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Avoid These 6 Common Website Security Vulnerabilities

June 20, 2023

Website security vulnerabilities are a major concern for website owners and users alike. With the rise of cyber attacks, web security has become more critical than ever before. Security issues can lead to data breaches, loss of sensitive information, and damage to your reputation. Unfortunately, many misconceptions about website security can leave you vulnerable to attacks. However, with the help of Strikingly website builder, you can rest assured that your website is secure.

What are website vulnerabilities?

Website security vulnerabilities refer to weaknesses in your website's code or infrastructure that hackers can exploit to gain unauthorized access or steal sensitive information. Some common types of website security vulnerabilities include cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, SQL injection vulnerabilities, cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, poor authentication and authorization practices, malware infections, and insufficient data protection.

Why do I need to secure my website?

Securing your website is crucial to protect yourself and your users from cyber threats. A successful attack on your site could result in stolen user data or even financial loss if customers' payment information is compromised.

You need to secure your website for several important reasons:

1. Protect sensitive data. If you have any sensitive information on your website like customer data, credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc. then you need to secure your website to protect that data. If your site is hacked, that sensitive data can be stolen.

2. Prevent hacking. An unsecured website is an easy target for hackers. They can hack into your website and deface it, install malware, use it to launch cyber attacks on other sites, etc. Securing your website helps prevent hacking attempts and keeps it safe.

3. Build trust. When visitors visit your website, they enter their personal information like email address and password. Properly securing your website builds trust that any information they provide will be kept safe. This can turn them into loyal customers.

4. Improve search ranking. Search engines like Google consider website security as a factor for search ranking. An unsecured website is more vulnerable to hacking and spam, so securing your site can help improve your search engine optimization.

5. Avoid legal issues. There are laws and regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS, etc., around protecting user data and privacy. If your unsecured website exposes customer data, you can face serious legal consequences, including heavy fines. Proper security helps avoid any legal issues.

6. Business continuity. If your website is hacked or attacked, it can disrupt your business operations. Securing your website helps minimize risks like theft of funds, deletion of data, downtime, etc., that can impact your business continuity.

Common Misconceptions About Website Security

One common misconception is that small websites are not targets for cyber-attacks since they do not have much valuable data or traffic compared to larger sites. However, hackers often target smaller sites as they may have weaker security measures in place.

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Another misconception is that SSL certificates alone provide complete protection against all types of web threats; however, SSL only encrypts data between the user's browser and the server but does not protect against other types of attacks or website security vulnerabilities.

Strikingly: Helping You Get a Secured Website

Strikingly offers a range of features designed specifically to help protect against web security vulnerabilities such as XSS attacks or CSRF attacks by providing built-in protection measures such as XSS filtering or CSRF tokens. Additionally, Strikingly's secure login system and user management features help to prevent poor authentication and authorization practices. Strikingly also provides SSL encryption and secure forms to ensure sufficient data protection.

1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks

Website security vulnerabilities are a major concern for website owners and users alike. Web security issues can lead to serious consequences, such as data breaches, financial losses, and damage to reputation. One of the most common security vulnerability types is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.

What are XSS attacks?

XSS attacks occur when an attacker injects malicious code into a website or web application, which is then executed by unsuspecting users who visit the site. This can lead to the theft of sensitive information, such as login credentials or credit card details.

What are examples of XSS attacks?

One example of an XSS attack is a hacker injecting a script into a website's comment section that executes when someone views the comment. Another example is an attacker sending a link to a victim that contains malicious code that runs when clicked.

How do I prevent XSS attacks?

To prevent XSS attacks, website owners should sanitize all user input and output on their site and use tools like Content Security Policy (CSP) to limit the execution of scripts from untrusted sources.

Strikingly's Built-In XSS Protection Features

Strikingly has built-in protection against XSS attacks by sanitizing all user input and output on its platform and implementing CSP headers by default for all sites hosted on its platform.

2. SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

Website security vulnerabilities are a major concern for website owners. One of the most common security issues is SQL injection vulnerabilities. This occurs when an attacker inserts malicious code into a website's database, allowing them to access sensitive information or even take control of the site.

What are SQL injection vulnerabilities?

SQL injection vulnerabilities occur when an attacker is able to insert malicious code into a website's database through input fields such as search bars or contact forms. The attacker can then access sensitive information or control the site using this code.

What are examples of SQL injection attacks?

One example of a SQL injection attack is when an attacker uses a search bar on a website to inject malicious code into the site's database. They can then use this code to access sensitive information such as user passwords or credit card details.

Another example is when an attacker uses a contact form on a website to inject malicious code into the site's database. They can then use this code to take control of the site and perform actions such as deleting content or adding their own content.

How do I prevent SQL injection attacks?

To prevent SQL injection attacks, website owners need to ensure that all input fields on their site are properly sanitized and validated before being entered into the database. This can be done through various methods such as using prepared statements or parameterized queries.

It is also important for website owners to keep their software up-to-date and regularly monitor their site for any suspicious activity.

Strikingly's Secure Database Management System

Strikingly takes web security seriously and has implemented various measures to protect against SQL injection vulnerabilities. Their secure database management system ensures that all input fields are properly sanitized and validated before being entered into the database, preventing any malicious code from being injected.

3. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attacks

Website security vulnerabilities are a growing concern for website owners and users alike.

What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks?

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks are among the most common web security issues. CSRF attacks occur when a hacker tricks a user into executing an action on a website without their knowledge or consent.

What are examples of Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks?

Examples of CSRF attacks include a hacker sending an email with a link that, when clicked, executes an action on the user's behalf, such as transferring money out of their account. Another example is when a hacker embeds malicious code into an image or video on a website that executes an action when clicked.

How do I prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks?

To prevent CSRF attacks, website owners can implement measures such as using CSRF tokens, which are unique identifiers that verify the authenticity of requests made to the server. Strikingly's built-in CSRF protection measures help to prevent these types of attacks by automatically generating and verifying tokens for each request made to its servers.

In addition to its CSRF protection features, Strikingly also offers secure database management systems and user management features to prevent poor authentication and authorization practices. Its malware scanning and removal tools help to prevent website malware infections, while SSL encryption and secure forms protect against insufficient data protection.

4. Poor Authentication and Authorization Practices

Poor authentication and authorization practices are some of the most common website security vulnerabilities that website owners face today. These practices can leave your website vulnerable to attacks, as hackers can easily gain access to sensitive information or even take control of your site.

What are examples of poor authentication and authorization practices?

Examples of poor authentication and authorization practices include using weak passwords, allowing multiple users to share login credentials, and failing to implement two-factor authentication. All of these practices make it easy for hackers to gain access to your website and cause damage.

How do I improve my website’s authentication and authorization practices?

To improve authentication and authorization practices, it is essential to implement strong password policies, limit the number of users who have access to sensitive information, and require two-factor authentication for all users. This will help ensure that only authorized individuals can access your website.

Image taken from Strikingly


Strikingly's secure login system and user management features make it easy for website owners to implement strong authentication and authorization practices.

5. Website Malware Infections

Website malware infections are one of website owners' most common security issues today. Malware can infect your website in many ways, including malicious code injected into your site's files or vulnerabilities in your content management system. Once infected, your website can be used to spread malware to your visitors or even be blacklisted by search engines.

What are examples of website malware infections?

Examples of website malware infections include:

  • phishing scams
  • ransomware attacks
  • drive-by downloads

Phishing scams involve tricking users into giving up personal information such as passwords or credit card numbers. Ransomware attacks involve encrypting a user's files and demanding payment for their release. Drive-by downloads involve automatically downloading malware onto a user's computer without their knowledge.

How do I prevent website malware infections?

Preventing website malware infections requires constant vigilance and proactive measures such as keeping software up-to-date, using strong passwords, and regularly scanning for website security vulnerabilities. Strikingly offers built-in malware scanning and removal tools to help keep your website secure.

One example of a website malware infection is the infamous WannaCry ransomware attack which affected hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide in 2017 by exploiting vulnerabilities in outdated software versions.

Another example is the Magecart attack, which targeted e-commerce sites by injecting malicious code into payment pages, allowing attackers to steal customers' credit card information.

6. Insufficient Data Protection

In today's digital age, data protection is vital to the security and success of any website. Insufficient data protection can lead to serious security issues and vulnerabilities that can compromise sensitive information.

What does insufficient data protection mean?

Insufficient data protection refers to the lack of measures in place to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access or theft. This can include weak passwords, unencrypted data, and poor authentication practices.

What are examples of insufficient data protection?

A common example of insufficient data protection is when a website stores user passwords in plain text format, making it easy for hackers to obtain them and gain access to user accounts. Another example is when a website does not use SSL encryption for transmitting sensitive information such as credit card details during online transactions.

How do I improve data protection practices?

To improve data protection practices, websites should implement strong password policies, encrypt sensitive information both at rest and in transit, and use multi-factor authentication for added security. Regularly updating software and conducting security audits can also help identify vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

Strikingly's SSL Encryption and Secure Forms

Strikingly takes web security seriously by providing SSL encryption for all websites hosted on its platform, ensuring that all communication between users and the website is secure. In addition, Strikingly offers secure forms that protect against unauthorized access or interception of sensitive information such as credit card details.

Image taken from Strikingly



Website security vulnerabilities are a serious concern for any website owner. From Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks to SQL Injection Vulnerabilities, numerous security issues can put your website at risk. It is essential to take steps to secure your website and protect it from these types of attacks.

At Strikingly, we understand the importance of web security and are committed to ensuring that our users' websites are as secure as possible. Our platform includes built-in protection features for XSS attacks, CSRF attacks, and more. We also offer a secure login system and user management features to help prevent poor authentication and authorization practices.

In addition, Strikingly offers malware scanning and removal tools to help protect against website malware infections. We also provide SSL encryption and secure forms for improved data protection practices.

Image taken from Strikingly


Don't wait until it's too late - take action today to secure your website from potential website security vulnerabilities. Trust in Strikingly's commitment to web security and rest easy knowing that your website is protected.