Creating a Podcast Made Simple in 2023

· Building Your Site,Promoting Your Site,Entrepreneurship
Podcast Microphone in a Studio

The podcasting business has become increasingly popular in recent years and for good reason. With the rise of mobile devices and on-the-go listening, more people are turning to podcasts as a source of entertainment, education, and inspiration. This article will explore the benefits of podcasting for both personal and business use and provide tips to create a podcast successfully.

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is a type of digital media that consists of audio recordings, usually in the form of episodes, which can be downloaded or streamed online. It is similar to a radio show, but with the key difference that podcasts are pre-recorded and can be accessed on-demand at the listener's convenience.

Podcasts Template from Strikingly

Podcasts cover a wide range of topics and genres, including news, entertainment, education, storytelling, interviews, and more. They provide a platform for individuals, organizations, and experts to share their ideas, opinions, expertise, and stories with a global audience.

Why is Podcasting Popular?

Podcasting has gained immense popularity for several compelling reasons:

1. Accessibility

Podcasts are easily accessible to a global audience. They can be enjoyed using smartphones, tablets, or computers anytime. Listeners can tune in during their commute, workout sessions, or even while doing household chores, providing a convenient and flexible form of entertainment or education.

2. On-Demand Listening

Unlike traditional radio or TV shows, podcasts are on-demand audio content. Listeners are free to choose what they want to listen to, when they want to listen to it. This control over content consumption aligns with the preferences of modern audiences who value personalized experiences.

3. Niche Content

Podcasting allows creators to focus on specific topics, catering to niche interests and passions. It offers various genres, from true crime and storytelling to self-improvement, business, technology, and much more. This diversity of content enables listeners to find shows that align with their specific interests and engage with like-minded communities.

4. Deep Dive and Long-Form Content

Unlike other forms of media with time constraints, you can explore topics in-depth when you create a podcast. They often feature long-form conversations, interviews, or discussions, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of subjects. This format fosters a deeper understanding and connection with the content and the hosts.

5. Authenticity and Intimacy

Podcasts create an intimate connection between the hosts and the audience. The audio format conveys emotions, nuances, and personalities uniquely, fostering a sense of familiarity and authenticity. Listeners often become loyal to their favorite podcasters, leading to a dedicated and engaged fan base.

6. Multitasking and Productivity

Podcasts are ideal for multitasking. Since they don't require visual attention, listeners can consume content while engaging in other activities. This aspect makes podcasts popular for individuals seeking to maximize their time and productivity, whether during commutes, workouts, or mundane tasks.

7. Diversity of Voices

Podcasting provides a platform for diverse voices and perspectives that may not find mainstream exposure. It allows underrepresented communities, independent creators, and experts to share their stories, knowledge, and experiences. As a result, podcasting contributes to a more inclusive and diverse media landscape.

8. Lower Barrier to Entry

The accessibility and affordability of podcasting equipment and distribution platforms have lowered the barrier to entry for aspiring creators. It is easier to create a podcast these days. This democratization of content creation enables anyone with a unique voice or perspective to start their own podcast, fostering creativity and fostering a vibrant podcasting ecosystem.

These factors, combined with advancements in technology, the rise of mobile devices, and the convenience of on-demand content, have propelled podcasting to its current widespread popularity. As audiences continue to seek personalized, immersive, and authentic experiences, podcasting is expected to thrive as a preferred medium for entertainment, education, and storytelling.

Benefits of Podcasting for Business and Personal Use

Whether you are looking to start a business podcast or simply create a podcast for your personal project, podcasting has numerous benefits.

Dinner is Done Template from Strikingly


Benefits of Podcasting for Business:

  • Brand Building

Podcasting provides a platform for businesses to establish their brand identity, voice, and expertise. It allows businesses to showcase their knowledge, share valuable insights, and engage with their target audience, enhancing brand visibility and credibility.

  • Audience Engagement

Podcasts enable businesses to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Through conversations, interviews, and storytelling, businesses can create a more personal and authentic connection with listeners, fostering a loyal and engaged community.

  • Thought Leadership

Hosting a podcast allows businesses to position themselves as industry thought leaders. By sharing expertise, discussing trends, and providing valuable information, businesses can establish authority in their niche, attracting attention and recognition from peers, clients, and prospects.

  • Content Marketing

You can create a podcast and it would be a powerful content marketing tool. Businesses can repurpose podcast episodes into blog posts, social media snippets, or video content, expanding the reach of their message and increasing their content library.

  • Networking and Collaboration

Podcasting opens doors for networking and collaboration opportunities. Inviting industry experts, influencers, or other professionals as guests on the podcast can foster valuable connections, cross-promotion, and mutually beneficial partnerships.

Benefits of Podcasting for Personal Use:

Andrea May Podcast Template from Strikingly


  • Knowledge Expansion

Podcasts cover a vast range of topics, making them an excellent resource for personal growth and learning. Whether it's self-improvement, history, science, or storytelling, podcasts offer a convenient and engaging way to expand knowledge and stay informed.

  • Entertainment and Escapism

When you create a podcast, you can provide entertainment value and serves as a form of escapism. From gripping true crime stories to comedy shows or fictional narratives, podcasts offer a diverse range of entertaining content, allowing listeners to unwind and enjoy themselves.

  • Commute and Downtime Utilization

Podcasts make commutes more enjoyable and transform downtime into productive or entertaining moments. Whether commuting to work, exercising, or engaging in leisure activities, podcasts offer a hands-free way to make the most of these moments by engaging in informative or entertaining content.

  • Personal Development

Many podcasts focus on personal development, offering insights and practical tips for self-improvement. They cover topics like mindfulness, motivation, productivity, and mental health, empowering listeners to enhance various aspects of their lives.

  • Community and Connection

When you create a podcast, you create a sense of community among you and your listeners. Engaging with podcasts centered around shared interests or niche topics can lead to connections with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of belonging and facilitating valuable conversations.

  • Inspirational Stories

Podcasts often feature inspirational stories of ordinary people achieving extraordinary things. These stories can inspire and motivate listeners, providing a source of encouragement, perseverance, and inspiration for their own journeys.

Podcasting benefits businesses and individuals, providing a versatile and engaging medium for communication, learning, entertainment, and personal growth.

Before you start to create a podcast, it is crucial to understand the basics of podcasting. This includes choosing a niche topic that appeals to your target audience and investing in quality equipment such as microphones and editing software.

Defining Your Podcast's Niche

Starting a podcast is a great way to reach your target audience and build a loyal following. However, before you start to create a podcast, it's crucial to identify who your target audience is. This will help you create content that resonates with them and keeps them coming back for more.

Starting a Podcast Step #1: Identifying Your Podcast's Target Audience

To identify your podcast's target audience, ask yourself who would benefit most from the information or entertainment you plan to provide. Consider factors such as age, gender, interests, and profession. Once you have a clear idea of your target audience, you can tailor your content to their specific needs and preferences.

Starting a Podcast Step #2: Choosing a Specific Topic and Theme for Your Podcast

Choosing a specific topic and theme for your podcast will make it easier for listeners to find you and understand your podcast. It will also help you focus on creating content that aligns with your goals and appeals to your target audience.

Starting a Podcast Step #3: Researching and Analyzing the Competition

Researching and analyzing the competition can help you identify gaps in the market that your podcast can fill. Look at what other podcasts in your niche are doing well and where they could improve. This will give you ideas for how to make your podcast stand out from the crowd.

Starting a Podcast Step #4: Creating Unique Content Ideas for Your Podcast

Creating unique content ideas for your podcast is essential if you want to keep listeners engaged and coming back for more. Brainstorm topics that align with your theme but haven't been covered extensively by other podcasts in your niche yet. Consider interviewing experts or sharing personal stories that interestingly relate to your topic.

Setting Up Your Podcasting Studio

When it comes to creating a podcast, having a professional-sounding studio is crucial. Here are some tips for setting up your own podcasting studio:

Equipment Needed for Recording Your Podcast

To create a high-quality podcast, you'll need some essential equipment. A good microphone is a must-have; you should invest in headphones, a pop filter, and a microphone stand. Additionally, you may want to consider purchasing a mixer or audio interface to help control the sound levels.

Choosing the Best Podcasting Software for Your Needs

There are many different podcasting software options available, so choosing one that meets your needs is essential. Some popular choices include Audacity, GarageBand, and Adobe Audition.

Recording Tips and Tricks for High-Quality Audio

Once you have your equipment set up and your software chosen, it's time to start recording! To ensure high-quality audio, ensure you're in a quiet room with minimal background noise. Speak clearly into the microphone and avoid sudden movements or loud noises.

Editing Your Podcast and Adding Music and Sound Effects

After recording your podcast episode, it's time to edit it! Use your chosen software to eliminate any mistakes or pauses in the recording. You can also add music and sound effects to enhance the listening experience.

Publishing and Distributing Your Podcast

Now that you have created your podcast, it's time to share it with the world! This section will discuss the best hosting platforms for your podcast, creating engaging podcast artwork and show notes, maximizing your podcast's visibility with SEO techniques and submitting your podcast to popular streaming platforms.

1. Choosing the Best Hosting Platform for Your Podcast

When it comes to hosting your podcast, there are many options available. Some of the most popular hosting platforms include Buzzsprout, Libsyn, Podbean and Transistor. Each platform has unique features and pricing plans, so choosing one that fits your needs and budget is important.

2. Creating Engaging Podcast Artwork and Show Notes

Your podcast artwork is the first thing people will see when they come across your show, so making a good impression is essential. Your artwork should be eye-catching and relevant to your niche. Show notes are also crucial as they provide a summary of each episode and help with SEO optimization.

3. Maximizing Your Podcast's Visibility with SEO Techniques

SEO is crucial when it comes to getting your podcast noticed. Make sure you include relevant keywords in your episode titles, descriptions and show notes. Utilize social media to promote each episode and encourage listeners to leave reviews on popular streaming platforms such as Apple Podcasts.

4. Submitting Your Podcast to Popular Streaming Platforms

Once you have created engaging content for your podcast, it's time to submit it to popular streaming platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Play Music. Each platform has its own submission process but once approved, you'll have access to millions of potential listeners.

Overcoming Common Podcasting Challenges

Starting a podcast can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it's not without its challenges. Here are some common obstacles you may face and how to overcome them.

1. Dealing with Technical Issues and Glitches

Technical issues are bound to happen when creating a podcast, but don't let them discourage you. Invest in quality equipment and software, test everything before recording, and have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. If you do encounter a glitch during recording or editing, take a break to troubleshoot or seek help from online forums or tech support.

2. Creating Consistent Content and Sticking to a Schedule

One of the keys to building an audience is creating consistent content on a regular schedule. To stay on track, create an editorial calendar outlining your topics and release dates, batch record episodes in advance when possible, and hold yourself accountable by setting deadlines and prioritizing your podcast as a business priority.

3. Handling Negative Feedback and Criticism

Not everyone will love your podcast or agree with your perspective, but that's okay. Take constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve your content or delivery, but don't let negative feedback discourage you from continuing your podcast journey. Remember that everyone has different tastes and opinions.

4. Staying Motivated and Continuing to Improve Your Podcast

Creating a successful podcast takes time and effort, so staying motivated along the way is important. Surround yourself with supportive friends or colleagues who share your podcasting passion, set achievable goals for growth or improvement, listen to feedback from listeners or industry experts, attend conferences or workshops for new ideas or inspiration.

How to Start a Business Podcast Website with Strikingly

Strikingly is a user-friendly website builder that empowers you to showcase your podcast with a stunning online presence. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through starting a business podcast website with a dedicated podcast section on Strikingly. Get ready to captivate your audience and elevate your podcasting experience.

Step 1: Sign up and Choose a Template

Podcast Templates from Strikingly


Visit the Strikingly website and sign up for an account. Once registered, select a template that suits your podcast's aesthetic and branding. Strikingly offers a range of professionally designed templates that can be customized to match your unique style.

Step 2: Customize Your Website

Personalize your website by adding your podcast's name, logo, and tagline. Utilize Strikingly's intuitive drag-and-drop editor to modify the layout, colors, and fonts to align with your brand identity. Ensure that your website's design complements the genre and theme of your podcast, creating a cohesive visual experience.

Step 3: Create a Podcast Section

Strikingly allows you to add dedicated sections for your podcast episodes. Navigate to the editor and choose the "Add New Section" option. Select the "Podcasts" section, which is specifically designed for showcasing your episodes.

Step 4: Upload and Organize Your Episodes

With the podcast section added, start uploading your podcast episodes. Strikingly enables you to add audio files or embed podcast episodes from platforms like SoundCloud or Anchor. Add episode titles, descriptions, and featured images to enhance the visual appeal and provide enticing information to your audience.

Step 5: Customize the Podcast Section

Tailor the appearance of your podcast section to make it visually engaging. Adjust the layout, color scheme, and font styles to create an appealing presentation. Strikingly's customization options allow you to showcase your podcast episodes in a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing manner.

Step 6: Enhance Your Website's Content

Beyond the podcast section, enrich your website with additional content. Create an "About" page to introduce yourself and provide background information about your podcast. Consider adding a "Contact" page to enable listeners to reach out to you easily. Incorporate social media links to foster engagement and connect with your audience across platforms.

Step 7: Optimize for Mobile and SEO

Ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices to provide an exceptional user experience across all screen sizes. Strikingly automatically adjusts your website's layout for optimal mobile viewing. Additionally, leverage Strikingly's built-in SEO tools to optimize your website's meta tags, keywords, and descriptions, helping your podcast website rank higher in search engine results.

Step 8: Preview and Publish Your Website

Before going live, preview your website to ensure all elements are in place and functioning correctly. Take this opportunity to make any necessary adjustments or refinements. Once you are satisfied with the final result, hit the publish button to make your podcast website accessible to the world.

Start Your Podcasting Journey Today!

Creating a podcast is a fun and rewarding experience that can help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Whether you're looking to share your insights with others or grow your business, podcasting offers numerous benefits that are worth exploring. Learning how to make a podcast on Strikingly is a no-brainer.

What are you waiting for? Start your podcasting journey today by following the steps outlined in this article and create content that will make a difference in people's lives.