20 Popular Instagram Hashtag to Use for Your Business

· Tips and Tricks,Entrepreneurship,Promote Your Site
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In today's digital age, hashtags have become essential for social media marketing, especially on platforms like Instagram. Using hashtags effectively can significantly boost your business's online presence and engagement with potential customers. Whether it's hashtag marketing or using hashtags to promote your products and services, mastering the art of hashtags is crucial for any business looking to thrive in the digital landscape.

The Importance of Instagram Hashtags

Instagram hashtags are pivotal in making your content discoverable to a broader audience. By strategically incorporating relevant hashtags into your posts, you can increase visibility and attract potential customers to your profile. This makes it easier for users interested in specific topics or products to find and engage with your content, ultimately driving traffic and sales for your business.

How Hashtags Can Boost Your Business

Hashtags are not just a means of categorizing content; they are powerful tools for boosting brand awareness, increasing engagement, and driving conversions. When used effectively, hashtags can help you reach new audiences, connect with potential customers, and build a solid online community around your brand. By leveraging hashtags, businesses can tap into trending conversations and stay relevant in their industry.

By understanding the importance of Instagram hashtags and how they can boost your business, you'll be better equipped to harness the full potential of this social media marketing strategy. Let's delve deeper into hashtag optimization and explore how companies can leverage this powerful tool for growth and success.

1. Understanding Hashtags

Andrea May Template from Strikingly

Andrea May Template from Strikingly

What are Hashtags?

Hashtags are words or phrases preceded by the pound sign (#) that categorize content on social media platforms like Instagram. They allow users to easily find posts related to specific topics, making it easier to discover new content and engage with others with similar interests. Using hashtags strategically can help increase visibility and reach a wider audience, which is crucial for businesses looking to expand their online presence.

How Hashtags Work on Instagram

On Instagram, hashtags are vital in helping users discover new content and connect with others. When you add a hashtag to your post, it becomes searchable and can be found by anyone who searches for that specific hashtag. This means that using relevant hashtags can significantly boost the visibility of your posts, making them more likely to be seen by potential customers or followers. By incorporating popular and niche hashtags into your posts, you can effectively leverage hashtag marketing to grow your business on Instagram.

2. Researching Popular Hashtags

Hashtag marketing analytics on laptop screen

When it comes to using hashtags for business, researching popular hashtags is crucial for maximizing your reach on Instagram. Various tools are available that can help you find trending hashtags relevant to your industry or niche. These tools analyze the popularity and engagement of different hashtags, allowing you to discover the most effective ones for your content.

Tools for Finding Trending Hashtags

One of the most popular tools for finding trending hashtags is Instagram itself. The platform offers a feature where you can explore trending hashtags related to specific topics or interests. Additionally, third-party tools such as Hashtagify and RiteTag provide in-depth insights into hashtag performance, helping you identify the most effective tags for your business.

Analyzing Hashtag Performance for Your Business

After identifying potential hashtags using these tools, it's essential to analyze their performance for your business specifically. When using specific hashtags in your posts, pay attention to metrics such as reach, impressions, and engagement. This analysis will help you understand which hashtags resonate best with your audience and drive the most traffic to your profile.

By using these research methods and tools, you can really make the most of your hashtag strategy to grow your business on Instagram. Understanding which hashtags are trending and relevant to your industry is key to reaching a wider audience and increasing visibility for your brand. With the right approach, you can leverage hashtags to connect with potential customers, promote your products or services, and build a community around your brand.

3. Industry-Specific Hashtags

Eckhart Consulting Template from Strikingly

Eckhart Consulting Template from Strikingly

Using Niche Hashtags for Business Promotion

When promoting your business on Instagram, using niche hashtags can be a game-changer. By incorporating specific hashtags related to your industry, you can reach a more targeted audience who are already interested in what you have to offer. For example, if you're in the fitness industry, hashtags like #fitfam or #gymlife can help you connect with potential customers passionate about health and wellness.

Leveraging Industry-Specific Hashtags for Visibility

In addition to using niche hashtags, leveraging industry-specific hashtags can boost your Instagram visibility. These broader hashtags, such as #fashionblogger or #techstartup, are widely used within your industry. By including these popular industry-specific hashtags in your posts, you can increase the chances of reaching a larger audience and gaining more exposure for your business.

4. Trending Hashtags

Snap Template from Strikingly

Snap Template from Strikingly

Incorporating Trending Hashtags into Your Content

Trending hashtags are a powerful way to boost your content's visibility and engagement on Instagram. Incorporating popular and relevant trending hashtags into your posts can increase the chances of reaching a wider audience and attracting more followers. To use trending hashtags effectively, keep an eye on the latest trends in your industry or niche and create content that aligns with these trends. This will help you stay relevant and top-of-mind for your target audience.

Staying Relevant with Trending Hashtags

Staying up-to-date with trending hashtags is crucial for maintaining relevance on Instagram. As the social media landscape constantly evolves, so do the topics and conversations that capture people's attention. By consistently monitoring and using trending hashtags, you can ensure that your content remains current and resonates with your audience. Keep an eye on popular events, holidays, or cultural moments to identify relevant trending hashtags that you can leverage to stay in tune with what's happening worldwide.

5. Branded Hashtags

Brand Crafters Template from Strikingly

Brand Crafters Template from Strikingly

Branded hashtags are a powerful tool for increasing brand visibility and engagement on Instagram. Creating a unique branded hashtag for your business can help you stand out and connect with your audience. When creating a branded hashtag, make sure it is memorable, relevant to your brand, and easy to spell. Encourage your followers to use your branded hashtag when sharing content related to your products or services.

Creating a Unique Branded Hashtag

Consider incorporating your brand name or slogan to create a unique branded hashtag. Keep it short and simple so that it's easy for people to remember and use—research existing hashtags to ensure that another company does not already use your branded hashtag. Once you've created the perfect branded hashtag, promote it across all your marketing channels to encourage its usage.

Engaging with User-Generated Branded Hashtags

Engaging with user-generated content featuring your branded hashtag is a great way to build community and showcase customer loyalty. Regularly monitor the posts that include your branded hashtag and engage with them by liking, commenting, or sharing them on your profile. This encourages more users to participate and strengthens the connection between you and your customers.

6. Community Hashtags

Hashtags are a powerful tool for building a community around your brand on Instagram. Using hashtags that resonate with your target audience can create a sense of belonging and unity among your followers. Encourage your community to use these hashtags when sharing their content, fostering camaraderie and connection.

Building Community with Hashtags

One effective way to build community with hashtags is to create a branded hashtag representing your brand's values or mission. Encourage your followers to use this hashtag when sharing their experiences with your products or services. This creates a sense of belonging and helps spread the word about your brand among their networks.

Connecting with Customers through Community Hashtags

Another way to use hashtags for community building is by engaging with user-generated content that uses relevant hashtags. Take the time to like, comment, and share posts from your followers, showing them that you appreciate their support and contributions to the community. This level of engagement can go a long way in building strong customer relationships and loyalty.

7. Location-Based Hashtags

Location-Based Hashtags

Location-based hashtags are a powerful tool for local businesses to increase their visibility on Instagram. By using hashtags that are specific to your area, you can reach potential customers in your vicinity who are searching for products or services like yours. When you incorporate location-based hashtags into your posts, you make it easier for people in your area to find and engage with your content.

Utilizing Location-Based Hashtags for Local Business

To effectively utilize location-based hashtags, start by researching the most popular ones in your area using tools like Instagram's search feature or third-party apps. Once you've identified relevant hashtags, incorporate them into your posts strategically. For example, if you're a coffee shop in Los Angeles, use hashtags like #LACoffee or #DTLAcafe to connect with locals looking for a place to grab a cup of coffee.

Expanding Reach with Geo-Targeted Hashtags

In addition to using general location-based hashtags, consider implementing geo-targeted hashtags to reach an even more specific audience. These hashtags can be targeted towards neighborhoods or landmarks within your city, allowing you to connect with potential customers nearby and ready to engage with your business. Expanding your reach through geo-targeted hashtags can attract foot traffic and increase awareness of your brand within your local community.

8. Product and Service Hashtags

Fixcian Template from Strikingly

Fixcian Template from Strikingly

Using hashtags is a powerful way to highlight your products and services on Instagram. You can increase visibility and reach a wider audience by strategically incorporating relevant hashtags into your posts. Regarding hashtag marketing, it's essential to understand how to use hashtags effectively for your business.

Highlighting Products and Services with Hashtags

Hashtags can be used to showcase the various products and services your business offers. For example, if you run a beauty salon, you can use hashtags like #haircare, #nailsalon, or #facials to attract potential customers interested in those services. This allows you to target your ideal audience and increase engagement with your posts.

Showcasing Features through Product-Specific Hashtags

In addition to highlighting general products and services, using product-specific hashtags can help showcase the unique features of each offering. For instance, if you sell handmade jewelry, you can create custom hashtags like #handcraftedearrings or #gemstonenecklace to draw attention to the distinct qualities of each piece. This helps promote individual products and adds a personal touch to your brand.

9. Event Hashtags

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Highlighter Template from Strikingly

Are you looking to promote your upcoming event and engage with your audience on Instagram? Using event-specific hashtags is a great way to create buzz and drive attendance. Incorporating hashtags related to your event can increase visibility and reach a wider audience. Whether it's a conference, product launch, or workshop, leveraging event hashtags can help you maximize your marketing efforts and connect with potential attendees.

Promoting Events with Hashtags

Relevant hashtags are essential for reaching your target audience when promoting events on Instagram. Start by researching popular event-related hashtags trending in your industry or niche. Incorporate general event hashtags and specific ones related to your event type or theme. This will help increase your posts' discoverability and attract individuals interested in attending similar events.

Engaging Audience with Event-Specific Hashtags

Engaging with your audience through event-specific hashtags can foster community and excitement around your upcoming event. Encourage attendees, speakers, and sponsors to use the designated hashtag when posting about the event on their social media accounts. This will create a conversation around the event, build anticipation, and allow participants to connect before the big day.

10. Campaign Hashtags

Ava Template from Strikingly

Ava Template from Strikingly

Running Promotional Campaigns with Hashtags

Using hashtags is a powerful way to increase visibility and engagement when running promotional campaigns. Creating a unique campaign hashtag can encourage your audience to participate in the promotion and share their content using the hashtag. This helps spread the word about your campaign and creates a sense of community around your brand.

Measuring Campaign Success with Hashtag Analytics

Hashtag analytics are essential for measuring the success of your promotional campaigns. By tracking the performance of your campaign hashtags, you can gain valuable insights into audience engagement, reach, and overall impact. This data can help you refine your future campaigns and optimize your hashtag strategy for better results.

Using hashtags effectively in your promotional campaigns can boost brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and ultimately increase sales. With the right hashtag marketing approach, you can use this powerful tool to grow your business and connect with your target audience in meaningful ways.

11. Influencer Hashtags

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Podcast Template from Strikingly

In today's digital age, collaborating with influencers through hashtags is a powerful way to boost your brand's visibility and reach. By partnering with influencers with a strong presence on Instagram, you can tap into their follower base and leverage their influence to promote your products or services.

Collaborating with Influencers through Hashtags

When working with influencers, it is essential to create a unique branded hashtag that you and the influencer can use in your posts. This will help tie all the content together and make it easier for followers to find related posts. Encourage the influencer to incorporate the hashtag into their captions and stories and consider running a campaign or giveaway to engage their audience further.

Amplifying Content Reach with Influencer Hashtags

In addition to collaborating directly with influencers, you can amplify your content reach by using popular hashtags associated with influential figures in your industry. By including these hashtags in your posts, you can increase the chances of being discovered by new audiences who follow those influencers. This strategy helps expand your brand's reach and attract more followers interested in what you offer.

12. User-Generated Content Hashtags

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User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool for building brand loyalty and engagement. Encouraging your followers to create content using specific hashtags can help you showcase their love for your brand. Using hashtags like #MyBrandLove or #FanFavorite, you can inspire your audience to share their experiences with your products or services, creating a sense of community and connection.

Encouraging User-Generated Content with Hashtags

One effective way to encourage UGC is to run hashtag campaigns that invite your followers to create content related to your brand. For example, you can hashtag #ShareYourBrandStory and ask your audience to share their experiences with your products or services. By actively engaging with the content they create, you can foster a sense of community and loyalty around your brand.

Showcasing Customer Loyalty through UGC Hashtags

Once you've encouraged user-generated content using specific hashtags, showcasing this content on your social media platforms is essential. By featuring the posts created by your audience and using the corresponding UGC hashtags, you can demonstrate the real-life impact of your brand on customers' lives. This builds trust and encourages others to join in on the conversation and share their experiences.

13. Educational


Student Tutoring Template from Strikingly

Student Tutoring Template from Strikingly

Educational hashtags are powerful tools for sharing knowledge and tips with your audience. They can position your brand as a thought leader in your industry and establish credibility with your followers. When you incorporate educational hashtags into your content, you provide valuable information to your audience while increasing your posts' visibility.

Sharing Knowledge and Tips with Educational Hashtags

Educational hashtags allow you to share valuable insights, tips, and tricks related to your industry or niche. Using relevant educational hashtags lets you reach a wider audience interested in learning from experts like you. Whether sharing industry-specific trends or providing how-to guides, educational hashtags help position your brand as a go-to source for valuable information.

Establishing Thought Leadership through Educational Hashtags

By consistently using educational hashtags in your content, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. When people see that you are sharing helpful and informative content through educational hashtags, they are more likely to view you as an authority figure in the industry. This can increase your brand's trust and credibility, ultimately boosting your followers' engagement and loyalty.

14. Inspiration and Motivation Hashtags

Keeping your audience inspired and motivated in today's fast-paced world is essential. Using hashtags to convey a positive message can help you connect with your followers on a deeper level. Inspirational hashtags like #DreamBig or #NeverGiveUp can encourage your audience to pursue their goals while associating your brand with positivity and determination.

Motivating Your Audience with Inspirational Hashtags

Incorporating inspirational hashtags into your content can uplift and motivate your audience. Whether through quotes, success stories, or personal anecdotes, hashtags like #PositiveVibes or #YouGotThis can create a supportive online community for your followers. This boosts engagement and strengthens the emotional connection between your brand and its audience.

Encouraging Engagement with Motivational Hashtags

Motivational hashtags are a powerful tool for encouraging engagement on social media. Using tags such as #MotivationMonday or #InspireDaily, you can prompt your followers to share their stories of triumph and perseverance. This not only fosters a sense of camaraderie but also increases your brand's visibility as more people engage with the content.

15. Humor and Entertainment Hashtags

Lewis Entertainment Template from Strikingly

Lewis Entertainment Template from Strikingly

In today's digital age, humor is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience on social media. Using hashtags to inject humor into your content can help humanize your brand and create a more relatable online presence. Whether sharing funny memes or creating witty captions, incorporating humor into your posts with the right hashtags can make your brand more approachable and engaging.

Using Humor to Connect with Audience

When using humor to connect with your audience, hashtags ensure your content reaches the right people. Using popular and relevant humor-related hashtags lets you tap into existing conversations and trends within the online community. This helps increase your posts' visibility and encourages audience engagement through likes, comments, and shares.

Entertaining Your Followers with Entertaining Hashtags

Entertaining hashtags is a great way to captivate your followers and keep them returning for more. Whether through funny challenges or fun skits, leveraging entertaining hashtags can help you create a loyal following of engaged users who look forward to your content. By consistently using entertaining hashtags that align with your brand's tone and values, you can establish a unique online persona that resonates with your target audience.

16. Health and Wellness Hashtags

Yoga Template from Strikingly

Yoga Template from Strikingly

In today's digital age, hashtags have become a powerful tool for promoting health and wellness. Using hashtags strategically, you can reach a wider audience and build a community around wellness topics. Whether you're a fitness influencer, a nutritionist, or a yoga instructor, incorporating relevant hashtags into your content can help you connect with like-minded individuals passionate about living a healthy lifestyle.

Promoting Health and Wellness with Hashtags

When it comes to promoting health and wellness on social media, hashtags are your best friend. Using popular health-related hashtags such as #HealthyLiving, #WellnessJourney, and #FitLife can help your content reach people who are interested in leading a healthier lifestyle. By including these hashtags in your posts, you can attract followers who are looking for inspiration, tips, and motivation to improve their overall well-being.

Building a Community around Wellness Hashtags

In addition to promoting individual health and wellness content, hashtags also play an essential role in building a community of like-minded individuals. Creating unique wellness-focused hashtags such as #MindfulEatingTips or #WellnessWarriors can bring together people with similar goals and interests. This sense of community can foster engagement, support, and encouragement among your followers as they embark on their wellness journeys.

17. Food and Beverage Hashtags

Cheesy Land Template from Strikingly

Cheesy Land Template from Strikingly

In social media marketing, hashtags play a crucial role in promoting food and beverage products. Businesses can increase their visibility and reach a wider audience by using relevant hashtags. Whether it's #foodporn, #instafood, or #foodie, incorporating these popular hashtags into your posts can attract food enthusiasts and potential customers to your business.

Showcasing Food and Beverage Products with Hashtags

When it comes to showcasing your food and beverage products on Instagram, using the right hashtags is key to getting your posts noticed. Hashtags like #foodphotography, #foodstagram, or #drinksofinstagram can help highlight the visual appeal of your offerings and draw attention to your brand. By strategically incorporating these hashtags into your content, you can effectively market your products to a wider audience.

Creating Mouthwatering Content with Foodie Hashtags

To create mouthwatering content that resonates with foodies on Instagram, leveraging popular foodie hashtags is essential. Hashtags such as #foodgasm, #yumyum, or #deliciousness can add an extra flavor to your posts and entice followers to engage with your content. Whether you're showcasing a new menu item or sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your culinary creations, using these engaging hashtags can help elevate the appeal of your food and beverage content.

18. Fashion and Beauty Hashtags

Quilo Template from Strikingly

Quilo Template from Strikingly

Trending Fashion and Beauty Hashtags

When it comes to fashion and beauty, hashtags play a crucial role in reaching a wider audience on Instagram. Some of the trending fashion and beauty hashtags include #ootd (outfit of the day), #fashionblogger, #makeupaddict, and #styleinspo. By using these popular hashtags, you can increase the visibility of your fashion and beauty content, attracting more followers and potential customers to your business.

Showcasing Style with Fashion Hashtags

Incorporating relevant fashion hashtags such as #streetstyle, #instafashion, and #trendalert allows you to showcase your unique style to a larger audience. Whether you're promoting your clothing line or sharing beauty tips, using these hashtags can help you connect with fashion enthusiasts who are interested in your niche. By leveraging these hashtags effectively, you can elevate your brand's presence in the competitive world of fashion and beauty on Instagram.

19. Art and Design Hashtags

Art Player Template from Strikingly

Art Player Template from Strikingly

Art and design hashtags are a powerful tool for creative individuals and businesses to showcase their work and connect with like-minded communities. By using hashtags such as #artlovers or #designinspiration, artists can reach a wider audience and gain visibility for their unique creations. Whether you're a painter, graphic designer, or interior decorator, leveraging art and design hashtags can significantly boost your online presence and attract potential clients.

Showcasing Creativity with Art and Design Hashtags

When it comes to showcasing creativity with art and design hashtags, it's all about finding the right tags that resonate with your work. For instance, if you specialize in abstract art, using hashtags like #abstractart or #modernart can help you target an audience interested in your specific style. Additionally, incorporating niche-specific tags such as #digitalillustration or #streetphotography can further highlight the uniqueness of your creative output.

Engaging Art and Design Communities with Hashtags

Engaging art and design communities through hashtags is essential for building meaningful connections within your industry. By participating in popular art challenges like #inktober or sharing behind-the-scenes content using tags like #artiststudio, you can foster engagement with fellow artists and potential clients alike. Furthermore, utilizing community-driven hashtags such as #supportartists or #designcommunity allows you to contribute to the larger conversation while gaining exposure for your own artistic endeavors.

20. Strikingly Features for Hashtag Optimization

Strikingly Landing Page

Strikingly Landing Page

When it comes to utilizing hashtags on your Strikingly website, you can easily add them to your content, blog posts, and social media sharing options. This allows you to optimize your content for hashtag visibility and reach. By incorporating relevant hashtags into your website's content, you can increase the chances of your site being discovered by users searching for specific hashtags related to your business or industry.

Utilizing Strikingly's Hashtag Features

Strikingly offers built-in features that allow you to seamlessly integrate hashtags into your website's content. You can add hashtags to blog posts, product descriptions, and even within the metadata of your site. This makes it easy for search engines and social media platforms to recognize and index the hashtags associated with your website, ultimately boosting its visibility and reach.

Hashtag SEO and Visibility on Strikingly Websites

In today's digital landscape, hashtags have become a powerful tool for increasing visibility and engagement on social media platforms like Instagram. By strategically incorporating relevant hashtags into your content, you can reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your website. Strikingly, with its user-friendly platform and SEO-friendly features, can help you optimize your website for hashtag-based search.

Step 1. Identify Relevant Hashtags

Research and identify hashtags that are relevant to your industry, products, or services. Consider using a combination of popular and niche hashtags to reach a broader audience while maintaining relevance. Tools like Instagram's search function and hashtag research tools can assist you in finding suitable options.

Step 2. Create High-Quality Content

Develop visually appealing and engaging content that is worthy of sharing on social media. Ensure your content aligns with your brand's identity and provides value to your target audience. Strikingly's drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to create stunning website pages and blog posts that showcase your content effectively.

Step 3. Incorporate Hashtags Strategically

Integrate relevant hashtags into your website content, including blog posts, product descriptions, and social media links. Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags to maximize your reach. Avoid overusing hashtags, as this can appear spammy and deter users.

Step 4. Optimize Your Strikingly Website for SEO

In addition to using hashtags, optimize your Strikingly website for search engines to improve its overall visibility. Use relevant keywords in your website titles, headings, and content. Strikingly offers built-in SEO features to help you optimize your site for search engines.

Step 5. Promote Your Content on Social Media

Share your website content on social media platforms, including Instagram, and use the relevant hashtags you've identified. Encourage your followers to like, comment, and share your posts to increase engagement and reach.

Step 6. Monitor and Analyze Performance

Track the performance of your hashtags and website content using analytics tools. This will help you identify which hashtags are driving the most traffic and engagement. Adjust your hashtag strategy accordingly to optimize your results.

Step 7. Engage with Your Audience

Respond to comments and messages from users who interact with your content. Building relationships with your audience can help you foster loyalty and increase brand awareness.

By effectively utilizing hashtag SEO and optimizing your Strikingly website, you can significantly enhance your online visibility and attract new customers. Strikingly's user-friendly platform and powerful tools make it easy to implement a successful hashtag strategy and elevate your brand's presence on the web.

Master Instagram Hashtags for Your Brand

Instagram Hashtags for Your Brand

Hashtags are a powerful tool for growing your business on Instagram. By understanding how to use hashtags effectively, you can boost your brand's visibility and reach a wider audience. Researching popular hashtags and using industry-specific ones can help you tailor your content to your target market, while incorporating trending and branded hashtags can keep your brand relevant and engaging. By utilizing Strikingly's hashtag features, you can optimize your website for hashtag SEO and increase visibility for your brand.

Hashtag marketing is an essential strategy for any business looking to succeed on Instagram. By leveraging the right hashtags, you can connect with your audience, promote products or services, and even run promotional campaigns. Collaborating with influencers through hashtags and encouraging user-generated content can also help amplify your brand's reach. With the right approach, you can establish thought leadership, motivate your audience, and build a community around wellness or other niche areas using the power of hashtags.