosing the best domain name involves several considerations. Consider its relevance to your website's purpose, incorporating relevant keywords and ensuring simplicity and memorability.

Throughout this guide, we will delve deeper into these factors and provide tips on conducting keyword research, understanding the role of domain length and simplicity, considering branding and memorability, exploring different domain extensions (TLDs), checking availability, protecting your brand with multiple domains, and registering and setting up your chosen domain name through Strikingly.

Understanding The Role Of A Domain Name

When creating a website, choosing a domain name is crucial. Choose a domain name that becomes your online address and plays a significant role in establishing your online presence.

Importance Of A Domain Name In Establishing Your

It is the first thing users see and remember about your website, so it should accurately represent your brand or business. A memorable and relevant domain name can help you stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on visitors. It is a digital representation of your brand identity and can help potential customers easily recognize and remember your website.

How A Domain Name Impacts User Experience And Credibility

The domain name you choose also impacts the user experience and credibility. A well-chosen domain name can contribute to positive user experiences by being easy to remember, spell, and pronounce. Users are more likely to trust websites with professional-sounding domain names that align with their expectations.

On the other hand, a poorly chosen or confusing domain name can lead to frustration for users, making them less likely to visit or trust your website. Choose a domain name that reflects professionalism, reliability, and credibility to establish trust with your audience.

The Connection Between A Domain Name And Your Website's Purpose

Your chosen domain name should also align with the purpose of your website. It should give users an idea of what they can expect from visiting your site. For example, if you have an e-commerce store selling handmade jewelry, incorporating keywords related to jewelry or handmade crafts in your domain name can help convey the purpose of your website.

Using relevant keywords in your domain name can also improve search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines often consider keywords in the URL when determining search rankings, so having relevant keywords in your domain name can boost visibility for those specific terms.

Choose A Domain Name with Keywords

Keyword Research For Domain Names

Choose a domain name for your website that incorporates relevant keywords. Here, we will explore the importance of keyword incorporation, discuss using tools like Google Keyword Planner for research, and provide tips on finding keyword-rich domain names that align with your website's niche.

Importance Of Incorporating Relevant Keywords In Your Domain Name

Incorporating relevant keywords in your domain name can significantly impact your website's visibility and search engine rankings. When users search for specific keywords related to your website's niche, having those keywords in your domain name increases the chances of your site appearing in their search results.

Utilizing Tools Like Google Keyword Planner For Keyword Research

Tools like Google Keyword Planner are invaluable resources for conducting keyword research for your domain name. Using this tool, you can identify popular and relevant keywords frequently searched by users interested in your website's niche. The research information can help you choose a domain name incorporating these high-performing keywords, increasing the likelihood of attracting targeted traffic.

Tips For Finding Keyword-Rich Domain Names That Align With Your Website's Niche

  • Brainstorm relevant keywords. Start by brainstorming a list of keywords that accurately represent the content or purpose of your website. Consider words or phrases that users might use when searching for information related to your niche.
  • Research competitor's domains. Analyze the domain names of successful competitors within your industry or niche. Look for patterns or commonalities among their choices, and consider incorporating similar keywords into your domain name.
  • Experiment with variations. Play around with different combinations and variations of relevant keywords to find a unique yet descriptive domain name that stands out from competitors.
  • Keep it concise. While incorporating keywords is important, keeping the domain name concise and easy to remember is equally crucial. Avoid long, complex, or confusing domain names that may deter users from visiting your website.
  • Consider your brand's identity. Ensure that the chosen domain name aligns with your brand identity and effectively communicates the purpose or essence of your website. It should be memorable and resonate with your target audience.

Domain Name Length And Simplicity

Choosing the right domain name for your website is crucial for establishing a strong online presence. In this section, we will explore the impact of domain name length on user experience and SEO and the importance of choosing a domain name that is easy to spell and pronounce. Additionally, we will discuss the significance of avoiding complex or confusing domain names that may lead to user frustration.

The Impact Of Domain Name Length On User Experience And SEO

The length of your domain name plays a significant role in user experience and search engine optimization (SEO). A shorter domain name is easier for users to remember and type into their browsers, resulting in a better overall user experience. It also reduces the likelihood of users making spelling errors when accessing your website.

From an SEO perspective, search engines often favor shorter domain names. They are more likely to be displayed in search results without being truncated, which can improve click-through rates. Additionally, search engines and users generally perceive shorter domains as more trustworthy.

Choosing A Domain Name That Is Easy To Spell And Pronounce

When selecting a domain name, choosing one that is easy to spell and pronounce is essential. A simple, difficult-to-spell domain can be confusing when accessing your website directly.

Opting for a simple and easily pronounceable domain name makes it easier for users to remember your website's address accurately. The simplicity helps with direct navigation and encourages word-of-mouth referrals, as people find it effortless to share your website with others.

Avoiding Complex Or Confusing Domain Names That May Lead To User Frustration

Complex or confusing domain names can cause frustration for users trying to access your website. If your chosen domain includes hyphens, numbers, or uncommon words, it may be challenging for people unfamiliar with your brand to remember and enter correctly.

It is best to avoid using complex or confusing domain names to ensure a positive user experience. Instead, opt for an intuitive name that aligns with your brand's identity.

Including relevant keywords in your domain name helps users understand the purpose or niche of your website. However, it's essential to balance incorporating keywords and maintaining simplicity. Choose a domain name that accurately reflects your website's content while being concise and easy to remember.

Choose A Domain Name- keep in mind Branding And Memorability

Branding And Memorability

Establishing and promoting your brand online requires you to choose a domain name.

Importance Of A Domain Name In Building Brand Recognition

It serves as your website's address, representing your business or organization online. Choosing a domain name that aligns with your brand identity can create a strong online presence and brand recognition among your target audience.

When people search for products or services related to your industry, having a memorable and relevant domain name can make it easier for them to find and remember your website. Branding can lead to increased traffic, higher conversion rates, and, ultimately, more success for your business.

Tips For Selecting A Domain Name That Aligns With Your Brand Identity

To choose a domain name that effectively reflects your brand identity, consider the following tips:

  • Keep it relevant. Your domain name should indicate what your website is about or what products/services you offer. Incorporating keywords related to your industry can help potential visitors understand the nature of your business.
  • Make it memorable. Aim for a catchy and unique domain name that stands out from competitors. Avoid generic or overly complicated names that are easily forgettable.
  • Reflect on your brand's personality. Your domain name should convey the tone and values of your brand. If you want to portray professionalism, opt for a more formal-sounding name. Consider something more playful or innovative if you're targeting a younger audience or want to showcase creativity.
  • Keep it concise. Shorter domain names are often easier to remember and type into web browsers. Try to keep it under 15 characters.
  • Consider future growth. Choose a domain name that allows room for expansion as your business grows and evolves.

Utilizing Creative And Memorable Domain Names To Stand Out From

In today's competitive online landscape, standing out from competitors is crucial for success. Using creative and memorable domain names, you can differentiate yourself and leave a lasting impression on your target audience. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Use puns or wordplay. Incorporating clever wordplay or puns into your domain name can make it more memorable and engaging. However, be mindful of not sacrificing clarity or relevance for the sake of creativity.
  • Add a unique twist. Consider adding a unique twist to your domain name that reflects your brand's personality or industry niche.
  • Use descriptive language. Use descriptive words that evoke emotions or paint a vivid picture of your brand or industry. Descriptive language can connect your target audience emotionally and make your domain name more memorable.

Domain Extensions And TLDs

Choosing the right domain extension is important when selecting a domain name for your website. Different domain extensions serve different purposes and can impact your website's branding and visibility. Here is an overview of different domain extensions and their purposes:

An overview of different domain extensions and their purposes

  • .com (commercial). The most popular and widely recognized domain extension, suitable for commercial websites, businesses, and organizations.
  • .org (organization). Non-profit organizations, charities, and non-commercial entities commonly use the extension.
  • .net (network). Originally intended for network-related websites, this extension has become popular among technology companies and internet service providers.
  • .edu (education). It is reserved for educational institutions such as universities, colleges, and schools.
  • .gov (government). Exclusive to government agencies at all local, state, or national levels.
  • .info (information). Suitable for websites that provide informational content or resources.
  • .biz (business). Businesses often use it to differentiate themselves from other commercial websites using the more common .com extension.
  • Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs). These are specific to individual countries or territories, such as .us for the United States or .uk for the United Kingdom.

When choosing between popular extensions like .com, .org, and .net, consider the following:

  • Branding. Consider how each extension aligns with your brand identity and industry norms. One of the domain name examples is a non-profit organization that may benefit from a .org extension to establish credibility within their sector.
  • Target audience. Research which extensions are commonly associated with your target audience's preferences or expectations. If you primarily cater to a global audience, a .com extension may be more universally recognized.
  • SEO considerations. While domain extensions do not directly impact SEO rankings, having a relevant and trusted extension can indirectly affect user trust and click-through rates.
  • Availability. Some extensions may be unavailable due to high demand or specific registration requirements. Be prepared with alternative options if your preferred extension is not available.

Selecting a domain extension that aligns with your website's purpose and target audience

  • Research competitors. Look at what extensions your competitors use to gain insights into industry standards and customer expectations.
  • Consider future growth. If you plan to expand your business or website, choose an extension that allows scalability and flexibility.
  • Consult with professionals. Seek advice from web developers, marketers, or branding experts who can provide valuable insights based on their experience in the field.

Checking Domain Name Availability

There are several steps to check the availability of a domain name, which is important.

Steps To Check Domain Name Availability

It is crucial to check its availability before choosing a domain name for your website. Follow these steps to ensure the domain name you desire is not already taken:

  • Brainstorm potential domain names that align with your website's goals and target audience.
  • Visit a domain name registrar or search tool like GoDaddy or Namecheap.
  • Enter your desired domain name in the search bar provided on the registrar's website.
  • Click the search button to check if the domain name is available.
  • The registrar will display the results, indicating if the domain name is available or already registered.

Utilizing Domain Name Registrars And Search Tools

Domain name registrars and search tools are essential resources for checking the availability of a domain name. Here's how you can make use of them:

  • Choose a reliable and reputable registrar that offers user-friendly interfaces and competitive pricing.
  • Visit their website and navigate to their domain search feature.
  • Enter your desired domain name in the search bar provided by the registrar.
  • Use advanced search options, such as filtering by extensions or searching for similar variations of your desired domain name.
  • Review the results provided by the registrar, which will indicate whether your chosen domain name is available.

Tips For Choosing An Available Domain Name That Meets Your Criteria

When selecting an available domain name that meets your criteria, consider these tips to ensure it aligns with your website's goals:

  • Keep it relevant. Choose a domain name that reflects what your website is about or its main purpose.
  • Make it memorable. Opt for a catchy and easy-to-remember domain name that stands out from competitors.
  • Consider keywords. Incorporate relevant keywords related to your niche into your chosen domain name.
  • Keep it simple. Avoid complex or lengthy domain names that may confuse users or be difficult to spell and pronounce.
  • Check social media availability. Ensure that your chosen domain name is also available as a username on popular social media platforms.

Protecting Your Brand With Multiple Domains

Several domain names are crucial for protecting the brand and its reputation.

Benefits Of Multiple Domain Names

Having multiple domain names can offer several advantages when protecting your brand.

  • Enhanced online presence. Owning multiple domain names expands your online presence and reaches a wider audience. You can ensure that users searching for your brand are directed to your website by securing variations of your primary domain name, such as different spellings or alternative extensions.
  • Prevents brand dilution. Registering additional domain names that closely relate to your brand helps prevent others from using them maliciously or creating confusion among customers. It enables you to maintain control over your brand's identity and reputation.
  • Defensive marketing strategy. Acquiring multiple domains related to your industry or niche can serve as a defensive marketing strategy. Redirecting these domains to specific landing pages on your main website can help capture potential customers who may have otherwise landed on competitors' sites.

Choosing Additional Domain Names

When choosing additional domain names to redirect traffic to your main website, consider the following strategies:

  • Keyword-based domains. Select domain names with relevant keywords related to your industry or niche.
  • Variation of primary domain. Register alternate versions of your domain name, such as different spellings or abbreviations, to capture potential misspellings or variations users may enter into their browser.
  • Location-specific domains. If you have a local business, consider registering domain names that include the name of the city or region you operate in.

DNS Management Tools

To effectively utilize multiple domains and redirect them to your main website, take advantage of domain forwarding and DNS management tools:

  • Domain forwarding. Most domain registrars offer domain forwarding services, allowing you to redirect traffic from one domain to another.
  • DNS management. DNS (Domain Name System) management tools allow you to easily configure the settings of your domain names, including pointing them to specific IP addresses or servers. DNS management is useful when setting up domain forwarding or managing multiple domains from a single control panel.

Registering And Setting Up Your Domain Name

Strikingly helps to register and set up a domain name in a few steps.

Steps To Register A Domain Name Through Strikingly

To register a domain name through Strikingly, follow these simple steps:

  • Sign in to your Strikingly account or create a new one if you haven't already.
  • Once logged in, navigate to the dashboard and select the website you want to register a domain name.
  • Click the Settings tab and search or choose a Domain name from the drop-down menu.
choose a Domain name

Image taken from Strikingly

  • In the domain section, click on Register New Domain.
  • Click the icon to Enter your desired domain name in the search bar.
  • The system will check availability and present you with a list of domain names with different extensions.
How To Choose A Domain Name That Beats Competition- Search your desired domain name

Image taken from Strikingly 

  • Choose a domain name that best aligns with your website's goals and target audience by clicking on it.
  • Review the pricing details for your chosen domain name extension and click on Add to Cart.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the registration process, providing any necessary contact information and payment details.
How To Choose A Domain Name That Beats Competition- complete the registration process

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Once registered, your new domain name will be associated with your Strikingly website.

Recommendations For Managing Domain Renewals And Privacy Settings

To effectively manage your domain name renewals and privacy settings, consider the following recommendations:

  • Set up automatic renewal. Enable automatic renewal for your domain name through Strikingly or your chosen registrar to ensure it doesn't expire unintentionally.
How To Choose A Domain Name That Beats Competition- Set up automatic renewal

Image taken from Strikingly 

  • Keep contact information up-to-date. Update your contact information with Strikingly and your registrar, so you receive important notifications regarding renewals or other domain-related matters.
  • Privacy protection. Evaluate whether you want additional privacy protection for your domain name registration. Some registrars offer services that shield personal information from public WHOIS searches, reducing the risk of spam or unwanted solicitations.
  • Regularly review renewal dates. Stay aware of when your domain name is due for renewal by setting reminders or marking important dates on a calendar.
  • Consider multi-year registrations. If you plan on maintaining ownership of the domain name long-term, consider registering it for multiple years to ensure continuity and potentially benefit from discounted pricing.


Selecting a domain name for your website is a critical decision with far-reaching implications for your online presence and brand. Choosing a domain name impacts SEO rankings, user experience, and overall credibility. A well-crafted domain aligns with your website's purpose and contributes to building brand recognition. The key takeaways from this process involve:

  • Incorporating relevant keywords to improve SEO
  • Opting for simplicity in spelling and pronunciation
  • Ensuring alignment with your brand identity
  • Choosing an appropriate domain extension
  • Conducting thorough availability checks before finalizing your choice

Strikingly offers valuable support throughout this domain selection process. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive features simplify the search for available domains, facilitate seamless registration, streamline DNS configuration, and efficiently manage renewals. If you haven’t already, sign up today to choose a domain name best suitable for your business or personal brand.