• AWS SaaS Solution

    AWS provides reliable and secure delivery to single and multi-tenant SaaS solutions for Strikingly which specialize in Digital Commerce solutions for entrepreneur, retailer, catering and financial sector, etc.

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    AWS SaaS Solution

    Strikingly's SaaS solution is built on AWS thus, providing fast site-building services to help entrepreneur, retailer, catering, financial sector quickly build their own digitail commerce and marketing platform and to establish closer ties with customers from all over the world. Through data, we can better support product development and sales promotion. The AWS solutions used include EC2 + ECS + ELB + ASG + VPC, DynamoDB, API Gateway + Lambda, S3, Cloudfront + ACM, etc.

  • Compute​

    - EC2 : Secure and resizable compute capacity in the cloud. Launch applications when needed without upfront commitments.

    - ECS : Run containerized applications in production.

    - ELB (ALB/NLB)

    - Lambda : Run code without thinking about servers. Pay only for the compute time you consume.


    - EMR : Easily Run and Scale Apache Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Presto, Hive, and other Big Data Frameworks.

    - ElasticSearch Service : Fully managed, scalable, and secure Elasticsearch service

    - Kinesis : Easily collect, process, and analyze video and data streams in real time.

    Management & Governance

    - CloudWatch : Complete visibility of your cloud resources and applications.

    - CloudTrail : Track user activity and API usage.

    - AWS Auto Scaling : Application scaling to optimize performance and costs,

    Networking & Content Delivery​

    - VPC : Provision a logically isolated section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define

    - API Gateway : Create, maintain, and secure APIs at any scale

    - Route 53 : A reliable and cost-effective way to route end users to Internet applications

    - Cloudfront + ACM : Fast, highly secure and programmable content delivery network (CDN), Service discovery for cloud resources


    - RDS : Set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud with just a few clicks.

    - ElastiCache : Managed, Redis or Memcached-compatible in-memory data store.

    - DynamoDB : Fast and flexible NoSQL database service for any scale

    - Aurora : MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud. Performance and availability of commercial-grade databases at 1/10th the cost.


    - S3 : Object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere.

    - Glacier : Long-term, secure, durable object storage for data archiving.

    Application Integration

    - Simple Notification Service : Fully managed pub/sub messaging for microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

    - Simple Queue Service : Fully managed message queues for microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

    Security, Identity

    - IAM : Securely manage access to AWS services and resources.

    - Resource Access Manager

    - AWS Organizations : Central governance and management across AWS accounts.

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    Helping APN Partners build successful AWS-based business practices and solutions