7 Proven Ways to Get Customer Feedback

· Promoting Your Site,Entrepreneurship,Tips and Tricks


7 Proven Ways to Get Customer Feedback

For any business looking to improve its products or services, customer feedback is essential. It provides valuable insights into customers' experiences, preferences, and pain points, which businesses can use to enhance their offerings and overall customer experience. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of collecting customer feedback and outline seven proven ways to do so effectively. Additionally, we'll introduce Strikingly and how to use it and highlight the features that make it an excellent tool for gathering feedback.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is crucial for any business wanting to stay competitive in today's market. It helps companies understand their customers' needs, preferences, and expectations, enabling them to tailor their offerings accordingly. Businesses can recognize areas where they need improvement and make necessary changes to enhance their products or services by regularly gathering customer feedback.

Benefits Of Customer Feedback For Businesses

Collecting customer feedback offers several benefits for businesses, including

  • Improved customer satisfaction. Businesses can enhance the overall customer experience by addressing customers' concerns promptly and making necessary changes based on their feedback.
  • Increased loyalty. When businesses show that they value their customers' opinions by actively seeking out their feedback, it fosters a sense of customer loyalty.
  • Competitive advantage. Companies that collect and act on customer feedback are better positioned to stay ahead of the competition by providing products or services that meet the changing requirements of consumers.

What Are The 7 Proven Ways To Get Customer Feedback

In this article, we'll explore seven proven ways to collect customer feedback effectively:

  1. Website Feedback Forms
  2. Social Media Listening
  3. Email Surveys
  4. Live Chat and Support Tickets
  5. Customer Interviews
  6. Net Promoter Score (NPS) Surveys
  7. Personal Touches

Businesses can gather valuable insights into their customers' experiences and preferences, enabling them to make data-driven decisions that enhance the overall customer experience by using one or more of these methods.

Let's dive into these methods in more detail and see how they can help businesses collect customer feedback effectively.

1. Website Feedback Forms

Customer feedback is essential for any business looking to improve its products or services. Collecting customer feedback helps businesses understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. Website feedback forms are a great way to gather this information and improve customer experience.

Benefits Of Using Website Feedback Forms

Website feedback forms provide a quick and easy way for customers to share their thoughts on a business's website or products/services. Here are some benefits of using website feedback forms:

  • They allow businesses to collect feedback in real time.
  • They provide valuable insights into customer preferences, needs, and pain points.
  • They help identify areas where the business can make improvements.
  • They increase customer engagement by showing that the business values their opinions.

Designing Effective Website Feedback Forms

Designing an effective website feedback form is crucial for collecting valuable customer information. Here are some tips for designing an effective website feedback form:

  • Keep it simple. Don't overwhelm customers with too many questions or fields.
  • Use clear language. Make sure the questions are easy to understand and answer.
  • Include open-ended questions. Customers can provide more detailed responses.
  • Test the form. Make sure it works properly on all devices and browsers.

Placing Website Feedback Forms In The Right Location

The placement of a website feedback form can significantly impact how many responses it receives. Here are some tips for placing a website feedback form in the right location:

  • Place it prominently on the homepage. In this way, we ensure that customers see it as soon as they land on the site.
  • Include it on product pages. Customers can provide specific product-related feedback.
  • Use pop-ups or slide-ins. These can be more attention-grabbing than static forms.

Using Strikingly Website Feedback Form Features

Strikingly offers several features that make collecting customer feedback through website forms easy and effective. Here are some of the features:

  • Customizable form fields. Businesses can add or remove fields to suit their needs.
  • Real-time notifications. The notification allows businesses to respond to feedback promptly.
  • Integration with email marketing tools. Businesses can use feedback forms to improve email marketing campaigns.
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Image taken from Strikingly


2. Social Media Listening

In today's digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers. As a result, social media listening has become an essential part of collecting customer feedback.

Understanding The Importance Of Social Media Listening

Social media listening involves monitoring and analyzing what customers say about your brand on various social media platforms. You can spot areas for improvement and make necessary changes to improve their experience by understanding what your customers are saying.

Analyzing Customer Sentiments From Social Media

One of the key benefits of social media listening is the ability to analyze customer sentiments. You can gain insight into how they feel about your brand and its products or services by analyzing the tone and language used in customer comments.

Responding To Customer Feedback On Social Media

Responding to consumer comments on social media demonstrates your value for their views and dedication to enhancing their experience. Additionally, it offers a chance for them to express any worries or problems they have.

Using Strikingly Social Media Integration For Feedback Tracking

Here are some steps to integrate social media for feedback tracking on your Strikingly website:

  • Connect your social media accounts to Strikingly. This can be done in your site dashboard's "Social Media" section. Link profiles like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Set up social media monitoring through a tool like Sprout Social, Hootsuite, or Biteable. These tools scan for mentions of your brand across networks and compile them in one place for you to review.
  • Look for customer feedback and comments mentioning your company name, products, services, or brand in the monitoring tool. Assess if the feedback is positive, negative, or neutral.
  • Positive feedback- Favorite/Like the posts and comments, thank the customers publicly and consider featuring their experience on your social media/website. This motivates them to share more.
  • Negative feedback- Directly respond to the customers apologizing, addressing their concerns, and outlining the steps you'll take to make things right. Do so publicly through the same social network. This shows others your commitment to resolving issues.
  • Neutral feedback- Like/respond to the posts thanking the customers for sharing their thoughts. You could say something like, “Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate all opinions on how we can improve.” Build goodwill.
  • Monitor trends in the types of feedback you receive to spot key opportunities and areas that need improvement in your business. Look at both positive and negative trends.
  • Share feedback results company-wide so all teams can work to enhance the customer experience based on insights gained. This aligns priorities across your organization.
  • Track how response rates, response times, sentiment trends, etc., change over time with your social media listening and customer service efforts. Continually optimize based on metrics.
  • For Twitter, you can also set up a column in your Tweetdeck to monitor tweets/mentions that specifically contain your handle along with keywords like “feedback,” “review,” “issue,” “help,” etc. Respond and take action on those as needed.
  • Search relevant industry hashtags on each network to find more conversations where you can contribute and provide support. Build relationships and gain additional feedback.
Using Strikingly Social Media Integration For Customer Feedback Tracking

Image taken from Strikingly


3. Email Surveys

Email surveys are a great way to collect feedback from customers. They are cost-effective, easy to send, and allow businesses to gather data from many customers quickly.

Benefits Of Email Surveys For Customer Feedback

Here are some benefits of using email surveys for customer feedback:

  • They can be sent to a large number of customers at once
  • They can be personalized with the customer's name and information
  • They are easy to track and analyze
  • They can be automated, saving time and resources
  • They provide valuable insights into customer preferences and opinions

Designing Effective Email Surveys

Designing an effective email survey is crucial to collecting valuable feedback from customers. Here are some tips for designing effective email surveys:

  • Keep it short and simple. Customers are more likely to participate if the brief survey only requires a few minutes.
  • Use clear language. Ensure the queries are easy to understand and avoid technical jargon or complicated terms.
  • Offer incentives. Offering discounts or free products can encourage customers to complete the survey.
  • Test before sending. Test the survey with a small group of customers to ensure it is effective before sending it out.

Crafting The Right Questions For Email Surveys

Crafting the right questions is essential for gathering accurate feedback from customers. Here are some tips for crafting effective email questions:

  • Ask specific questions. Avoid broad or vague questions that could lead to ambiguous answers.
  • Use open-ended questions. Open-ended questions allow customers to provide detailed answers that offer more insight into their opinions.
  • Avoid leading questions. Leading questions can influence how customers respond, so ensure your questions are neutral.

Using Strikingly Email Survey Features

Here is the process for emailing a customer survey using Strikingly:

1. Create Your Survey. Build your survey using a tool like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform. Generate a shareable link for the survey.

2. Design The Email. Create your survey invitation email in Strikingly's Email Designer. Include

  • Friendly subject line like "We'd love your feedback!"
  • Personalized greeting
  • Explanation of survey purpose
  • Call to action with survey link
  • Thank you and company info in footer

3. Prepare Your Email List. Upload your own contact list or connect a 3rd party list in Strikingly. Ensure you have permission to email them.

4. Review and Test. Check the email content and design. Test send to yourself and some team members. Make tweaks as needed.

5. Schedule and Send. Schedule and send your live survey campaign email. Monitor engagement and responses.

6. Follow Up (Optional). Send a reminder email a few days later to capture more responses. Update wording and call to action.

7. Check Responses. See the submitted responses in your survey tool. Analyze feedback, calculate scores, and identify key insights.

8. Take Action on Feedback. Determine ways to take action and improve based on survey results. Share this plan with respondents.

9. Thank Respondents. Express your gratitude for their time and participation. Explain how their feedback will be used. This boosts goodwill.

10. Review Metrics. Check open rates, click rates, and conversion metrics for your survey emails to optimize future campaigns.

Using Strikingly Email Survey Features For Customer Feedback

Image taken from Strikingly


4. Live Chat And Support Tickets

Live chat, and support tickets are essential tools for collecting customer feedback. They allow businesses to respond promptly to customers' queries or complaints, which can lead to a positive customer experience. Additionally, these channels offer businesses an opportunity to gather customer feedback, which can be used to improve products or services.

Benefits Of Live Chat And Support Tickets

Providing prompt responses to live chat and support tickets is crucial for maintaining a positive customer relationship. Customers anticipate a prompt answer when they ask for assistance. Failure to provide one can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. Businesses show that they value their customers' time and are committed to providing excellent service by responding promptly.

Crafting Ways For Live Chat And Support Tickets

Customer feedback from live chat and support tickets can be gathered in several ways. One way is by asking follow-up questions after resolving an issue. For example, a business could ask if the customer is satisfied with the solution provided or if there are any other issues they would like addressed. Another way is by analyzing customers' language in their messages, which can provide insight into their sentiments towards the business.

Using Strikingly's Live Chat And Support Tickets Features

Using Strikingly's live chat and support ticket features makes it easy for businesses to gather feedback from customers. The platform allows businesses to customize their live chat widget, making it easy for customers to contact them directly from their website. Strikingly's ticketing system also enables businesses to track all customer inquiries in one place, making it easier to manage responses and gather feedback.

Using Live Chat For Customer Feedback

Image taken from Strikingly


5. Customer Interviews

Customer interviews are an effective way of collecting feedback from customers. They allow businesses to get in-depth insights into their customers' experiences and opinions.

Benefits Of Customer Interview

Here are some benefits of conducting customer interviews:

  • Customer interviews help businesses understand their customers better, including their needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • They provide businesses with qualitative data that can be used to improve their products or services.
  • Customer interviews can help identify trends and patterns in customer feedback that may need to be present through other feedback collection methods.

Constructing Effective Questions

Preparing effective customer interview questions is crucial to getting valuable customer insights. Here are some tips for preparing effective questions:

  • Start with open-ended questions that allow customers to share their experiences in their own words.
  • Ask follow-up questions to clarify responses and get more detailed information.
  • Avoid leading questions that may influence the customer's response.

Crafting Structured Interview

Conducting successful customer interviews requires a structured approach. Here are some tips for conducting successful interviews:

  • Choose a quiet location where you won't be interrupted.
  • Make the customer feel comfortable by introducing yourself and explaining the purpose of the interview.
  • Listen actively and take notes.

Using Strikingly Customer Interview Features

Strikingly offers booking features that can be used to schedule customer interviews with your target audience. Email interview requests to your customers and then let them book and schedule a call with your team for a detailed in-call interview, which can be recorded using calling platforms and analyzed for improvement.

Using Booking Features On Strikingly For Customer Feedback Interview Scheduling

Image taken from Strikingly


6. Net Promoter Score (NPS) Surveys

Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys are popular for collecting customer feedback. These surveys measure how likely customers are to recommend your business to others. Customers are asked to rank their propensity to suggest your company on a scale of 0 to 10 as part of the NPS survey. According to their comments, customers are divided into three groups: detractors, passives, or promoters.

Calculations Of NPS Score

To calculate your NPS score, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. The NPS will give you a score between -100 and 100.

Using NPS surveys is an effective way of gathering customer feedback because it provides a clear metric for measuring customer satisfaction. It also allows you to identify areas where improvements can be made.

Using NPS Google Form On Strikingly

Create an NPS form with Google Forms and then integrate it with your website on Strikingly. You can do so by embedding google forms using the Strikingly drag-and-drop features. Follow the steps mentioned and find a link to your NPS form on your website for customer feedback.

Some tips for using NPS surveys effectively include:

  • Keep the survey short and simple
  • Personalize the survey by addressing the customer by name
  • Follow up with customers who leave negative feedback
  • Use the feedback gathered from NPS surveys to make improvements to your business
Using NPS Google Form On Strikingly For Customer Feedback

Image taken from Strikingly


7. Personal Touches

In today's digital age, where everything is automated, adding a personal touch to customer interactions can make all the difference. Personal touches show that you care about your customers and their feedback. It helps build trust and loyalty, which leads to positive reviews and referrals.

Adding Personal Touches To Customer Interactions

Adding personal touches can be as simple as addressing your customers by name or sending them personalized emails on special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries. You can also construct personalized landing pages for different segments of your audience.

Benefits Of Personal Touches For Customer Feedback

Personal touches make customers feel valued and encourage them to provide feedback. When customers feel that you are invested in their experience, they are more likely to share their thoughts and opinions with you. Personal touches help you understand what works and what needs improvement.

Ideas For Personalizing Customer Experiences

Here are some ideas for personalizing customer experiences:

  • Send personalized thank-you notes after a purchase
  • Offer personalized recommendations based on their previous purchases
  • Create personalized video messages
  • Host Exclusive Events For Loyal Customers

Using Strikingly Personalization Features

Strikingly offers several features that help you personalize customer experiences:

  • Customizable landing pages
  • Personalized email campaigns
  • Automated birthday and anniversary messages
  • Customer segmentation tools
Strikingly Personalization Features For Customer Feedback

Image taken from Strikingly



In today's business landscape, collecting customer feedback is essential for the success of any company. It provides valuable insights into customer wants and needs, enabling businesses to improve their products and services. Throughout this article, we have explored seven proven ways to gather customer feedback, including website feedback forms, social media listening, email surveys, live chat, and support tickets, customer interviews, Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys, and adding personal touches to customer interactions.

However, it is not enough to just collect feedback; analyzing it and implementing changes based on the insights gained are equally important. These actions lead to happier customers and improved products and services. A platform that simplifies the process of gathering customer feedback is Strikingly. With its comprehensive features, such as website feedback forms, social media integration, email surveys, live chat, and support tickets, customer interview scheduling, NPS surveys, and personalization options, Strikingly offers everything businesses need to gather valuable insights from their customers.

Don't wait any longer - start collecting feedback today! You'll be able to improve your business and provide better experiences for your customers. Through these seven proven ways of gathering customer feedback and taking action on the insights gained.