Create Stunning Branded Email Layouts Easily

· Entrepreneurship,Tips and Tricks,Promote Your Site
Branded Email Compose Button Showing on Screen

Email has become an essential business communication tool in today's digital age. However, with the sheer volume of emails flooding our inboxes daily, standing out from the crowd can be challenging. This is where branded emails come into play.

What is Branded Email?

Branded emails are a powerful way to establish and reinforce your business's identity in the minds of your recipients. Incorporating your logo, colors, and other branding elements into your email layout creates a consistent and memorable experience for your audience.

Benefits of Email Branding

The benefits of email branding are numerous.

  • It helps to build trust and credibility with your recipients. When they see a professional-looking email with consistent branding elements, they are more likely to perceive you as a legitimate business.
  • Email branding enhances brand recognition. By consistently using your logo and colors across all communication channels, you increase the chances of your audience recognizing and remembering your brand.
  • Branded emails can significantly increase click-through rates. When you design visually appealing layouts that align with your brand's image, recipients are more likely to engage with your content and take action.

How to Create Stunning Branded Email Layouts Easily

Creating stunning branded email layouts doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. With the right tools and strategies, you can effortlessly design eye-catching emails that reflect your brand's personality.

Throughout this guide on email branding, we will explore various aspects such as understanding branded email basics, choosing the right email provider for branding purposes, designing effective layouts that incorporate logos and colors seamlessly, crafting engaging content that resonates with recipients, testing different designs through A/B testing methods, monitoring performance through analytics data analysis, and ultimately taking your email branding efforts to the next level.

Now, let's dive deeper into understanding what exactly branded emails are and why they matter for your business.

Understanding Branded Email

Strikingly Branded Email

Strikingly Branded Email

Branded email is a powerful tool for businesses to establish a professional image and strengthen their brand identity. It involves customizing the layout, design, and content of emails to reflect the unique branding elements of a company. By incorporating consistent branding elements such as logos, colors, and fonts, branded emails create a cohesive and memorable experience for recipients.

Defining Branded Email

Branded email refers to the practice of customizing email communications with unique branding elements that align with a company's visual identity. It goes beyond simply adding a logo at the bottom of an email; it involves creating visually appealing layouts that showcase the brand's personality and values. With branded emails, businesses can leave a lasting impression on recipients while reinforcing their brand message.

The Power of a Professional Email Address

One crucial aspect of branded email is having a professional email address that aligns with your domain name. Using generic email providers like Gmail or Yahoo can undermine your brand's credibility and professionalism. By getting your own branded email address (e.g.,, you establish trust with recipients and present yourself as a legitimate business entity.

Establishing Brand Identity Through Email

Email communication plays a vital role in shaping how customers perceive your brand. Incorporating consistent branding elements in every email sent reinforces your brand's identity and makes it more recognizable to recipients. Each element should reflect your brand's personality, values, and overall visual identity, from the header design to the signature line.

Incorporating branded emails into your marketing strategy can significantly impact how customers perceive your business and interact with your brand. By defining branded email, understanding the power of a professional email address, and establishing brand identity through email, you are on your way to creating a strong and cohesive brand presence in your email communications.

Importance of Email Branding

Strikingly Sale Branded Email

Strikingly Sale Branded Email

Email branding plays a crucial role in establishing trust and credibility with your audience, enhancing brand recognition, and increasing click-through rates. Let's delve into these critical aspects of email branding.

Building Trust and Credibility

Branded emails are essential for building trust and credibility with your recipients. When you brand your emails, you create a consistent and professional image that reassures customers they are dealing with a legitimate business. A branded email address, such as, instills confidence in the minds of recipients, making them more likely to engage with your emails.

You establish a visual identity that reinforces your brand's professionalism by consistently using branded elements such as logos, colors, and fonts in your email layout. This consistency builds familiarity and trust over time, making recipients more receptive to your messages.

Enhancing Brand Recognition

Email branding is an effective way to enhance brand recognition among your target audience. When you consistently use branded elements in your emails, such as logos and colors associated with your brand identity, recipients associate these visual cues with your business.

With each interaction through branded emails, you reinforce the visibility of your brand in the minds of recipients. Over time, this increased exposure helps build brand recognition and recall when customers encounter similar branding elements elsewhere.

Increasing Click-Through Rates

Branding your emails can significantly impact click-through rates by capturing recipients' attention and encouraging them to take action. When you create visually appealing branded email layouts that align with your brand's aesthetics, recipients are likelier to engage with the content.

Incorporating compelling subject lines that reflect your brand's voice and values can pique recipients' interest and entice them to open your emails. Personalizing email content based on recipient data, such as their name or previous interactions with your brand, further increases the likelihood of click-throughs.

Incorporating relevant call-to-actions within your branded emails also plays a crucial role in driving click-through rates. You can guide them toward conversions by strategically placing buttons or hyperlinks that lead recipients to desired actions, such as making a purchase or visiting your website.

Email branding is vital for building trust and credibility with recipients, enhancing brand recognition, and increasing click-through rates. By consistently using branded elements in your email layout and content, you can establish a strong brand presence that resonates with your audience.

Remember to choose an email provider with the features necessary for effective branding integration. In the next section, we will explore how to choose the right email provider for your branding needs.

Choosing the Right Email Provider

Strikingly Branded Email Login Page

Strikingly Branded Email Login Page

When it comes to email branding, choosing the right email provider is crucial. Not all providers offer the same level of customization and branding options. Here are some top email providers known for their branding features:

Top Email Providers for Branding

1. Gmail. As one of the most popular email providers, Gmail offers a range of customization options for branded emails. You can easily integrate your company's logo, colors, and fonts into your email layout to create a cohesive brand experience.

2. Microsoft Outlook. Outlook provides powerful branding capabilities, allowing you to personalize your emails with custom signatures and templates. You can also add your company logo and choose from various design options to reflect your brand identity.

3. Zoho Mail. Zoho Mail offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to create branded email accounts effortlessly. With Zoho Mail, you can customize your email layout by adding your logo, selecting color schemes, and creating personalized email signatures.

4. Strikingly. Strikingly is a website builder that also offers custom email addresses. This means you can create an email address ending with your domain name, such as

This can be a great way to brand your business and make your email communications more professional. It also helps to build trust with your customers, showing that you are a legitimate business.

Here are some of the benefits of using Strikingly for your custom email address:

  • Professionalism. Custom email address makes your business look more professional and credible. It also shows that you take your business seriously and are invested in your brand.
  • Trust. Customers are likelier to trust a business with a custom email address, as it shows that it is legitimate and has a vested interest in its brand.
  • Branding. A custom email address is a great way to promote your brand and make it more visible. It can also help to create a consistent brand experience for your customers.

Features to Look for in an Email Provider

When choosing an email provider for branding purposes, there are several key features to consider:

1. Custom Domain. Ensure that the email provider allows you to use your domain name (e.g., instead of a generic one (e.g., This creates a more professional image and strengthens brand recognition.

2. Customizable Templates. Look for providers offering customizable templates or drag-and-drop editors that allow you to easily design branded emails without coding knowledge.

3. Integration Options. Check if the provider integrates with other tools and platforms you use for marketing or customer relationship management (CRM). This ensures seamless integration of branding elements across different channels.

Integrating Your Branding Elements

Once you've chosen an email provider with suitable branding features, it's time to integrate your branding elements into your emails effectively. Here are some tips:

1. Logo Placement. Place your logo at the top of your email for instant brand recognition. Ensure it is clear and visible, even when viewed on smaller screens.

2. Color Scheme. Incorporate your brand's colors into your email design to create a cohesive visual experience. Use consistent color combinations throughout your emails to reinforce brand identity.

3. Font Selection. Choose fonts that align with your brand's personality and image. Stick to two or three fonts at most to maintain a clean and professional look.

By selecting an email provider that offers robust branding features and integrating your branding elements effectively, you can create stunning branded email layouts that leave a lasting impression on recipients.

Designing Your Branded Email Layout

Strikingly Branded Email

Strikingly Branded Email

When designing your branded email layout, there are a few key elements to consider to create a professional and cohesive look. Consistency in branding elements, incorporating your logo and colors, and optimizing for mobile devices are all important aspects to focus on.

Consistency in Branding Elements

Consistency is key when it comes to branding your emails. It's crucial to ensure that your branding elements are consistent throughout each email you send. This includes using the same fonts, colors, and overall design style. Maintaining consistency will reinforce your brand identity and create a more memorable experience for your recipients.

Incorporating Your Logo and Colors

One of the most effective ways to brand your emails is by incorporating your logo and colors into the design. Your logo is a visual representation of your brand, so prominently in each email will help reinforce brand recognition. Additionally, using your brand's colors throughout the email design will further enhance consistency and make your emails instantly recognizable.

Optimizing for Mobile Devices

Optimizing your branded email layout for mobile devices is crucial in today's mobile-driven world. This means ensuring your emails are responsive and displayed correctly on smaller screens. Consider using a mobile-friendly template or designing with responsive elements that adjust automatically based on the device used. By optimizing for mobile devices, you'll provide a seamless user experience for recipients accessing their emails on smartphones or tablets.

By following these tips for designing your branded email layout, you can create visually appealing emails that reflect your brand identity while providing a positive user experience. Consistency in branding elements, incorporating your logo and colors, and optimizing for mobile devices are all essential aspects to consider when crafting your email designs. Remember, a well-branded email grabs attention and helps establish trust and credibility with your audience.

Crafting Engaging Email Content

Increase Click-Through Rates with Branded Email CTAs

Crafting engaging email content is crucial for successful email branding. By writing compelling subject lines, personalizing email content, and adding relevant call-to-actions, you can capture your audience's attention and drive them to take action.

Writing Compelling Subject Lines

The subject line is the first thing recipients see when they receive an email. It serves as a deciding factor in whether or not they open it. To create compelling subject lines for your branded emails, consider the following tips:

1. Keep it concise. Aim for short subject lines and to the point. Avoid lengthy phrases that may get cut off on mobile devices.

2. Use action words. Incorporate strong verbs that evoke curiosity or urgency, encouraging readers to open the email.

3. Personalize when possible. Include the recipient's name or other personalized information to tailor the email.

4. Create a sense of exclusivity. Use words like exclusive offer or limited time to make recipients feel special and encourage them to open the email.

Remember, your goal is to entice recipients to open your branded email, so be creative and experiment with different subject line strategies.

Personalizing Email Content

Personalization is key to creating a meaningful connection with your audience through branded emails. You can increase engagement and conversion rates by tailoring the content to each recipient's preferences and demographics. Consider these tips for personalizing your email content:

1. Segment your audience. Divide your subscribers into different groups based on their interests, demographics, or purchase history.

2. Use dynamic content. Utilize merge tags or dynamic content blocks to automatically insert personalized information such as names or previous purchases into each recipient's email.

3. Send targeted offers. Customize promotions or discounts based on individual preferences or past interactions with your brand.

Making each recipient feel like you understand their needs and preferences can build stronger relationships and drive higher engagement.

Adding Relevant Call-to-Actions

A call-to-action (CTA) is crucial in branded emails as it directs recipients to take the desired action. To ensure your CTAs are effective, consider the following tips:

1. Make it clear and concise. Use action-oriented language that communicates what you want recipients to do.

2. Place CTAs strategically. Position your CTAs prominently within the email, such as at the end of each section or in a highly visible area.

3. Use contrasting colors. Make your CTA stand out by using colors that contrast with the rest of the email's design.

4. Create a sense of urgency. Encourage immediate action by using phrases like limited time offer or act now.

Remember to test different CTAs and analyze their performance to optimize your email conversions.

Testing and Analytics

Utilizing Data to Improve Results - Branded Email

A/B Testing Email Designs

A/B testing is a crucial component of email branding, as it allows you to compare different design elements and determine which ones resonate better with your audience. By creating two versions of an email and sending them to separate segments of your subscriber list, you can analyze the performance metrics and make data-driven decisions.

To conduct A/B testing for your branded emails, start by selecting a specific element to test, such as the subject line, call-to-action buttons, or layout. Create two variations of the email with only one differing element between them. For example, you could test different subject lines to determine which generates higher open rates.

Send each email version to a similar-sized segment of your subscriber list. Monitor key metrics like open, click-through, and conversion rates to determine which variation performs better. You can identify and implement the winning design element in future email campaigns based on the results.

Monitoring Email Performance

Monitoring the performance of your branded emails is vital for understanding how well they are resonating with your audience and achieving your goals. By regularly analyzing key metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your email marketing strategy.

Track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribe rates to gain insights into how recipients engage with your emails. Identify patterns or trends that indicate whether your branding efforts are effective or need adjustments.

Use email analytics tools provided by your email service provider or third-party software to gather this data easily. Set benchmarks based on industry standards or past campaign performance to gauge the success of each metric.

Utilizing Data to Improve Results

Once you have consistently collected data from A/B testing and monitored email performance metrics over time, it's essential to leverage this information effectively to improve future results.

Analyze the data to identify patterns or trends that can guide your decision-making. For example, if emails with personalized subject lines have higher open rates, consider incorporating personalization in future campaigns. If certain call-to-action buttons consistently generate more clicks, optimize your email designs to highlight those elements.

Segment your audience based on their engagement levels and preferences. Tailor your branded emails to specific segments using the insights gained from data analysis. This will help you deliver more targeted and relevant content, increasing the chances of conversion.

Regularly review and refine your email branding strategy based on the data collected. Continuously testing and analyzing will allow you to adapt to changing customer preferences and stay ahead of the competition.

Take Your Email Branding to the Next Level

Branded Email Template - Enhance Your Business Communications

 Branded email is essential for businesses to establish a strong online presence and connect with their audience. Incorporating your brand identity into your email communications can enhance trust, credibility, and recognition while increasing click-through rates.

Now that you understand the importance of branded email and its benefits, it's time to take your email branding to the next level. By consistently incorporating your branding elements and optimizing for mobile devices, you can create stunning branded email layouts that leave a lasting impression on your recipients.

Key Strategies for Successful Email Branding

To ensure successful email branding, focus on crafting engaging email content. Write compelling subject lines that grab attention, personalize your emails to make them more relevant to each recipient, and include relevant call-to-actions that encourage action from your audience.

Elevate Your Business with Branded Emails

By implementing these key strategies for successful email branding, you can elevate your business and stand out in a crowded inbox. Branded emails help build trust and credibility, increase brand recognition, and drive higher click-through rates.

Remember, choosing the right email provider is crucial in ensuring effective branding integration and features that align with your business needs. Regularly test and analyze your emails' performance through A/B testing and monitoring data to continuously improve results.

Don't underestimate the power of branded emails for growing your business. By following this guide to email branding and implementing the strategies discussed here, you can establish a strong brand identity in every communication sent through email.